Monty/Channeled -- 3-30-14


Balance in activity, balance in food and balance in your rest, will bring equilibrium within you.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - March 30, 2014

The response to our request for assistance to release the energy from the obelisks and ley lines of Rome was heartening. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm with which this work was carried out. So many of you are now awake to the real source of your control and enslavement and you have decided to take whatever steps are necessary to restore light, peace and harmony to your war-torn world.
Every day, you see the demands for WAR increase. This is actually telling you that they are running out of options: for them to survive, they need a war. All their plans to create World War 3 have come to nothing. Many people have awakened and will no longer accept their lies; these people have seen the light and can no longer be manipulated as they were in the past.

The New Moon on Sunday 30 March, and Monday 31 March, are particularly good days for our meditation on the obelisks in Rome.

Concentrate your efforts on:

The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano
The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale
The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell'Esquilino

By raising the frequency of these three obelisks on Sunday 30 March, and then saturating the remaining ten obelisks with love and light on Monday 31 March, we will have the desired outcome, sooner and more powerfully. This will inflict greater dissent, disorder, and confusion on the Jesuits.

Our work on the obelisks and ley lines has uncovered a lot. This work must continue until the last vestige of the old control system is gone forever. You have made a commitment to carry on with this work through meditation, until all that is corrupt is exposed and removed. This is the most important work that you have been asked to carry out. We need you to encourage as many as possible to do this work with us.

What you achieved on the 25 March was remarkable; especially as it was your first attempt at working with these obelisks. You are stepping into your own power and you are realising that you do not have to feel helpless ever again. You are becoming the people in control, the 99%. You have decided that the killing must stop, and you have chosen to live in peace with your fellow man.

There is another problem that concerns Veronica: the sytematic abuse of children. There is one individual, Kevin Annett, who is doing all in his power to expose the killing of helpless, innocent children, worldwide. We, in the world of spirit, admire and support this brave man of courage. He deserves the support of all right-minded people. Now that this abuse is out in the public domain, it must be condemned, and fully reported. Compassion must be shown to the poor children whose lives have been destroyed by those who strive for power, many of whom do not belong on your planet. Let Kevin Annett be a fine example of what can be achieved when one has the courage to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Remember, all it takes for EVIL to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
Do not be found guilty of inaction. Always remember, together, you are powerful !

You must be aware that since you began this work on the ley lines on the 2 February, the good energy in your world has increased. It is bringing out more information. All that was hidden is being revealed. Soon, there will be no secrets left to hide. 2014 is a most important year. You are in a window of opportunity and you must do all in your power to take advantage of it. There are hidden powers in your world which want it for themselves and they have plans to remove you. Your complacency could allow this to happen. It is time for you to question everything. Do not accept what you are being told, just because someone tells you that they have authority over you.

Your world was forced to accept and believe, as absolute truth, things which the VATICAN now admits were total lies. Many feared death because HELL was forced on them as a place to fear. Now they admit that that, too, was false, as there is no such place. How can you be expected to trust such people when they have fought wars and put people to death for their refusal to accept the lies ?

So much in your world today is based on lies. The cabal thrives on your FEAR, and they are experts at creating it. Money was created to control: not just your lives, but your countries. You have watched in horror as the same scenario has played out, again and again, as each country has been brought to its knees. Refuse to be taken in by these games. They do this because they see you as lesser beings than themselves.

We in spirit, have given you a plan that will work. It does not require money, only your commitment and intention. In your hearts and deep in your souls, you know it is time for you to take action and become the Being of Light that you truly are. You will restore your world, and you will remove all that was designed to create illness, confusion, and fear. Put your heart and soul into your meditation and create a better experience of life on Earth for everyone.

My love, enjoy being with your family this weekend. I will be there with you, in spirit.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

I have been asking the SUN to shine its light on the obelisks and ley lines. I find the sun very powerful and extremely active in the last few months. I have taken some amazing photographs of the sun interacting with me recently.

The Montague Keen Foundation

The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano

The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale

The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell'Esquilino


Arcturian Group message 3/30/14

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MARCH 30, 2014

Greetings dear ones. We see many starting to accept and understand change in their lives...some even saying; "Why didn't we think of this before?" People are losing the fear of change which is a big part of evolution, that is how it works. Never be afraid to try something new and then if you find that it does not work, that is fine, the sky does not fall down. Learning to be open to new ideas and change on all levels allows an individual to likewise receive on all levels--the inner door opens.

Many of the so called "older generation " continue to hold themselves back through the belief that there are no better ways of doing things than their life experiences have taught them. They have become comfortable in routine, refusing to even contemplate other ways of seeing the world and are missing opportunities to spiritually grow. Allowing oneself to contemplate new ideas does not mean living lives without joy or fun in work and activity, nor does it mean that your current way of doing and seeing either globally or personally is wrong and has to change. Being open simply means a willingness to let go of resistance and not being so locked into what is known and familiar that any change is impossible.

Arcturian Group wishes to speak about energy. Energy is the essence of all things, for it is Divine Consciousness and the substance of all form . Energy in its purest, is white Light and is interpreted according to the consciousness of each individual. The halo of light seen around saints and masters is simply their energy field, so filled with pure light that many can see it.

Energy, being Omnipresent Consciousness can never be lost, and only changes form. You are aware of and experiencing energy at all times, but are not always aware of what you are feeling. You may sense a heaviness in places like old battlefields that still hold the vibration of fear and suffering. Bars often carry a very heavy third dimensional energy which can be felt immediately. Most have experienced the peace and lightness of a cathedral or simple country church where the prayers of many throughout time have created almost a "presence" of light energy. The healing energy of nature in an undeveloped forest or beside a flowing stream is felt by almost everyone and is the reason these powerful and sacred places need to be protected.

All humans experience energy but do not always understand what it is they are feeling. Channels often say; "The energy is not yet in place." for this or that to happen. This means that the level and alignment of energy needed to bring a particular event into manifestation has not yet been reached. All living things feel energy and interpret on the level of their state of consciousness. Scientists will most often interpret it as physical, psychiatrists as emotional, and intellectuals as ideas and brain power...these are interpretations based on their states of consciousness--their belief system. Animals are very receptive to energy and easily sense and respond to the fear, anger, love, or whatever that is being projected by others...human or animal.

Color and the sacred Rays, are facets of Source energy, pure Light each carrying unique vibrational qualities but still in and of Light. As evolution moves to ever deepening levels, new colors never before seen will manifest. Every aura has varying colors representing of the energy of the individual. This is why individuals are drawn to or look best in certain colors, and this is why purple is considered a royal color (the perfect blending of red-physical and blue-mental). Ancient healing temples (and some healers now) used color therapy to adjust vibrational frequencies.

Make use of the Violet flame (seventh ray) as taught by Adamus/St. Germain for it is the vibrational energy of transmutation. Flood yourselves with it and flow it to the world and others if guided (without attaching any purpose or goal). Use this tool often in your meditation and inner work as the violet flame transmutes denser energies into the lighter, dissolving all that has no law to support it. All energy is Light, but its frequencies are lowered through the thoughts and beliefs of the un-evolved third dimensional consciousness thus moving it into slower, denser vibration...Light vs dark--duality.

The human eye is as of yet unable to perceive the lighter faster frequencies and this is why most do not see their Guides or those in light bodies and believe that the material/physical is all there is. This will change.

Because of ONEness, each vibrational level draws to itself similar...ideas and people of like frequency. This is what makes relationships work... not looks, money, status, or anything else the world may believe. Relationships are built within a somewhat same level of resonance. This is why many are drawn to those of Light, they are seeking their own Light but don't know that it is within and so look outside to others.

At this powerful time of change the vibrational frequencies of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are becoming lighter which is why many are having physical symptoms requiring the need to lay down and rest. The releasing of old dense energies stored through lifetimes in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies takes a lot of basic physical energy, leaving many exhausted for no apparent reason. Trust the process, rest when you need it, and drink lots of clean water. This process will complete at some point following the clearings, integration of lighter energies, and the DNA activations you are ready for.

Energy is all these things, and MORE, much MORE. Energy is the vibrational frequency expression of the Divine, and as you evolve ever more deeply into truth, your personal energy field will become lighter and brighter, more representative of the reality of your true essence.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/30/14



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4874 Until You Forgive, March 30, 2014 

God said: 

In the past I have told you that you are not wonderful to forgive, for you are not wonderful to take offense in the first place. Now I will add to this:
Once you have taken offense, who are you to be unforgiving? Who are you to hold on to perceived offense? Of course, there are many versions of this story.
One version is that the ones you are offended against may honestly not have a clue of what they possibly did that offended you.  And now it may be that you will no longer talk to them or acknowledge their existence. In this case, beloveds, who is the offender? What crime did they commit that scratched your ego?
Another scenario is that an outright crime was committed against you. Your child was injured. The offense is very clear. And who would not take umbrage? Whether the deed was done deliberately or by accident, the injury to your heart is great.
There can be other less major offenses that may have been deliberate or accidental. Someone snubbed you, so it seems. Maybe they meant to or maybe not. All this is not so clearly evident as a physical injury.
At first, your pained heart wants the other to pay for his real or imagined offense to you. You want him to pay for having injured you to whatever degree he did. You may see the offense as unforgivable.
Anger is anger. Furious is furious. Rage is rage. Whatever the inciting incident, you likely feel: “He can’t do that. He has no right. He cannot treat me or mine this way. Who does he think he is?”
And your wounded heart hardens, and you want to punish him, and so you punish yourself by hanging on to your anger and making yourself unforgiving, as though you have to, as though it is only right for you to harden your heart for all times. And, so, the punisher punishes himself. Who are you not to forgive? Whose heart do you hurt now, beloved?
No matter how right you may feel you are, you cast yourself onto a lower level, and so you hurt yourself. You are looking for retribution. There is no retribution. What is gained by an eye for an eye? How does that help really? The blind lead the blind. You are emulating an offender who by intent or innocence offended you. You take off his cloak, and you put it on. Whether the other is a true villain or not, you copy villainy.
If the other’s offense was murder, you feel murderous. If the other snubbed you, you want to snub him and hurt him back. If another stole from you, you want back what he stole and to take something away from him as well. You would become a thief in your heart.
You know why you want to let go of offense, don’t you? Because you hurt yourself. You stick the knife of retribution into yourself. Somewhere within you, you must release yourself from the sense of offense that you carry. Have mercy upon yourself.
You may feel letting go is impossible for you to do. I ask you, if you must copy others, then copy those who have found it in their hearts to let go and, in some cases, befriend the ones who may have done what, to your mind, is irreparable damage. They came to see that they had to repair the damage. They had to repair it rather than compound it. I speak of cases where grievous harm was done. I speak of cases that are beyond offense to your ego. If others can rise to such great heights, so can you. And so you must.
You must take responsibility for yourself. You don’t have to be unforgiving. You don’t have to hold reprisal in your heart. You have to let go of whatever hurts your heart.  Somehow you have to let go of it. Clean slate, beloved. Clean slate. Don’t wring your heart any longer.



An interview with an actual Gray Alien - {Video} - For your discernment.

