1.) Today's
Angel Message
2.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
3.) It May Take a Hero
4.) Archangel
Michael & the Spiritual Hierarchy:
New Cosmic
Cycle of Love and Healing
5.) Council of 12: Open Your Mind - Expand
Your Options
Isis' Message of the Day -
Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem
from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."
What you resist persists. . . you are recreating
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We see you get caught up in the day-to-day
“struggle” of “making a living” and how you then miss all the little things that make life worth living.
The time spent with a cat purring, playing with a loving dog, sitting in comfortable silence with a loving spouse. It is the
little things, that when added up, become a source of great Joy. When one spends time in appreciation, one begins to realize
how many wonderful things do happen. One begins to remember the person who was most appreciative of some help offered, the
smile from the elderly lady whom you helped up a high step, the little kid who started laughing because you made a funny face.
These are all little moments, but they bring a smile to ones face. Take 5 to 15 minutes each day to remember the events that
made you smile, to remember the love you shared with those close to you. Now go take on the day and bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Some of you have said, “If the future comes
out of my visioning, where is the future right now?” The future is right now. As you make it, you are living the future
already. So you are, in essence, the power of Now, projecting it into the future, as you understand linear time to be.
HEAVEN #3634
It May Take a Hero
November 6, 2010
God said:
Wherever you are and whoever may be with you,
you are representatives of Me. Everyone you see in the super market, no matter how odd-looking, no matter what they buy, no
matter the expression on their faces, they are agents from Heaven just as you are.
The one you may consider your worst enemy is
also My agent. Therefore, there are no enemies. There are only representatives of Me, and I am no one's enemy.
Because someone steps on your toes does not make
him an enemy.
Because someone overrides you does not make him
an enemy.
No one is an enemy, no matter what he thinks,
no matter what you think, no matter what the world says.
He or she may be misguided. You may be misguided.
Surely you are. Surely, if you are irate, you have followed a false clue down an imaginary trail leading to a distorted view
or even distorted action.
The one who has stolen from you, whatever it
may be, needs something from you. He needs some recognition from you. He needs something he doesn't have, and that may be
understanding. If you are feeling put upon, odds are he is feeling put upon. Who will end this vise that tightens you both?
Who will end this battle for supremacy? Is that not what the battle is about -- who is going to win?
What is won, beloveds? Let the other win. He
may need winning more than you. What exactly is it that you need when you have Me? Act in My place. What would you do? How
ungiving could you be? You would be giving.
The person who offends you may not know that
he is My agent. You know you are Mine. So be it. Swallow your pride. Swallow your sense of self-righteousness. What will happen?
What crop will you be planting? What will you sow? Sow love. Sow some seeds of love. Rise higher. Rise above the throng.
No one can take away from you that which matters.
It is you who takes it away from yourself. You want honor from this other, and here you are dishonoring yourself over a tuppence
of pride. And if what he has stolen has great significance, still you are not to dishonor yourself which is the same as dishonoring
Me. You are My agent, and you represent Me, not falsely, but truthfully.
I never said, "A tooth for a tooth." I never
asked you to retaliate, even if you retaliate in your heart alone. When your heart is embroiled in a perceived wrong, find
a way to make the situation come out right. You have to change the mechanics. You have to create a new path. You have to let
go of the old. That is your choice. There is no other choice. If you want to disband hard feelings, you have to let hard feelings
When a gentleman is dancing with a woman and
she steps on his toes, he says, "Excuse me." He does this because he is a gentleman. Is he less because he says, "Excuse me,"
or is he more? What has he lost, and what has he gained?
And what do you lose, and what do you gain when
you are a lady or a gentleman? It is not dishonest to avoid or end a war. It is not weakening. It is strengthening. This is
rising above a situation. This is dispelling a situation.
Anyone can build a fire. All it takes is a match.
It may take a hero to put out a fire.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping
Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Archangel Michael & the Spiritual Hierarchy:
New Cosmic Cycle of Love and Healing
Received by Malika
October 20, 2010
Today (October 20, 2010) heralds the New Cosmic
Cycle. The old Cosmic Cycle of Duality and the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine has just been completed.
The most recent sightings of the Galactic Federation
of Light are preparing the mass consciousness for mass decloakings.
As Lord Sananda has previously declared to Malika,
the New Cosmic Cycle will be about Love and Healing. It will be likened to the 3rd chakra or Solar Plexus. In
this previous Cosmic Cycle where duality played itself out and is likened to the 2nd chakra, it culminated in the transcendence
of duality and the balancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies in all dimensions, planes and realities.
In this New Cosmic Cycle I, Lord Michael, and my wife for eternity, Lady Faith, will again be leading the Cosmos through this
next Cosmic Cycle. The 3rd chakra is the expression of Self, and the power to express Self. In order to access
this power, one needs to transmute the lower planes of existence, of presence, of creation. In the new Cosmic Cycle
we will be learning to fully embrace the knowledge of who we are and the ability to express it, both as Divine sparks of Source
consciousness, and as individual manifestations of parts of the whole. The Creator has given me permission to quarantine
the Dark so that it can wreak no more havoc throughout the Cosmos. This will take some time in Earth time, but is already
under way. This is because Heaven has decreed that the evolutionary awareness of the previous Cosmic Cycle has attained
critical mass, Cosmically speaking. This new Cosmic Cycle will be a joyful one of restoration, repair, blissfull relationships
and Self-expression. Although duality exists in the lower dimensions, the need to transcend darkness and duality will
simply no longer exist. This new Cosmic Cycle will continue until all are loved and all are healed. The Dark will
have the opportunity to play out their lessons, reabsorb themselves back into Source, or come to terms with and balance their
karma. The Law of Karma is an eternal one mandated by Heaven that as you sow, so shall you reap. Bad karma can
only be mitigated by performing actions that either directly or indirectly negate the bad karma.
We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, have watched
duality play itself out to exhaustion. As the Dark has made it a science for an inexorable long time on how to destroy
and manipulate, and therefore control Creation, no stone has been able to be left unturned, in order for Peace to exist throughout
the entire Cosmos. We congratulate all of the players, lightworkers, pure hearts, and Saints, not to mention Mother Earth
and Her kingdoms, including the animals, for being the brave and valiant warriors of Love and Light that have pinnacled this
new Cosmic Cycle of Love and Healing where all we be loved throughout the Cosmos, and all Creation will be healed, and will
reach all four corners of the multiverses. Keep up the good work, as all will be coming to a physical point of completion
very soon, and on time for the 2012 shift to occur. This will be permeated and adorned with acknowledgment of All for
their efforts and accomplishments, whether in physical body or not, and All will come to see All who have been behind the
scenes, as well as on the front lines, that have been the catalysts for this shift to occur.
We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, have hearts full
of gratitude for all the brave souls that have caused the shift in consciousness to occur. You are truly at the apex
point, which will be soon followed by massive celebration and healing of all planets and their kingdoms. Our hearts
are filled with the nectar of ecstasy and joy in the future reality of vitality, bliss and abundance for all sentience.
We bid you farewell for now, and peace and eternal
I, Malika, would like to express Gratitude and
Love to the Creator, Archangel Michael and the Spiritual Hierarchy, for the continuous and endless blessings, that you constantly
bestow upon Creation, known or not known. You are the breath of life to Creation as the gentle breeze reminds us to
breathe. We love you and thank you for your Heavenly Grace and Light always. All of our hearts pulse to the same
Cosmic beat.
Blessings On the Wings of Love,
Malika von Meister is an intuitive spiritual
healer, minister, Reiki Master, animal communicator and advocate for the Animal Kingdom and Mother Earth. She works
with many Forces of Light from Mother Earth to the Galactic Federation and the Cosmic Hierarchy on a daily basis to accelerate
global peace. newearthalliances@gmail.com *
Council of 12: Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options
Channeled by Selacia
November 05, 2010
Imagine what would happen in the world if millions
of people began to focus on what is right instead of what is wrong? You can be one of those millions today. Trust that this
makes a difference. Your light and focus does matter. It will change your life, and your world.
To be sure, there is a need to know what needs
correcting, but the tendency in recent times is to focus on problems with tunnel vision. You are seeing this tendency playing
out in the political arena, in business, and in personal relationships.
Narrow mindedness can be found within people
on every continent. In a typical scenario, a person rigidly holds on to his or her opinion, insisting that it is the only
answer. There is not room for compromise. There is not room to see that other ideas may also be valid.
Moving Into Expanded Thinking
A narrow point of view will keep your world
small and limited. This is the opposite of what you want. Your new-paradigm Earth cannot fully manifest until people learn
to move from narrow-minded thinking to expansive thinking. When you are thinking in an expansive way, you have openness to
other points of view.
When you have an open mind, you are not threatened
by the ideas of others. You welcome them. You have a choice about whether to adopt new ideas, in part or in full. You can
consider all points of view with your intuitively guided reason and then make your own choice.
To be most effective in your focusing on
ideas, remember balance. When your focus is in balance, you avoid the chaos of trying to wrap your mind around too many ideas
at once.
Focusing with Enlightened Consciousness
A Divine Changemaker learns to bring an enlightened
consciousness into focusing on issues. As you focus in on your life, realize that you cannot effectively focus on everything
at one time. As you awaken, you discover that putting the spotlight on everything at once distorts your ability to discern
truth. You could miss details, overreact, and be unable to distinguish fact from fiction.
Making your optimal choice is easier when you
are not stressed by over thinking. If you become too stressed, your mind can become clouded, and your emotions can negatively
influence what you do next.
Remember that even when you choose nothing
and take no action, your choice to do so is still a choice. There is energy in everything you do, feel, or think. Make your
choices wisely. Your power comes from being present and aware of your choices, and if necessary, altering them for your highest
good. Likewise, you access more potency when you stop worrying about past and future choices. The power to change your life
comes from today's choices.
Tips for Balance
The following are some suggestions for staying
in balance during these chaotic times. Review this list when you begin to feel on overload, when you realize that you have
multiple decisions to make, and when you are either anxious or depressed.
1. Step back from thinking-and-doing
mode and tune into your heart. Your heart will help guide you to the next steps. Sometimes that next step is to be still.
In the stillness, you can better hear your inner wisdom, and you can be refueled for greater creativity.
2. If you are seeing troubles at every turn,
remember that it is the energy of goodness that fuels creation. At a core level, the quality of goodness is within you, and
it is within everyone you meet. Focus on wishing others goodness - without agenda or condition - and you generate a positive
vibration. It is easier to wish goodness like this for those you love. The path of the Divine Changemaker is to wish goodness
for all, including strangers and those who oppose you. Becoming skilled at this is a part of your path. Set your intent to
see the goodness in the world, and in other people.
3. When you are facing a problem, consider
talking about it less. Give the dilemma less energy by focusing on it less. This means reducing the amount of time you think
about it, talk about it, and worry about it. Set your intention to give your energy to positive changes and to noticing things
to be grateful for.
4. Even in your darkest moments, you can
cultivate a feeling of gratitude. When you do this, you raise your frequency. It is like an energy tonic. When you are feeling
expansive from expressing gratitude, your naturally generate positivity. A more positive point of view can open the door to
new possibilities and innovative solutions for your life.
5. Some days when life has become complex
and stressful, it may be challenging to access your center. It may be difficult to appreciate your circumstances, or to feel
a real connection with the world. In those moments, think of something bigger than you that inspires you-something that reminds
you of the interconnectedness of all life. Think of something that's more beautiful than what you are seeing in your life.
Examples include a double rainbow, a majestic redwood tree, and the sun setting on a sparkling blue ocean.
6. Let go of trying to fit in or have what
others have. When you go into nature, the flower or tree that catches your eye is not a carbon copy of others. It stands out
because of its uniqueness. There is something different about how it catches the light, its color, or its overall feel. Know
that you are like the flower or tree. It's okay to be different. You don't need to look like the others, or be like them either.
You shine most brightly when you are genuine and not pretending to be like the crowd.
7. Do you want to have more joy in your life?
Consider lightening up as you approach your work, your relationships, and yourself. When you take life too seriously, you
become too attached to outcomes and are less able to accept what is. A too-serious approach will kill your joy because you
will be trying too hard. Lighten up today, then, and discover the joy that's naturally there.
8. When you want to feel more peace, think
of a beautiful nature scene with water or go there if you can. Imagine the calm, life-giving water. Invite into your energy
field the element of water. Intend that this opens you to a flow of goodness and love. This energy flow is boundless. You
have plenty for yourself, and plenty to give to others. Give some away! You then expand the flow of goodness and love in the
As you continue the journey of discovering
your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.
We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council
of 12, * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * *
Selacia: A channel for The Council of 12, is
internationally known for her work in the inspirational/ transformation field. In her forthcoming 2012 book, readers will
receive an understanding of their options during Earth’s pivotal years. Selacia provides private sessions by phone
to clients worldwide, helping them to navigate the 2012 window changes and to move into more clarity, joy, and empowerment.
Known throughout the world for her work with The Council of 12, Selacia in 2000 brought the Council of 12's wisdom to the
UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations. She offers ongoing writings and teachings focused
on healing and spiritual transformation. A gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, she offers regular seminars,
DNA workshops, teleclasses and group channelings. Join Selacia’s mailing list at her website to be informed of seminars,
worldwide call-in teleclasses, and global Council of 12 channeling events including the annual Wesak. To schedule a private
session with Selacia: Tel: 310.915.2884, E-mail: selacia@selacia.com Web site: www.Selacia.com *
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