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A Channeled Message From Mira From the Pleiadian
High Council
Through Valerie Donner, February 12, 2010
I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council. We are here to let you know that we follow your earthly situations. We know your struggles and challenges. We monitor those of the Earth.
During the best of situations you fly in the higher dimensions with us, your Pleiadian
ancestors. You might remember some of our connections. There are
many and we stand side by side with you in our experiences. During the other times you slip and slide in your third dimensional roles which currently seem obsolete to many of you. We agree that these feel like you are backsliding at times.
It is all in how you view it. Attitude
is everything. At some point the third dimension will come to a grinding halt for those of you with the correct attitude. This means that you welcome change. Even if the change is uncomfortable and uncertain to you, you know it is necessary. You cannot
your steps and revert back to the old 3D way of living. You are already
changed in your consciousness and attitudes. There is help along the
way. You must be open. This requires a willingness to step into the unknown. It could mean releasing all that is familiar. It takes some boldness and we know that you possess this trait.
Think of all of the joyful potentials that await you in a new reality. Imagine us being able to visit you openly and travel back and forth together. Perhaps our children could attend your children's concerts and other performances. We can exchange cultures together. It works both ways. This is part of how we will get to know each other. There is an art to it and we anticipate creative experiences.
We will be available for educational purposes in important areas of your lives. As each old institution and organization needs re-vamping we can work together to help you find improved ways that will help them to succeed. We only work together in co-operation and have no attachment to you doing things our way. We share
ideas. This is how we work. It always comes together to serve
the highest good. Perhaps this is one of the differences in
our cultures. Your planet has groups of people who only want things
for themselves and not for others. It will be heartwarming for you to live differently, to see that life does not have to be about competition and greed. The need for money will cease to exist at some point. We have no need for it on our planet. This will be a relief for most of you. You will be able to take a breath and follow the energy of your heart in the direction of your
divine purpose.
It is wonderful that our destinies are linked together. This
applies to other members of the space family for we are one.
We have gifts and abilities that will serve you and the Earth.
We look forward to creating our working relationships and to
having a fun and pleasant time. You will find us peaceful and
helpful. In the future we will begin a whole new way of living.
The Earth will be a part of the great central plan of love and forward
motion. We look forward to sharing this with you as we explore the full range of our living potentials together.
Today, we wish you the best and
send you great Light and love.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.