Only Right Action Can Heal This Material Planet

Meditation sharpens the mind through focus, and expands the mind through relaxation.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Center for Christ Consciousness        
August 25, 2013
Topic:  Receiving the energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION, Focusing the CALL TO RIGHTFUL ACTION into the planet, lifting Urantia up to our Paradise Creators

T/R:  Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are here today to assist in the furthering of the presence of the Magisterial Mission here on Urantia.  We thank you for bringing us together in a unified field of love and intention; connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster that where we focus in support of the Magisterial Mission may be put to good use and have the desired effect in your WILL.  We open our hearts.  We quiet our minds and thank you for our celestial brothers and sisters who support our efforts and use them where we are being guided to focus.  Thank you, and may your will be done. 
MONJORONSON:  Greetings, one and all, my dear brethren.  This is Monjoronson and I am pleased to be with you once again on these very important focusing calls.  As you will recall, you have been conjoining with us to build the energies necessary for the Magisterial Mission to materialize here upon Urantia, and that time is drawing closer.  We ask for you to be patient however, and to appreciate that even when we are here amongst you, it will take many decades to completely rectify the energies of the rebellion, and that your patience is a commodity that will be most useful to us and to your brothers and sisters during this time. 
My presence among you is by and large an energetic experience, and it is a matter of your faith:  Faith in your Father Michael’s plan of correction and salvation for this world, and faith that the Magesterial Mission will be made manifest here in material reality during your human lifetime, and faith in your own ability to perceive this message, and to join in this time of correction in whatever ways you feel you are being guided to serve. 
Today as we move into these energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION, I invite you to draw upon these as your celestial brothers and sisters help you perceive this in your being to a greater depth.  There is a CALL FOR RIGHTFUL ACTION now that is stirring in the hearts of humanity: this call to do, to participate, to demonstrate the ways of spirit.  And as we progress during this call today, I invite you to go in that place within your heart where you are ready to receive this call, and not only receive this call, but to act upon those internal impulses that you will begin to sense, and they grow over time and move you out into these fields for service to your brothers and sisters. 
So open your hearts, and let us move in this circuit now as we build these circuits of RIGHTFUL ACTION in you, that this call may be better recognized within your being.  Relax.  Set that intention and desire to receive us now, my beloved brethren.  You may focus on the words I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION, if it helps to keep your mind occupied while you are receiving what we are sharing with you.  I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION.  Let your gaze settle on these words. Feel your desire for this to go deeper within your being.  (Pause)
RIGHTFUL ACTION comes from an inner place—the desire to do the will of the Father in Paradise.  When you are thus aligned in your own mind and heart, there ensues this surge of energy to propel you forward.  It is the lure of service.  And it is, for the faith-led son and daughter, a natural state of existence, for the animal nature and the need for self recognition of what you call the ego mind has now yielded to the bigger SELF contained within the personhood of the Father; the needs of the self yielding to the needs of the greater humanity. 
When you are functioning from this greater SELF dimension, you are more capable of receiving divine power, which comes from the action of the Holy Spirit.  So few humans of this world have ever dared function from this place.  We are here to encourage you and to stimulate those creative potentials within you that you would more consistently operate from this place within your most beautiful and aligned sense of will and self.  It is a growth process.  It is experiential.  It evolves through your daily habits and practices being engaged with your brothers and sisters. 
As we continue to move in you, we can only encourage you to allow these energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION to further stimulate your own desires to be of service—to help you continue to shift from your own sense of self-awareness to the greater selfhood of the Father in which all benefit from your aligned will and action. 
It is not so important that you understand all of the meanings and implications of the words I speak to you, but that you desire this and that you strive to do your best every day to exemplify this in your relationships, in your encounters with your brothers and sisters.  For this truly is at the core of the Magisterial Mission, and the mercy that you receive that you will then be able to feed to your brothers and sisters will benefit all greatly and expand you in ways you have yet to understand and receive.  So, we will continue to minister to you for the next few moments, before we ask you to turn your gaze outward upon the world.  Let yourselves feel this RIGHTFUL ACTION energy imprint upon you.  Let this CALL FOR RIGHTFUL ACTION strike deeply within your hearts. I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION, I AM RIGHTFULL ACTION, I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION. (Pause)
It is time to turn your gaze upon the world as you focus from the heart and draw that line of energy from your heart to the planet in your mind’s eye.  Envision the words CALL TO RIGHTFUL ACTION.  Begin at the North Pole, and like a ribbon, weave around the planet’s energy field in a counter clock-wise rotation going down to the South Pole, and feel your desire to be connected into the circuits of the universe.  Begin with this focus, and then we will move you into other arenas once this is completed. Take your time as you do this.  Truly feel your desire for this CALL TO RIGHTFUL ACTION to be woven tightly into the fabric of this Urantia consciousness.  (Pause)
It is a joy, is it not, to see a brother or sister to awaken to the call of Spirit?  There are so many who are very close to the awakening.  Feel your desire for these children to receive this call.  All over the world there are many, many people who are now responding to that spiritual pressure, and there are many on our side who are moving in these circuits to help them receive these energies.  So, feel your love for your brothers and sisters.  Seed your desire for more mercy to touch their lives that they would know the love of their Divine Parents and begin to perceive the faint glimmers of the presence of the Father in Paradise within them.  (Pause)
Feel your desire for the energy of RIGHTFUL ACTION to penetrate more deeply into the fabric of consciousness all around the world.  Some places have more receptivity than others.  You may certainly take your time and place your gaze upon those areas where you would wish to see this energy more firmly applied.  But, we ask for you to come from that place of great mercy and compassion.  Do not engage in judgment, or speculation to the best of your ability.  Come from that place of love.  Come from that place of desire for that human heart to open and to love, compassion, mercy and peace.  (Pause)
Let us now add another level to this focusing.  In your mind’s eye simply see the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION.  Again, beginning at the North Pole, let them circle the globe in this ribbon-like manner counter clock-wise, down to the South Pole that they may engage with the energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION, and weave more tightly into this consciousness of the Urantian circuits of mind. (Pause)
Urantia has never had a Magisterial Mission as an endowment of the revelation of TRUTH, so this is a time of great adventure for you and for all the children of this world.  You have a little bit more of awareness of what this may mean.  In the coming days, simply invite these energies to continue to pour into the planet’s consciousness, both the CALL FOR RIGHTFUL ACTION and the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to form this web of MERCY, LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL, PEACE, and RIGHT-MINDEDNESS, that DIVINE MERCY and JUSTICE may indeed shine forth upon this beautiful planet.  Feel your desire for this, my brethren.  Ask Michael’s hands to embrace this world in His LOVE.  May the CALL FOR RIGHTFUL ACTION penetrate deeply into the hearts of the children of this world, and recognize the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of humanity.  (Pause)
So lift your gaze now to the Father in Paradise for His WILL and His LOVE to rain down upon Urantia. Lift your hearts in appreciation to the Father for His creative plan, and in your mind’s eye lift this world up into His hands as He holds Urantia in His WILL and shines His LOVE upon it.
Paradise Creators, we lift this world up to you in faith and hope and service that what you seed into this world will minister to your children. Heal their lives.  Transform their hearts and minds. Bring them home to you.  We hold this us to you in appreciation and thanksgiving. (Pause)
Let us close the circuit now by returning to the earth plane.  With your hands, lovingly take the words FATHER’S WILL and plant it into the ground in your mind’s eye.  Let this word energy be planted deeply and sweetly as you feel your love for this world, and your desire to see the FATHERS LOVE blossom in the hearts of humanity.  Plant this into the earth that your brothers and sisters may feed upon this—feed deeply, be enriched and enhanced in many ways.  Once you have done that, step back. See yourself standing on the planet, on the ground, on the fertile earth. As one heart and mind, let us invite the action of the Holy Spirit to catalyze the seed of the FATHER’S LOVE AND WILL, the CALL TO RIGHTFULL ACTION to move mightily in the children here, that the Father’s WILL and LOVE will feed the children’s hearts and minds of each individual. (Pause)
My beautiful brethren, thank you for your efforts today to bring the Father’s WILL into this earth plane.  I invite you to come to this place again as we meet you to continue to seed these energies into this fabric of consciousness that all may partake of the BEAUTY of the Father and His divine WILL moving in the hearts of humanity.  Let His GRACE fill your lives and bring you great joy.  I will be with you whenever you call, and again on our next time together as a group, working towards the healing and transformation of beautiful Urantia.  Good day. 


Chicago, US of A, August 2, 2013.
Teacher: Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “Eugenic Procreation.” 

Received by Valdir Soares. 

Orion: “Procreation is highly thought of in human society, and motherhood on Urantia is ‘by all means’ sacred. The reason for this is the mystery by which the reproduction process long appeared enshrouded to the mind of primitive man. Giving birth was seen as a miracle – a deed by the Gods. As a result, reproduction is generally held in high regard by all peoples of Urantia, whilst in fact, reproduction is a biological event present in all living beings on your world, and there is nothing supernatural about its purpose, per se. Simply put, to serve the evolutionary process this is how life was conceived on Urantia. In time, as civilization and its culture evolve on your world, reproduction will mostly be seen as a procreative function of the human species, rather than an extra-ordinary process, and it will have less of an emotional meaning attached to it. Indeed, procreation will always be valued, but in the future it will mostly be seen as a means to improve your best human strains for the betterment of the human race as a whole, through the increasing knowledge you are now acquiring about genetic manipulation. 

“The embryonic form of this realization is already present in the most advanced societies on Urantia, as many already understand that procreation and parenthood are, in fact two different things. Adoption and alternative fertilization has given many people the opportunity to be parents without being the conceivers/reproducers. Today’s procreation process has already been manipulated to provide the otherwise impossibility of parenthood. In your future, it will be manipulated to improve the racial human stocks, as already postulated by your budding eugenics of today. It is not an easy road to travel, and you will live with the increasing impoverishment of your good strains for some time yet, before they can begin to be improved by science. Even a possible second racial uplifting from stocks outside-Urantia may be possible. 

“As your knowledge of the fifth revelation records will increasingly be taken seriously by opinion-shapers on your world, the more you can learn from insights therein on how to preserve and improve your best human strains by simply controlling reproduction of classified stocks. There you can also find specific intimations that Science can greatly increase the physical, the senses of vision, and hearing. Genetics, although crudely so, is already modifying your crops. One day, when better understood, it will safely improve your generations to come. All this will certainly meet with resistance of some anti-science religionists, but increasingly scientific progress on your world will drag such old-fashioned-thinkers towards a future in which they will remain a forlorn minority. 

“In your advanced societies you have increasingly enjoyed longer lifetimes, through the adoption of preventive measures against diseases, global vaccinations, sanitation of the environment and advances in medicine. These improvements are the signs of ‘the golden age’ announced in your olden records of a world in which someone who dies at 100 years of age will be considered to still be young. Progress will become easier if your religionists especially allow themselves to be more open to the achievements of true science. Science and Religion deal with different dimensions of reality, the former with its physical laws, and the latter with its spiritual laws. Both must keep their independence, so they can benefit civilization as a whole. I am a Life-Carrier, therefore largely more interested in the progress of both your biological and cultural evolution. Hopefully you will not destroy yourselves with your endless wars. Peace be with you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  11:11 Store

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4669 Dreams God May Have for You , September 6, 2013 

God said: 

When you feel you are losing your zip, do two things:
Drink some water and take a walk in the fresh air.
This may be all you need. You don’t need a nap, and you don’t need coffee. You may simply need to drink some water and take a walk.
How simple life can be.
These days you are taking a fresh look at many things. You are looking yourself straight in the eye. No longer do you go the long way around. You take a direct path to sorting yourself out, finding out more about yourself. Then you can be done with appraisal, for a while until you face another step of inner revolution, or do I mean revelation? They are the same. When We speak of inner, they are the same.
Revolution is revolving. Revelation is revealing. Aren’t they the same? When applied to your inner self, aren’t they both a clearing, a change in scenery, a change in your view of what is really going on within you, inside you, the you baring yourself to the Sun, finding your fundamental self amidst all the debris you have taken on and now leave, and now you gain, gain a wider deeper perspective of the world within you, which, of course, is where your world really exists.
Life does seem to revolve around you, doesn’t it? It is like you watch yourself revolve. What are you revolving around? You may think you are settling down, and then the unsettling comes. You may see unsettling as loss of confidence in yourself when it really means the Humpty-Dumpty of yourself is being put together.
Change is the word for today, and you are the one changing. Consider changing as a synonym for growing, for you are growing very fast, and what used to fit may no longer fit. You may well have outgrown the world you knew, or thought you knew. You may feel out of your element, and so you are rising higher.
When the inner you changes, outer change is in the offing. You may have ideas of what these changes will look like. You could be right, or you could not. Maybe dreams you didn’t even know you had will come true. Something will come true. Perhaps, dreams I have had for you will come true.
Climbing a mountain may not seem easy, may not seem easy at all. And, yet, when you get to the top, the view makes the climb well-worth it. You are the climber climbing the ladder of life. You are the vine that climbs the fence. You may be Jack climbing the bean stalk. You do not yet know the world you will find at the top. That’s all right. You will get there, and you will see for yourself what is before you. You won’t look back. Back is behind you. You are moving forward. Face front, beloveds.
You know by now that there is always another hill to climb. And another and another. An ant can only make anthills. Yet you are not an ant. You are a human being, and you have mountains to climb and discoveries to be made.
Just as you may eagerly await a new Heavenletter, just as you are eager to know what I will talk about tomorrow, you are equally eager to find the next hill to climb. There is always a hill waiting for you, a mountain, and beyond it a valley so green it takes your breath away.
Beloveds, you are entering green pastures. Green pastures will become a way of life for you. You may not want to leave one for another, yet, know I see you off, I travel with you, and I am at the new peak you reach, ready to give you a hand and greet you in a warm embrace.
