Is Something Not Working ? By Neale Donald Walsch
We have been talking here last
two weeks about the life experience of Change. I have been saying in this space that all change is change for the better.
There is no such thing as change for the worse. While this is difficult to embrace for many people, it is soundly based in
the principles of life.
Conversations with God tells us that life is eternally Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable.
These are the Basic Principles of Life, and they cannot be violated or rendered in any way inoperable, or Life would cease
to be.
All of this becomes much easier for people to comprehend with my simple substitution of the word God for the
word Life. Suddenly, everything is made clear. God is eternally Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable. These are the Basic
Principles of God, and they cannot be violated or rendered in any way inoperable, or God would cease to be.
When human
beings embrace the extraordinary idea presented here, the process of change will be seen for what it is: the ultimate expression
of Divinity Itself, sustaining Itself through adaptations that render Itself eternally magnificent.
Change is an announcement
of Life's intention to go on. Change is the fundamental impulse of Life Itself.
Again I want to tell you that I don't
think that a lot of people see it this way. If they saw it this way they would heed the injunction of Christ, and "be not
afraid." Yet "ye of little faith" are afraid. Thus it was that Franklin Roosevelt was moved to say, "We have nothing to fear,
but fear itself."
I'm going to take that one step further. I'm going to say...
We have nothing to change, but
Change Itself. That is, we have only to change our ideas of what change is, and why it occurs, and we will have mastered the
central experience of life.
We should all be aware that change does not occur in a vacuum. Change does not take place
in the universe for no reason. Change is not a random act. Change is an announcement that something is not working.
changes that have occurred in your life have happened because disharmony was present. When disharmony is present, life becomes
dysfunctional-and that condition violates the first of the Basic Principles of Life (Life is Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable)
and invokes the second.
Okay...now you might say,
"If all things happen for the better...I mean, if that is
really true...then someone needs to tell me what in blazes God has in mind, because things sure don't look any better to me!"
this leads us to a change that I have been encouraging people to make about change itself. I have been saying to people..."Change
your idea about why change occurs."
And that's what we're going to take a look at next week.
The wonderful information
I am sharing with you here comes out of the insight in When Everything Changes, Change Everything-a book than can truly "change"
your life.
See you then!
Love and Hugs,
Neale © 2010 ReCreation Foundation - http://www.cwg.org - Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose
words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching
millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.