Paths 2 Aviod

You are free. You are the infinite space. The craving to be free is itself another bondage.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Chicago, US of A, July 1, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Paths to Avoid.” 

Received by Valdir Soares. 

Prolotheos: “Decisions and choices are what determines your path in your life’s journey. If you have made the most important choice of your life – doing the Will of the Father – you have decided on your direction and in time you will stand before Him, rejoicing in His sublime presence. Even so, the path of your journey can still present many side tracks, depending again on the choices you make on the way. So, it would be good to have in mind precisely which path to walk, and which paths to avoid. Walk on the path showing divine goodness, truth and beauty; avoid the paths of evil, falsehood and slothfulness. 

“Evil starts with a rebellious intention against God or to harm another human being. The actual rebellious or harmful action can be executed directly, indirectly or even by omission. Your evil intentions may come to fruition by personal wrongdoings, by sponsoring wrongdoings of others, or even if you purposely decide to do nothing to avoid known or eminent harm to others. Evil is always harmful to you or to others. Evil comes always from self-centeredness with ultimate disregard for God and others. Evil infects a personality, at times so thoroughly, that it depletes all goodwill that can come from it. Avoid evil; choose goodness instead. 

“The path of falsehood is to deny reality for selfish purposes. Fear and pride are at the root of choosing a lie to validate questionable actions. Falsehood can be of two types: Wholly or partially false. A total lie is when one completely replaces the truth with an elaborate, deceiving alternative. A partial lie is mixed with true facts. Once one starts on the path of falsehood, all roads ahead are false, because no truth comes from lies, so repent and turning back to where truth was abandoned is the only way out, altogether with a price to pay. Choose truth over lying. 

“Absolute beauty is synonymous with perfection. Therefore, absolute beauty can only be found in the Absolute Gods, the Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. Relative beauty, (fairness, harmony and integrity) can also be shared by God’s will-creatures, like human beings. Slothfulness is a lazy attempt at doing the will of God. Slothfulness comes from partial devotion to God, duty and love. It is not fatal to your soul, but it is, no doubt, a real source of delays on your ascending career to Paradise. To avoid slothfulness, constantly commit yourself to strive for beauty in the best way you can. 

“Therefore, my pupil as you continue your journey on Urantia, avoid these paths, as they can bring you definite regrets in life. Watch over your intentions regarding these issues, and do not neglect purity, honesty and diligence. All God expects from us is that we do our best. Perfection is attainable, but not yet, for first we have to experience the pleasure of being good, the satisfaction of being truthful and the sublime joyfulness of manifesting beauty. Living responsibly in time and space assures your ascendency to the portals of Eternity. 

“This is Prolotheos, your celestial tutor. Peace to you and all.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
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HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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Heavenletter #4620 Happiness without Boundaries of Perception, July 19, 2013 

God said: 

Today I bequeath happiness upon you. The day you read this, happiness is yours. And if you read this every day, every day happiness is yours. Know happiness is yours. It belongs to you. The whole configuration of your life changes according to your thoughts. This is really true what I tell you. You set yourself up for happiness, or you set yourself up for unhappiness. Unhappiness is a set-up. It is something you have set yourself up for.

You may say: “But, God, there is something I am truly unhappy about. Anyone would be.”

Right now, beloveds, there is someone who would be thrilled to have your difficulties.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that you had an accident and lost the sight of one eye. What a terrible thing happened to you. Don’t think that I don’t understand. I understand very well.

Yet what I want you to understand is that someone who is blind in both eyes, would be overjoyed to have one good eye. You bemoan a loss, and he would be grateful for what you bemoan.

Even as you know this story, still, you are weeping. O Beloveds, to be glad for what is. You know all the stories, all the possibilities, and still you moan and groan. It sounds like an expression to you and not Truth that there is good in everything. Even with what seems like the worst thing that could ever happen -- to lose a child -- someone who yearned for children and could not have a child might wish to have had the years with a child that you had. Everyone understands what is considered loss.

What I am really pointing out is that, in the relative world, the world in which you live on Earth, everything is relative. This is the myth you live in. There is more, and there is less. There is the best, and there is the worst. There are all kinds of notes that can be played on the flute of life. All extremes, and all the middle ranges.

At one end is happiness, and at another end, is unhappiness. The world is changeable. It changes from minute to minute, the world does. Perception may well not be Truth. Perception may be fallacy. Certainly, even your perception varies from time to time. Pretty much most or all of the time, everything you know or think you know depends upon your perception. If it were not for the boundedness of perception, you would simply be happy. You could be gracious to life, glad for it no matter what shape it comes in.

Here’s one possible aid for you. Instead of standardizing what life has to look like in order for you to be happy, tell yourself you are on an adventure. You are the hero of an adventure story. In this story, your life is not supposed to be preplanned. Your life is supposed to be only what it is. So you are the protagonist in a new story now.

If you, the hero, loses sight in one eye or two eyes, you are a hero who happens to lose sight in one eye or two eyes. As the hero of this adventure story, not even for a moment do you sulk in bed. Not even for one moment. Without sight, you can’t be a swashbuckler right now, yet you can be an heroic protagonist. You can be such a good sport. You lose your sight, and you gain a new perspective on life. It isn’t the adventure you might have chosen, yet, nevertheless, it is the adventure you are in. You have a new part to play, a new role to get the hang of. Nothing prevents your hero-ness in whatever guise you wear.

