Monty: Channeled 4-14-14


When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments, surrender is the life jacket they can put on and wait for the rescue team.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - April 13, 2014

We are making great progress, my dear. The light is expanding and is spreading the truth on its path. What you began on the 2 February is working beautifully. As each country becomes involved, the light grows in strength.


As Rome is the centre of the corruption, you must concentrate on cutting off its energy supply. NEVER, EVER, USE FORCE OF ANY SORT, as this would be counter-productive. Force is not necessary. The power of your minds is all that is needed. I would never advocate force.

Love is your greatest weapon. Those within the cabal cannot hurt you if you send them love, as they do not know how to handle it.
Every day of this month of April is important. You will have noted that certain dates were chosen by the different religions because they were believed to be especially powerful. So on those dates, I advise you to put your heart and soul into your meditations in order to counteract the negative energy produced by the various religions. See it as a game that you have just learned to play. You are becoming quite good at it. Until now, it was a one-way street: the cabal had it all its own way. But now that you have seen the light, you are making life a little difficult for them. They are floundering, running to the Vatican to seek protection; while the Vatican itself is reeling from all that has been exposed concerning their exploits in the court case initiated by Kevin Annett. This man has done humanity a great service. Only he could have stood up to an organisation that has enjoyed carte blanche to do as it pleased since its inception about 2000 years ago. The world needs more people like Kevin Annett and David Icke and a few other notable individuals who have bravely stood up and given evidence. Humanity has found its voice and is happy to use it. You are not sheep. You are not goyim. You are powerful beings of light who have found their way, at last.

Everyone has a role to play. Everyone has a mind. Use it to create peace. See your future as you would like it to be. By using the power of thought, you can create that future. Words are powerful; even your thoughts have power. Avoid the mindless mind-controlled TV programmes. Restore the art of communication and conversation. Laughter is the elixir of life.

Choose what you allow into your lives carefully. All around you, you see the products of mind-controlled TV and education. When you meet a free spirit it is a joy to behold.

During a very powerful meditation at our home, last Sunday, we were shown the crumbling of the power of the Vatican. It is already on its knees and with it, will go all the power structures that it supports. Keep up the meditations as you are seeing the results. You cannot be stopped. You are mightier, my dear friends, than the Vatican. Think about that and step into your own innate power. Return your planet to the light, for it has waited a long time for you to wake up and realise what was being done to you. You have seen the light and you are no longer prepared to be victims of the Vatican and the banks it created.

Life in the light will become a huge adventure. You have so much to learn and absorb. Nothing you were taught is true. So concentrate on researching for yourselves, and explore the wonderful planet on which you reside. There is so much more to it than you can imagine. You will begin to see it as though for the first time, without the blinkers imposed by the cabal. You have been prisoners on your own planet but you are about to set yourselves free, without bloodshed or killing of any sort. The power that you produce in your meditations has gone a long way to preventing World War 3. Surely, that alone is your proof that you are powerful.

You are the sisters and brothers of the light. You work together without barriers of race or creed. You are creating a world where peace and love are core values. The future of your planet is in your hands. This is a huge responsibility. You returned to Earth to do this. You believed that you could do it and, I assure you, you will succeed. The more effort you put into it, the quicker it becomes a reality. Then, and only then, will you become aware of the enormity of what you have achieved. All of the planets will then be free to raise their vibration with you. This is a gigantic undertaking that was planned before you returned to Planet Earth.

Yes, my dear, I know the cabal continues to put blocks in the way. But these are temporary. What you know, Veronica, you know in your soul: so stick with that. What was shown to you, this morning, was absolute evidence of this fact. It took you by surprise, but it answered your question. There will be little setbacks from time to time but nothing can stop what was decreed, as it is set in stone. Everything will happen when it should happen. Delays are only delays, as this cannot be stopped. Continue to keep it in the forefront of your mind and always be ready to act at a moment's notice. You know what must be done. Those around you, were carefully chosen and prepared. Trust that all is in divine order. Humanity will be rescued from the fate decreed by the cabal. Those within the cabal, now find themselves in the role which they had planned for you. They do not have an alternative plan. This is not what they envisaged, even in their darkest moments.
Their time is up. They will reluctantly take their leave of you. So wish them well. Do not waste your precious energy on them. Instead, look to the future. Forget the past, as it is over. Let it go.

My dear, you know your path. Stick to it. You have been shown the end result. All of Creation will celebrate when our goal is achieved. All will show themselves in joyous reunion.

Prepare to go forward.

My love, I am ever at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano

The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale

The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell'Esquilino

All the obelisks in Rome can be found on Google Maps, and watched on Streetview, here.


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Heavenletter #4889 Love Rising in Your Heart , April 14, 2014 

God said: 

When love arises in your heart, you are giving love. There is no trick to it. When you feel love in your heart, the love is conveyed. You do not need a special action to convey the love. You may wish to underline the love you feel with some kind of giving.  Follow your heart. When you have the impulse to give, then give. It is also true that it is the feeling that counts.
Imitation of love is not love. It may be the best you can do in a particular moment. I do not knock it, even an effort at love. At the same time, effort is not love. Effort to love may well be the intention to love, when you want to give and not use it to gain. At these times, from intention, love will seem more apparent to you, and so your awareness of love grows. 
Now, realize, when love wells up in your heart of itself, not contrived but naturally, you are not imitating My heart. You are My heart. You are not imitating Me. At these times, you and I are actually literally divinely One. That’s how it is.
Think of what it would be like to have love rising in your heart at every moment! Then you will know how it is for Me. Every bit of Eternity is love filling My heart, filling My eyes, filling the Earth and all dimensions of Creation. When I say it is My pleasure to love, you can believe Me. It is joy, and only joy. You are joy and delight to My heart. You are the way you see yourselves as individuals, and you are also truly how I see you equated with Myself. There are no exceptions.
I am love and love alone, and I see love and know love, and only love. If you were not befuddled in the world, you would know and only know of what I speak. The Truth of Me is also the Truth of you if you but knew, if you could but recognize, if you but could. The thing is that you can. What prevents you is debris, shards of debris that clutter your heart, clutter your heart with misperception.
It makes no sense not to love, so when you do find yourself not loving, it has to be nonsense. Certainly, it makes no sense at all. Lift up your eyes, and you uplift your heart. I like that phrase. I’m going to repeat it. Lift up your eyes, and your heart is uplifted. This is My point. See Reality which Love is, and you will be the Reality of Love and Love Alone and nothing else but love so help me, God.
I help you every which way, yet it is you who has to come to love. I already gave it to you in full measure. You may think you are depleted of love. You are not depleted of love. You have riff-raff blocking the love in your heart. There is no lack of love in your heart, only you are a stranger to it. Your heart got cluttered and hidden from view. Your heart became an adding machine, and you subtracted from your vibrant heart. You had a misunderstanding. You went awry. You did your judgment trick and fooled yourself. That’s what you’ve done. You went down an alley and believed you were the alley. This is a back alley, yet it is not a dead-end street. From unawareness can come awareness. Where else can Awareness come from but unawareness?
And this may well be the situation you are in. You can stand up now. You can pick up all your marbles, detach from the presumed past, burst forth from shackles that are no more than an idea in your head, a screwy idea that you were less than love and withheld from yourself the fact that you are Love Entire.

Urantia, 2014. 
Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Self-Correction.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Please listen to what I have to say to you and to all other mortals on this planet. So often you humans refuse to listen to what those wonderful Gifts from God within – the Thought Adjusters – have given to each of you, counseling you for your souls’ sake. Therefore it is to me, a Mentor from a Higher Realm, to give you all an important message. 

“Many of you have been informed that the Time of Correction is upon you. I am now endeavoring to explain the true meaning of this. The Time of Correction is meant for all her citizens living now, and those who will inhabit this planet in future times. The call going forth is that of ‘Self-Correction’. This needs to be impressed upon all, as no one is exempted from this self-correction. 

“By truthfully observing yourselves, and your interactions with others, you will find much that can stand corrective measures in the form of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness, especially in close relationships. Such would have positive effects in your neighborhoods and all surrounding areas. Eventually the cities would improve as the citizens are becoming more responsible in their behavior towards each other. 

“Peace would finally have a chance to bloom and reverberate throughout all segments of society. Think about how social and business life would pick up when people would reach out with their self-worth and integrity intact. Governments and Courts of Law would have to follow suit. Wherever you are situated, think and use your imagination about where improvement is needed. 

“The main thrust would be for quality of life, so all would have a chance to fulfill their life’s purpose without regrets when later looking back at their life after the dissolution of the physical temple. The next matter of importance would be that all citizens develop a desire to live a godly life, something to be proud of for all eternity. However, this would include a long-awaited equality for men and women, for you were given to each other as complements. This area is wide open for corrective improvement. Think about loving and valuing each other as human beings and act upon this for the benefit of your children. 

“Put your thinking caps on and start realizing that even the smallest efforts shall have huge positive consequences down the line. There is no better time than the present to start improving yourselves, as each positive moment is etched into eternity. Urantia has a special place among her sister planets, as she received the singular honor of being the hostess of the last Bestowal of the Ruler of this mighty universe, the Being you know as Jesus. This great honor only falls to one planet among a potential ten million. To the citizens of Urantia the clarion call goes out to fulfill her destiny as the most beautiful garden planet of which you are the caretakers. 

“Consider these my words, and start acting the part, with self-correction, which translates into progress for the planet herself.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
– Athena, Celestial Artisan.  11:11 Store



Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

So many of you are disenchanted with your world and yet there is such beauty coming to the surface in human hearts. There is such love infilatrating your planet. There are angels helping and assisting in the rebirthing of so many human lives. It is a time of intense change, evolution, and growth, and we in the heavens celebrate those of you who can see beyond the so-called chaos and find the emerging love that is rising, like the Phoenix rises from its own ashes. It is the springtime of your souls! It is a time of new life, new ideas, new desires, and a renewed resolution to experience God's love in so many of your hearts.

Whether it is a volcano in Iceland, a flower bursting forth through the hard desert soil into bloom, or all the emotions you have held under the surface for a lifetime - ALL is coming to the surface. God is asking you to bring ALL that you are up, and out of hiding, and into the light of His love. God is saying, "Dear ones, it is time to grow. It is time to bring your truth into the light. It is time to be honest with life, to respect yourself enough to ask for kindness, to love yourself enough to admit your dreams, and to realize I love you so much I want to help." To receive God's love dear ones, you must believe in God's love. Faith is not believing in what you have seen but rather believing so that you CAN see.

Give God a try. Dig deep into your own hearts and ask yourself, "Where do I not believe in Love? Where am I afraid to receive love? Where am I afraid to let go of control?" If you wish to truly feel God's hand in your life, you will have to let go of a bit of control. God has dreams for you that are better for you than anything you could imagine. Let us give you an example.

So many of you want a relationship. You say you want someone in your life and yet deep down, you are disillusioned with relationships, doubtful there is anyone out there for you, fearful of being hurt once again, and sometimes, not sure you really want one after all! In order to 'protect' yourself from pain you either avoid people or you go on a search for the perfect mate, evaluating human beings as if you were buying a new car! This is a no-win situation because your mind is saying "yes I want this" but your fears are saying "I better watch out. I don't believe God will bring this to me." And so, the universe, which was designed to lovingly allow all that is in you to be fulfilled says, "I must wait until you are clear."

Better to dig deep inside yourself and say, "God I want a relationship but I am afraid. I am not confident I can have one. Help me live and abide in your heart. Prevent what is not good for me, and make what is so enticing I cannot miss." Then live your lives dear friends! Be happy now. Be the kind of person you would want in your lives and your faith and your radiant being will be so filled with love that you will attract love. And whatever you do, dear ones, as you dig through your heart and soul, be gentle with yourselves. Have a sense of humor - for the human condition is truly a mixture of dark and light and you can lighten up just a little bit even in the most difficult times of growth.

You, dear ones, can allow for or block God's love in your life. God is waiting with angels by His side to assist you in all that you want and design for your life - not always in the exact ways you request; often better. God is waiting to pour His Love in your lives. But you must do the inner work. You must dig inside of yourselves and bring your hopes, dreams, desires, frustrations, unbelief, etc. to the surface, admit them to yourselves and ask for assistance in healing that which blocks your dreams. In this fashion, dear friends, you do the work you came to do here upon your planet earth. You bring everything within you into the light of God's love. And from this new level of honesty and willingness to receive, new life springs forth in great glory.

We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Author, lecturer, angel communicator. Visit her site at: *
