Olympics: Contact

Olympic 'Signs' of Olympic Times
Christopher Rudy geonotes@mcn.net
4:29 PM (17 hours ago)
to GeoNotes
Olympic 'Signs' of OlympicTimes
Compiled byChristopherRudy http://www.heartcom.org/MyWebSites.htm
Archived with new crop circle pictures at:

Unofficial 'contact' has been made... again... but the mainstream media is not reporting it, so IS IT REAL? You decide!
Check out the recent 'Olympic Crop Circles'HERE,
http://www.heartcom.org/MyWebSites.htm andnote the crop circles from 4 years ago at the time of the last Olympics.Interesting:)
For those who 'get it'... that crop circles are a definite message from'upstairs'... one is left to wonder what in the world are they trying totell us.
If you really want to know, here's another big clue:'The CAPstoneVision'. http://www.heartcom.org/CAPstone.htm
This is not rocket science folks. Rockets are old technology. Obviously,the crop circle makers are using extremely advanced technology to give us'hints'... that we are not alone... that there is a 'Higher Power'...that wants us to get our act together so we can say, "We did itourselves!"
The new technology is based on quantum science of the 'Source Field',and global humanity is on the threshold of a quantum leap... spontaneousevolution as a 'creative ascent process' of, by and for 'UniversalCo-Creation' with the "Unified Field" (Source).
This is the 'good news' -- an evolution revolution -- and you canunderstand that simple enough if you conscientiously read,'The CAPstoneVision'.
I'll be discussing this today on my radio talk show,'CosmicLOVE', http://www.bbsradio.com/cosmiclove/cosmic_love.php at 5pm PST (8pm EST).
Tune in: have your speakers on. And call in... or not:)