

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Archangel Michael: The New Earth Energies June 2011
3.) A New Energetic Alignment
4.) Why Would You?
5.) Jeshua - Message of the
6.) The Arcturians: Energies of Change
Isis' Message of the Day -
God said:
"If I am everywhere, and I am, then I must also be within you. Look for Me. Look to see
Me. You will see Me through My own eyes. And so I see Myself through you.
"All that is left for you to do is to see. Seeing also means remembering. Remembering
and seeing are the same. There is nothing unknown to you. Despite what you think, nothing is hidden from you. Paradise is
not hidden. You only have to look. Here, I gaze at it with you right now."
~ Quote from Heavenletters™
Paradise Is Not Hidden Copyright@ 2005 ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================

Dear ones, today is a fine day. We wish to bring you good news. Heaven is closer than
you think. It is all around you. It is in the eyes of a loved one, the smile of a child, the comfort of a pet. God shows up
in many forms and formats. God does not just show up after you pass on. There is much good on your planet. It just does not
get reported. People fall in love every day, they have babies, they do good deeds. Know there is much goodness out there.
Look for it. Appreciate it. Be grateful for it. Let others know how much it means to you when you reap the benefits of their
goodness. It often goes unrewarded. Nurture goodness in your world by noticing it. Start planting and watering goodness seeds
and watch them sprout. It starts with one person, then expands to two, then three, then four, and so on and so on. Remember,
you are one vehicle that God/Creator/All That Is can work thru. So, you can see, God has been very busy. Bless the seeds.
Be at peace!
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed
psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced
along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton.
Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Archangel Michael: The New Earth Energies June 2011
Channeled by Celia Fenn
June 7, 2011 at South Africa
Mastering Time and Embracing the Energy of Love and Support
The Lunar Eclipse of 15th June 2011 and The Activation of the Stonehenge "SuperGalactic"
Portal on the Solstice of 21st June 2011
In the last few months, ever since the initiation of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar,
Archangel Michael has been speaking about the concept of becoming a "Master of Time." This is because in this New Reality
of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, we cannot afford to be attached to one Calendar or One way of measuring or creating time.
There are many ways of working with the flowing cycles of time and the powerful energies that flow from the Galactic Center
and are the engine for Galactic and Planetary Evolution of Consciousness.
The most powerful energies are being found in the Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse on the
15th of June and the Solstice on the 21st of June 2011. These two Time Markers are guiding Human Consciousness to a new level
of Awareness and Connection.
The "Time Flow Program" that I am going to be using to discuss the importance of this
event is the New Reality Science of Astronomology...a new way of viewing the Evolution of the Earth and of Humanity through
the Stellar Charts of the Heavens, and one that incorporates thirteen houses instead of the twelve of conventional astrology.
The thirteenth house is called Ophiuchus, and it falls in that area between the end of
Scorpio and the beginning of Sagittarius. The name "Ophiuchus" simply means "Serpent Holder" and this Constellation is identified
with Healing and the Master Healing Energies, and the Archetypal energies of Aesclepius, Imhotep and the Snake Goddesses!
I have to admit a personal interest in this new house, as my own birthdate on December 8 means that I am a native of this
thirteenth house and all that it stands for in the New Energies.
Primarily, Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Global Healing, an energy that supports
and nourishes and heals. But, it is also interesting that Imhotep was known as a "Master Builder" and Architect, and in some
accounts is credited with the design and building of the Great Pyramid. This is of interest because the Total Lunar Eclipse
and the Solstice Alignments will be activating the Stonehenge SuperGalactic Portal, or "resetting" the Clock on the Stonehenge
Sacred Site to align the Earth with the Galactic Center, and this resetting will be transmitted to all those Sacred Sites
that function as the "nodes" of the Planetary Supercomputer, including the Pyramid Complex at Giza, and that will ensure that
Planet Earth is perfectly aligned on her Trajectory towards the 2012 alignment with the New Age of Light, which is also called
This is certainly a wondrous event and something to celebrate. While the rest of the world
my be enveloped in Gloom and Doom and expecting the end of the World, we can see quite clearly that we are perfectly on track
for the Galactic and Planetary Rebirth into the New Age of Light that
will be completed by the December Solstice Alignment of 2012.
What is most important to me is that Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Support, and
the energy of Aligning with the Galactic Frequencies. So many people that I speak to or who write to me complain of feeling
lack of support on so many levels. Yes, probably because you have been living according to one singular calendar or time cycle
technology that completely misses out this energy of healing and support. As we shift into an awareness of the Zodiacal Healer
and how these energies work with us, we can channel these energies into our lives in ways that are healing and supportive
of our changes.
This is the energy that we have been looking for and waiting for...and it is here to support
us in the next phase of our Journey. It really is time to celebrate!
So, let's talk about the Stonehenge significance to these upcoming Celestial and Planetary
At this visit to Stonehenge, which was my second, I was aware of stirrings and activities
in the Stonehenge energies. On the previous visit, in 2008, I had found Stonehenge to be particularly quiet, and the friend
I was with joked about Stonehenge being a "Galactic Bus Station" that no one was using! You need to understand that Stonehenge
is in Crop Circle Country, and that there have been significant Crop Circles in fields right opposite the Henge. So, in 2008,
the Bus Station was deserted, in Cosmic Terms, and nobody was hitching a ride! Then, in 2009, on my visit with Sarupa, I noticed
a complete change...I could feel Stonehenge "humming" before we even crested the Hill that takes you down into the valley
where the Stones are situated. It was "coming on line"in a wonderful way and the Cosmic Bus Station was gearing up to once
again receive Cosmic visitors, and to function as a Planetary Frequency Alignment Technology for the Planet.
This coming month, the two spectacular Celestial events focused on Stonehenge will bring
the Henge totally into Alignment with the New Time Codes, and will activate these realignments to all Sacred Sites on the
New Earth Grid, including the Pyramids in Egypt. It will be a massive Recalibration of the Earth for her New Earth Cosmic
TimeShip Earth is allowing us to connect with her Highest and most Beautiful and Healing
Frequencies! You are invited to Open your Heart and be Part of this Recalibration, which will be a personal recalibration
into the energies of Healing and Support that are archetypally signified by Ophiuchus.
On the 15th of June 2011, the Full Moon will rise over Stonehenge in Total Lunar Eclipse.
The Moon will also be just 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, that is, almost in conjunction. At that moment, powerful Lunar
and Galactic Light Codes will recalibrate the Divine Feminine energies of the Snake Godessess and the Platinum Ray energies
of the Shekinah into the Stonehenge Time Code Frequency Cycles. The Energy of the Great Cosmic Mother, Ma'at, will bring the
entire Henge back into Cosmic Balance...and the "Bus Station" will be ready to receive Cosmic Voyagers!
Now, on the Solstice of the 21st June, the Constellation of Ophiuchus once again has a
starring role. Here is an image of a Crop Circle image from Wilton Windmill from a few days ago. It shows a Serpent!
According to Astronomologer Donna Provancher, the Serpent
is pointed in the direction of Stonehenge, and signifies the union of the Serpent with the "Serpent Holer" at Stonehenge on
the 21st of June at the Solstice.The Serpent represents Psychic Power and
Energy, and the Serpent Holder is one who can hold these energies and use them for the benefit of Humanity and the
The Cosmic Planners on the Higher Dimensions are losing no time on this one! As soon as
Stonehenge comes "online" with the new Cosmic Frequencies, those who are open and ready are being given the opportunity to
embrace the Serpent Power energies for Personal and Planetary Healing on deep levels. As the "Heart" of Ophiucus rises over
Stonehenge on the 21st of June, we are all invited to open our Hearts and become One with the Serpent Holder, to empower ourselves
by embracing the Power of our Energy and using it for Deep Healing and Activation.
Those who are ready to become Masters of Time will no doubt celebrate this recalibration
and will be ready to "ride" the waves of Cosmic Energy that also make one a "Master of Light Harmonics". For it is this Mastery
of Time together with the Mastery of Light Harmonics that makes a Person a citizen of the Cosmos, one who is Aware of the
movements of the Celestial Supercomputer and who can ride the Waves of incoming Light with skill and presence of mind, and
with strength and courage. Not for nothing have the Indigo children been playing games and watching TV series about Mastering
Time and Energy! It is the gift that we are all offered when we can let go of the old disintegrating timelines and move into
an awareness of how the many different cycles and frequencies fit together to map our path to the Stars and the Journey of
TimeShip Earth.
So, on the 15th of June and the 21st of June, I would encourage you to be a part of these
incoming energies by participating in rituals and ceremonies and meditations that will anchor these New Light Codes in our
Cosmic Hearts and the Cosmic Heart of the Planet.
For more information about Astronomology and these alignments, I invite you to
visit the website of Donna Provancher at http://astronomologer.com *
© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com - You are free to copy, distribute, display,
and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial
purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to
others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. *
A New Energetic Alignment
June 10, 201
At the present time, a new energetic alignment is being created for the Earth that
is transforming the energies of negativity and separated consciousness that have previously been in predominance on the Earth.
This new alignment is shifting the balance of light on the Earth so that significantly more will become possible of light
manifesting within the consciousness of humanity.
In previous times, the energies of separation were embedded within the atoms and molecules
of third dimensional physical matter, which then supported choices related to individualized and separated consciousness.
This situation provided access by forces which oppose the expansion of light to control situations which would otherwise benefit
from more light filled awareness and choices.
These attempts can be seen in many areas and especially in choices related to the
needs of the Earth for more sustainable ways of living which have been blocked and delayed for so long, even in the face of
increasingly urgent climate changes.
Now, as the cosmic balance of light and darkness is shifting towards greater manifestation
of light, forces which oppose this expansion are doing everything possible to disrupt the process.
You may experience this in your own consciousness by sudden upsurges of fear, confusion,
or amplification of your own vulnerabilities. Plans created by your higher self which you are attempting to carry out may
suddenly be disrupted either from external forces or by sudden attacks of self doubt and confusion.
It is important to understand that something much larger than what your conscious
mind may understand is happening on the Earth, and that God's light is stronger than all energies of separation, negativity
and darkness. You have the choice at each moment where to focus your attention. You can focus on the negative energies, which
then amplifies the darkness or you can focus on God's light and love, and pray for healing.
At this time on the Earth the energy of prayer is greatly amplified as the planes
between physical and spiritual matter are much closer together now. Sincere and heartfelt prayer can transform situations
that would otherwise appear completely hopeless.
At the present time, a great and significant change is happening for the Earth which
is creating the foundation upon which the New Earth will be built. There is enormous suffering happening for so many right
now, and your love, light and prayers can help ease the burden and open the energetic pathways so that light and love can
flow more freely in each moment.
We give great thanks for your love, light and prayers for all who are working to bring
forth the blessings of the New Earth at this time.
With all love and blessings,
World Blessings * P.O. Box 8741 * Bend, Oregon
97708 * USA * (541) 388-4692 * The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from
my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic
whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to
an awakening world. * www.worldblessings.net *
You are invited to join us each Wednesday or Thursday
for the One World Meditations at:www.OneWorldMeditations.org * Helping
During Times of Need: Join us in sending love, light and prayer to those who are being affected by disasters
and humanitarian crises at www.ResponseOfLight.com *
HEAVEN #3852
Why Would You?
June 12, 2011
God said:
There is no telling what tomorrow will bring. Have the idea, which is an intention, that
tomorrow will bring you everything you want. Would you rather spend your thoughts on the nebulous unwanted things that tomorrow
could bring? What is the gain? Do you know that, when you are negative, you are making a sourpuss of your mind? God forbid.
You may call negative thinking realistic. I will call it being unkind to yourself. Let
not your thoughts be battering rams. Let not your thoughts be fearful. Let your thoughts be light-hearted.
Let your thoughts be like leaves of golden trees in the sunshine blown by the wind. The
leaves seem to swim in the air like goldfish in the sea. Let your thoughts be like that, thoughts that swim happily. See your
thoughts swimming to you, and you have more and more thoughts swimming to you. The fish get greater until you are overwhelmed
with the success of your thoughts.
Or let your thoughts be like a herd of elephants. Elephants seem to move slowly, and yet
they reach their destinations sooner that you would think. Elephants take big steps. Let your thoughts on all the good coming
to you and the world be steady. Your thoughts can walk in the world like elephants. Your thoughts can be solid.
Let your thoughts be birds that take flight. Let them soar. Let them take in the whole
horizon. Your birds of thoughts will return to you. If you want falcons, think falcon thoughts. If you want humming birds,
think hummingbird thoughts. Whatever you think, your thoughts will deliver. How many thoughts do you think in a day? In an
hour? In a minute? Better to have a handle on what you think.
If your thoughts come home to roost, have the thoughts you want return to you. They may
return a thousandfold.
If you must make a prognosis of world events, make your prognosis a good one. Watch what
you think, and watch what you say. What if your thoughts were a public newspaper or ads on TV? What if your thoughts were
the evening news? What if your thoughts were wishes? Your thoughts are as good as wishes, beloveds. Monitor your thoughts.
Discipline your thoughts. Make uplifting thoughts a habit. You say you are unable? What do you think negative thinking is
but a habit?
If you want to be happy, engage in happy thoughts. You will see results. Over time, you
will see great results.
If you want to bring on doom, think dooming thoughts. You will prove to yourself that
you were right. You bet on the right horse, see?
To foretell the good is not being blind. Rather, envisioning the good is seeing the future
you desire. Downward thoughts are a dime a dozen, and they are thought by the bush load. Why would it be hard for you to be
optimistic rather than pessimistic? Why would anyone think it is smart to be negative? Anyone and his brother can think the
sky is falling.
Herald days of joy. If you can have bad days, you can have good days. Who are you to decide
the fate of the world, and yet you do. At the very least, cast a vote for what is undeniably good.
Peace is good. Love is good.
To some minds, war is good. To some minds, hate is good. This must be so, or there would
be neither.
Do not think for one minute that I endorse the negative. Why
would I? Why would you?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to
God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to
stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff,
Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington
Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, even to say that you are a child of the Father implies a bit of separation,
and there is no separation. You are an extension; you are the living force of divine energy come forth into this reality because
you have decided to create this reality to play in it.
The Arcturians: Energies of Change
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
June 12, 2011
Greetings again dear ones. We see you anxiously awaiting some sort of action on
the part of the Galactics and you will not be disappointed. However, everything must be in place for it to happen in
ways that will not give rise to more of the games being played by those who wish you not to awaken. It must be done
in a way in which there is no confusion on the part of those ready for the energy now coming in. There must be
situations in place for it to unfold in the way that has been planned. We know you feel like nothing is changing
and that things are simply getting more and more chaotic on the earth. Yes, it does appear to be that way, but we tell
you that all the cleansing that Mother Earth is doing is acting to shift the energy tremendously and allowing her (as
well as you) to integrate great quantities of new and higher frequencies of light. She needs to clear as well as do
you, before the higher frequencies can enter and ground. All is proceeding according to plan. Do
not fear. If you have given your permission to ascend, then you will, never forget that.
We would now like to talk with you about the energies of the past; energies that
you still hold tightly within with thoughts that these things are "good." This is duality. You must understand that the "good" of
the past is just as three dimensional as the "bad." They are simply the opposite ends of the same duality stick,
so be willing to also let go of what you call "good" in your experience. Most are very willing to release that which
is old and painful, but not the good; believing that which is "good" is spiritual. "There
is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so." This quotation of Shakespeare's you have all
heard before -- know that it is very true. When a mind is immersed in the beliefs of duality and separation,
then that appears outwardly as good and evil. We simply remind you that you must also let go of those things you have
labeled good as well. All that is new and of the higher frequencies will be those same things you now love, but manifesting
on a much higher level; better forms of that which you already know. Understand that everything is a manifestation
of the Divine, but interpreted and manifest by the individual according to his state of consciousness. So please dear
ones, be willing to
let go of everything -- all you deem good as well as that you consider
bad. It is a matter of knowing only truth at all times, and holding this truth as your center and focal point in
the realization of One regardless of what appearances may be presenting themselves.
We would also like to talk with you regarding the energies of change you see taking place
in the world. What you are observing as chaos in the Middle East is the awakening of many souls. They are beginning
to feel the new energy of truth and it is manifesting as their desire for freedom, security, and self worth. These dear
souls do not consciously know that what they are experiencing is a shift in their energy to a higher level, but that is what
is happening. They are feeling and responding to the new world energy which is one of peace, happiness, and rights for
all people because all are One. Those who are
dying and suffering at this time, volunteered (pre-birth) to do this in order to help the planet and all peoples move forward.
Send these courageous men and women light. Visualize white
light flowing to these countries and these dear ones who are putting
their lives on the line for the many. Do not place conditions on this Light, meaning that this light is
to do this or that, but simply send it. White Light sent with the intention to flow Divine Light energy to a situation
or person contains within it everything needed for each. We would add that when you ever send light to individuals you
want to help and you feel a block, simply send it to their Higher Self with the intention that when the individual is receptive,
it will be given it to him.
The fires in Arizona and New Mexico are
a clearing old energy with regard to the settling of these lands. There was much fighting, fear, and hatred in those
times, and many died. It is this old and heavy energy that is now being cleared through fire. You see, it
is vital that you realize that you always leave your mark -- an energy signature, dear ones. Every thought, every
word, and every action is energy and this is why we urge you to be conscious your thoughts and your words. What you
say and how you say it always carries an energy so be aware of exactly what energy you are choosing to send forth.
For example, there are times when you may be required to speak firmly to someone, but firm words spoken with love (that is
with the realization of the Divinity of the other even when they do not know it), carry a very different energy than
those same words when spoken by someone saying them with hate. They may be the same words, but now carry a
totally different energy. Remember this example, dear ones, for everything is energy and just because you cannot see
it, you always leave your mark so to speak.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle

I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to Sleeping Bear National Park
and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys
was led to and began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material.
These deeply mystical teachings moved me into an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring
together in practice the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths. This in turn led to a series
of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers
of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main
interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get
their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. ** www.onenessofall.com/ * Marilyn@onenessofall.com *
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