Only Love Will Save The World

From Lady Isis
{Some Topics CHANNELED}
Isis' Message of the Day -
God Appears in Many Disguises . . .
You and everyone you meet is God.
The homeless man, woman or child.
Every man, woman or child of every walk of life.
No matter what their beliefs, their nationality, the color of their skin.
God Appears in Many Disguises . . . So treat them as you would God.
I AM the Goddess ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Let It Be
All of life is an energetic flow, an endless moment in time and space that exists simply because it is. Each of you has a level of vibration that allows you to stop and connect with this energy at any point on its being. You choose these pauses carefully, as they represent energies you need to connect with, resolve and gain closure from. It is through your karma, the incomplete aspects of your being, that you connect with people, events and situations that have an energetic connection with you. As you progress through your healing, though, there will be fewer occasions for you to find these connections and this is where you exercise choice over free will and learn to let the energy be.
It is part of your human experience to want to fix yourself and others, to gain understanding and to find closure within all of your experiences. There is a need to bring resolution in all things and in ways that satisfy you at the levels of the ego and emotions. You feel responsible for all of the earth's energies and their transformation. Because you know that this is an important time in humanity's journey, you want to ensure that all of your actions resonate at the level of healing. But you do not ask yourselves whether this is your highest path and allow the Universe to bear some of this burden of this healing, allowing the energies choose their healer instead of connecting to them yourselves out of your fear that they will interfere in the ascension journey.
Your free will allows you the choice of your path but without the presence of a higher vibration, it chooses from energies within your karmic cycles. The choice of other potentials arises when you are willing to release yourselves from choosing the path of healing for others and the world. For your intention is to ensure that the world is healed, that your soul groups are in alignment with your energies and you feel that your healing role is complete when there is no more healing to be done. There will always be opportunities for healing and transformation and you can choose that path, or allow others to step in.
Activate your intention to heal the world and release the need to watch over every step of the healing process. Within your mastery you can set the intention to create the energies of healing and your personal involvement is not required. Allow others to find new healers and teachers. There is so much work for you to do in setting the energies for the new energetic paradigms, to create the templates for the new earth and to become the way-showers for all of humanity. Each time you pause to connect to energies you want to heal, you step back into energies you are no longer connected to. Acknowledge your progress by allowing yourselves to step forward into the new potentials of the higher dimensions you have worked so hard to create and let new healers and teachers step in to work with the energies you are no longer part of.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, change means growth. Change means expansion. So welcome it.
Visit our website:  *  

SaLuSa: Only Love Will Save the World
March 24, 2010
There is much in the way of confrontation in your world today. It brings about hatred and the seeking of revenge, in a never-ending circle that seems to have been with you from time immemorial. However much time passes, the energies remain to foment war or acts of attrition or terrorism. The negative energies could be transmuted, but are often added to by those who will not release them. Dear Ones, Man has lived by the sword for far too long, and in attempting to kill off his “enemies” has created the very conditions that have perpetuated the deep rooted hatred that fuels wars. It is time to acknowledge the Oneness of the Human Race, and realize that their journeys are leading to the same goal. It is therefore far better to go forward as one group helping each other, instead of creating the separation that stifles progress towards a united civilization.
Only love will completely dissolve the negative energies, and you have to find a way of bringing people together. Forgiveness would be a wonderful step towards putting all differences into the past, allowing for new Mankind to emerge in readiness for Ascension. Every soul has had a multitude of experiences through many, many lives, and all have a purpose that affects every soul through your mass consciousness. If forgiveness is to have a chance of bringing peace, your present time is a perfect opportunity to put it into practice. It is so because you are now grasping the fact that it is you who create your reality, and will only bring about Oneness through love and forgiveness. Tear up your history books that glorify war, and instead re-write it as the greatest waste of human life and resources that could ever be imagined. Understand that what you do to one you do to all, and realize that an act of love adds to the mass consciousness to which you all contribute. Multiply it by thousands of times, and it exponentially increases the Light upon Earth, and the negative energies lose their power.
So often you ask “what can I do to evolve” and the answer is so simple, by being the love that you are and expressing it in all you do. You have unlimited love, and the more you release it to others the more the Source will replenish it. It is the good old Universal Law of Attraction at work and many of you are successful in this way, as you understand the principle behind it. Now you are bound to wonder how it benefits you, and it is of course the path to raising your vibrations. This takes you onto your Ascension path, and the further you travel along it the more you will shed the lower vibrations. In the giving you become the receiver of abundance and will never want again. God provides and brings Man together, yet Man divides and ignores his Divinity.
If you work at lifting yourself up you are also helping others, then greater Beings than Man that dwell in the higher realms will serve the Human Race. At your lower level you cannot achieve Ascension entirely by yourself, and higher energies are continually being beamed to Earth to maintain a steady upliftment. It is a great occasion that you are so privileged to be a part of, and one that will prove to be the most enlightening experience of your time in duality. It is as you might say the icing on the cake, and a most satisfactory way to complete your experience in this cycle. You will leave a much greater soul than when you first started your journey.
If we told you that you were doing fine in establishing the Light upon Earth it would be an understatement, as you are achieving levels that at one time were unthinkable. Yet through all of your experiences you have stuck to your determination to bring in changes, and restore the Kingdom of Light upon Earth. Now you are about to see the fruits of your hard work, as the energy levels are reaching a point where your vision of the future must commence to manifest. Oh yes, it moves around behind the scenes, and simply waits that final spurt forward to come out into the open. Many of our allies are briefed and ready to move into action, and the outcome will open many hearts and eyes that have been closed to the truth. You must change track soon and that will quickly put duality behind you. Memories of past experiences will be replaced by pleasant ones that will fulfill your visions of the future. The joy of working together for a common cause, will uplift Mankind along with the Earth and will be most exhilarating and rewarding.
Life is already something of a fairy story, and as real as it seems it is not your true reality, but it will however have a happy ending. Yet looking into the future it really does sound like one, as the changes are so far reaching as to be unbelievable. There will be such a vast difference that it will truly seem magical and out of this world, which is exactly what it is. You have not experienced constant peace and happiness such as you will find, and to live in the constant glow and warmth of the higher energies will be sheer delight. Can you imagine not having anymore of the worries that plague your daily life on Earth. No more concerns about money, your health or your needs to enable a pleasant and fulfilling life. Ample time to follow your personal pursuits regardless of what they are, and the benefit of help from those who have already traveled ahead of you. You will find that all souls are only too willing to help another succeed. For example an artist could have his favorite painter give lessons to him/her, and how to work more with the mind. You will be able to project your thoughts onto the ether, without the need of paint brushes.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation is prepared for its newest member to take its place in it. As a civilization you are not quite ready yet but by the time the last few years pass by, the upliftment in your consciousness will entitle you to stand alongside us. Part of our mission is to find civilizations much like yours, that are on the verge of ascending and help them succeed. Once it is achieved the celebrations commence, as it is a great occasion to welcome souls back to the higher realms. There is absolutely no doubt about your ability to successfully come through this period. All will become clearer in a relatively short time, and then your efforts can be directed in such a way as to bring you all together, in the Love and Light that is descending upon Earth.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies: Making sense of it all
By Neal Doanld Walsch
Notes from Neale...

My dear friends...
We begin today a three-part series:
Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies: Making sense of it all
Last week, in previewing this series, I offered the observation that there are people who believe that certain other people "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life. A few years ago there were those who even said that AIDS was "God's punishment" for lives in ways that were not in accordance with God's Will. Others have made the same argument about different forms of pain and suffering. It's God's Will. It's God's punishment.
Is that how it works? People do "bad" things and God punishes them? He gives them pain and suffering here on earth, then sends them to hell after they die?
What about the pain and suffering of wonderful people, like my grandmother, who suffered a stroke and lived the last years of her life in much suffering and debilitation? What was God's purpose there?
The earthquake in Chile three weeks ago is what brought this all up for me again---and the tsunami in Hawaii that "never was," even though for a while there we all thought (my wife and I were on the Big Island at the time) that we were in major trouble...
Why were some people in harm's way, and others not? How does Fate decide these things? Is there some rhyme or reason? Is there some point or purpose?
No. There is not, and we must become clear that there is not. Not in the sense that most people mean when they think of there being some "point" to it all.
For there to be some "point," there would have to be a person, a being, who would GIVE it all a "point." There is no such person or being. Some people disagree with me on this. They say that the Person or Being is God. I am saying that God is not a "person" or "being," with likes and dislikes, frustrations and resentments, a need to judge and a need to punish, and an agenda for humankind and for each person on the earth.
I am suggesting to you that "God" is an ineffable Essence-what the Upanishads call Brahman-that permeates the Universe; that IS the Universe, and all things, seen and unseen. I am suggesting that Brahman is Pure Intelligence, and that Brahman is a Process. I am suggesting that it is the Process called Life.
Life does not have a preference about how Life expresses Itself. Life always was, is now, and always will be---therefore Life is not worried about the thing we call "death," and demonstrates no concern about it. If you die, you die. If you live, you live. In both cases you continue to Be.
You cannot NOT Be, and therefore Life (God) has no concern, worry, or agitation about whether you are going to Be or not. Nor does Life have a preference in the matter of how your Being is expressed. Only you do. Because you think that you Are, and the truth is, you Are Not.
That is, you think that you are "you," and the truth is you are not who you think you are, you are not "you," but rather, that which comprises you. The "you" that you think you are is merely a conglomeration of that which comprises you, globbed together in a particular form. Put in CwG terms: You are an Individuation of Divinity, a Singularization of The Singularity. You are a Process, not a Person. And that Process will continue forever. It is called Life. In this case, Life manifesting in the form that you call "you."
Even that form is not a form for more than one millionth of a nano-second. That's why I have said "you are a Process, not a Person." The "you" that You Are is constantly changing form. Like a flame burning atop a candle. Is the flame the same flame in Hour 2 as it was in Hour 1? It is the same flame even from moment to moment? No. It cannot be. By the very nature of what the flame IS, the flame is not. For the flame burns itself out even as it is being what it is. It is thus ending its Present Form in every Present Moment.
A flame is the outward manifestation of the using up of fuel. When the fuel is gone, the flame disappears. In the case of Who You Are, the fuel is never gone, so the flame that is You never disappears. Yet it equally never stays the same. In this sense, "you" are not. You are only what you are Right Now. And then, Right Now. And then, Right Now. You can't stay the same for even one one-millionth of a nano-second. So who are you, anyway...?
There is a continuity to "you," even though "you" are different and changing in every moment. What is this Continuity? Is it Atman (the Soul)? If so, does Atman have a role to play in determining whether you die in an earthquake or are one of those spared in the "tsunami that never was"? What determines who lives and who dies?
I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `living' and `dying.' One might as well ask, "What determines who is `being' and who is not `being.'?" Yet nothing is not Being, therefore there is nothing and no one `determining' who is being and who is not.
Okay, you might say. But certainly there is such a thing as changing form. We may all live forever, we may all Always Be, but who or what determines the Form that we take from time to time? Those who died in the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile lived on, but changed Forms. Those who lived through the "tsunami that never was" in Hawaii lived on in the same Form. Who or what decides which Form the Beingness takes from time to time?
I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `time,' therefore the Being that You Are takes All Forms At Once. It is merely a question of which Form you are paying attention to, which Form you are choosing to experience, in that part of Always that you call Now.
The Formulation of Brahman that called itself the people in Haiti and Chile who "died" in the earthquakes focused its attention on physicalization and de-physicalization (that is, "living" and "dying") in the way that it did during those earthquakes in order that Brahman Itself might Know Itself in Its Own Experience AS THAT.
This is all part of a holy process that CwG calls "God godding", or, if you please, Brahman Being. Being what? Being everything. All at once. Being life. Being death. Being good. Being bad. Being fast, being slow; being up, being down; being big, being small; being male, being female; being all of It. Being, literally, All Of ItSelf All At Once.
Phew. Okaaaay...
So what does that mean about how we, here and now, are experiencing life? You tell me.
No, I mean that literally. You tell me. By your thoughts, your words, and your actions, you tell me, every day of your life, what that means. You are also telling yourself. You are literally telling your own mind what to think about all this. You're doing it right now. Watch yourself. You are reading this, and you are telling your own Mind what to think about what you're reading. Or, you are saying to yourself, "I just don't know what to think."
Translation: Nothing has any meaning save the meaning you give it.
Now, let me say here that I embrace the Upanishadic tradition and teaching of Atman---the Soul; a part of us that lives forever, retaining its Essence and dropping its Individual Expression of that Essence during Samadhi (Oneness with the All), then picking up its Individual Expression again, then dropping it again, over and over through all Eternity in a Divine Rhythm that perpetuates Perpetuity Itself.
I embrace the notion that the purpose of it all is to allow God to know Itself in its own experience, as I have said before. This is done through the process of Individual Souls evolving and experiencing more and more of what they Always Are. I believe that Souls pick and create the Right and Perfect circumstances allowing them to do this.
To put all this simply, some Souls "die" and some Souls "live" because it is perfect for them to do that in that portion of All Time that they call Right Here, Right Now. When they "die" they realize that they have not "died" at all, but continue living forever. Then they decide (after reemerging from the moment of Samadhi) what aspect of Who They Are they wish next to experience---either as their "old self" (the person they were before they "died") or as a new and other self (the concept known as reincarnation as another individual being).
Explaining this further, I understand that souls have the ability to return to the Timeline of Forever Always at any point, in any Form they wish---including the Form they just left behind. Put simply, you can live as the "you" that you imagine your Self to be again and again, experiencing Life in a hundred thousand different moments in a hundred thousand different ways, until you have experienced and expressed the Self in this particular Form at the level of absolute Divinity. And even then you can keep coming back to experience that as long as you wish. can come back in another Form (i.e., as another person) and experience Life in that Form as many times as you wish. You ultimately realize that you are Life in All Forms All The Time. You are Always All, and you are All All Ways.
In other words, you are God, godding.
Okay, that's a lot of esoterics for one week. But how to make any of that work for us in any practical way during This Life, Here and Now? That is the question. And that's what we'll look at in Part II of this series, next week.
In the meantime, suggested reading: HOME WITH GOD IN A LIFE THAT NEVER ENDS.
Love and Hugs,
From: Weekly Bulletin #379 * * NOTE: If you would like to send a comment or a question to Neale here at the Weekly Bulletin, you may do so by addressing an email to:  *
Neale Donald Walsch ( Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. *  

Born Again, and Again, and Again...
by Owen Waters
Have you ever wondered how many incarnations make up a complete set of human experience here on earth? To many, the answer comes as quite a shock.
The older you get in this life, the closer you come to gaining mastery over the main lessons of this particular life. These are lessons that you planned at a soul level before you were born. When you look back on your life, it sometimes seems that it all went by in a flash.
It seems like just yesterday that you were still young enough to feel like you knew a lot about life. Now you’re older, and you’ve learned much more since, it become obvious that there’s a whole lot more to human life than anyone can learn or experience in one short incarnation.
When I lived in Los Angeles in the 1980’s, I used to look forward to visiting a past life regressionist every Tuesday afternoon. Once a week for several months, I’d be guided into a deep, altered state and recall scenes from whichever past life my soul consciousness wanted me to discover next.
Eventually, after many weeks, the novelty wore off, but I was always amazed at the wide variety of experiences that I’ve been through to build a good understanding of the experience of being a physical human on Planet Earth.
Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than one life. Typically, a complete tour of human experience on earth takes 288 incarnations.
That’s a shocker, isn’t it?
Here we are, living in a culture which, for the most part, believes that this one life is all there is. Meanwhile, the real situation is that we’ve been around the wheel of reincarnation more times than we care to remember.
Here’s why there are as many as 288 lives in a complete set of human experience. There are twelve astrological signs and twelve stages of reincarnatory life experience. These stages of experience range all the way from ‘Inexperienced Human’ to ‘Mastery of the Human Experience.’ So far, that amount of variety requires 12 times 12, or 144, lives.
Then, there is the need to experience both the yin and yang versions of everything, which is typically achieved by making the choice to be either male or female for each incarnation. When you multiply 144 times 2, it equals 288.
Sooner or later, the young and inexperienced soul becomes, in human terms, an ‘old soul.’ Then, they start tying up the loose ends in their own history of experiences in preparation for graduation into the next stage of experience in the long and fascinating journey back to the ultimate source from which we all came. 
Owen Waters is the author of "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom." This deeply insightful e-book combines some of today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package. Available for immediate download at:   *   

HEAVEN #3407
Make Room for the Stars to Shine through You
March 24, 2010
God said:
The sun always has you in view. Even the edges of the sun's light reach you. The sun never leaves you out. The sun reaches your heart. The sun is yours day by day. And so are you Mine, definitely Mine, closer to Me than the most direct rays of the sun. I have absorbed you in My eyes. I have slipped you into My heart, and in My heart you are, and in My heart you stay. You stay of My own free will. And of your own free will as well. It is ordained. All this was set from the first day I made you.
No matter what you do or say, you are My beloved child. Knowing that My love for you is constant does not make you lazy. Knowing this lightens your heart, and you want to be what I say. You want to serve Me. I make it easy for you to serve Me. I don't make it hard. It so happens that I simply love you. When I see you, I am happy, and I always see you.
I see right to the core of you, and you are beautiful. You resonate with Me. You are captured in the core of My heart, and I never let you go. You are the apple of My eye. I am your beloved whether you know it or not.
We have long been associated. We are longtime friends. We have always been holding hands. We are One Interwoven Heart.
I would not abandon you, and you do not abandon Me. No matter how far a-field from Me you may feel, that is illusion. That is delusion. If you see yourself as far away, the lens of your heart is not clear. You are not capable of being distant from Me. No one is closer to Me than you are. And We are very close.
Remove the splinter from your eye to make room for the stars to shine through you. The stars above are more than what they seem. They are more than particles, as are you more than particles, as are you far more than particles. Yet, of course, you are particles of light, and yet you are more.
You are sparkling dancing rays of My light. You do move at the speed of light. You, the heart of you, breaks all records. Of course, We move together, and, so, it can be said that We win even when We are established and there is nothing to win as We are already All That Is. We are already that pure sweetness of love.
Have you been afraid of Me? That would presuppose that I would be afraid of you! Why would I be afraid of you? Beloveds, it makes no more sense than for you to be afraid of Me.
I have no fear, and I suggest that you let go of fear as well. Most certainly, let go of any vestige of fear you may have for Me. I am All Powerful, and it is love that is All Powerful. Love sweeps all else away. It takes fear, it takes all hurtfulness away. Perhaps you still think that there is something called Death that throws you over a cliff. The idea of death is attachment to a temporary world. The world is temporary. Your service in the world is temporary, yet you and I are permanent.
A new red wagon loses its shine. Rivers flow. Day and night trade places. Not even for one moment is your life on Earth what it was a moment ago. Only in the world does time seemingly exist, and time is the most temporal thing of all. Only We and Our love are permanent. We are One faithful heart, never do We part. What more is there to say?
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    
