

Meditation is seeing God in yourself. Love is seeing God in the person next to you. Knowledge is seeing God everywhere.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - February 16, 2014

A Nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Though these words were written centuries ago, they are more revelant today than ever they were then. The words will help you to look with clarity at those who are doing one thing, while telling you that they are doing the exact opposite. It is most important that you wake up to what you are being told to believe, when all the evidence clearly shows the opposite is true. You are in an US and THEM scenario. They are using all the means at their disposal to keep you subservient and asleep. You have to use your intelligence, rely on your own research, and stand by it. They do not want you, in the long term, but they cannot afford to lose you right now. They need you to put everything in place for them, so that they can take over your planet; then dispose of you. This has never been more obvious than it is right now. One would need to be in a coma not to see it.

Switch off your mind controllers and your TVs, and discard your newspapers; since these are abusing you, by painting a false picture of what is really happening. Your weather is being manipulated to produce the desired results. They are destroying your world all around you. We warned you of this. Now, you can see it with your own eyes. The more you suffer, the more energy you produce for them. Right now, they desperately need this energy in order to survive; for they are struggling against the light that the awakened amongst you has brought forth on the Earth.

The Ley Line Project served to produce wonderful energy. The gratitude of all should go to those who took the time and trouble to be part of this. I cannot stipulate enough, the importance of these ley lines. This work will continue at regular intervals. It can, of course, be done at any time, but it is when you combine your energies and work as one that you get such magnificent results. You are surrounded by ley lines, all of which need your attention. Your very survival depends on the action you take at this time. You cannot afford to ignore what is right there in front of your eyes. You have got to face the facts. Money will not help you. You need to come together, as your strength is in numbers, and you are the 99%. Step out of your little boxes and make contact with people who have the interest of humanity at heart.

It is important that all barriers are removed. Talk with each other and share your research. Work together on projects that you feel connect with you. The sharing of information and the awakening of minds should be priority No1. You may be surprised at the number of people who are ready; they just need a little encouragement in order to take the first steps into the light. Once you see that light, you can never close your eyes to it again.

2014 was designated by All That Is for Planet Earth to resume contact with the universe. With a little help from the World of Spirit this will be achieved. The evil forces which enslaved humanity and set out plans for the destruction of life on Earth, will no longer be in control. This is the biggest battle your planet has ever had to deal with. The cabal has been planning it for 2000 years. You, on the other hand, have only just awakened to it. This is why you do not have time to waste: speed is of the essence. You are fighting for your very existence and for the future of your planet. Nothing could be more important. Pray that only the truth will resonate with you and that all the propaganda will become blatantly obvious to all. When they recognise that their lies are no longer believed, then, and only then, will they accept defeat. Remember the old adage, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."

The importance of the visit to the Tor at Glastonbury on 2 February was reinforced today, when we, in Spirit, were able to manifest to Veronica something that actually happened there, and the importance of it. One day soon, she will be able to share it with everyone. In her soul she knew she had to make it to the top of the Tor, and so she did. She is now suffering from pneumonia as a result. The video of this historic visit can now be seen, and you will see for yourselves just how cold and bleak it was on that day. Though we pleaded with her to rest, her work is paramount in her life. She is determined to fulfill her mission in this life; and with your help, she will do so.

I thank all who send good wishes, for all thoughts have energy and are most welcome. Never underestimate for one moment the importance of the ley lines. This work must be done by as many people as possible, whether from the comfort of your armchair or by physically walking the lines in groups, if possible.

The great battle in which you are engaged, requires your hearts and minds to be working together as one. You are now taking control of your own lives and refusing to be led like sheep to the slaughter. The history of this time will be talked about for many years to come.

Enjoy Mark's report of the visit to the Tor, and the video, and prepare for the next ley line experience.

My dear, do please try to get some rest. We in Spirit, surround you with love and light.

Ever, your adoring, Monty.


Urantia, January 28, 2014. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Purity of Intent.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Another day of teaching has broken upon this planet, and the question remains: ‘How shall you use this day? Will there be some constructive thoughts in the human brain or is it already stressed about the day ahead?’ Ideally, give yourselves a moment of clarity before stumbling out of bed and perhaps grudgingly beginning another day on this disordered and backward planet, so out of step with her sister planets. Think about how this backwardness is being added to by each negative thought and decision of its inhabitants. It needs the goodwill of all to put on your collective ‘thinking caps’ and decide what kind of day you are going to experience – either a day of upliftment or another humdrum day where nothing positive ever happens. 

“You see, dear ones, it is totally in your hands to decide what sort of day you are going to have, and the gift of free will can be a most powerful tool to use. However, since thoughtlessness runs rampant on this planet, it might be expedient to ask for some insight to have some help with that tool of free will – to help steady your minds when you wield that tool. One thing would then be made clear in your minds; that it is totally unnecessary to wield the tool of free will on your own. You may request of the most valuable Spark from God within to help guide you. It is so very easy to for a moment stop and ask with intent of the Indwelling Guide what might be the best way to put your free will to use, so it can benefit the progress of the planet. 

“You see, dear mortals, if such a request would be voiced by only ten percent of the population, the whole planet would make a turn-around into the right direction, towards progress for all. It stands to reason that such a request needs to be forthcoming with the purest of intent. Yes, such an important request for help would entail the cooperation between God and human in harmonizing human will with the will of God. Cooperation is what we, your Heavenly Indwellers, represent. So there you have it, a pure Spark from God indwelling each thinking mortal on the planet. 

“Do you ever stop to realize how powerful it could be if some humans with sincerely and purity of intent would ask for help and guidance instead of thoughtlessly praying ‘may God’s will be done.’ Instead you might say, ‘I will, that God’s will be done in me, by me and through me.’ How soon your native planet would be brought in line with the rest of creation! Never forget, that they are the humans themselves who are adding to the planet’s misery. Therefore would it not be a wonderful idea on anyone’s part to be able to say on looking back later on their mortal life, ‘I did my best to help change things around for the better on my native planet with all my power and purity of intent’. Think how that would make you feel in eternity! Happy memories are far stronger than unhappy regretful ones.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“You shall minister in My Name” – The Beloved One.


February 2, 2014
Beloved children, this is your Father Michael.  The truth of your being lies within your developing soul.  This part of your self is connected to the larger container of SELF, of which we are all a part.  The divine SELF is part of our mutual Creator Father, who has put into place a vast organism of LIFE.  Many different personalities are created to participate in the grand unfolding of the divine plan.
Seeded within this soul is the growing self-identity of what it means to be an evolving human starting life at the material level on a physical world.  There is beauty and grandeur in the “beingness” you were born into, and it is up to you become aware of the magnitude of what this means as your go about your daily lives.  This is the unfolding of the spiritual life, and it is played out upon the scenes and experiences each day.  What a gift you give to LIFE when you participate in the journey to co-creating your soul identity along with the presence of the Creator within your being. 
Allow the TRUTH of who you are to awaken and inspire you to inner depths and dimensions of your being, my beloved children.  This is beyond your waking consciousness, yet you can open to this by quieting your mind and heart, by simply posing that question, “Who am I?” The inner process of opening to this region of consciousness will bring information forward to help you perceive what is this thing you call “self” and help you participate in the development of your personality gifts throughout creation.  As this unfolds, you will increasingly see yourself as a growing God-self, and enjoy ever-expanding feelings of LOVE, PEACE, JOY flowing from your SOURCE of which you are an integral part.   


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4833 Change of Heart, February 17, 2014 

God said: 

You hear so many times. “Let go. Don’t be attached. Free yourself from the past.” Of course, holding on to the past isn’t moving forward. It makes you stuck. And you may be stuck to the past in ways you don’t have any idea of. You don’t know what unconsciously from the past makes you repeat patterns that do not stand you in good stead. When something upsets you, you figure it is the something that upsets you, as if your upset is justified by outside events. Upset comes from internal events.
You may feel comfortable with someone from the first meeting, or you may feel uncomfortable with someone from the first meeting. Someone may subconsciously remind you of a teacher, or an aunt, or a mother, or a father, or a sister, or a brother, and it is that hidden memory you are reacting to. This is not just a theory, beloveds. It is not everyone or anyone you start out with from a clear slate.
You may be familiar with, perhaps, at one time in your life, holding a strong opinion, and today you hold a different opinion. You had a bias, and now you have a different bias. Once you disapproved of something and now you approve, or, once you approved of something that now you don’t. It could be a total reversal or partial. In any case, you are open to one way of thinking now and less open or closed to another. This you are consciously aware of.
Perhaps you were born into a family with certain ideas, and on a conscious level, you no longer embrace those ideas, or, you were opposed to your family’s ideas, and now their ideas make more sense to you.
In these matters you are aware of this change and, most likely, see it as growth. You outgrew something.
When it comes to individuals, odds are you don’t know where a preference or aversion within you comes from even when you think you do. You know you appreciate someone more now that you once did, or vice versa. You know that, and you may or may not think of reasons. Regardless, it is not a question of reasons. It is a question of a change of heart.
Your initial response came from you, you know not where. You don’t have to know where, of course. There is no need to know where. Once in childhood, someone was unkind to you and someone else was most wonderfully kind, and something in a person you meet now who had nothing to do with your past now reminds you of the unkind person, or, reversely reminds you of someone who was amazingly wonderful to you, and you react accordingly. This is not a new idea to you. Awareness of the subconscious or unconscious mind is commonly accepted. Your heart receives a message, welcome or unwelcome, and you only know to go by this you feel.
Think of all the logical reasons you want, there is something in your heart that tells you yes or tells you no.
This is not a theory. This is what happens in the world. I speak about attitudes you hold.
I mention all this so you do not have to allocate intellectual reasons or defense for what you feel.
You are growing to the point where you will see every person you meet for the first time as, indeed, you are meeting them for the first time and not as members from the past. Just as you have grown out of clothes from the past, you are growing out of all the past into a greater Unity with My heart.
Everything in the world is an idea, beloveds. And ideas are capable of change. You are the one to change ideas that have not held you in good stead and now embrace new ones.
