Monty: Channeled 5-18-14

That which is changeless is Truth. That which changes is an illusion. Illusion does not mean non-existence, but it is ever changing.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - May 18, 2014

The Light of Truth is spreading, my dear. The awakening is speeding up. We have waited a long time for this. There is also a massive overshadowing of key people in order to prevent or slow down the ascension into the light. They want to block my words from reaching the people. This was to be expected. I always said they would put up a fight to the end. They concentrate on key people and push them off course. It's tough, but we in spirit are determined to guide you through this. It was never going to be an easy path; but together, we will succeed.

The scientific world now realises the great importance of Ireland. I ask that you now share a little from one such report as it will help so many to see clearly the great importance of our ley line work.

"For some, Ireland represents the first country colonised by Alta-Ra, the scientist-priests who were able to leave Atlantis before it disappeared under the ocean. Known today by the name of DRUIDS, they left their mark on Ireland with their knowledge and their powers. This land has more Holy Places, more Sacred Sites, more megalithic and medieval constructions than any other country, and in each one of them a DIVINE purpose can be found. These buildings, often millennia old, are all located on land or fields of force, where the mineralogical composition, the underground water systems, the tellurism and its cosmic connections are optimised to receive a "construction" destined to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The activation of these important energetic centres of Ireland has created a resonance effect between all the other sites which have been activated in the past. It is now a very dense network made of a multitude of transmuted telluric lines (curtains), Ley Lines and Gold and Silver lines that are spreading across Ireland and the world: a radical transformation of the Collective Consciousness of the Irish population as a whole. These sites, which are the spiritual heritage of a unique past in humanity's history, have now awakened to their heavenly destiny, driving the Truth-Consciousness to the depths of Beings and Matter."

The author of the above text is known to Veronica Keen but wishes to remain anonymous at the present time.


It must start there. I say to the Irish people: come together, learn who you are, your real history; then it will become clear what was done to create the illusion you find yourselves in today. Discard that which has imprisoned your minds through fear. Become who you were created to become. Be proud of who you are. The ancient Irish knew all the answers. They were complete. Look at your past to learn how to create a better future for all mankind. Remember, mankind is depending on you to do this.

The expedition which you and Andrew [Bartzis] have discussed is of the greatest importance. It will unlock all that was used to control humanity. It must be filmed so that it can go out live to the world, to all who wish to connect with it. The Irish drums will once again beat out the rhythm of truth as they release the energy that will restore your planet. Ireland, the future of humanity and the future of your planet, is in your hands.

Are you up to what is being asked of you ?

I believe you are. You took on the banks. Now it is time to take on your captors.

My dear wife had a stroke on Tuesday, and once more, Robert's "magic formula" worked beautifully to ensure a complete recovery. She has had so many requests for the formula that we are happy to share it with you. It worked for me, also, when I was on the Earth plane.

As soon as you are aware that you have had a stroke:
take 400 mgs of Vitamin Q10
400 mg of Vitamin E
400 mg Vitamin C
3 Kyolic Garlic
3 Cardio Aspirins
Recovery starts within half an hour. Complete recovery occurs in 3 hours.

Your body is in distress when you have a stroke. So you support it immediately with these vitamins. Always have them with you. Tell your nearest and dearest to see to it that you take them as soon as possible. My daughters call me each hour to ensure that I am okay when I have had a stroke.

Veronica will be in Ireland next weekend. I ask the people of Ireland to ensure that she gets the assurances she needs that you are prepared to step forward and do what is asked of you. Do not look to your government as they do not serve the Irish people. It is you, the people, who will set the world free. No more wars; no more hunger or homelessness; no more poverty. Let this be your driving force.

A Message from Veronica

Please understand that I cannot reply to everyone. I file any emails which concern the Expedition to Ireland. I work alone, and I have a health problem at the moment which is causing me intense pain. Your offers of help will be dealt with, either by me or one of Andrew's team.

So many countries are ready and willing to join us, and are willing to be part of our Ascension into the Light.

Rest, my dear. You have a difficult week ahead. Enjoy being with your family as you celebrate Marcia's wedding. I wish Marcia and Paul every happiness in their future life together.

Be happy, my love. Our hard work is coming to fruition.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4924 Dancing to the Music You Hear, May 19, 2014 

God said: 

When all is said and done, it all comes down to you and, of course, down to you and Me. All that you fight outside yourself is a ramification of you. There is something within you that roils you. The itch you scratch is always yours.
How are you? How are you? This is the question you are dealing with. There is no they, beloveds. Whatever gets in your way, it is something within you that gets in your way.
If you are looking for a certain house on Main Street, and someone gives you incorrect directions, it is nevertheless you who looks for the house. It is you who gets lost, or it is you who finds the house.
No matter whose party you go to, it is your party. It is your good time or not. The party can be thrown for you, everything well-prepared for you and the other guests invited, and, yet, the party is up to you.
Whatever music is played, you are the one who dances to it.
This makes life a beautiful opportunity for you, for the life you live is the life you see through your own eyes.
You go to the movies. It may be that your friend loves the movie and you don’t. You see the movie you see. Your friend sees the movie he sees. The movie is a movie.
No one says you have to like the movie. No one says you are at fault not to like the movie, for you can see only as you see.
Your life is a movie. You may despair. Someone else may admire your good fortune. Everyone sees as he sees.
You are responsible for how you live your life and what you make of it.
You may not choose the wood you are sawing, yet you are the one sawing it. What you make of the wood you saw is what you make of it.
Whatever song you sing is the song you are singing. You probably didn’t compose it, yet you are singing it. It is your song as you sing it.
If you are playing poker, it is your hand that you play.
If you play baseball, you come up at bat.
Every artist has a vision, and it is his vision. Everyone has his or her own version of vision.
Everyone who sees beauty, it is his own beauty he sees. And where does that leave you? Right where you are. See differently, and you are somewhere else.
You speak of challenges. It seems that there are those who have more challenges than another. Yet no one knows for a fact what goes on in the heart of another, or where another’s heart is, and what his life is like.
There are those of My children who make the most of everything, and there are those of My children who perhaps wail.
What is your life like? It is up to you. You are going to bake a cake. Here are the ingredients. You are the one who mixes the ingredients, and it is you who puts the cake in the oven, and it is you who takes it out. By chance or by design, this is the cake you bake.
This is your life. Sometimes you want everything to be your choice, and, yet, you may decry your choice when it turns out to be not of your liking. However, life is of your making. Your life is yours. It may rain and snow. There may be tumultuous storms. The storms may or may not be out of your hands. Nevertheless, you are the one who deals with the storms and any obstacles or presentations on your path.
Although you may not have the total say of a situation that befalls, you have the say of how you perceive the situation and how you move in it. Regardless of the situation, what do you make of it, beloveds? What do you do with it? Where do you take yourself? How do you move? This way or that?


Urantia, April 29, 2014 – date of transcription. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Bridge The Gap.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “During early morning meditation you requested to become a clear channel of My messages. The truth of the matter is that in order to become a clear channel you need to clear some hurdles within yourself in order to bridge the gap which exists between your thinking and My input. 

“I am more than willing to help you in all matters pertaining to your spiritual growth, however there is this ‘pesky’ little requirement of willingness on your part, to place your own mind and thoughts on the back-burner so to speak, so my impulses may have a proper chance to get through to you. 

“I am more than willing to honor your request for, after all, we are a team for all eternity, aren't we? 

“You have accepted my prompts for quite a long time now and I know that you are willing to take messages from other Teachers. However, we are in the business of letting others who read our ponderings know that we are a team. We make my advanced order of Thought Adjusters more widely known via this wonderful medium of the Internet. 

“Let us determine how you will go about bridging the gap between you and me. May I remind you that from my end, no gap exists as I am pretty well a part of you. Bridging the gap from your end will be determined by your critical awareness, as the more often you remind yourself of my existence within you, the easier it will become to close the gap which only exists in your mind. 

“Can you see how that works? You just walk ‘over the bridge’ which exists in your mind and come to me at any time and find out that this gap is non-existent. They are only your thoughts keeping us apart. 

“Take heart, dear one. In due course we shall fuse and become One, and no one will be able to know where either one of us leaves off, or where the other begins, as our ‘separation’ will have forever ended. 

“However, until such time when this momentous birth occurs, you still have the freedom to say no, but please, do not disappoint Me. I love you, and I have always loved you. You are simply learning your lessons here, so please don’t be so hard on yourself, or grow discouraged when you fall short of your expectations. 

“Bridging the gap gets easier the more time you spent with me, even during the busy time in your days. This message is for all to take to heart. I can be anyone’s Guiding Light from God.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
"Evil has a very short half-life.
That which is God-like is eternal" –
Dr. Mendoza.


Urantia, April 25, 2014. 

Mentori Spokesperson. 

“Human Spirit Joined to God Spirit.” 

Received by Lytske

Mentor: “We are following your collective thoughts this fine early morning of another day on Urantia. Many worries and unhappy thoughts have gathered anew in people’s minds, their being so very uncertain of what this day will bring on strife-torn Urantia. Some humans dare to entertain nefarious thoughts of dismantling the rights of an unwitting and sleepy populace. I desire, therefore, to give the message that whatever happens in the physical domains, the human spirit is forever joined to the Spirit from God, it cannot be otherwise. No one has ever fallen out of God’s hands. 

“The number one question in the minds of the Celestial Planetary Government is: When will the majority of inhabitants on this planet come to their God-given senses, and wake up to the fact that all are children of God, never mind what deity they are praying to in their supplications? The Creator truly does not care about this name calling as God knows the intent and devotion in each human heart. 

“Many of you will be surprised to learn that there is a celestial government on this planet. Well, for your information, there have always been celestial overseers, however, they stand back as they are not to interfere with the free will of the people. Instead, they let them muddle along until the mortals grow up and begin to show a semblance of maturity. Human free will is sacrosanct in God’s Kingdom; the Creator desires that all his mortal offspring would choose His Gift of immortality which is the reason for evolutionary creation in time-space. 

“This Gift of immortality is free for each human to take on one condition: That they place their faith and trust in the Creator and live according to the Golden Rule of doing unto others as they would like to be treated, and in this there are no exceptions. Even back-room schemers and planners are accepted as long as they repent of their wrong-doing and change their ways to the progress of the planet and its citizens, and accord equal rights to all. 

“At this present time some of the more sensitive ones among you are affected by intuitively sensing dark clouds gathering overhead, whilst some brave ones are endeavoring to investigate, trying to bring out into the open that which is being deliberated in these backrooms as to how their nefarious plans are best brought into motion without giving a thought to God-given human rights. 

“Our sacred duty as Teachers from the universes on High is to give hope to all who might chance to read these words and broadcast them further; do not give in to fear, come what may, as your souls are forever free in the Spirit of God, who lives within you all. Please start nourishing your spirit-souls by opening your end of the communication lines with your Spark from God within to join with God’s Spirit. Do not become shackled to fear, instead rejoice that your spirits are forever free in God. Meanwhile attempt to live by the Golden Rule of doing unto others, as you would like to be treated.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
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Pray to and Ask Assistance of Yourself

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

New Brenda's Blogs channels WILL CONTINUE to be posted weekly.

Dear Ones,
Your DNA is expanding to include all you have shifted.

Typically your shifts occur as follows: spiritual, emotional and finally, physical. So it is that your DNA is evolving to meet your new physical being.

For most, emotional cleansing was the most difficult. Perhaps you, like many, labeled it the 'dark night of your soul' because you hid your true emotions from yourself for so long.

To live on earth, you followed the rules and policies of those you labelled wiser or more important than you. And in doing so, you numbed feelings of love for yourself and others. For loving yourself means trusting yourself implicitly.

Why do you suppose you readily followed the words of those you deemed wiser and braver than you including Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, those of other dimensions or places and so many others?

Did you not believe they were all knowing, that they did not need to request assistance from others? You believed so because they were in the ethers and so had to be wiser than you.

Such was never true, but because you were trained to follow others, you did not trust yourself enough to ask yourself for information, assistance or direction.

So it is that you passed through your 'dark night of the soul' - cleansing yourself of those beliefs - to accept your true power.

Those in other dimensions do know a great deal. But because all are one and all record, if you will, their information into a central bank of information - some might call the Akashic records - you have the same information as those you hold in great esteem. You merely need to allow yourself to access that information.

Many do not believe such is true - so it is not. But you do have access to the same information as any god, archangel, beings from other dimensions or any place you envision.

Even though you probably do not yet believe such is true, you will. Perhaps not today, but as is true for those who have cleared most self-defeating beliefs required to remain on earth in previous lifetimes - you will eventually KNOW.

As is true for Internet, you will believe because experience has taught you that you can access the Internet information you wish when you wish.

It is not that praying to others is wrong or bad, merely an indirect route to the information or assistance you require. An apt comparison is that in the past, you visited or telephoned your local library for information. Now you merely turn on your computer any time of any day.

Trust yourself. You are wiser and much more powerful than you imagine. You truly are gods and goddesses of the Universes - just as is true for all you pray to - and all you dislike for that matter.

The only limitations you had in any earth lifetime were those you placed on yourself to fully experience fear. That lesson is over. It is time for you to soar and sparkle - as you always have in lives between lives on earth.

You are a star god of the highest magnitude. Trust yourself to be and to know. Even though it is sometimes joyful to share information or to request information from others to confirm your knowingness, such is no longer necessary for you are finally accepting your true being. So be it. Amen
