Our Future

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Future is to be Built Upon Truth, Love and Light
3.)  Mayan Messages: LAMAT  9  Enjoy the Journey
4.)  Alive or Already Dead?
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Change Your Story

Isis' Message of the Day -
Creating your experience is simple. What you believe is your reality, therefore, if you believe in something, it has already occurred. You must merely participate in the process to that end. Manifestation becomes instantaneous as you learn to participate within the whole. As you are acting as a part of the whole rather than at it, you are creating each moment as it is happening.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards:  If you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them). Please NO Checks I can't cash them no way to the bank. Mailing Address: Lady Isis - 80 NE 19th Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 U.S.A.

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We of the angelic realm are busy with the coming new year. We see much possibility ahead. Take the time to preplan the New Year. Focus on how you would like blessings to appear in your life. What work activities bring you pleasure? What do you do for fun that brings smiles and laughter? See the people you want in your life. Who makes you feel good? Who do you make feel good in return? Begin to notice what seems to nourish you, in body, mind, and soul. Bring the focus of blessings to the New Year. And bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

SaLuSa: The Future is to be Built Upon Truth, Love and Light
December 10, 2010
The truth comes out in the most unexpected ways, and it is a feature of the changing times you are now in. It does not matter how many times those with something to hide try to plug the holes, the truth will come out. The final answers will come when the time arrives that we can talk directly with you. Opinions and judgments have no bearing where the truth is concerned, but when we approach such subjects we will be able to back it up with undeniable proof. We can go back in time and reveal exactly what has taken place, and not only that can prove who was involved. The dark Ones know this to be true, but fight the obvious conclusion that they will answer for what they have done, and no one and by no means will avoid justice. In fact you have no need to spend too much energy seeking the truth, as in its own good time it will be there for all to see. We would rather that you focused instead on the changes, and visualized them taking place with the minimum of danger to life.
We have continually reminded you of how powerful you are, and as you come together in a common purpose you can change your reality. Many of you already give of your time to bring peace to your planet, and help Mother Earth. As more of you awaken it all gathers pace and so it will continue right up to Ascension. There are no ways to stop the free flow of information, or permanently hide the truth. The future is to be built upon Truth, Love and Light and there will be absolutely no place for anything less. It is the foundation for a peaceful and joyful existence that will be there for every soul that ascends.
As you get closer to the festive celebrations, the feeling of joy will overcome the worries and concern that result from your daily responsibilities. That is to be desired so as to give you relief from the otherwise stressful circumstances that many of you live under. Focusing on the positive side of live will carry you through the challenges that remain, until you experience a regime change and realize that a new energy is being introduced. One that brings people up to a higher vibration that promises to overcome the difficult situations, which have placed you in less than you need to live a happy life. Nothing that presently keeps you down will remain for much longer, and we of the Galactic Federation are ready to take the necessary action to change your circumstances. We will start at the top and remove those who control your lives, and have subjected you to “imprisonment” when you should by rights be a free soul to experience as you choose.
Your beautiful Earth is the focus of much attention from all around your Galaxy, and the event of Ascension is closely followed because of its uniqueness. It is a rare event when a civilization is able to ascend, as in your case with Mother Earth. You are both assisting each other, although the greater input comes from outside. Powerful energies are increasingly being beamed to Earth, and changes within you are speeding up. As you become greater Beings of Light so you attract even more Light and will eventually have cleansed yourself of the lower vibrations. You have the most wonderful opportunity to clear any remaining karma, and much of it concerns where you place your focus. Thoughts are energy and given sufficient power will manifest, so it is a challenge for you to keep them on all that is of the Light.
The dark Ones play around with the Stargates, but will if not careful activate them and allow through entities of a lower vibration. They are a way in or out of your Earth, and hitherto we have protected you from direct interference. We have a barrier of protection around your Earth, so that visitors can only enter your atmosphere through us and if we allow it. That is necessary as other advanced civilizations explore the Universe and are curious about you and your planet. There are others that are rebels who would seek to gain from your slumbers and lack of knowledge. Such interference is not allowed where a civilization is just lifting up its awareness, and is about to move into the Light. Freewill does have its limitations in some circumstances, and you have indicated your readiness to ascend and that is a sacred decision. So you can see that we are multi-functioning where you are all concerned, and our mission is to safely see you complete this cycle.
Remember Dear Ones that we are spiritual Beings and are One with you. The fact that you call us Space Beings, is simply an indication that we are far more advanced than what you are at present. There are Laws of the Universe that we obey, and we act in all circumstances as your mentors and for your protection. We want to see your sovereignty returned which is yours by right, and it shall be so. Over many centuries you have gradually been limited, so much so that you have not noticed how you have had your freedom taken away. Fortunately, you are now waking up and see possibly for the first time, how heavily you have been controlled and restricted in your movements. Terrorism has been created to allow for all kinds of draconian laws, and would not exist in a civilization that had found its peace. Wars have kept you in a state of need and stress, and created enemies unnecessarily. However, that is all about to end, and you will experience total peace and happiness before the end of this cycle.
You have everything to look forward to and our promises to you will be fulfilled. Each day you get nearer to the first acts that will reveal how far we have gone, to ensure that your captors are no longer able to exercise the power that they had over you. Their evil tentacles have stretched far, and have influenced almost every aspect of your lives. However, their reign is all but over and already they run scared of the possibility that they cannot escape retribution. They are as responsible for their actions as any soul that has erred from the Light. God is not mocked, and although the dark Ones go against God’s Laws they are still held in the Love and Light. One day they will have another opportunity to overcome their karma, and commence a journey back to the Light. No soul is abandoned or condemned to purgatory, except that they refuse to acknowledge the Light within and create it themselves.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel privileged to serve you dear souls when you need a helping hand. The tasks ahead will be quickly completed, as we will team together with a single purpose to achieve your Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Mayan Messages: LAMAT  9  Enjoy the Journey
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
DAY  48 
I am Lamat. Thank you for being here today. With the Tone of 9, we would like to share with you the aspect of completion. What we encourage you to do is to enjoy each step of the journey, knowing that nothing is ever complete. All things are always in a state of growth or decay. There is no stagnation. Even during times of apparent stagnation, there is still movement and evolvement. What we wish to point out to you today is that any act of completion is a doorway to a new beginning. Once you have finished a project or a journey, it is time to do something else.
Many times an old project is put aside and you begin a completely new one. You have learned skills and made belief code updates while working on the old project. Those skills and codes will rule your life until you enhance or change them. Thus, when you start a new project, you will be working within the paradigm that you created for yourself.
It is wise to review your behaviors daily. As objectively as possible, evaluate your reactions to various situations: the words you speak, the thoughts you think, your behaviors, etc. You may discover some situations which you would have liked to have handled more gracefully. It is good to role-play in your mind a new way to act if and when a similar situation occurs. Practice this often until it becomes second nature to you.
By peeling away unwanted behaviors, belief codes and reactions that keep you from being in joy, step by step you will walk towards a life filled with magic that at this moment may be totally unimaginable to you. We suggest you take time to imagine the unimaginable. Dream high and dream big! Co-create with others who are like-minded and desire the same things you want to experience. There is power in group intention. Never underestimate this power. Call us in from the Other Side to help manifest the reality you aspire to. Together we will create Paradise on Earth.
As you peel away layers of fear and old negative patterns, new doors will open to you. If you have done your homework, when you have completed one project, the next project you choose will bring you closer to what you truly desire. You will do this over and over until you find yourself living the life you barely dreamed possible.
Along the way, you will constantly have choices to make. Keep a focused intention regarding the things you would like to experience. Learn to say, “No, thank you.” to offers that come along which lead you from your dream. In the process, you will become more intuitive and better equipped to recognize the clues and synchronicities along the way to your goals.
We would also like to warn you about putting aside the time to enjoy loved ones and other pursuits by becoming too focused on getting the job done. Always remember there will always be things left undone when you leave this planet. The Earth has serious problems and you have serious problems to resolve, but you can still enjoy each moment in joy. Make it fun, every moment. Be in joy. Smile. Lighten up. Take time to check out the Laughing Clubs started by Dr. Madan Kataria.*  He is proving that laughter is the best medicine. 
Selamet!  Lamat 9
Please share this Message with others. To read the 43 previously posted Mayan Messages or to sign up to receive future Messages on a bi-monthly basis, please visit: http://mayanmessages.wordpress.com  *
For more information on how to purchase all 260 Messages as an eBook or as a paperback book, visit our main website at: *  www.t-a-d-a.com  * This site also has a vast array of information related to health and well-being.
Many blessings,
Theresa Crabtree

Alive or Already Dead?
by Joe Weaver
December 9, 2010

Hello my friends,
I now see that while we are in the reality for which is known as the 3D illusion and in the program of fear we are really in many ways ”dead.” For it is this illusion that there is a death which is the state of consciousness that is already “dead.” For it is this state of conscious awareness which is truly unaware of it’s own existence of everlasting form. As I go through my own awakening, I feel the bountiful knowledge of our existence coming to life. This knowledge does not come from books, beliefs or taking words of others as a true experience. This knowledge and living experience is a physical reality. So as I convey my own experience to you, I ask you not to believe my words or take them on as a truth of yours, but to allow these words to awaken your own. Live these words for yourself, no need to believe in them. Write your own words that flow from your own heart. It is from these words you will be living in the higher Light of your own Self.
Live beyond what you see as death “now,” no need to wait. Live free now, let go of your fears and attachments. ALL is encompassing and ALL is everlasting. Look within and love . . . For example as you read these words do you relate to them from the person you know as Joe or do you feel these words for the knowledge they represent? Sometimes our past experiences of knowing one Source of information blinds us from seeing and feeling the message within the words. The same principle applies to our own inner voice we have been using and listening to for most of our lives. Are we going to listing to this voice for which still lives within the illusion? or are we going to listen to the voice of our everlasting Light which has no end? Once we let go of these attachments, we move beyond the Sources of the words and feel the true Source of their Creation. Each one of us is overflowing with infinite knowledge and wisdom waiting to explode. All we have to do is let it flow and BE our true light without restriction.
Through our own expansion we assist ALL! Expand and expand my friends!
Infinite love……
I AM a messenger of Love and Light here to assist ALL through the Grand Crossing to the New Earth.  Love ALL, serve ALL! BE and LIVE the change for which you wish to SEE! Let go of the mind and let the LOVE of your DIVINE SELF flow! WE ARE ONE! thedivinebalance.com and radiorealization.com  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, every time you smile, you turn on a Light. Every time you speak to another one how great they are—because they are—you turn on a Light, and that Light then allows the expansion of the aura; it allows the expansion of anyone around you to feel their own Light.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3668
Change Your Story
December 10, 2010
God said:
On Earth, when you feel a heavy load on your shoulders, it is hard to think of anything else. Your shoulders are weary from carrying what you carry. You feel all the aches and pains, and you see no end to them.
Someone could say to you: “Put down the heavy load you carry.” And you don’t see how, for the load is on your shoulders. You may say: “Who is going to carry it for me? My life is burdensome. My responsibilities. My life is a burden. I see no way out.” And so you keep yourself on a dead-end street.
You are the one who says there is no way out, and you stick to your story. You hold on to what you see as a burden rather than change your story. You may want to prove yourself right, and so you keep on of the sack-cloth you wear.
You are right in this: No one is going to remove your difficulties from you. No one has to. No one is supposed to. You are supposed to make the difference. You.
Whatever the difficulties you carry, no matter how heavy, how deep, there is one common denominator, and you won’t like it.
I do not say the difficulties are not there. I say you are holding on to them too tight. You may hold on to them for dear life, as though if you did not have them, if you were not singled out for this suffering, you would be without complaint and what would be the theme of your life then? You might be bereft without your cross to bear. You have held it to you as your destiny for so long. You keep lying under it to feel crushed by it.
Let’s understand from the beginning. I do not dismiss the difficulty of your situation. I say you are holding on to it. No longer extol the exigencies of the situation you find yourself in. Your troubles are not a blue ribbon or medal that you wear. They will not go away with a snap of your finger. No one is going to take them away from you. If they are your problems, they are your problems, and they are yours to change your perception of. Change your perception, and you will change the configuration of the difficulties.
Look not for fault in any other. Put the shoe on the other foot.
Whatever your situation is, the common denominator is the same. You see it one way, and you are unable to see it another way.
It is likely that you blame. You blame others. You blame fate. You blame Me. When you blame, you are feeling hostile, and you blame your hostility on the circumstances. That keeps you right where you started. Blame gets you nowhere. You go around in circles. When you go around in circles, you don’t see clearly. No matter how justified, your anger belongs to you. And anger is short-sighted. Of course, it is. See further. See around the corner. See change.
When a problem seems insurmountable, you see no options but for someone or something to rescue you. Or for you to leave. Or for someone else to leave. Or, or, or. You leave out many other possibilities. Of course, you do, or you would have changed your situation internally long ago.
I do not say that to leave or to stay is right or wrong. I say that I do not want you or any other to suffer. And yet, often, your compassion is for yourself, and you have none for what you may see as the scourge of your existence.
Find compassion for the other. Be merciful.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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