Mushaba - {Channeled}

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                         The MUSHABA Platinum Light
03-30-12: Update-Mushaba Movement 12 Sets of 12
Greetings and Love of Life Everlasting!
The Mushaba Movement will officially launch on Sunday April 08, 2012. The Launch will take place on our bi-weekly tele-conference call. It will be held Sunday April o8, 2012 at 10am Pacific time and 1 Pm Eastern Time. The energy of the activation will be initiated in a Time Set Mode. What this means is that the energy that is generated by all of us on the call that day will be held in reserve until all the people around that will be a part of this movement have the opportunity to listen to the call recording and go through the activation. Anyone that listens to the call will get the exact 100% energy as if they were on the live call! Once everyone that is either on the call or listened to the call is done, then the energy will be released as if every single person involved worldwide just did the activation at that moment! So no one will be left out of this. Also too, the Movement will be ongoing and we encourage people to continue to join the movement. People who join later will add to the energy making it even more powerful and effective toward instant change on our planet and in each of our personal lives. We want to increase and work toward involving millions of people worldwide to make this the most potent, most powerful, most magical and profound movement of change to ever happen in the history of not only earth but in the history of the universe! It is important to realize that this is something that has been ordained by Creator Force and was planned many, many millennia ago.  I wish to share with you what Horus brought forward through Nancy Tate who holds the bi-weekly Family Gatherings in Mt. Shasta. This gathering is also available as a conference call. The family gatherings are well connected to the Mushaba Movements because they both are united in purpose and will provide direction, guidance and information for both the Gathering and the Movement. Anyone interested in joining the family gathering calls go to:
The Mushaba Movement
Nancy: Please give me some information that is pertinent to the Mushaba Movements.
“I am Horus and I will tell you that in the course of these movements it will be a time of reflection and a time of seeing what is ahead. With the two perspectives it will be a matter of seeing the advances that are taking place and what it means for the people on earth at this time. When this is in place there will be a transcription in everyone’s minds as to how it evolves in their lives. It will be a movement that will prove to be enlightening and at the same time, humbling.
As the times go on and the movements become more and more intense, there will be a new way of living in the moment. It will be as if there is already the result of the moment and that it is a matter of being true to it, or seeing that it does not fit the moment in which you are standing. That is how the creation is established and that is what deems it to be magic in many people’s eyes.
As the movement continues and grows it will bring forth a good many changes in people lives. It will show them how they can more readily create their lives by being in a constant of intent for what is not only best for them, but for all life on earth. It is a matter of being able to see into what is perceived to be the future. I say perceived to be, because it will become apparent at some point that there is no past and no future; it is all now and it is changeable in the flicker of an eye, and the moment of another thought.
This is what is going to come about through the combination of the messages from the Family Gatherings, and from the energy that is set in place from the movements. It is a matter of one providing an insight and the other being an instrument for the intent of the receiver of the information, with their own interpretation of it. Realize that with one’s interpretation, another’s could be different, and if there is interaction between the two people then the outcome could be created as altogether unique and perfect. That brings about the joy and love in a harmonic blending. Each will realize their own power and how beautifully it blends with another’s in that pure state of love for one another and the intent for the perfection that will be created in the moment. It will also be realized that the oneness is in place in the divinity of The Source”.
What is transpiring and will continue to transpire with this movement will be nothing short of magical and miraculous! Know that we as humanity will be stepping totally into our full freedom and empowerment. That is what Mushaba Means at its core FREEDOM and EMPOWERMENT!
What we as a oneness of purpose will accomplish will be history changing! It will be written about within the books of life for all to see the power that can be generated when people come together in truth, love and integrity for a purpose that serves all of creation. Since this movement began, not only have we reached the first 12 sets of 12, we are now registering the second 12 sets of 12! We have also had many, many of our galactic family joining us to lend their full support to the movement. They do it with much excitement and great joy! They understand what we are about to accomplish on earth. It will affect the heavens!
I have had a very personal experience with the Goddess Energy and we took a beautiful journey into the core of the central spiritual sun and also into the core of the central spiritual moon. I reconnected with beings in both places as well as other aspects of myself. The beings in the sun and the moon will be participating in the movement with all of us. They will assist in anchoring the Mushaba Force in alignment with the sun and moon energies.
The Goddess Energy
When you speak of the sun it’s not the physical sun that you would think about that creates the warmth on the earth. When you are speaking about the individuals on the sun it felt like to us it was the spiritual central sun. And if you go into the sun itself as in linking with it, merging with it that will take you into a direct line to the soul of the sun or the soul of consciousness around the sun. And that to us feels like that is where these individuals are coming from. And it feels like this first essence that came into us feels like an androgynous type of energy. We don’t really feel much one way or the other, male or female. As you feel this connection, as you feel this alignment, we have a sense of seeing that individual as, he is becoming more, he is taking on more of a physical male energy. He wants to be in part more in direct balance with you or direct alignment with you.He turns to the side and with his left arm he is moving his left arm out like you see someone and he says “here look at what I got to show you.
And what we see behind him is a group of people and there are easily as much as a hundred people that are here. They don’t look to you like regular people but he’s taken on a human form because that makes it easier. But as you link with these people or as you see them, you may see them as spots of light; it’s like little flames that are flickering. Some of them will have sort of physical form but most of them are here in just pure energy. And so as we speak with him and he’s introducing you he’s showing you that there is this group of people that are here as representatives of the universe and they are coming to you through the central spiritual sun.
We have a sense that what he is doing is that he’s opening up this alignment, opening up this channel to be able to link, to be able to see, to be able to understand. And as this is happening what he’s communicating to you is much of what is going to be happening. This is strengthening this link so that what we see you doing then is when you go back and you are in meditation or your working with these energies you now have something conscious in your mind that you can relate to or that you can be in alignment with.
And we see you sitting as a group in a circle, that which is of the inner earth, that which is of the hollow earth, as you spoke, and this is of the central spiritual sun and it feels like there are more pieces to this puzzle that are coming to you. He is saying now let us shift to the energies of the moon. He is coming with us and as you know the sun is so often an indication of the male, the masculine energies and the moon is representative of the feminine energies. So what he’s doing is he’s taking us now as if you are looking at that physical moon, that moon that reflects the energy of the earth and that you can see the earth. As you stand here in front of it we will walk and we walk in and we merge with the moon and as we come into the moon, we begin to feel the energy. There is a lot of energy and this feels different to you so what we are doing is we are clearing out your energy and helping to create a greater alignment. And as you come into the essence of the moon, as you come into this space, we invite you to be open to the Goddess of Creation. Not only is the Goddess here but she has with her a number of other energies that are in the alignment of this aspect that you are working with. This is a beautiful Divine feminine energy. So we see you as a triangle now. We see you as the earth bound human; we see this masculine essence from the central spiritual sun, and from the central spiritual moon, we see this feminine aspect coming together.
And what this is doing is this is creating this triangle that’s going to create this deep foundation for all of you and this is what is really going to anchor these energies that are coming into the earth. And we feel that there is now this flow of energy that’s going through the triangle. What she is now showing you as you are deeper into this alignment is there is this golden light around the energy of all these flickering souls we saw before, now there is this pure white light of pure love consciousness and again you see the essences of that group of people/energies here. So what this is doing is that it’s showing you two source people that are aspects of yourself that are in deep alignment with you that are coming together and each one represents the many energies. And they are going to be the stream of consciousness that comes through them and you can work through them to access all these many others or even some that is not yet available to us.
We invite you to have a sense of bringing them with you or taking them with you. So we see you in this place with them and what you are doing is all of you are walking and that essence of the moon is doing something with her hands. It’s like she’s creating a sacred geometry and in this geometry is going to be a means of anchoring these energies. And so as this happens we see more so more of the anchoring within and around you, and creating this foundation in which you will work. And now when you tap into it and reach out to that Mushaba Energy you have been speaking about, and that force that is coming into the earth, see now if it isn’t a little bit more anchored, a little more balanced of if there is not somewhat of a difference with it.  
Now we have a sense of then that they turned into this flame and it felt like they just kind of took a step back as if to say okay, they have done what they needed to do for now and that they are there whenever you need to reach for them or ask for them.
End of Part 1
Part-2 we will speak about what happens when you put your crystals in the water and the earth after charging them on the Mushaba Symbol. We will also cover some information as to the activation ceremony.
To read the original message and other updates Click Here
Mt Shasta Family Gatherings
The next Mt Shasta Family Gathering & Teleconference call, will be on April 5, 2012, at 6:00pt.(Note New Time) It will be open to the public. We ask that you arrive before 6:00. Messages will come through Nancy from Adama, Horus, and/or any other beings who choose to speak of the coming times and how we can prepare to meet our family from within this great planet, and from the Universe surrounding us. These Gatherings will be bi-weekly, on Thursday nights at 6:00pt, in our home, until further notice.
Home Address: 3508 N Old Stage Rd., Mount Shasta, CA
Conference Call Information:
Call Phone Number: 1-712-432-3066 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-712-432-3066      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Conference Code: 716481
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These Gatherings will be in conjunction with the Mushaba Movements 12 sets of 12, as has been advised by Spirit. You may read about the Movements by going to:
Any information you may desire about the Movements you may receive by contacting Anakhanda Mushaba at He is the one receiving information about the Movements and passing it on to his list and to me.
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You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,
for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
