Monty channeled 3-16-14


When you are filled with joy, when you have blossomed in love, only then can you appreciate beauty.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - March 16, 2014

It is time for action once more, my friends. Though it is important to continue the work on Glastonbury Tor, we must move forward with our plans. Today, I ask that you look at the major ley lines in ROME. My friends, when I say the ley lines are important, please believe me. They are your passport to a peaceful world. Veronica has studied this matter and suggests that you all look at it, as well.


You may want to read all the parts if you have a strong enough stomach for it.
8 Egyptian OBELISKS stand in Rome. Ask yourselves WHY ?
Why do they need to control all the ancient knowledge ?

Why do they prevent this from getting into the hands of the people they profess to serve? There is so much for you to research on this subject. It will help you to see clearly what has been done to you. The time for complacency has long past. You are fighting for your survival. Together, you can move mountains; now you must move the mountain of obstacles that is obstructing the light from you. This will open your eyes to what was so cleverly hidden from you. It is now time to face the facts: until you do, nothing will change. It will be difficult and painful for many of you to face the truth but this is what must be done in order to move forward.

The map of the ley lines will provide you with all the information you need in order to work with your minds to release this energy for the benefit of all of humanity. I ask that you concentrate on this on the Vernal Equinox (Lady Day, 25 March 2014) or as near to that date as possible for you. This will take a huge effort on your part because this is The Big One ! What we are doing, we do peacefully and powerfully, using only our minds and souls to bring about the release of the spiritual lines of energy that will reconnect you with All That Is.

When you were cut off from this energy, you were cast into the darkness. Now, we in spirit are shining a light on all of this and showing you how to restore this light. Work with us and you will bring about changes that will free all of humanity from slavery. We will shine a light on each area of control throughout your world and gradually work towards creating a peaceful world for all. What is being imposed on you at this time is evil to its very core. Only the very foolish and mind controlled could believe what you are being told to accept as truth. 2014 will be the year to restore peace and truth. When the blood supply that flows through your veins is interrupted, it results in illness; when the energy that flows through the ley lines is blocked, it results in a very sick world. This is what you are about to remedy. I am sure many more of you will join us this time. Together, we will succeed. You realise that it will take immense energy to remove the blockages in Rome, so we need everyone on board, with pure minds and sincere intentions, all working for the good of humanity.

When we talked of the dark energies that were recently released into the world in order to cause anxiety, despair, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts, many of you wrote to Veronica from various parts of the world because you had experienced these phenomena. Here is the evidence that this dark energy is being used to cause you stress and fear. Be alert for all such intrusions into your lives. Share with others what you are experiencing. You are living through very difficult times. Everything dark and evil is being thrown at you to try to prevent the light from being restored.

To proceed successfully, you need to come together and share your research. Help others to understand what we propose to do. Some of those among you, are born leaders, who will come forward to show the way. These individuals will appear all over the place to guide you forward.

Be patient with those who are only just beginning to wake up. Many are in fear, still in 3D thinking, frightened to step into what, to them, seems like the unknown. Acknowledge that it is a big step to take, but it is one that must be taken urgently, as time is running out for the cabal. All the gold that they have amassed over the years will not serve them now, as they struggle to provoke more wars in the hope that it will buy them more time. But it is time for the killing to stop and for humanity to work together as one.

Use your meditation for guidance and to provide a clear insight into what needs to be done. You will be guided. We in spirit are working with you. When the light is restored, there will be a greater connection between the two sides of life, and a greater understanding of what you call death and what it really means to die. We never leave you. We watch over you. We are there for you.

Plan how you will work on the ley lines of Rome. Decide when and where to meet etc. Link together mentally and spiritually, always believing that you will succeed, for nothing can stop you. No matter how many false flags events the cabal produces, you will not be deterred, for this work takes priority over all else.

Remember, ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. It is obvious now, why this is so.

We are on our way. An army of light, exposing all the darkness and corruption, as we proceed to clear the path and restore the light. Be of good cheer, for this is what you are on Earth to do at this time. This is your purpose.

My dear, these little disasters in the house are caused to upset you. You will be helped to put things right again. See the ley line work as a huge adventure. The consequences of which will make history. It will restore the planet to wholeness.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


Arcturian Group message 3/16/14


MARCH 16,2014

Greetings dear ones. Once again we come to speak to you of ascension. All are in different phases of ascending into the higher dimensional energies. Not all will fully ascend at this time for many are not yet ready to embrace the fullness of their inner soul. However, all are experiencing the Light pouring onto Gaia at this powerful time and all have the free will choice to grow from or to reject it.

Remember this as you observe the many changes taking place within you and in the world. Change can be very upsetting to those still holding tightly to lifelong teachings and beliefs that no longer work for the highest good, but that is the way evolution is a gradual (sometimes not so gradual) shift into new and more evolved thinking, being, and doing, and old beliefs cannot stop it as the majority awakens and adds ever more Light to universal consciousness.

Since all are creators, evolution can be slowed, but never stopped for it is the purpose of life. Through free will, an individual can slow or even stop his spiritual growth for awhile even lifetimes, but the evolutionary journey can never be permanently's true nature is Divine, and the yearning to remember this is never lost. It is often buried deeply within through intention or ignorance, but can never disappear or there would be no individual. One cannot exist in any way shape or form with out the Divine within, as it is the substance of all form...all that is.

Arcturian group wishes to talk about life. When functioning within the third dimensional belief system, life is considered to be sacred in certain instances, (friends and relatives) but not so sacred (war) in others--perfectly reflecting the separation and duality of third dimensional thinking. There is only one life and it is is the only life there is. Humanly, scientists can create something that may seem to be alive in a bottle, clone, or test tube but this is only physical, an interpretation of "life". Life only becomes LIFE, when Divine energy enters in to it which is why a physical body disintegrates so quickly once the soul leaves.

It is here we must bring in the topic of abortion which has been and still is a subject of much discussion, confusion, anguish, and suffering for many. The decision to extinguish an unborn is a decision that must not be undertaken lightly but know that the soul who would choose to enter and become the child is well aware from the other side as to whether or not the child will be carried to term. A soul can enter, coming and going throughout a pregnancy that will result in a birth, but usually there is no soul yet attached in the early stages of a pregnancy unless there is a particular lesson for the entering soul.

Decisions of this sort must be made only after an honest evaluation of intention for these types of decisions carry and store intense energy for those making them, and there is much emotional energy being expended both ways on this topic. There must be HONEST inner consideration of what is the best and highest good for all concerned... decisions like this must never be made simply from a place of selfish convenience or fear and never as a means of birth control.

Intention is the spiritual key in making decisions of any kind because the intention behind any decision provides the energy upon which it rides...every word, action, or thought flows upon the intention that set it forth. Remember this dear ones, for it is a vitally important point.

Life is forever but souls choose to spend time in limited physical bodies in order to spiritually grow and evolve within the denseness of third dimensional energy. Earth is a powerful and difficult place in which to evolve and not for the faint hearted. Never under estimate your courage dear ones, for there are many evolving on other planets who chose not to be in a place that carries such density. All gradually learn from the experiences of earth and finally discover that that which they have been seeking, lies within. It is at this point that they begin to meet any problems on a higher level, karma disappears and they find themselves helping others struggling with same and familiar issues. Earth is being observed by many who wish to learn and study how mankind is going about doing this.

Life can never be lost, there is no such thing. A person who leaves either naturally or unnaturally, simply goes to another dimension. Most human eyes cannot as of yet perceive the higher frequencies of a light body and believe the deceased to be simply dead. In sleep, all leave their bodies, moving about, studying, and working in the spiritual body. Life and death are just two aspects of duality. You are more alive on the other side than you are on earth because on the other side, you remember who and what you are and are guided to whatever help and assistance you may need.

There are some who after "death" continue to align themselves only with familiar earth energy and because of this are unable to see the light bodies of their guides waiting to assist them. These souls become what you term ghosts...souls afraid of moving on and into higher dimensional light--some not even aware of the need to. These souls attach themselves to the familiar and often loved-- people, places, and experiences from their recent time on earth. Some, firmly stuck in a particular belief system are waiting for their belief to manifest...unable and unwilling to leave where they are. Some create for themselves familiar settings and lives in what is called the astral realm often for a long time until helped by another (Light beings or people who do this work) or awakening to their need for change.

In the third dimensional belief system it is believed by many that only some life forms are of value, and those mainly human. It must be understood that ALL life forms are sacred and in and of the One Life. There is no lesser or greater life. So called "primitive" societies were taught to ask permission before taking lives for food-- honoring and respecting the life given them by the animal. This idea has been largely disregarded in favor anything bringing in more money--a bigger, faster, approach carrying no respect for the animal involved... lives thoughtlessly taken for food, fashion, money, or power. The Divine has manifested Itself in infinite form and variety. You say; "What about the cockroach or the mosquito, are we to let them do as they please?" Insects are of those who have a group soul. The energy is Divine, but not individual. When an insect dies, it immediately rejoins its group soul but ask yourselves honestly, as respecters of Life is it really that difficult to simply move the spider outdoors rather than to kill it?

Life appears limited and fragile but is in reality forever and unlimited. You cannot die. Those who seek relief from the pressures of living through the taking of their own lives, simply cross over and find that they have solved nothing for the lessons they were meant to learn now must be met again at another time in another life.

Incarnation into the third dimensional energies of earth is a soul choice made by an individual in order to evolve and grow within the tremendous issues of third dimensional energy. Life lessons are planned by each soul with help and spiritual guidance before birth. Life events are not accidental as they would seem when judging by appearances but represent experiences necessary for the growth and evolution of the particular soul. Karma is not a punishment, but the balancing of energies originally created by the evolving soul and mankind in general. There is no longer karma after the soul reaches a certain level of spiritual awareness for then the individual is able to deal with life in new and higher ways but at this time many of you are helping to clear impersonal world karma.

All is perfect dear ones, in spite of world concepts of how everything needs to appear in order to be "right". Never forget as you journey through your life experiences ( some pleasant and some not so pleasant) that you are here at this time, in this body, with this family, in order to learn and grow and not simply to gain fleeting ego status through the attainment of money, popularity, beauty, goods, or power. Be alert to your desires dear ones, for ideals such as these represent the limitation of those still stuck in unawareness.

There is nothing evil or wrong about having wealth. This is a false concept still held and preached by some. The belief in the concept of separation has resulted in a universal sense that abundance in all its forms is outside of you and that you must struggle and grab it at all costs as best you can. Abundance is your divine right by virtue of your Oneness with Divine completeness, a truth that must be realized and become your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly. This is the work.

Make your only God the one within you, allowing it freely flow outward and manifesting in whatever form is needed. That which is completeness for one may not represent completeness for another so do not compare. This realization will help to free you from the never ending promotional hype to buy this, do this, have this...and you will be happy.

We are, with you in ONEness and LIFE...The Arcturian Group 3/16/14


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.


Chicago, US of A, February 7, 2014. 
Teacher Prolotheos. 
Subject: “Seek Balance in Your Life.” 

Received by Valdir Soares

Prolotheos: “It seems to be exceedingly difficult for most humans to balance their diverse activities in life. Many times one or two aspects of life are awarded exaggerated importance, while other aspects receive none or very little. There are three aspects of life that should be in equilibrium if life is to really be satisfying and productive: Work, leisure and devotion. Too much of any of these ‘life ingredients’ can throw the individual into hedonism, addictions and or fanaticism. Too little of them will show you as a grumpy, lazy or a secularized person. It is essential to find equilibrium among them, if one wants to experience a normal life, free of eccentricity. 

“Rest and worship are necessary in life, but one must work in order to rest, and experience routine in order to feel the need of reversion. The lack of rest and leisure is highly detrimental to both human psyche and body. Sleep is necessary to recharge energies, while play is important for one to relax from the pressures of work, duty and responsibilities. 

“Work is what produces change in a civilization and keeps institutions functioning. However work is most meaningful when its purpose lays beyond the accumulation of riches and personal aggrandizement, that is, when it benefits and helps others like family, friends neighbors and associates. Activities such as studies, training, artistry and professional sports are also considered to be work, although they may reflect the value of leisure for many who practice them. Work, even if strenuous, should bring satisfaction to the individual, only for the contentment of having his or her duty fulfilled. 

“Although work and leisure can bring real satisfaction to life, they may only be about material realities and not fulfill the spiritual hunger that every human being feels within. Worship and service can fill the gap. Worship gives you the spiritual satisfaction of being connected in a personal and affectional relationship with the Source and Center of All Things, our Universal Father. Service, that can be seen as devotion to your fellow human beings, gives you the the satisfaction of making a positive difference in the lives of people, promoting the spiritual betterment of civilization in your world. 

“Work, leisure and devotion make your living experience meaningful in its most important aspects. However, the lack or excess to any of these activities will be either detrimental or injurious to life. Equilibrium, balance, sobriety will give you a fair perspective on life and will promote a healthy and balanced personal growth. Examine your situation and seek the balance you need in your life. This is from Prolotheos your celestial tutor. Peace to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4860 One-by-One, March 16, 2014 

God said: 

Simple. Basics. There is something charming about writing with a stick in the sand. Sound effects are not needed. Fireworks are not needed. A noisy world isn’t better than a quiet one. Meaning is important. Visual effects are not. Music doesn’t have to surround everything. Simple silence is also good.
Life itself is not to distract you from the meaning of life. Diversion is not the meaning of life. To get your mind off something is not the meaning of life.
Life isn’t something to just get through. Consider life a canoe ride that you paddle. You don’t want to miss it. Life is what you are here for. Life in the world is an avenue of life. It is not a race you run. It is not an extravaganza. Life is not meant to be a gilded lily.
How much glitter and periphery can clutter your mind in one day or one year? Try a day of life without distracting your mind. If you must listen to something, tune in to Me. Try consolidating yourself instead of separating yourself here, there, and everywhere.
Your life is not to be canned. It is to be live! Alive from within and not quite so much from without. Focus on whatever is yours to focus on and not so much on distraction. Seek peace and quiet more and distraction less.
When you walk your dog, pay attention to walking your dog and not ear phones.
When you eat, eat rather than watch television. Digest your food rather than diverting your mind.
Perhaps too much is getting in your way of simply living life. Too much may indeed be coming in on you.
Eat simply. Live simply. Easy does it. Take time to be simply and amply with yourself. Silence is more powerful than noise. When you listen to music, listen to music. One thing at a time. Pay attention to what is a habit and pay attention to what is unifying you. When you drive your car, drive your car. When you are with a loved one, focus on your loved one and not your texting. When the phone rings, you don’t have to answer it. Your life does not have to have so many interruptions.
Whatever you are doing, be aware of what you are doing and one thing alone. Don’t splinter your attention so much. You have one mind. One thing at a time.
One, One, One covers much ground, the One that We are, and the Oneness of activity. More is not always better. More can be a cover-up. Your mind is precious. Conserve it. You can think better, more deeply, when your mind is not filled with so much. Let your mind be uncrowded. Let your life be less crowded.
Let us say that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and not an ear phone in your ear! Silence is golden in more ways than one.
It is the same with eating. Eat less. See if you can. See if you can live as you truly wish to live and not as you are seemingly mandated. Be your own person. Meet yourself. Don’t run from yourself. Embrace the garden of yourself, what is growing within, and what you are planting. Look for a distance every once in a while. Pay attention to what you are doing. You don’t have to be caught up in everything or ten things. Put your attention on what you really want to put your attention on.
You were put on Earth for something. It is certainly something wonderful that you don’t want to miss out on. Find out what it is. Allow it to come to you. Let go of interference. Come to the simplicity of clarity and one-pointedness.



