Olympics Closing {Channeled}

 Welcome to the Sacred School Of Om Na
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
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Integrating Mellanika by Mellanikaof the Celestial White Beings
Olympic Closing Ceremony Meditation and Influentialintention by Archangel Metatron
Integrating Mellanika by Mellanikaof the Celestial White Beings
Channelled through NatalieGlasson- 03/08/12
Magnificent beings of light,I am Mellanika of the Celestial White Beings, it is a great delight for me toreconnect with your energies once more as a conscious connection has been lostfor some time, even though my energy and the qualities I represent whereextremely well known in the time of Atlantis. I am the goddess representativeor purest form of feminine vibration available within the Celestial White Beingsoul and source of light.  Our consciousreconnection together signals an awakening within all of the Goddess vibration.I am aware of how many speak of the importance of the goddess vibration on theEarth in the present but in truth it is the life of all creative and creationenergies of the Creator. The goddess energy or feminine vibration is a sacred essenceof your being that truly needs to be totally acknowledged in order for completeconnection and oneness with the Creator as a source of light.
The Celestial White Beingsenergy was anchored into the Earth at its creation along with other energiesand vibrations but it was the pure goddess essence of their soul which theCelestial White Beings gave to the Earth, assisting in the creation of the pureand beautiful essence which is Mother Earth. Many different sources of lightgave energy to create the Earth, each giving their own sacred essence. It was foretoldor divinely planned that when humanity awakened to their truth and divine essencethey would realise their own goddess presence within them which would cradleand comfort their sacred soul lifting them up the Creator. You may see thisoccurring within your friends, family and self already. It is a sign thatawakening is occurring on a major scale and you are returning home. With mypresence anchoring into your being, I am assisting in elevating your connectionwith the goddess essence within and around you. Please let me envelop you in myenergy and sacred goddess essence.
You all have anunderstanding of the goddess energy which varies from person to person; I wishfor you to dissolve in your mind the form, template or expectations of thegoddess energy you may hold. When we let go of any kind of representative ofthe goddess energy then we truly begin to connect on a deeper level. Within theconsciousness of the Celestial White Beings, I, Mellanika, do not have a form;I am simply energyor a vibration, like the pulse within your own physicalbodies. Your mind may portray to you a picture of my vibration but this is onlyto understand my energy, if you allow yourself to feel my energy, to accept myenergy, you will gain a clearer understanding of my vibration and that of theGoddess energy of the Creator.
 If you were to visit the ashram of theCelestial White Beings at a cosmic level you may experience a communicationabout the oneness of Mellanika, this in truth is the unfolding of the divinewithin your being which is an infinite process. In many ways my name is simplya tool for explanation and connection. The teachings of the Celestial WhiteBeings are to take your consciousness and awareness beyond your minds grasp ofthe goddess, experiencing a divine awakening within.
There are many reasons formy connection with you today, most are occurring energetically as you connectwith my energy through my channelled words, but you may wish to meditate askingme to draw close to you cradling and embracing you in my light, it is my wishto assist you in dissolving any perception of the goddess light to acceptgoddess truth.
 Simply focus upon your breathing and hold anintention or speak out loud when you are at peace asking to connect with thepurest vibration of Mellanika of the Celestial White Beings.
Imagine, sense oracknowledge my energy enveloping you, melting deeply into your heart and soul.
Hold the intention or sayout loud that you are ready to let go of all representative forms orunderstandings about the Creator's goddess energy. Your aim is to breathe awayall ideas, images and expectations ofthe goddess consciousness.
With your focus upon releasemy energy will be able to merge deeper within your being as many boundaries andbarriers are dissolved. You are allowing me to embrace your soul deeply,assisting in a rise in vibration, awareness and consciousness.
 I will lift you up, expand your truthfulgoddess vibration and unite you with greater intensity with the Creator. Youwill experience a new vibration and wave of light activating from within you.Simply sit and enjoy for as long as is needed.
My second purpose ofconnecting with your being today is to awaken your understanding that the purefeminine essence of the Creator needs to be anchored into all aspects of theEarth. The Earth needs to be blessed in this way as a preparation for themagnification from the Creator as well as the awakening and remembering oftruth within all. I wish to draw your attention to the fairy kingdom, long havethe fairy kingdom been an integral aspect of life and spiritual growth upon theEarth, they hold a strong aspect of the goddess within their beings, theirmanifestations and influence upon your reality and nature are enormous. Thereis a need for the fairy kingdom to experience a heightenedanchoring of the goddess light in order to support their growth and purpose onthe Earth. It is to support the creation of love on the Earth which they assistin by weaving connections of love within nature and between nature andhumanity.
If you feel guided to be ofassistance to the fairy kingdom and the manifestation of love on the Earth thenI first ask you to complete the above connection process with my energy.
Then I wish for you to placeyour hands upon your legs with your palms facing upwards.
Imagine my essence of thegoddess light flowing from your heart into your arms and hands. Your hands willbecome anchors and creators of energy and intention.
When you feel the energycharging into your hands, lift your hands from your legs so they are gentlysuspended before your solar plexus chakra.
Say out loud, 'With myactions and intentions I am blessing the fairy kingdom and anchoring thegoddess light into each fairy source, aspect and soul.'
 Let your right hand make a horizontal circlein an anti-clockwise direction, while your left hand makes a horizontal circleslightly beneath your right hand in a clockwise direction. Your right handmoves away from you and to your left as simultaneously your left hand movetowards you and to your right, they meet in the centre with your right hand ontop.  Then complete the circle.
When the process iscomplete, place your hands upon the floor and let the remainder energy draininto the Earth as a symbol of grounding.
Practice this motion; youare creating a figure of eight a symbol of infinite connection and oneness. Youare anchoring the light into the fairy kingdom as you focus upon the fairykingdom creating an eternal connection with the goddess vibration for them andyourself. This practice can be achieved to anchor the goddess energy into anyintention or aspect of the Creator you focus upon including yourself. You canachieve this practice for as long as you feel is appropriate building theenergy.
My love and truth is yoursalways,
Mellanika of the CelestialWhite Beings

Download 2 Free Meditations that accompany the Channelling Click Here

Olympic Closing CeremonyMeditation and Influential intention by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through NatalieGlasson
With so many divine andsacred conscious beings of love and light on the Earth I wish to take thisopportunity to share with you a simple meditation to assist your soul and toencourage others to be of service at this time. The Closing Ceremony of theOlympics will be a focus for many people all around the world, many eyes willbe focused upon similar images which will create a united consciousness whereeach person's mind is open and linked into the consciousness created byhumanity. We wish to use this situation to create a lift and shift in theconsciousness of all to allow for a more aware, awake and loving consciousnessto be experienced and to manifest. We as guides can only suggest ideas to youand support with energy but each of you as light workers on the Earth have the ability,tools and power to assist in altering the united consciousness of humanity tomake necessary and integral changes on the Earth and within each person's beingand reality.
Your eyes and ears may beabsorbing what is occurring at the time of the Olympic Ceremony but your heartand mind need to exist in a state of intention and expression in order to be ofservice. This means you are not influenced by external energies but areempowering your own energy in order to infuse the consciousness of humanitywith high vibrational frequencies, light and intentions. Many people who havenot yet consciously accepted their truth will watch the Olympic Closing Ceremonywith an open and receptive mind, the joy of the ceremony will activate theirheart chakras, and this means that you as a light worker can support thesepeople in receiving divine frequencies of light allowing their truth to unfold.It is also a wonderful opportunity for you to experience your own individualloving power and your divine link with all that is the Creator on the Earth andthe inner planes.
There is also an opportunityfor many people's third eye chakras to be unveiled and to activate more fullythrough this experience.
It is my wish to now guideyou in a meditation which I believe will assist in quickening the vibration oflove on the Earth for all to experience.
Please first allow yourselfto sit peacefully, focusing on your breathing and relaxing your body.
Allow yourself to imaginethat you are inhaling and exhaling through your heart chakra, in order to builda greater volume of light and energy within your heart chakra.
Say to yourself in yourmind, 'I am love,' repeating the affirmation until you feel the vibration oflove building within your heart chakra.
Let yourself be generouswith your love as it over flows from within your being.
Imagine that the Creator, inany form you wish, is directly opposite to you, you may see the Creator as ahuman form or a light source, whatever you experience invite the Creator to bepresent before you.
Let your love flow to therepresentation of the Creator before you. Notice that the energy of the Creatorflows towards you and into your being.
A whirl pool or spiral oflight forms in between you and the Creator in line with your heart centre. Thelight you are creating is almost like a stadium of light constantly flowing.
Invite all other lightworkers and even those who are not yet conscious of their truth to add theirlove and divine intention to the spiral of light you and the Creator aremanifesting, sense more souls gathering around you radiating love.
You are holding theintention for every soul to experience love, to be loved and to express love,for ascension to be divinely perfect and easy for all, for truth to unfold tocreate more joy and for the veils of illusion to fall away withdivineperfection.
When you feel ready, imagineyou are placing the spiral of light you have created with all aspects of theCreator into the Olympic stadium in London on energetic and physical levels.Let the light seep into all, the Earth Star Chakra and into the Earth to supportMother Earth.
Mother Earth absorbs thelight and intentions, radiating the same out in all directions across theworld.
Imagine as people arewatching the Olympic Closing Ceremony wherever they are in the world that the lightyou have created is flowing into their minds, hearts, third eye, physical eyesand bathing them in sacred light which lifts their vibration and unites themwith divine perfection into a higher consciousness of the Creator, whereeveryone on the Earth including you will connect. Imagine every personconnected soul to soul, heart to heart, consciousness with consciousness, honouringthe divine within and around them.
This is a most beautifulservice to yourself and to all.
We love you and we are withyou at this time of constant change and the empowerment of love.
With love,
I am Archangel Metatron
Download the free Audio of Olympic Closing Ceremony Meditation, Click Here

Download the free Audio of Olympic Closing Ceremony Meditation, Click Here

May you walk in the love and light always,


Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website www.omna.org she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *    
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~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLightCircleEzine/  * 
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