Parental Karma

Parental Karma
Published April 22, 2012 | By Administrator
Of all the relationships we experience in a lifetime, the ones we have with our parents, both father and mother, can be the most challenging. Some people have wonderful parental experiences, others defy reason and logic. Our choice of parents, both father and mother, was very specific and we chose the ones who would best prepare us for the karma and healing we needed in a lifetime, beginning with them. Karma doesn’t switch on when we turn 18 and enter adulthood, it begins before conception, with our choice of parents and we always choose the ones who will be the best karmic teachers.
We expect the most from our parents because they are supposed to love, support, guide and care for us in only the best ways. But that follows the human definition of parenting and not the spiritual. I’m not condoning bad parental behavior here but parents are spiritual teachers in human form. Their job is to play a role in our karmic cycles, endow us with the emotional DNA, cellular memory, energetic imprints and ancestral patterns that are part of our karmic path and they do that very well, sometimes too well.
If they combine the role of karmic teacher with a strong spiritual understanding they act with compassion and the outcome is far different than if they are simply playing out their own karmic history with us, which can have very painful outcomes. Until the early Indigos became parents, all parents were playing out karmic patterns without the benefit of compassion or spiritual understanding and that showed in how they interacted with their children. All of the abuse, anger, fear, frustration and emotional energies of their karma created the abuse and emotional trauma as they looked for healing through retaliation and revenge through their karmic pain.  A child in one lifetime may have been an abusive parent or partner in another. Without spiritual understanding, the karmic energy becomes the connection point and the result can be disastrous.
Now we have a chance to shift parental karma and how it plays out. We are still our children’s karmic teachers but we can do that job with compassion and understanding, seeing ourselves as healers too, aware that we can provide understanding of both the karma and the solution. Our children may evoke strong karmic responses but we are aware of them and can do the healing and forgiveness work so we end the karmic cycle and release ourselves and them from perpetuating it into another lifetime. This is our new role as parents, to help end karma so future generations can be karma-free and enjoy a more fulfilling and peaceful parent/child relationship that resonates with love and not fear.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, re-p0st or translate this message as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Michael: Accessing Your Personal Source of Creator Light
3.)  Mirror, Mirror
4.)  Sun and Stars
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  The Wonder of Family
Isis' Message of the Day -
"The Earth is encapsulated now by two structures: one is the star tetrahedron and the other is the shield of Lords Michael and Metatron."
 ~ Lady Kadjina ~
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
* *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, Look at your world with new eyes. What do you want to see? Do you want to see despair? Focus on that and you will get it. Do you want to see love and joy? Focus on it and you will get it. Look for instances of laughter and joy today. Keep a tally. By doing this, you will notice the good that is all around you. Open you eyes to see. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     
Archangel Michael: Accessing Your Personal Source of Creator Light
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
* LM-5-2012 *
Beloved masters, it is a worthwhile endeavor and often a great adventure to visit the ancient Sacred Sites around the world; however, the most powerful source of the White Fire Essence of Creator Light is within your own Sacred Heart chamber. As you move beyond the distortions of the third-/fourth-dimensional reality into the higher planes of consciousness, your human auric field will once again begin to blaze forth with radiant, purifying Light. Many of you are well on your way to achieving the radiance of an en-Lighten-ed Self-master. When Sacred Love is present, all is in harmony.
There has been some confusion as to the location of what we will call your Sacred Heart chamber, or the Temple of the Sacred Heart.  The Sacred Heart, your Soul and your Diamond Core God cell are all composed of etheric Creator Essence. The location of this inner temple of Light can vary slightly depending on a person’s physical structure. It is located at a central point within the body, a little to the right of the physical heart, and situated toward the back of the body, close to the spine. It rests against the etheric Rod of Power that runs from the root chakra, up to the crown chakra, where it connects with the Source column of Light, sometimes called the Silver Cord. Remember, the Sacred Mind and Sacred Fire of the Supreme Creator reside in all things formed and unformed.
The question has been asked: “What is the difference between unconditional love and Sacred Love?” Within all levels of consciousness there is an accepted range of vibrational frequency patterns that you will experience, or the range of duality that has been designed for that stage of development.  We call this the "Spectrum of Light and Shadows," which has a balanced frequency range running through the center. The vibrational frequencies increase with each higher sub-dimensional level you achieve. There is a range of frequencies created especially for the mental body, another range for the emotional body, and a more refined range for the etheric body that must be achieved before you may move to the next higher level.  As you move into a more refined, vibrational frequency level, a fragment of your Higher Self, which is attuned to that level, will take up residency within your Soul Star. The Higher Self that has been your Over-Lighting influence for the last phase of experience will move into your Sacred Heart chamber and merge with your Soul Self.
When we say, “you must seek to express unconditional love to those around you,” we mean the highest frequencies of love attainable for that level of Self-expression.  The frequencies of love will increase in power and perfection with each more refined level of Self-consciousness you attain.  Remember, we have often told you, “pure perfection is only possible within the Essence of the Supreme Creator.”  Every individual, fragmented Spark of Divinity from the greatest to the smallest will embody and project vibrational patterns that are less than total purity and perfection. Your goal is to integrate the highest frequency patterns achievable at each level of consciousness. When you tap into the wellspring of "Sacred Love" within the Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart Core, you will know without a doubt that the Essence of your God Parents dwells within.
Your Sacred Heart contains a precious Seed Atom of Divine Love from the Goddess so that the Sacred Love of our Divine Mother is always present within, while deep within the Soul is your Diamond Core God Cell containing the White Fire Essence of the Creator so that Divine Will and all the qualities, virtues and attributes of our God Father are available to you. True joy and adoration spring forth from the Sacred Heart and the Soul, where "Unity" prevails.  From a human perspective it  may be difficult to imagine that your Sacred Heart, your Diamond Core God Cell and your Soul are all an intrinsic part of your true Essence. When you focus on the Sacred Heart, it will seem to take a predominant position; when you focus on your Diamond Core God Cell, its power and majesty will come to the fore; and when you seek to connect with your Soul, it will become the blazing Light of Creator Love within your Solar Power Center. So please, dear hearts, do not try to compartmentalize the components of your Essence, for they make up one "Unified Whole."
It is important that you draw forth the maximum amount of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light into your physical vessel so the Sacred Fire of Creation may be ignited with your pure intention, and so you may then radiate this wondrous gift out into the world.  However, ponder  this: when was the last time you sought to experience the exquisite feeling of Sacred Love by turning inward into the sanctity of your Sacred Heart?  Radiate love to your Mother/Father God inwardly, and feel your Solar Power Center expand with the most profound feeling of love that you have ever experienced. Go inward, beloveds, for your God Parents await you there. In actuality, it is the Sacred Love of our Father/Mother God that activates/ignites the Adamantine Particles of God Light that you draw forth from the River of Life.
You are now aware that you have inner-dimensional levels within your brain structure which are attuned to the frequencies of your outer-dimensional world.  As you raise your frequency patterns, called your Soul Song, you gradually gain access to the higher frequency levels within your brain structure, your Sacred Mind, as well as the outer-dimensional worlds of the cosmos. All of the memories of pain, suffering and the negative memories stored within your brain structure are gradually being transmuted into higher frequency Light substance. Therefore you will not remember the majority of the negative aspects of your journey, only your successes and the joy and satisfaction you derived in your adventures throughout this Sub-Universe. It is important that you understand this concept that you are on an upward spiral; however, you are now in the process of going back through the past, healing the negative, imbalanced energies and memories as you journey forth into the higher realms of the future.  Your journey of ascension is as much an internal journey as it is an onward and upward march in the multiple realms of the physical world.
As a Spiritual/Human Being you are learning to make responsible choices, for you are now aware that your thoughts, feelings and words are the building blocks of your future reality. Moment by moment, You are creating the personal reality you will experience in the days and years to come. A responsible person always takes into consideration the consequences of his/her actions. To create a world of balance, peace and harmony, you must learn to expend your allotment of Cosmic energy with purposeful intention and focused detail, which is always directed toward the most beneficial outcome.
When the ego desire body is in control, you easily become a victim of circumstances and of those around you, for you are always seeking validation of Self-worth from the outside world and from other people. Accomplishment, wealth and status are measurements of worthiness in the third-/fourth- dimensional reality; however, a true sense of Self-worth comes from within as you open your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind to the Divine Love/Wisdom/Will-power endowed upon all sentient Beings by our Father/Mother God. Love is the centrifugal force that creates harmony.  Hate and fear separate, scatter and destroy the harmonic resonance around you. Gaining spiritual wisdom and understanding the universal laws of Creation will free you from being a slave to fear and will release you from the bondage of superstition.  You must be willing to face your imperfections and have the courage to change them or the wisdom to accept them.  It is only when you become aware of the ego self and its excessive desires and distorted concepts that you are able to begin the process of returning to wholeness.  Are you cultivating the strengths and qualities of your Soul or the wants and weaknesses of your ego?  Your attitude determines the altitude and the refinement of your vibrational patterns.
Many of you, the Star Seed, who have been on the Path for a good part of this lifetime, are growing tired of the drama, chaos and suffering in the world, even though you are not directly involved.  Your Divine discontent may now include a strong desire to walk away from your responsibilities, toss aside the job that was so important earlier in your life, but which now seems quite meaningless and no longer provides a sense of accomplishment. Your hard-earned, prized possessions have become more like a burden instead of a pleasure. This too is part of the ascension process, beloveds. The term “walking between two worlds” is certainly applicable for many of you at the present time. You are releasing many outmoded concepts and even drastically changing your  lifestyle; however, this should not include shirking your responsibilities. You are striving to focus on the good, the positive aspects in any situation, person or circumstance. You are also learning to radiate love and harmony whether you are with a group of spiritual brothers and sisters who project unconditional love and joy, or whether you are in a situation where fear, rejection, jealousy or power struggles are present.  It is easy to display or maintain the traits of a master while sitting on a mountain top in the tranquility of nature. However, it is much more difficult to keep your sense of serenity and control in the everyday situations of life.  Those who cause you discomfort and dis-ease within are your best teachers.  They mirror to you that which needs to be released from deep within so it can be healed.  As you change your perception and begin to radiate Love/Light in all situations, those around you will slowly change or they will gradually withdraw from your life. You will have learned the lessons they offered; therefore, they will no longer have an impact on your reality.
However, now that you have resolved many of the external imbalances around you, the healing/harmonizing challenges are now of a more personal nature. So many of you are experiencing bodily distress, strange symptoms and illnesses that vary from mild disturbances to sudden chronic or critical conditions. Your OverSoul senses the level and mode of experience you are ready for at each stage of transformation. These conditions were/are not created as a punishment but are what was determined was or is needed for you to clear and release the deep-seated imperfections which are keeping you from moving forward to the next level or state of Being. Minor accidents, sudden chronic conditions which are difficult to heal, fevers, congestion and so on seem to be rampant among the “budding masters of the world.”  Therefore, we are bringing to your attention a wondrous healing facility which has been waiting to assist you through these times of physical stress and dramatic change.  It is also the reason we encouraged our messenger to compile the booklet outlining some of the major Ascension Symptoms so that you would have a better understanding regarding the radical changes that are taking place internally, along with the more evident outer world changes.
Beloved Bearers of Light, those of you who have earned the right to once again be designated as co-creators of a glorious world to come, must be aware that on the other side of the tests and trials you are now experiencing are the gifts, virtues, qualities and attributes which will supply all you need to become masters of the Living Light.  We,  your brothers and sisters of the higher realms, await you.  You have been sorely missed.  The radiance of our Father/Mother God shines down upon you, now and forever more.
You are loved most profoundly,
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax:             775-856-3654       * Email: *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit:  *     
Mirror, Mirror
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Aprial 27, 2012
On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. According to myth, the hunter Orion was in love with the Seven Sisters and pursued them until the gods took them to safety, transforming them first into doves, and then into stars. Maia, the eldest of the seven Pleiades, gave birth to Hermes (Thoth).
The Pleiades are a well-known sight in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and have been known since ancient times to cultures all around the world.  Early Dakota stories speak of the ancestors as being from the Pleiades. The Hopis called the Pleiadians the 'Chuhukon,' meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians. Navajos named the Pleiades the 'Sparkling Suns,' the home of the 'Black God.' The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendents and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.
Eclipses mean changes, good and everything in-between. Eclipses always escort in significant events -- They intensely magnify and are living parenthesis forcing us to look at what we have turned our heads away from.  Solar eclipses mean new beginnings, (May 20, 2012) and lunar eclipses (June 4, 2012) represent finishing things. These are very powerful Eclipses each with there own gifts and own set of rules. As the Pleiadian stellar connection renews itself, new crystalline geometries will be birthed that compliment the existing light connection.
I am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak Light to Light, heart to heart, and truth to truth.  It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.
The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stock market balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car.
Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.
The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura. Gain entrance to the Kingdom of Light through valuing everything on earth. Value your Light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the House of Light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit.
Everything the earth experiences, you experience as well. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth.  It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light enters. I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again. I am Pleiadian of origin.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | |     
Heavenletter #4172
Sun and Stars
April 27, 2012
God said:
Whatever frustration may be in front of you, you don't have to kowtow to it. You do not have to give up your peace of mind because of a technical difficulty on Earth. Difficulties do not have to get the better of you. Simply take life as it comes, and don't get all fretted about it.
You really know that most difficulties are temporary. The electricity went off? It will come back on. You car stalled? Your car won't always be stalled. It will be running fine again, and you will toddle down the highway again. Your basement flooded? It won't always be flooded. It will be dry again.
These are inconveniences. Will you set yourself up in the frame of mind that inconveniences need not take a toll on you?
Even in terms of the world, you know the difference between inconveniences and troubles. Nevertheless, you let interruptions disturb you, as though they were tragedies. Your world has been disrupted. A train was delayed, and you pace back and forth.
You do not get upset that the sun sets at night, and you have to wait until morning before you see the sun again. You take sunrises and sunsets in your stride. You don't consider daylight and night as obstacles. That you cannot see the stars by day doesn't upset you. You know the stars will come out. You don't rant and rave about these matters. You do not think that these occurrences are the end of the world. In fact, you enjoy both sun and stars and don't mourn the gap of one or the other.
You do not expect the tides to follow your command. You take the tides as they come. The tide comes in, and the tides go out. You don't become discombobulated. Not at all.
When it comes to when your personal life does not follow your plan, you tend to feel as though Mt. Vesuvius has erupted. An interruption in your internet connection will drive you to distraction. All it means is that your connection has been interrupted. It is on pause. In that point of space and time, you are not connected. Make peace with it. It is only a delay. It is not forever. You got along fine for years without it, and now that the internet has become a daily event, you presume that it has no right to go off as if your very existence is at stake. You become insistent that your will be done. Face it, this insistence, this resistance, has to be an ego thing.
Imagine, for example, that the internet is supposed to go off on weekends. Okay, so it's off. And so you take a walk or swim in the ocean. What's so hard about that?
Your life cannot be disconnected. Your life is always. You have life with or without the internet, without your car, without electricity, and so on. Meanwhile, all these conveniences do not compare to the sun and the stars or to the glory of life on Earth.
You are not here on Earth to do penance. Life is not like that. Life is your golden opportunity. It is the star at the top of the Christmas tree. It is for the love of life that you are here. You have a great opportunity before you to make life choices. You can choose to be whatever you want. You can choose to be unhappy amidst plenty, and you can choose to be happy with nothing. You can choose to be content. You can choose to be impatient. What a world I created where you can be satisfied or dissatisfied at will. Come right up. Make your choices, and know that others follow you. They follow your disgruntlement, and they follow your cheeriness. Which is it, beloveds? Which do you choose?
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *    
 Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the best way to get into your own divine Oneness and your own divine nature is to be One with the soil. Get your hands right into the soil and feel its texture. Bring it up to the nose. How does it smell? You will discover different aspects of yourself in the soil. Put the hand into the soil and allow yourself to feel that you are growing as a plant does from the soil. Allow yourself to become One in your knowing with Mother Earth as the soil.
Visit our website:  *   
The Wonder of Family
by Neale Donald Walsch
April 21, 2012
My dear friends...
I said in previous weeks here that we were going to break down the average person's life into five distinct areas, then use these installments here in the Weekly Bulletin to explore each of them as they relate to the Holy Experience.
Loosely, most people's lives might be broken down into these areas or situations:
1. Yourself
2. Your significant other
3. Your family
4. Your work or chief activity
5. Your larger life in the world
We have already looked at the Holy Experience and yourself. In most recent issues of the Bulletin we looked at the Holy Experience and your significant other. Now let's look at the Holy Experience and your family.
"Family" is the closest we will ever come to creating, embracing, expressing, and experiencing the true nature of our ultimate reality. The feeling that most people have inside of the family environment is the feeling that the soul has when it returns to God.
It is a feeling of oneness, of what might best be described as "singularity in multiplicity." Within a family we feel as if we are experiencing a "singularity," and within this singularity family members experience themselves as a "multiplicity." We are multiple members of a single unit. We have individuated experiences of a single, combined experience.
When we are with family, we feel we are "home." This is true wherever those family members and we may be at the time.
This is precisely the experience that the Individuated Essence that we call the Soul moves through when encountering The Single Essence that some of us call God.
When the experience of "family" is a good one, it is the experience of being loved without condition, protected in every situation, encouraged and supported in each endeavor, and never really feeling alone.
This is precisely the experience we have when we observe that we are part of the eternal and endless Family of God. What life invites us to experience is an even grander version of that. We are invited by life to, first, notice the wonder of the experience called family, and then, to extend it. To extend that joy and love and safety and wonder to all those whose lives we touch.
We are invited to experience ourselves as members of the human family, and to imagine how we would treat others if we really thought that we were exactly that: members of the same family. This is the Holy Experience as it relates to our family.
Hugs and love,
P.S. The thoughts above come from The Holy Experience, a full-length book that you may download for free at Simply click on the Free Resources icon. *
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * Blog: *  *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *        
