Our Real Light & Colors {Channeled} |
Isis' Message of the Day -
Sovereignty is the cornerstone of knowing that
there is no power outside of your Self that has dominion over you. Therefore, each and every experience is an event
based on the fact of power within, or a belief in the power without.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
==================== My dear friends, we love you so very
Everything in your world dear friends is impermanent,
and yet your souls are eternal. So as you watch the news, understand that when someone dies in what you see as a terrible
disaster, within seconds, they are in the loving arms of their angels, loved ones, and the light and love of God. Many of
you know this and yet you wonder why other souls would choose to remain on earth in spite of such tragedy. Many, although
unaware, are the brave volunteers who remain to inspire compassion, to help their fellow man, to be the light in the darkness.
Many are there to "teach" the world - as you witness their suffering, you are inspired to release complaints and feel grateful
for all you do have.
Some of you are called to assist in more tangible
ways. Some of you are called to assist energetically and through prayer. Some of you are called to insist by staying out of
the chaos and being beacons of peace and joy here upon the earth. If you pray sincerely to know your place in the world, God
will always guide you in answer to that prayer. For who you are being in any given moment is far more important than what
you are doing. If you assist others from a sense of duty rather than a sense of joy, far better to stay at home. If you help
and assist family members, but resent having to do so, you are creating the internal conflicts within your own heart that
eventually must be released in your own tidal waves of emotion and your own private shifting of the "plates" within.
If however, you allow yourself joy, seek joy,
be joy... If you look at life from a grateful heart and point of view, then you will see where you do indeed have abundance
already! And when you feel abundant in any area of life there is a natural tendency to want to share. Do you love your home?
Then dear ones, enjoy it, give thanks for it, let the light you feel within it and the abundance you feel there in radiate
out to a world that feels such lack. Do you enjoy cooking? If so share from your bountiful talents. Are you a good listener?
Then when you feel ready, listen to everyone's perspectives with equality and give the world the gift of an energy that lovingly
allows all things to "be". Are you strong? Lift something for a friend who is not. Dear ones the gifts you give the world
are not always obvious, not always tangible, not always "big" in the sense of human scale, and yet when you find your abundance,
feel it, and share from that bounty, then you give the world the gift of yourself - the precious gift of God's love working
through you in human form. This is the greatest gift of all.
God bless you! We love you so very much. -- The Angels With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator. Visit
her site at: www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs You can visit my store
for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html *
SaLuSa: The Galactic Federation sees
you in your Real Light and Colors
March 23, 2011
You have so to say, a lot on your plate and it
might overwhelm you, so this is a time for deep introspection so that you put it all into perspective. Not all of it will
concern you personally, but remember that somewhere behind the scenes we are constantly monitoring what is taking place. Where
we can we will limit any attempts to cause another major upset, but sometimes there is a lot more at stake than you imagine.
As long as matters can be channeled in such a way as to serve the greater purpose, we may at times be obliged to allow a certain
outworking to take place. Be assured we are ultimately directing matters for your progress and ability to sidestep any real
danger. You all have Guides and according to your life plan, they will always do their utmost to ensure that you are in the
right place at the right time. In some instances you may see it as being in the wrong place, but no mistakes are made where
your life plan is concerned.
Trust that you will leave this Earth much wiser
than when you entered it, as you cannot fail to learn lessons through your experiences. That indeed is the object of your
incarnations and each time you commence another life it is carefully planned to ensure that you continue to evolve. If in
this lifetime you have had much contact with the lower vibrations it is for the purpose of assisting you to progress. Such
experiences do not necessarily hold you back as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher
vibrations. No soul is perfect at this stage of evolution, and if you were your vibrations would be far too high to remain
in your present dimension. Many of you are however rising up quickly and your intent is to go on doing so and leave duality
for all time. You will know if you are one such soul and you are most likely already a Lightworker helping others to achieve
Not all of you will be called to be a Lightworker
and often the preparations to do so go back many lives. There is normally a strong urge to work in a certain way for the Light
from a very young age and you are seeing this with the many youngsters now who have so much to offer you. When the timing
is right their opportunity will come, and many are waiting for the changes that will bring them to the forefront. There is
a time and a place for them to share their wisdom with you, and they will feature very much in work to bring the truth out.
Spiritual knowledge and ability to heal are often their forte and their services will be vitally necessary for many people
just awakening. The changes proceed to become more evident and instead of fearing the outcome people need to be aware that
it is the necessary cleansing before Ascension can take place.
We urge people to follow their intuition if they
are in a position of having to make an important decision. It could for example be connected with moving to a new area and
you may seek assurance that is will be safe to do so. Make a calm decision that you feel comfortable with and trust that it
will be correct for you. Somewhere in your subconsciousness you already know what was planned for you and this is why your
intuitive powers will normally prove to be the most reliable. These are times for sorting out any remaining problems in personal
relationships. Try not to leave loose ends until the end of this cycle, as it is far better to have settled any issues even
if it means eating humble pie. Forgive and forget, otherwise you will carry the energy with you until you do find a way of
In real terms there are no winners in arguments,
as differences cannot be settled until all sides come together in forgiveness. Mistakes are commonplace where humans are concerned,
some are unavoidable and others deliberate but either way they cannot be allowed to interfere with each souls evolution. Such
baggage needs to be released, as it serves no purpose to carry it around with you. Entering the last stretch before you ascend
is going to be a wonderful time of understanding and a great expansion in your levels of consciousness. Every opportunity
is there regardless of who you are and truth and knowledge will abound in such a way that you will not need to question the
source. We will at some stage also be with you to help explain your true history. You will soon realize how you have been
held back and take back your sovereignty. You are great Beings who will once again recognize your true potential.
For too long you have been ground into the dust
and used in so many ways that have been demeaning for souls such as you. However, your Light is returning quite quickly and
you can show others how great their potential is by your words and actions. Be your true self and treat others as your loved
brothers and sisters, because you are All One. Such action will draw the best out of other souls who will want to be as calm
and happy as you are. Your strength will encourage others to follow your example, as they will see how you walk tall and deflect
any lower energies around you. It is everyone’s time to decide exactly how they want to enter the new cycle and there
has never been such a wonderful time for it. Some will prefer to remain where they are, whilst others will jump at the opportunity
to leave the cycle of rebirth in the lower dimension.
Whether you realize it or not choice has
always been yours where your experiences are concerned. Nothing has ever been forced upon you in the spiritual realms, and
in fact every help has been given to ensure you make the best decision for yourself. You have always been promised that you
would be guided back to your real home and there was never any way that the dark Ones would totally imprison you. Yes, you
have touched the lowest of points in duality, but to your credit you have found the will and intent to overcome them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the
Galactic Federation sees you in your real Light and Colors. We know what great Beings of Light you were and still are even
if you are not totally aware yourselves. We salute you and leave you our blessings and love.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey You are nearing the end of the world of darkness,
and those of the dark are throwing everything they have at the Light in order to keep their power and control over mankind.
This has happened many times before. Every 26,000 years the cycle repeats itself as a new era approaches. You are on
the fringe of the Age of Aquarius, where the planetary alignment is fast moving into position to give the Earth and her population
the maximum support to enter a new frequency in their evolvement.
This is a time for choice and preparation.
Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice. Those who have chosen to move into a new
world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional
attunement, and spiritual uplifting. Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment
are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to
manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.
And so you have the “good guys” and
the “bad guys” lining up for the battle: the control of humanity or the drawing together in oneness. It
might appear at times to be the locking of horns in a no-win confrontation, causing uncertainty, confusion, frustration, or
Know that this is not the case. Darkness
cannot withstand the Light of God. Mankind has taken his gift of free will to the extreme and through foolish choices
has put his entire planet on the brink of extermination. One’s free choice cannot be destructive without consequences.
The free will choices are now facing limitation, for the will to destroy a civilization or a planet will not be allowed.
You can be assured that annihilation will not
happen. The destruction you are witnessing now will enforce God’s plan to bring his children into a higher frequency
in order for them to advance to a higher standard of living in a world of brotherly love where integrity is a given and goodness
and kindness are automatic.
Do not shake your fist at the Father of All for
the devastation you see occurring. For thousands of beautiful beings of Light have volunteered to incarnate on Earth
at this time to be the victims, if necessary, of situations that would shake the apathy of those who tend to overlook the
fate of others so long as it doesn’t directly involve themselves. The horrors going on in the world have stirred
the population to revolt against the terror and have awakened them to where they can put themselves in the place of those
afflicted. Have you not seen the mass movements to aid those who have lost their loved ones, their homes, their jobs
and their means of making a living? The love and caring displayed have raised the frequencies of Earth mankind.
Citizens world-wide are awakening to the oneness
of all and the knowledge that, rich or poor, all of Earth’s citizens are equal in value. This awareness has gladdened
the hearts of the Heavenly beings in other realms that have come forth to bring you out of the darkness into the light.
They are eager to be of service, but will not invade your free will. If you ask for help, they will come. They
are yearning to be asked.
Earth herself has chosen to go into a higher
realm. She has lent herself as a school for those who wanted to experience duality, for growth comes much quicker when
one is confronted with opposition. Great learning experiences have resulted from challenges. Does not a rough
gem glisten with light when it is ground and polished? And so learning through adversity in dual situations is a shortcut
toward spiritual progression and thus has brought millions of students to this planet. However, when two sides are not
in balance, chaos occurs. The duality of Earth has become way off balance and the resulting chaos is less conducive
to spiritual growth.
The time for change has come. Earth’s
population has been stuck in the muck, so to speak, and its frequency had dropped so low that growth at times was becoming
a seemingly insurmountable aim. For eons Earth mankind has struggled to advance, but the negative side of the coin has
claimed too much control. It is most difficult to combat a force that feels no need for integrity, honesty, or compassion
and thus feels no limitation in its actions. This force has gotten out of hand, and the Father is eager to bring home
those who are weary of the struggle. Those who want to return home will be allowed to go with Mother Earth into a higher
realm. Those who want to continue in an environment of duality will be accommodated elsewhere. Where they go will
depend upon their frequencies.
Do not assume that all those that choose duality
are evil. There are varied reasons for their choices. Some may simply want to be with loved ones who have gone
astray to help them find their way back.
God’s plan has always been to bring His
children back into the Light. The plan is moving forward. Whatever is needed to jog people’s mindsets in
a positive way will be allowed to continue for a little while longer. Then the separation will be made. Those
who choose not to go with Mother Earth will have other opportunities to progress toward their freedom. Eventually, all
will return to the Light.
Know that all is in Divine Order at this time.
Everyone is in his right place and is being given guidance and protection if requested. Do not be discouraged.
All is well. Remain optimistic lest you lower your frequencies. Trust the millions of light workers, on and off
planet, that are supporting you. Know that you are loved and never alone. Look for the good in every situation,
for it will be shown to you if not immediately recognized. See the beauty of nature around you, even the tiniest flower
or smallest animal or bird. Listen to inspiring music or sit in the sun and gaze at the beauty of the sky when you need
to be uplifted.
Time is getting shorter and shorter as the Earth’s
magnetism grows close to zero point when there will be no time but the eternal now. This happening will come sooner
than you think, so be not impatient. Your emancipation is nigh. Be at ease. There will be a great celebration
in the higher realms when you arrive! Focus on this, for you will be amazed at the peace, the beauty, and the harmony
that await you. And know that you are greatly loved.
Message from Melchizedek
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
March 22, 2011
Beloved Ones,
The times that are upon you have been prophesized
for many centuries, however, the truth of it is that the Earth is transitioning into a higher octave of expression and so,
many changes are taking place upon and within Her, both known and unknown to you. This will continue and cannot be halted,
but this process can be enormously supported by the Love of your hearts being sent out to the Earth each day. As we have said
many times before, Love IS the greatest force of all—let it now prevail.
As you co-create your new reality, look upon
those who are in your immediate vicinity with the greatest of Love and compassion. Each is going through great internal changes
whether these are visible to you or not, rest assured much change and transformation is taking place within them and because
of your willingness to be the forerunners of this transformation that is taking place, their Path is much easier than the
ones you have walked. It was your great contribution to the Ascension times, so that your sisters and brothers might be better
able to withstand the pressure of the need to transform quickly at this time.
You have been and are holding the Light
of God that never fails within you and it is now radiating out into your World in greater concentric circles than ever before.
Your Light is succeeding in dissolving barriers in every area of life and bringing in grace where there was none before. Truly,
this is a most miraculous time to be incarnate upon the Planet, for the gamut of experience from one spectrum to another is
rich with possibility. All is becoming known now, as Humankind suddenly will just “know” truths that were hidden
before and they will see through the illusions that they have been laboring under for most of their lifetimes just fall away
and as this happens, change will happen with grace.
Love one another with the highest of respect
and honor, for you have all chosen to be here to initiate great changes and this is becoming evident. One only has to listen
to the news media with the right discernment to see that people can no longer be fooled into blind belief about any situation.
What is being said is being questioned almost immediately and even the reporters are immediately asking questions that they
would never have dared to ask before. It is all good and this is how peaceful change occurs. Those who ruled by making choices
and decisions for the masses behind closed doors are finding it increasingly difficult to continue this practice, for all
is being questioned and exposed to the Light for everyone’s contemplation.
Even those who have been mired in the drudgery
of their nine to five jobs each day are taking time from this essential task to think about the events that are happening
all over their World and are making choices to go a different route. It is all about the mind and perception and these are
changing at record levels and this is how the Awakening we have talked about for so long is occurring. As more people do this,
awareness grows in the overall field of consciousness and life and how it is lived is changing from moment to moment.
You will see an explosion of new technology breaking
forth in the coming days as new solutions to old dilemmas are given contemplation from a perspective that was previously blocked
and not available. You will be amazed by what comes forth to bring greater ease in your daily lives. These new wonders are
coming forth at the same time as the old structures and ways of doing business are collapsing and being reformed into a better
system. Expansion comes after seeming contraction, for when something falls away it is quickly replaced with something better.
This is a Universal Law and it is now in effect upon your Planet and within yourselves. Be observant and discerning, Beloved
Ones, and keep on keeping on!
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc.
is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages
from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: http://www.therainbowscribe.com *
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,
Marlene Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
The world is, as it was two thousand years ago,
full of many traditional cultures that can live in harmony with understanding or may choose not to, and you are the ones who
are going to bring that choice right into the forefront with neighbors, with co-workers and with ones that are around the
face of our holy Mother the Earth, as you do in your meditative times. There is no separation at that time.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *
HEAVEN #3771
Let Desires Spin Around in the Universe
March 23, 2011
God said:
Desires do get fulfilled. Sometimes when you
least expect it. There is a fine balance between desiring and demanding. Desire with all your heart, and then trust that your
desire will be fulfilled. Let go of your desire enough so that it can be fulfilled. Desires like to fly free.
The timing may not be in line with your desire.
Desires are fulfilled when they are fulfilled. Sometimes the more impatient you are, the more the desire answers in its own
sweet time. Desiring is not meant to be the same as ruling the roost.
You can boost your desires too much! You may
have to be a little casual with your desires. After all, your life does not depend upon the fulfillment of your desires. It
certainly seems so sometimes, yet that is just an idea you have, like to have. You may like it that it is urgent that your
every desire is fulfilled, and fulfilled now. You like to be listened to. You like to be taken seriously.
What part of you wants to be taken seriously?
Could it be that little bully ego? Ego doesn’t like to be tampered with or stalled. Ego wants instant agreement, by
Cast out your desires in an easy way, the way
you might cast a fishing line when the sun is shining and the day is long. Just let nature take its course. Better to be beholden
to nature than to ego. Ego is such an impatient little cuss. Ego has the maturity of, let’s say, a two-year old. Some
two-year olds are more mature than your ego, will you admit to that? Ego wants what it wants, and it wants it now. Ego will
not be derailed. Don’t be ego’s patsy. Ego has nothing to lose, but you do.
It is well-known that ego is a big player. He’s
one of the guys at the card game with all the money who takes yours. He smokes his cigar and blows smoke in your face. Ego
takes your free will actually and makes you ego’s servant. You don’t have to be beholden to ego. Ego is like cigar
smoke. Both cigar smoke and ego eventually go away. When you don’t answer ego’s knock, he will find more fertile
fields to play in. Ego has his pride, after all.
About desires, how could anyone desire ego? But
it must that many have desired ego, or there would not be so much of it around. Be tough about ego and not about your desires.
Let it not be your desire that every wish of yours is granted at the moment you desire it. Let the granting of the desire
come as it wills. Be a forgiving desirer.
No one likes to be made to do anything. You don’t.
Have your desires, and know there is no need for you to supervise them. Be glad when a desire is fulfilled. That is good enough
to make more desires come panting to your door. Make it easy for your desires to be fulfilled by letting go of them. Some
things just cannot be rushed. Rushing is how eggs get dropped to the floor and don’t reach the frying pan.
Let your desires spin around in the Universe
for a while. They will find their own direction. Actually, your desires already know their path. Have you been trying to tell
them how, when, and where?
Let your desires be like kites. Like kites, your
desires will be picked up by the breeze, and they will be returned to you in ways you may not have thought of. That’s
okay, isn’t it?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping
Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Gaia: Earth Changes
Channeled by Karen Murphy
March 19, 2011
Full Moon Equinox, March 2011
By now you have delved deeply into awareness
of the rapid changes taking place around the globe. Have you fallen into fear? That is not hard to do, with the proliferation
of news and chilling images. Are you feeling ill at ease, sad, or in despair over the devastation in Japan, or the plight
of the nuclear plant workers who chose to stay behind? Strong feelings at this time are not uncommon, and in fact it is the
rare being at this time that does NOT feel strong emotion. You need not know what it is that you are feeling, simply that
you ARE feeling. This is what makes you human. Cherish this part of yourself.
This week, I too felt profound sadness and sought
to share my expression of deep love for the planet and all the beings who share this beautiful home. Never have I felt more
human; never have I felt more connected to a sense of gratitude for all the gifts we share around the world. Like many of
you, I have sought to find meaning in the events of this time, and I am grateful that Gaia shared this message with me, that
I now pass on to you.
Be not afraid. Yes, there is great change. Yes,
there is wounding. Yes, there is further great change ahead. But all this is part of a greater whole; do you see this? There
is a larger destiny that you share, and an even larger destiny that your Mother, your Pachamama, your dear Gaia, is Herself
only a part of. You are safe. You are protected. You are loved.
This is not to say that changes will not affect a great number of lives, irrevocably. This is also not to say that there will not be death, sadness, fear and pain. Those are part of physical plane experience. But on the whole, if you could zoom out into space and regard Earth from a great distance and with the scope of all existing time, you see that these events are only a small part of Earth experience. They weave into the fabric created in each moment, of love and triumph and connection. These events can be thought of as growing pains, necessary steps in the continuing evolution of the planet, part of the growing history of existence, and a teardrop of the Divine. Just as I, Gaia, protect and defend you with
warm nurturing arms, you too are charged with my care. We are intertwined, you and I. Your light shines upon me and gives
me hope, just as my deep truth gives you courage. We ride this wave, walk this path, together. Your pain is mine, and mine
yours. Breathe with me, then. If you are still you can feel my breath, my rhythm. Let this become a part of your day today,
breathing with the Great Mother. Let your every step become a testament to your love of this Earth, of this planet, of your
home. Let your every heartbeat become a reminder of your connection to Gaia, of your connection to one another. We breathe
the same air. Our hearts beat in rhythm. The drumming deep inside me sounds in your heart, and through that beat we become
Let the events of this week and beyond become
your reminder that your heartbeat sings in the souls of everyone around you, and that it is time for your song to rise up
in harmony with the songs of every being on the planet. It is time to sing together, to weave the golden fabric of your continuing
story – your destiny – into the heartbeat of your Mother Gaia.
I thank Gaia for the song that we can sing together.
Today I will look for signs of this great love we all share as I walk among trees, the budding flowers of spring, and gaze
upon the full moon at this Equinox, this time of great turning and becoming who we are, living our story. I feel blessed by
your connection and by the presence of your song, your heartbeat, that resides within me.
Today as I walk I invite the presence of Gaia
up through the soles of my feet, feeling the drumbeat of change resounding within my heart. I invite you to do the same.
Karen Murphy
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