NEW Beginnings! - B - Happy !!

You are free right now.
Be happy. This is a blessing and an order.
 - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletter #4412 The Lingering Light of the Sun, December 23, 2012
God said:
Do you want to be happy? Then be happy.
Does this sound like poor advice? Beloveds, it is very good advice, for you can be happy regardless of the reason why you may think you can't be.
By and large, happiness is your choice. If you can choose unhappiness, you can choose happiness. I do understand that unhappiness seems to be something thrust upon you, yet it is a hot potato that you choose. If unhappiness seems to approach you, you don't have to accept it. Consider it a package in the mail sent to you by mistake. You have happiness available to you. Accept it. Through thick and thin, accept happiness. Why not? Why not find the happiness that is yours?
You may well not have full say over your circumstances, yet you do have full say over your awareness. You may have convinced yourself that something is terrible. If something is terrible, you tell yourself, what can you do but be unhappy? This is programming, beloveds. You have convinced yourself of sequence in life. You have convinced yourself that, because of this or that, it is not possible to be happy. Yes, you give mighty reasons and forget all the reasons under God's sun to be happy.
In this moment, beloveds, you can be happy.
Let Me hear no more from you about the world being hard or awful. I have even heard it said that the world is hopeless. No, beloveds, the world is beautiful, and the world offers you bounty, and you are available to make the world richer because you are in it.
The world welcomes you. Be a good guest. You are visiting in My house. You are My guest in a Paradise on Earth that I have made for you.
So the bed isn't as comfortable as you would like it to be? Perhaps the other guests are noisy. Perhaps you couldn't sleep well last night. Perhaps you have a sore back. Perhaps you are too cold or too hot. Perhaps you have an upset tummy. Perhaps you have heard that doom is foretold. Perhaps your heart has been broken. Perhaps your eyesight is failing. Consider a new perhaps and another and another.
Perhaps you are blessed. Perhaps you are loved. Perhaps you love. Perhaps you are an abundance of love and good fortune. Perhaps you can make hay while the sun shines. Perhaps you can put a pillow under someone else's head. Perhaps you can sing a song, take a walk around the block, dance a dance, pick a flower or plant one, eat a cookie or bake some, or you can smile, and you can laugh. Perhaps you have an idea. Perhaps you can climb a tree, a mountain, a ladder. There are perhaps so many things that the world offers you. What keeps you back from happiness is not the world you are surrounded with. Love this world, and take happiness from it.
Hopeless? Never. Never, never, never. No matter what, you can get your spirits up and make good sense of relishing happiness. It is available to you. There is no shortage of happiness. You may not have been looking, or you have been looking in the wrong places. There is something simple here that I am saying. You may be overlooking what I am saying. Perhaps you are attached to being a tragedian. Perhaps you find sorrow somehow more gratifying or worthwhile than happiness. Perhaps you are so used to the shade that you prefer it to the sunshine.
Come with Me. Come with Me now, and We'll ease you out of shadow into the lingering light of the sun.

Teacher Hezekiah.
Subject: “Evidence of Genuine Spirituality.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
“Evolutionary religions are presumed to teach spirituality, but they frequently miss the obvious; that matter has little to do with spirituality. Matter is indeed a means to spirituality, but it does not define the spiritual. Throughout the ages, religions have been expressed through the building of temples, the making of ‘holy’ objects, and the practice of ‘sacred’ rituals, in trying to form a bridge to the spiritual, yet sadly distorting true spirituality that comes from within, from the soul. Spirituality neither negates material realities, nor does it rely on the material. Its essence is spirit, its source is God, and its repository is the human soul.
“Pause to consider that spirituality does not define you at the present time. The day will come when you will acquire a spiritual nature, but for now spirituality in you is a construct of values inspired by the Spirit Within, perceived by your mind, and manifested in your soul through its most genuine characteristic: Faith. In other words, in your current condition, that which really defines your spirituality is your faith in God. Faith is spiritual because it believes in life beyond matter, eternal salvation in God. Irrespective of how it labels these spiritual realities, faith is basic, the first evidence of real spirituality.
“Further evidence of spirituality – the most beautiful – is love. Religiosity without love is an empty shell, words without substance, mere dogmas of a sad and barren life. While faith is totally subjective – from you and for yourself – whilst love is altruistic – from you to everybody else. Love is spiritual because it originates in God, and God is Spirit. Loving is not to want somebody only for you; love is to give the best of yourself to everybody else. Love is what makes your spirituality meaningful, not self-centered religiosity. Love is faith, propelled by the outgoing force of God’s goodness.
“Finally, genuine spirituality is evident through genuine humility. Religion often has been associated with human pride, through self-righteousness, by the display of good deeds and personal exaltation. How different from the spirituality shown by the humble Carpenter of Nazareth, who considered His most valuable treasure his humble, tender, and unsophisticated relationship with God, whom He graciously called ‘My Father in Heaven’! Humility is natural, effortless and tremendously simple. Being so authentic, humility is the right way to express sincere spirituality – nothing less and nothing more than who you really are; neither worse, nor better than any other son or daughter of God.
“These characteristics, my dear, constitute the evidence of true spirituality. There is a vast difference between being religious and being spiritual. Spirituality can only come from what is spiritual, whilst religion can, and sadly has been, associated with things that are far from spiritual. True spirituality cannot exist without realization and acceptance of the ministry of the Spirit of God within you. You and anyone else, irrespective of your present moral condition, can cultivate genuine spirituality, so take the time to listen to, and follow, the sweet and tender voice of the Spirit Within. In this fashion a re-birth in real life beyond matter, beyond false ego, and beyond sin, will be yours!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

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John - Cleveland Ohio USA