*Healing Music*
About Discernment:
Please keep
in mind when reading this material that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of
understanding. If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it. It may be an eye-opener
for someone else! Discernment is always needed no matter who the message comes from. If a message instills fear in anyway
it is not of the Light. Always use your own inner-guidance in reading all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth
is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. What may be true for one may not be true for another, but that
doesn't make it untrue.
{Channeled Material}
Chan·nel·ing : Purported communication by a disembodied
entity through a living person, as by voice during a trance.
Tuning your Consciousness with Music
by Iasos
Sound is a carrier of light waves, and as
such has many possible uses in facilitating our current collective global ascension into higher dimensions. Physical dimension
sound (vibrating air) has a direct resonant impact on many other dimensions because of the Law of Octaves: as above, so below.
An octave higher means precisely twice that frequency;
an octave lower means exactly half that frequency. Resonant energy-transfer can occur between these octaves, and so through
this precise harmonic link-up between dimensions, a particular frequency of vibrating air can induce an analogous pattern
within much higher octaves, thereby inducing comparable energies in the frequency ranges of color, fragrance, the emotional
plane, the mental plane, and the super-consciousness plane (to name a few).
This means sound can be used as a channel-tuner
for your consciousness!
By "tuning" the antennae of your light body,
you can more readily dial-in and access specific light realms. This is using sound as a vibrational gateway. Rather than the
dial of your consciousness being "stuck" most of the time on only one station - this physical dimension - you can exercise
your ability to access different realms. The music then functions as "training wheels," for once you familiarize yourself
with particular realms, you can readily access them without the music.
Imagine! You can use sound as a "wave guide"
to harmonically align with the higher octaves of your own being - your Higher Self. Through attention, you can even dial in
and travel through the various octaves or "floors" of your own God/Goddess Self.
There are vast legions of beings both in the
angelic kingdom and in the elemental kingdom whose specialty is the Musical Outpouring of Divinity. In the angelic kingdom
there are fleets of music angels ready and eager to instantly come where they are invoked and invited to grace and join in
with an event, to add their uniquely exquisite energies to those of the humans. Very often the humans do not hear the angels
and do not even sense them, but they are emotionally moved by them to the very core of their souls.
In the elemental kingdom, the elohim create and
eternally maintain an upward flowing energy towards higher consciousness that is like a "consciousness-escalator" going continuously
upward towards greater divinity. Beings can tap into this in their consciousness through attention, and then "ride" this flow
gracefully upward towards greater expansion in awareness. This is one of their many services to the human kingdom.
Further, sound can be profoundly healing. Thoughts
have to pass through the censor of your intellect before you accept them, but music simply bypasses the intellect and directly
saturates the emotional body with its radiations! Sound can cleanse your emotions, like ironing out the "wrinkles" in your
emotional body.
How Sound Heals
Sound heals primarily through physical resonance
and emotional resonance.
PHYSICAL RESONANCE results from the vibrating
air "shaking up" the molecules and causing the energy system to synchronize with itself into "standing waves," which out of
random chaos produce order, symmetry and stability. In his study of Cymatics, Hans Jenny shows innumerable photographs of
beautifully symmetrical shapes formed by powders vibrating on a surface that is vibrating with sound. Sound can produce order
out of randomness by causing an energy system to synchronize with itself, thus producing standing waves. Increased coherency
means increased health and greater life force.
EMOTIONAL RESONANCE means that music influences
your feelings, and your feelings directly affect your health. All diseases are really psychosomatic (caused by the mind and
feelings). You can temporarily remove a symptom, but for a permanent cure, you must remove the cause, which is always in one's
thoughts and emotions.
So a simple model for sound healing might be:
harmonious music ===> harmonious feelings
===> good health
harmonious feelings ===> positive optimistic
thoughts ===> good health
So music can set up a chain reaction that begins
as sound, passes through your thoughts and emotions, and eventually influences your state of health.
For those of you who actively create and use
sound in your work, it's important to remember that intentions can modulate (ride on) a sound wave just as one water wave
can ride on top of another larger wave. The same vowel sound of "ah" can make a plant shrivel up or thrive depending on the
intent of the singer in that moment. If you clearly, consciously intend the effects of the sounds you are creating or using,
you can watch its impact blossom right before your eyes!
Just as the note C keeps repeating throughout
the piano keyboard at different octaves, emotions likewise repeat at higher octaves. Surprisingly, distorted emotions such
as hate, anger and fear have a very limited emotional range, beginning at zero frequency (frozen in fear) and going up to
the particular cut-off frequency of very subtle distortion (melancholy).
Positive emotions, on the other hand, have an
unlimited frequency range extending up into infinity. For example, gladness taken an octave higher is happiness. An octave
higher happiness becomes joy, then ecstasy, then rapture, then - it just keeps going! The English language has no words for
these higher octave emotions since they are realms where humans seldom tread. (These higher octave emotions are "normal cruising
altitude" for the angels.)
As our planet continues its dimensional upshift,
there will be more and more ceremonies that consciously include and combine the angelic kingdom and the elemental nature kingdom
with the human kingdom. Music can be the unifying force that resonates these three kingdoms into unified worship, adoration
and alignment with the One Universal Source.
In the next few years, many musician-light-workers
will appear and specifically focus on creating music for all these purposes. Avail yourself of their sounds. Use sound to
accelerate your evolution instead of passively allowing sound to have a sluggish effect on your growth. Take charge of your
Life by consciously choosing the music you listen to. Look for music that is coherent, emotionally uplifting and centering
- music that feels like it is coming from a loving heart. Ask your own Heart: How is this music affecting me on all levels?
Trust what your Heart tells you and act on it.
You can choose to effortlessly ride these sound
waves gracefully upward towards your own expansion on waves of light.
Enthusiastically at your service,
- Iasos