My Bio / My Creed / My Path

What Else Matters When There Is Love.
One Origin, One Destiny, We Are One.


Who and what we all are - a Spark of the Divine, the Real Self,
and who and what we all are not, i.e., the imposter Self/the false Self - the ego or anti/Love.
It is only the real-self that learns how to love and therefore will grow.
Love and Forgive All, tolerate, discriminate, do not judge, be Cheerful.
Love & Forgive Yourself.
Perfection & Love is your Natural vibration.


“Knowing that the ego,
Is the source of all my fear,
I stay within my Spirit Self,
Where all is calm and clear.”

~ Kaypacha


Some of you are solving all the old 3D mysteries,
and are going into a New Higher Vibration;
a Higher Dimension, beyond 4D - a new consciousness.
Your life is never going to be as it is today or was yesterday. Some of you are sensing this deep shift.
What was is no longer. Even though the shift happening now is truly the demarcation between what was and what is. Prior to the energies now raining on earth, you lived a 3D life with 5D, 6D or beyond intent and sensations. Such is no longer.
After this particular shift, you will be of earth, but not of 3D. Yet, our 3D existence is rapidly fading, for you will have little interest in continuing your 3D roles. Because 3D mysteries are no longer hidden from you, you are discovering new interests and directions based on a broader perspective.
Meditate, be earnest, sincere and vigilant,
look upon all things with an equal eye,
and remain unattached.
Life will no longer Be The Same, you are coming Home ...


You are surrounded by the wild fire of the worldly life.
You are travelling in the dire forest of infatuation
delusion, attachment to things and beings.
The tiger-mind is threatening to devour you.
You are captured by the thieves, the six dacoits -
lust, anger, greed, deceit, etc.
You are stung by the snake, Asa or desire.
Find out the means of escape at once.
Pray meditate dance sing chant God's name.
Develop intuition {instinctive knowing}.
Study spiritual literature, books internet.
Mingle with loving folks who will lift you up,
give up bad company, do not develop evil habits.
Visit churches shrines temples the forest.
Eat simple light pure food.
Listen to pleasing soothing music.
Observe silence for a short time daily.
Do charity - selfless service.
Speak the truth, reduce your wants, never hurt.
Self-analysis, think of the mistakes you have made.
Take light physical exercises such as walking, etc.
Surrender to God: Think of God as soon as you wake,
and just before you go to sleep.
Free yourself from the thraldom of mind and matter
by entering into peace joy Universal Reality.


Message of Love {Transmitted}.

When the threshold of the heart is reached, there is no longer the need for change through time. It is one step, one leap, one shift into a new vibration that is so delicious, so filled with the waves of truth that it ripples through your being and charges your heart that it may be the vehicle of the inception of life made new again right now.

Can you feel what it is I am showing you? The moment you touch this resonance, everything is possible, available. The riches of life pour through to you and you become the open vessel, the vehicle for the orgasmic creation of new life, ready to be the full experience of consciousness and heart eternally present and fully, fully, fully co-creative.


Life is much more than thinking about it.


Close both eyes to see with the other eye. Rumi



This website was written because it was asked for.
My language is finite, words are impotent.
Let God's Will be your peace.

Divine Love is the 'Only answer,
and for deep 'Authentic Selfless Love, you will need a greatly purified Soul - purity of heart -  the mind should be perfectly purified, - custody, {clean/control/restraint} of the eyes ears and mouth are absolutely necessary, i.e., ethical/spiritual perfection, then only will you be fit enough to receive the descent of Divine Light and Love; of bliss joy and peace, a direct unique intuitive experience of Truth or Absolute Consciousness, of union with God, the one you Love, and all of existence.

Never married / no children / over 21


Reality / Awareness - Freedom
Spiritual Perfection / Self-Realization / Expand

O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me! I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let Me Walk In Beauty,
and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make My Hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make Me Wise
so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I Seek Strength,
not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make Me Always Ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So When Life Fades,
as the fading sunset,
my spirit may come to you without shame.
Chief Yellow Lark, Lakota Tribe

My Garden Path i.e. The Divine Life
Nothing Sticks Like Divinity

What is divine life? To shed the animal in man and to sublimate the human in him to the divine; to express the sublimation in his daily life, in his hourly life, in thought, word and deed. That is divine life.


Definitions of the words ego and Self:
EGO: ego is the thought "I" "Me" "Mine", i.e.,
{the false Self; the selfish-greedy-fearful-painful & the covetous Self} - a drive to acquire power-attention-status seeking - the sorrowful Self.
The ego is the idea of a separate, individual identity.
SELF: the Self is infinite-eternal-awareness-love-bliss.
Those are five words pointing towards one awareness.
Awareness-love-bliss are not three, they are one.
The Self is the background of awareness.
The background of awareness is the true Self -
our Soul, the Divine spark that is in All of us, i.e., 
unconditional unmodified eternal active love.
The Two Great Keys to Self-Realization are:
1. The awakening of the extremely intense desire for Liberation.
2.  Self honesty.  Self honesty begins by actually seeing the
     impostor self's preservation strategies, tricks and deceptions.
What we all are not:
Ego {false-self}
The Senses
The Impostor Self {ego}
The false self must be abandoned
before the real Self can be found.
Strive for this; desire this only,
find out your real being.
Choosing belief instead of Direct Experience
is one of the ego's tricks.
Thought is not a means to discover absolute Truth.
See the difference between believing and knowing.
Realize that ending the ego is the only truly worthwhile event that can happen in a human life.
Three Things
Here are some triads for your daily spiritual practices.
Practise three things: non-violence, truthfulness and celibacy.
Remember three things: death, sorrow and pains of worldly existence, and God.
Renounce three things: egoism, desire and attachment.
Cultivate three things: humility, fearlessness and love.
Eradicate three things: lust, anger and greed.
Three things to love: desire for liberation, company of the wise and selfless service.
Three things to despise: miserliness, cruelty and petty- mindedness.
Three things to admire: generosity, courage and nobility.
Three things to hate: lust, anger and pride.
Three things for reverence: compassion, renunciation and discrimination.
Three things to pursue: solitude, silence, stillness.
Three things to control: tongue, temper and tossing of the mind.
Three things to shun: evil company, evil desires and evil actions.
Three things to cultivate: cosmic love, forgiveness and patience.
Three things to avoid: back-biting, falsehood and harsh words.
A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source, is meditation.
To whatever degree we are alert, aware, to that degree we are living.
Then what is needed?
Distrust your mind, and go beyond.
What shall I find beyond the mind?
The direct experience of being, knowing and loving.
Free yourself from the crocodile of desires. Do not be disheartened. Cheer yourself up. Stand like a lion. Destroy the impure mind with the pure mind. Make friends with the satvic (pure) mind and rest peacefully in the Self/Soul.
The soldier fights for a few hours only,
But the aspirant's battle goes on day and night.
It is verily a hard battle, a fierce battle
And it lasts till the end of his life.
This battle is raging in the field of the mind.
Satva (purity) fights with rajas (impurity) and tamas (inertia),
Higher mind wages war with the lower mind.
Contentment fights with greed,
Patience fights with anger.
Brahmacharya (celibacy) fights with lust,
Humility fights with pride.
Fight, my brother, valiantly.
Raise the sword of Ram Nam (the Divine Name).
Your goal is God. Your centre is God. Your ideal is God. Turn back to God and realise everlasting bliss. Resting on Him you will be saved. As the lamp cannot burn without oil, so too, you cannot live without God. God is within you all the time, inspiring you, lifting you up. Withdraw. Aspire. Meditate. Realise.


{My Spiritual Practice & Discipline}

My Creed / My Path / My Devotion / My Effort
See 'Only the Good in All, Tolerate / Unconditional Love / Selfless Service / Be Cheerful


Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view,
and demand that they respect yours.

Chief Tecumseh


Only love can be just because only love can understand. Without love there is no understanding and without understanding how can there be any justice?
If you want to understand the truth you have to be very loving. If you really want to understand the whole of life in all its dimensions, you have to approach it with great love and care. You have to be very tender, soft. And then a new phenomenom arises in you: your life becomes full of justice. You cannot be unjust then; you cannot be unfair then - it is impossible. A loving person cannot be unfair.
And love is always protected by God. Only those who are not in love are unprotected; those who are not in love are always in insecurity. The moment you enter love, you enter absolute security, safety, because love is another name of God and God is protection. The ordinary man lives in fear, anxiety, selfishness. He tries to protect himself, hence he becomes very tense, very cunning. Once God is known, tasted, death disappears. Death exists only for those who have not known love. Those who have known love are beyond death.
And, so, now you discover that you are not a drifter but rather a messenger from the One God who sent you here to hear His call and to repeat it softly so that all may hear: "Love is here now.” Avail yourself of love. Pass it around like an hors' d'oeuvre. Help yourself, and pass it around, for you are each an honored servant of God, and now you Serve. 


Truth Beauty Goodness 2 All


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