My Purpose In Life

The Light Circle Ezine
A World-Wide Publication
This publication is offered free of charge and has been published 365 days a year. And is coming to an end before December 21, 2012. Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self.
Published by Isis "Lady Of Light" since 02-22-02

Welcome into this Circle of Light beaming around the world.
A Portal of Light opened just for "you."
Dedicated to the Service of the One Infinite Creator.
"Messages sometimes arrive on our doorstep when least expected. We can ignore them, dispute them or listen to them. Life is a series of choices. Our job is to make the right choices at the right times."

If something you read here,does not ring true to you then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in fact in the next instant -- as "all things are in constant change." Every four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears -- changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. Please keep in mind when reading this newsletter that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of understanding.  If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it.  It may be an eye-opener for someone else!

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 10-17, 2012
3.)  Ascended Master Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message: June 8 - 15, 2012
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  This Is the Way of Flowers
6.)   A Message from Spirit: My Purpose in Life
7.)  Getting into the Game (Searching for your Assignment)

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel, you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder; but cheerful folks manage to draw their knees up and pass a very comfortable night."

~ Marion Howard ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Be gentle with yourselves. As the energy on your earth continues to intensify and the waves of light wash into your planet, they will, like large ocean waves, wash up whatever is buried in the depths of your soul. Much like cleaning out your physical closets you will find the hidden treasures, the forgotten dreams, as well as the energies you have stuffed deep within. Truly it is time on your planet to face yourselves, with courage, compassion, and great love. It is time to embrace all that is rising up from within.
Some of you will feel your soul's desires rising up very strongly. In this case, take time in quiet to ponder and allow the guidance to arise within you. How can you begin to fulfill your dreams, one step at at time. Give your soul room to breathe in your own life and take the steps necessary to go down the paths you long to travel.
Some of you will feel old pains, upsets, and fears arising from within. Rather than running from these feelings, embrace them. Pretend you are embracing a child in pain or an upset little one within you. Pretend you are comforting the scared child within. It is not longer possible to run from yourselves dear friends. There is too much light rising up within all of you and it is flushing everything to the surface.
As you go through this phenomenal and beautiful growth, celebrate! You - the real you, the loving divine soul that God created you to be - is coming to the surface. Anything less than your truth is being revealed so it can be healed. You are not going "backwards." You are going "inwards" and you are allowing yourself to learn to love all that has been within you.
Be kind to yourselves. Be gentle with yourselves. Be honest with yourselves. From that point of compassion for self you can communicate and interact with the world in a much more loving manner. 2012 my dear friends is not the end of the world at all, but rather instead a grand and glorious opportunity to release the past and recreate yourselves in wonderful and beautiful ways.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products  *   

Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 10-17, 2012
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones, 
This is a time of staying grounded and connected with Mother Earth. Plan to spend as much time out of doors as is possible for you. Allow yourselves to open to the higher energies of your Higher Self and be in quiet contemplation as much as you can. For those who are ready, this is the time of the merging process with your higher aspects. Let the cares and concerns of this world just be what they are and keep the higher vision of yourselves in steady view. This is most important. 
You are being prepared for the greater opening of your consciousness to the remembering of who you are and your reason for being here in these times of Now. There are many loving Beings from the higher dimensions who walk by your side and give guidance and counsel as the transmutation and transformation within you takes place. You will be experiencing the heat that rises up your spine with greater frequency now and it is important to consume great quantities of clean, pure water. This will assist in moving the higher frequencies through the meridians of your physical body in greater comfort and ease. 
Keep a steady course on the Path that you have chosen and trust that all is well. Everything that comes up for review is just passing through your consciousness – bless it all and gives thanks that it is leaving. As this process continues, it is refining your thought patterns and ways of expressing to a higher, more loving and all encompassing level. Be aware that those around you who have awakened might begin to express that which needs to be cleared from them and since you have already gone through this process, you can be understanding and patient with the ways in which these manifest through them. 
Above all else, keep the love of the Creator first and foremost in your hearts and remember that each Dear One that is before you is an individual spark of that greatness and magnificence also. Help them to own everything that wells up from within them and to accept themselves as it flows through, or in many cases, explodes or erupts from within them. The fires of transmutation can be overwhelming, especially when the process of it is not understood and the reason for it is not comprehended. Let them know that this is occurring in every Human Being upon the Planet and that resistance makes it seem more intense. 
The cleansing and transmuting energies of greater Love brings out long hidden and unacknowledged feelings and thoughts that must be allowed to express, no matter how intense the expression. Advise them to go with it and to give love and compassion to themselves during this process. Your calm acceptance and understanding will help tremendously. You have all been there and done that as you stepped into the unknown and blazed a path for them to follow and now you turn back and offer a helping hand where needed. And so it is. 
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Ascended Master Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message: June 8 - 15, 2012
 Julie Miller
Dear ones, are you feeling the balanced activity of the Love that is coursing through your heart, reaching your mind, body and spirit? Make it a point in your spiritual practice to include the sacred and nurturing Violet Fire. Invoke its healing attributes to flow through you, bringing you calm, illuminating your wisdom, power and love that is also part of another sacred flame, the Threefold Flame. This sacred flame is the building blocks, your foundation to spiritual understanding of yourself and where your path is leading you to. Understand the unification of these sacred plumes of blue, gold and pink once activated and recognized, then take the time to notice their presence, to notice yourself rising into higher vibrations of your consciousness. When you have finally dropped all walls, learned to love yourself and all that you are through acceptance and forgiveness you will begin to discover something else equally as wonderful and learning your true self and that is uncovering your I AM Presence. Inside each of you no matter where you are on your journey is a spark, a light that is breath takingly beautiful and that is God inside you. As you learn to work with the Violet Fire and understand the foundation building of the Threefold Flame you will understand the important of gratitude to yourself, why the importance to love yourself first and foremost. Blessings of light radiate from each of you when you move forward in every action from your God Presence. 
Focus on the knowing of yourself, follow this Path of Light and see where it takes you. Open your heart while controlling your ego. Undertaking the path of discovering your Inner Truth requires a great amount of patience, discipline, diligence and a few more attributes. So often many dear souls begin strong and full of zest but the journey to understanding their Inner Truth can become long and arduous. Perseverance is essential in all undertaking that require effort and patience. No matter where your struggles are, you will learn valuable lessons especially when you stop fighting within yourself and just be the Child of Light you are. Each of you are beautiful, all of you has the potential and ability to live through your heart, shining your love unconditionally everywhere you go. Unconditional Love is not only for those souls who like to give or don’t like to receive or vice versa. Unconditional love is when you are able to find joy in giving without any expectations and not bothered by not receiving a gift in return. For many dear souls who live this way, the joy that appears on a face, or the smile the quietly broadens across the face is their gift in return. And yes there are a few souls out there who do not show their happiness but inside there is a smile going on and the one giving the gift simply "Knows" this. Living unconditionally with love is a choice dear ones. All you do is the result of choices, from the words you choose, the clothes you wear and the food you select to eat – choices are part of every routine. And you are responsible for every single one.
I know the many interactions you face throughout the day are not always pleasant. They become less troublesome when you are able to move through each instance when you apply love into your responses and reactions. Every time you allow yourself to over react, or become angry you lose precious energy and you invite low energy in dear ones. Low energy carries a heavy negative burden and will weigh you down. You are to learn what is being represented here, what the lesson is and be done with it. Hanging onto situations that are already passed only causes stagnation and prevents you from achieving all the wondrous spiritual and personal experiences you are meant to have. Don’t become stuck dear ones, or lost down a spiral of dismal despair. Reach for the healing flame of the Violet Fire, speak unto God asking for direction, have faith in yourself and in the answers you will receive through your heart. 
I have love for every person that lives on earth. I can feel the love that is freely stirring ever so gently. Yes some of this love is a little strained and unsure but it is so precious. I encourage you dear ones to delve into a creative means, discover what brings you pleasure and allow yourself to lose yourself in it, drop all burdens for those precious moments and "Let" the joy of the pleasure seep into your heart. I ask you dear ones to bask in the joy as the Joy is part of the Light of God reaching you at your central core. Learn to be more joyful and discover the delight of knowing and living with joy and love in the Light of God. 
Feel how good it is to be momentary empty of your worries. You have many angels at your side; ask them to help heal your spirit as you revel in the pleasure of what is bringing you this joy. Learn how to carry this joy into your daily tasks. Joyful and Love-full living is not an impossibility. It does require changes to be made but any change that is desired to be seen outwardly must begin with going inside learning what it is that you need to change, what it is you want to improve on. The divine truth of who you are is not going anywhere and neither are your choices. You can dodge them for quite some time, but the truth of all matters eventually finds its way to being exposed. 
Focus on being the best representative of God that you can be. Understand and acknowledge that learning curves do happen and there are no mistakes on your journey. You are learning about you, and you are given opportunities to learn other ways of doing things, possibly the opportunity of breaking an unhealthy cycle. Every morning you rise is a new day filled with Opportunity to learn more, it is filled with Hope and Promise. Stop the inner battles, take a step back and see yourself as I and all others of the Divine see you – Simply beautiful. Breathe in the truth that God really does love you. Yes you have faced some pretty difficult moments, but still here you are, proving to yourself and to everyone else just how strong you are. Each battle, and each struggle you had oh yes they came with valuable lessons that were meant to prepare you for the coming of days, to help you learn to love yourself, to be forgiving and understand that compassion and love can still live inside you. We know you can rise to any challenge. All of you are winners in my eyes and in God’s eyes. Please dear ones see yourself as a winner. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing and comparing yourself. Look at what you are doing; focus on this with all the love that is filling your heart. Master what it is you are trying to achieve. I know you can and somewhere deep inside so do you. 
It has been a great pleasure to be speaking through this dear vessel today. It won’t be long until I transmit through her again; until that time dear ones know that I am always available to guide and support you where you are at in your journey. 
I AM Ascended Master Serapis Bey
Through Julie Miller
**Note from Isis: If anyone has contact information for Julie Miller please send it to me or ask her to contact me at ... Thank you!'
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are not limited even to what you see the future to be. You are going to make your own future by the power of changing your perceptions. Hear that well. You are going to make your future according to how you change your perceptions.
Visit our website:  *    

Heavenletter #4216
This Is the Way of Flowers
June 10, 2012
God said:
There is a flower out there that we could say represents you. This flower grows in a field of unsurpassed beauty, perhaps a field of daisies, or it may grow in a woodlands all by itself, a surprise of color popping out behind a tree, or it may grow in a pot outside someone's kitchen window, or it may grow in a pot inside the house. It may be watered daily, or it may be neglected. In any case, the flower that could represent you, no matter what, in sunlight or in shadow, grows. You are growing, and, like all flowers, you are growing toward the sun. It is inevitable. This is the way of flowers.
They live their lives rising higher. They lift their heads. They drink the rain. They blossom rapidly, or they blossom once in a lifetime. How common are flowers, and how rare are flowers. And all flowers grow to the magnet of the sun, the same way you grow to Me.
Fish swim to the same shore year after year in order to spawn. The magnet of a certain ocean side pulls them.
Where does this pull come from? It doesn't come from the outside. There is an outside, so to speak, that the little fishies and flowers bow to, yet where does the pull come from? Flowers, fish, and you have such pulls and urges from within. There is something within you that pulls you to Me. Of course, I desire you, as the sun desires flowers, and the sea its fish, and, yet, the common desire lies within you. It is built-in. It is natural.
Some would say it is in your DNA. Some would say it is in a little empty place in your heart. Some would say it is a little echo from the past. What would you say?
Where does your urge for Me and more of Me, and, therefore, more of your Self come from? What oars propel you? What boat do you sail on? From where do you come, and to where do you go? What is now, and what is thence, and so forth? Who are you? What are you? What is this life that you are so embroiled in, and who is it who is so embroiled, and what, after all, are you embroiled in?
You are the teller of a story, and the writer of it, and the reader of it, and the actor of it. You are the star of it, and, yet, you, the individual do not quite exist. You seemingly exist but more as an idea, for you, yourself, don't really know the tales of your existence or what they mean or how the imagined you came into existence, or if you came into existence at all or always existed or never existed.
Were you once a flower who practiced growing to the Sun, a fish who swam to a shore he knew not why but only that he must, and are you a human being or are you a Divine Being temporarily stationed in a human body? When all is said and done, what are you made of? Surely you are not the muscle and sinew you appear to be, nor are you the vitamins and minerals your body is made of. Somewhere within you is the Real You that is not physical unless you call a spark of light physical. You are more than electrical as well, and yet you are light, brilliant light, far-shining light, monumental light, not fractal but light itself, My light, in fact, My light in a prism of light, colorful light, the same way flowers looking up at Me and fish swimming to Me are My beautiful creations.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *     

A Message from Spirit: My Purpose in Life
Through Barbara Dutcher
June 10, 2012
Dear One, thank you for asking about your purpose in life. This is a question that many ask, although many others do not believe there is any purpose beyond making what is known as a ‘living’ and having a family, gathering material possessions, and attaining what society calls success.  You however, have an inner knowing that you are able to go beyond these petty interests, and to acknowledge that you have a purpose here.

Your purpose is the same as any other divine being who manifests here. That is, to return to the divine oneness from which you came.

How is this to be accomplished? Whenever you feel your heart nudging you, you will find you are being led to an experience, a meeting, some words perhaps, or simply a feeling that lifts your heart above the material world even for a brief moment. In these moments you will find your worries lessening, you will find that you feel guided, loved, protected and provided for. For, of course, you are always provided for and guided.

Your purpose is simply to appreciate life, to love yourself, to love others, to find that peace in your heart that is easily forgotten when the cares of life overwhelm you. Listen within, spend time alone, learn to recognize the promptings of your Spirit. This is your purpose. To love, to appreciate, to be grateful, to grow, to laugh, to sing and be happy. No other purpose is required.
This message is an excerpt from Barbara Dutcher’s new book; "When I Listened: Spirit Answers Life’s Frequently Asked Questions." You can read more about it here: *
Barbara offers private spiritual counseling services – see this link: She also teaches others to reliably receive guidance from Spirit – read here: *  

Getting into the Game (Searching for your Assignment)

The Galactic Federation of Light has shared with us their views that the time has come for all of us to be fully engaged in the tasks that will see to the successful conclusion of our overall mission, as the time for 3rd dimensional distractions has come to pass. There are those at this time who have expressed that they are not yet sure what their individual assignment or assignments are at this time, so let us discuss briefly what some of these assignments may be, keeping in mind there are no wrong choices. Whatever it is you feel you resonate with is always an excellent choice.

To find which assignment may be the one for you, you may ask yourself, “What is it I'm good at? What is it that seems to draw me to it like a magnet? What is it I have learned? What is it that interests me? What are some of the jobs I've had in this lifetime? Could they have something to do with my assignment at this time? What are some of the professions of my friends? Could this also be a clue? When I am surfing the Internet I seem to keep running across topics with related themes. Perhaps this is a sign and this is my true calling?”

The Galactic Federation of Light has made it clear that they will not contact us in any way to tell us what our individual assignments are, as we are not only here to see to the successful conclusion of our shared mission, but we are also here on personal journeys as well and part of this journey is to find our own way.

Our overall mission here that we, the Lightworkers, are involved in is service to this planet and her people. As part of our duties towards this service, we are to assist the people of this world understand what is transpiring here, what their options are, and support them in what may be a challenging period for many. Many at this time seek answers to their many questions. This is one assignment that is available for you to become involved in. Those of us who have reached an understanding of the events transpiring at this time are asked to be a fountain of information for any and all that seek a higher understanding of what is transpiring around them.

All the tools that you will ever need for this assignment are at your fingertips. The Internet and the social networks are all you need to reach thousands, even millions of those who seek knowledge that is not available through mainstream media. (*At this time, the Galactic Federation of Light asks of us to focus on one matter, and that is their existence, who they are to us, their presence here in our world, and of their honorable intentions to assist us make this transition as smooth as possible and advance our world to where it is we rightfully belong.*)

Do not wait for someone to ask you a question directly. If someone leaves a comment under a post stating that they are confused or they do not understand what is going on, this is a call for your services and it is your task to respond.

Another very important area of our mission is to help calm the fears of others. Again, the Internet is your office. Do not wait for someone to come to you and say “I am scared,” as this will rarely be the case. All you have to do is read the comments under messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, ascension or UFOs in general, and it will be clear to those of you who have the talent to identify when another is showing signs of fear. Look for the telltale signs. When someone begins to lash out at a post about ascension or the GFL, or shows signs of denial, what they are really saying is “I'm scared,” and these are the bells above the door to your shop letting you know a client has just walked in.  It is the task of those who have trained in this area to respond with soothing vibrations of love, light (which is information), trust, security, reassurance and reason. If this sounds like something you can do, then perhaps this is your assignment. There are no penalties for trying one assignment, not resonating with it and trying another. You will always be doing our mission a great service by simply participating.

Another area that you may participate in is the healing fields.  Is this something that you have taken the time to learn about? Have you learned about healing frequencies, color therapy, aromatherapy, sound healing, crystals and stones? If you have answered yes to any of these, perhaps this is your area of expertise. Your clinic is the Internet and your waiting room is full, as each and every day I read posts and comments of those that are suffering ailments, illnesses and ascension symptoms. Again, do not wait for someone to ask you how they may treat their ailments. Volunteer your wisdom, your knowledge and your experience, and allow each person to choose if they wish to accept your gift.

There are many at this time that are very interested in learning how to more effectively communicate with their guides, their star family, and members of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command. If this is an area you have familiarized yourself with, could you share some pointers in this field or direct someone to sources of information that discuss these techniques?

Another area that requires personnel we shall refer to as ‘navigators.’ There are so many awakening at this time, and each and every day sees new faces that really do not know where to turn, where to look for information, and don't even know what information they're looking for. Could you be a navigator and direct these newly awakened souls to communities that may assist them on their journey?  Communities such as Facebook, Youtube, and online spiritual communities, extraterrestrial communities, and sources of ascension or extraterrestrial knowledge?

Here's an assignment that I am sure many would be very gifted at. How often do we see online bullying, flame throwing, and hostile bickering back and forth through our online social networks that have been designed to be avenues of love, light, higher vibrations and as safe haven for all those seeking greater understandings? Are you gifted at keeping the peace, calming both sides of a confrontation and expressing and sharing your ideas of how we can better communicate together and how each other's views and opinions should be respected and honored at all times? If this is something that you feel is right up your alley, then you have found your assignment.

I have noticed a large divide being dug between those who follow a spiritualistic discipline and those who resonate more with an extraterrestrial theme. In reality, we are all playing for the same team, there is no divide or different schools in this universe, but I have noticed many of one of these disciplines challenging the other quite often. Are there those of you out there who can bridge this gap and reconnect those who are experiencing this disconnection? You may refer to yourselves as ‘bridge builders,’ for indeed, you will be building an important bridge between these two concepts that are only separated through the distortion of our 3rd dimensional illusion.

Are there those of you out there who have learned holistic medicine? How about those of you who have become very knowledgeable in the field of nutrition, diet and exercise? These are very important disciplines at this time, and you are asked not to be bashful, but share your wisdom with all those who may benefit from it.

At this time, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light have stated that they are stepping up their program to allow more sightings and much better quality sightings of their ships to better prepare humanity for their introductions. These Galactic Commands have lived up to their end of the bargain, though we are not living up to our end of the deal and sharing these amazing videos nearly enough to make an inpact. Are there those of you out there who can surf Facebook, especially Facebook groups, Youtube, and other ‘UFO’ related websites, collect these videos and share them throughout the online social networks? If you could, you would be doing our mission a great service.

These are just a few examples of the tasks that are needed to be accomplished here at this time. There are others, and in the days ahead after the completion of these assignments there will be new assignments entrusted of us, and the Galactic Commands have suggested that these assignments may be very exciting and enjoyable for us. I hope this gives you some idea of what our tasks are at this time. Remember, it is more important that you get into the game, rather than spend time worrying about where you will stand on the field. All are welcomed and encouraged to participate, and your efforts are greatly appreciated and well needed at this time.  See you on the field!
