

Taking responsibility without doer-ship or surrendering is the skill of the wise. This skill is the grace of the Guru.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Montague Keen - February 9, 2014

Veronica, my dear, and all those who stepped into their innate power and took the first steps to return the Divine Energies of the ley lines to the people of the world, instead of to the few who had redirected them to themselves in order to exclude the 99%. One day, you will understand the magnitude of what you achieved on the 2 February 2014.

We thank Mark for the many hours he spent, studying the maps, in order to establish the whereabouts of the most important ley lines. We will continue this work. We cannot give dates until a few days in advance, in order to protect you all. However, a newsletter will be produced which will give you advance warning. This will give you time to decide where you will go, and where you will meet, etc. Coming together as one, multiplies the energy released. Your first effort surpassed all expectations. We see you as our team on Earth. This team will expand as time goes on, and as more people come to realise the positive results that can be achieved.

If you had any idea of the effort the Cabal puts into trying to prevent you connecting with the ley lines, you would be astonished. They used all the power they could muster, but could not prevent the pure of mind from doing what was asked of them.

We told you that the power of the Dark Ones is fading. They are desperate. We told you that you do not need guns and tanks to reclaim what is yours by right. All it takes is for good people to come together in peace and harmony and to link together world wide. It was like A GIANT WAVE OF BEAUTIFUL ENERGY, going all around your world as each continent embraced the sunrise. It was pure love and light. We, in Spirit, thank each and every one of you who took part in this unique event. Each time you do it, it will become more powerful. This is a very important year. We must not lose the momentum.

My dear wife had a difficult time climbing to the top of the Tor in Glastonbury, in the early hours of the morning. She suffers from heart and lung problems, and is suffering from a severe lung infection. My deep gratitude goes to Dave and Mark, who held her hands and supported her on the ascent. It was a tortuous climb in the darkness and it was severely cold. She had to stop many times to fight for her breath. It was her determination to reach the top that gained her the admiration of Dave, Mark, and the World of Spirit. Personally, I am deeply indebted to both Dave and Mark for taking care of my dear wife. Dave has filmed the sunrise, so you will be able to share the wonder of it all.

It is time for you to understand that your planet has been turned into a huge concentration camp. You are now beginning to wake up to this fact. You are prisoners and you are beginning to see the bars in clear sight, and you are prepared to confront them. Those who control you have created so many 'laws': cameras watch your every move and electronic devices surround you, emitting controlling energies. You are bombarded with propaganda that tries to block any semblance of truth from getting through to you.

Try to find that which is real in your world. The weather is controlled and is used to distract you from the real issues. The banks are used to create a noose around your necks, to keep you servile and scared. The religions have excelled themselves by creating FEAR and putting out false information, some of which they now admit is not true and never was true. Falsity. Yet people are still scared to detach themselves and embrace the divine and creation itself.

Be brave and look into your own souls, for there, you will find only love. Remove all the fear that was falsely created to hold you captive. Refuse to take part in the destruction of your beautiful planet. How can you live with yourselves or look your children in the eye, if you go into other countries in order to kill and take over ? Dangerous chemicals are released into the atmosphere that kill and destroy the very land you depend upon for your existence. It is time to take resposibility for your actions. There is more than enough evidence which shows that what you are doing is criminal. You are betraying your childrens' trust and that of your fellow man. The blinkers must be removed from your eyes. There is no excuse for obeying orders blindly, when deep down, you know you are violating human life.

You can no longer sit on the fence. There is more than enough evidence available to you. It has never been easier to investigate the real facts, and to make a decision about which road you will take. Remember, your time on Earth is but a moment, but your soul is eternal. The take-over of your planet cannot be allowed to happen. The Cabal depends on your help to achieve its aims. Without your compliance, they would never have succeeded to the degree we can see today. That is a sobering thought. Many of you have helped in the destruction of your planet and of humanity itself. One day you will have to face that fact.

There are many in your world who are helping you to see the TRUTH; those who have stepped out of the box and are bringing the truth to you. There are also those who tell you it is all going to be so easy. This is done to create a false sense of security, so that you sit back and do nothing. Well, I tell you, nothing is farther from the truth. It is not going to be easy !

On the other hand, it is not going to be anything that you cannot handle easily enough by working together. You, the 99%, are more powerful than the Cabal ever could be. Whereas YOU can do it yourselves, THEY need your help, and THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU.

Believe you can do it and you will do it. The cabal is doing its utmost to destroy the one who has returned to lead the way. I ask that you send love and light to this individual who is going through an extremely difficult time. Subconsciously, he is struggling to break free. Humanity needs him to wake up to who he is, and to remove the shackles that were placed on him so that he can commence his work on Earth. Humanity needs this to happen.

Together, we have started a huge movement. Both sides of life are working on this, together. How quickly we achieve our goal, is up to you. We are always on hand to assist you.

Enjoy the film of the sunrise over the Tor on the 2 February. We thank Dave for braving the bitterly cold wind in order to film it for us. Forward we go, to establish the light throughout your world and in your lives.

I am proud of you, my love, and of what you have achieved.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


(PROGRESS Service Sector)

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner

February 6, 2014

Greetings I am Mira:
         I greet you from the Earth Council, my continual focus.
         We view you today with lots of thoughts, fears, uncertainties and judgments about your lives on the Earth. The destruction is vast as it makes way for the new. Hanging onto these fears to which I am referring, does you no good. It is best for you to surrender and let go. This is the essential ingredient necessary for you to move forward with ease and grace.
         These thought forms and emotions are being fed by an onslaught of devices that are divisive and as well as constructive. Little do you know the effect on your energy fields and your lives by being plugged into technology that is moving at faster breakneck speed. Think for a movement about what this might be doing to you, your lives and your brains. Your wellbeing is being invaded by something that you feel you cannot live without. You are becoming increasingly addicted to games and information. How are these situations contributing to your life?
         It is of the utmost importance that you dislodge yourselves from these devices for at least two hours a day to give yourselves a rest. The overstimulation from these devices plays havoc with your nervous systems. It is impacting your brains. What about the rest of your body and our electromagnetic fields? Overall, we know that you love this technology yet we implore you to become more aware about how you are being impacted by such addictions. The desire for more and more information feeds a certain part of the brain but overwhelms other parts. The pace is speeding up.
         When combined with all of the energy that is coming to the Earth right now from the Higher Realms it is too much to integrate. We are speaking to the ground crew who has to be ready and capable of receiving information from us, the Light Realms, and from within. How are you going to do this if you are constantly distracted?
         The huge influx of Light that is being gifted to the Earth and to you needs to be worked with so please think about this as you more consciously can use your time. It is necessary to achieve greater balance with all that would draw your energy.
         We are intending to make you more aware of your focus. We are not judging you. We want to help you learn the appropriate use of technology and how it can best serve you. This is part of how we can help you.
         Our technology is far more advanced than what you can imagine. It is important in our lives yet is contains a different vibration that is in harmony with our energy fields. This is something that needs to be taken into consideration for your lives to be healthy. It will be a part of your continual advancement into a more conscious higher dimensional civilization.
         Many of your scientists and technologists have already invented devices that will be more aligned with the new vibrations of your changing bodies and lives. The gateway for this truth is opening. It is part of higher consciousness that makes the appropriate energies available and will not be able to be kept from the populace much longer. We align with you for this to happen. We will be there to assist you as you adapt to changing needs and conditions.

I am Mira with great love for all of you.



02-09-14: I received some information in my email today from Anakhanda Mushaba that he was inspired to write as he read the Wake up Call that I sent out on the 6th. As I sat down to respond to his writings St Germain came through with his responses. See the revised WUC below.

St. Germain,


Nancy: St Germain, I have been wondering since you gave the information the other day that you did, why did you give me what you did, and why the timing of it? Now I am wondering, what more, if any, is there that you would like to share with me so that I can share it with the world? I feel there must be at least a part 2 to this message.


St Germain: Yes indeed, my dear one, there is much more that I could share with you, and today we will make a start on it. It is a matter of being in the flow, and exploring the avenues that are due to be traversed in the journey of the people on this planet. As for the timing, it is a matter of addressing anything that is flowing into the hearts and minds of all of Creation.



First I will tell you this piece of information. There is coming to the planet a wave of power that will come from the people that will open many doors that have been closed for millennia. It is a doorway that not only you have opened in the past several years, but many others have as well. It is a doorway through which the personages have come to this planet to instruct the ones who came here to empower and overtake the ones of the lower energies. There is an ongoing onslaught of events that are not only ‘under the table’, but are in tune with what is open to the public. As I speak, there are many who are putting together the steps that are designed to overpower the lower energies and to bring forth the truth of what has been hidden for so long.



One of these things I will speak of here. There has been a long-lasting attempt to overcome the ones who are serving the light, and who have made strides in that direction. I tell you all now that these original ones who have tried to overcome are now in bondage on another planet and are being treated with the light energy that they agreed to when they came into this whole endeavor. They did not at the beginning realize what they were dealing with, and as they dealt further into the depths of the fear energies, they were not able to relieve themselves of that which had not only encumbered the ones they sought to enslave, but it had also encumbered them to fall deeper into that which they agreed to.


Anakhanda Mushaba: This reminds me of Maldion story as well as the Cina incident where Maldion and I were being pulled into the warp of evil. Also too I see how they can get lost in this as they feel that this is truly who they are. They forget they are role playing and the play is supposed to end.


S.G. New: Yes, it is a matter of the old ones meeting the new ones and then coming into terms with what it is that is in line for not only the ones on earth, but, for the ones on this other planet where they are undergoing their return to themselves. It will be an incredible journey for them when they realize what they have allowed to happen in thie existence and as they take homage to the truth, they will then step forth and allow the truth to come to the people.


This is what happens when one goes into the energies that they agree to. For it is the power of the energy of Love. When one falls more and more into the energy of fear, one seeks to become more and more of that energy, for one knows only the original energy of Love. This is what you all have shown us in your journeys in this mission that you all agreed to. You try and try by using tactics that you feel will accomplish your success, things that are pushing against what seems to be not what you want. You do so thinking that it is because of your power of Love, which has always been that way before taking this sojourn through duality. Now there are so many of you who are realizing that pushing only drives you deeper into the fear.


AM: This is so true. Also to The Power of Love from the beginning was brought through the Mushaba Race from the first universe. That was all they had known until they created the second universe of duality.


S.G. New: Yes, though they did know that there would be a coming journey for them, an expression of what they knew, it was beyond their scope of information what would be coming. That is what we speak of when we say the expression of creativity in the innocence of truth.


My dear ones, this is not to say that the energy of Love supports what they are doing, or that it supports the energy of fear. It is saying that when a being knows only the energy of Love, and then falls away from it in agreement with the Source, then it speaks itself in the original energy the only energy that has been experienced as yet, that of Love. As the energy of what has been experienced grows and multiplies it becomes more of itself, that which it has experienced. Now that we have brought so many of those who chose the way of the lower energies to our midst on the other planet, the one where they will return to their original selves, they will be undergoing a cleanse that will bring them back to themselves. It will be a cleansing that is so complete that they will not only remember their original selves, but they will retain the knowledge of what they have done to serve the mission that they volunteered for.



 AM: Thus this is the power of love! The MUshaba Energy leads one back to themselves.


S.G. New: Yes, and it shows how newness was created in their journey and what they contributed to the whole ‘scheme of things’.


This has been a most valuable episode for all of life. There has been much learned and expressed in this experience. This is why we have been here at this time to rescue the ones who gave of themselves to lower their energies in the way that contributed to the experience that has unfolded. Now they are taking a look at what is taking place within themselves, and they are learning from that. They are seeing the process that they underwent and that all of life experienced as well. They are seeing that those who are left on earth to finish off the deal will be working with us in stages that harmonize with what they are doing and what will accomplish the best way to come back to themselves. It is a time of so many being brought back to themselves. As it goes through the various stages we will be right there with them to guide and assist them every step of the way.



We are seeing that there are many who are finding so much inspiration in their journeys back to themselves and as they accomplish what they see to be the best they can do, it is phenomenal. They are taking strides that we had not seen could be done, even though we knew that they would surpass the timeliness that it took to get them here. We are seeing the utmost in power that they have to come up out of the muck and mire to find their cleanliness and to shine it forth to all with whom they come into contact. It is a grand journey that we all have undergone, and as we continue, we teach each other.



One more thing I wish to tell you today is that as we work with these ones on the other planet, we are finding that they are seeing what you can do to rise above what they tried to make you do, and they are giving you so much Love and energy of clearance. They watch with us and learn that what they did was on some level what they have called deplorable; it was what they agreed to do. It has added to what we all can go on with in our next journeys.



Also it can be used in a way that shows us what not to do, even when it seems at the time to support us. For instance, if one seeks to overpower another, the power is in answering the order with a return based in Love, rather than in fear. There is nothing that is more powerful than Love. When one responds in Love to anything that is based in fear, the fear is overcome. They are seeing that Love is the only thing that can be in truth as long as it is used in its purity of the power of Love. This is something to remember in these coming times. Anything that comes up in these times that does not feel like genuine Love will be met most successfully with the purity and strength of Love. When you push against anything it gains in the power of fear. When you meet it with ease and Love it melts before your eyes and becomes one with you. What results is pure Love in expression.



AM: This is telling me so much more about the mission and purpose f the Mushaba Force, which is now the Love Essence of Mushaba. Remember that Mushaba is Love and now that the Love Essence of Mushaba is here, this is what many will eventually tune into to. They may not know that it is that and that doesn't matter. Mushaba is Pure Love In Expression. Love in Motion! Mushaba is the original Love!


S.G. New: Yes, Mushaba is the original expression of Love. It is the next step beyond the knowing of Love. It is the movement of Love in the intent of the Creator to Do, as well as Be.


Dear ones, I will be back through this one in the coming times and I will share more with you. There will come a time, even in the next moment from now, when you will be doing the same thing with all of those with whom you come in contact that you feel would appreciate what you have to share with them. Till then send them Love and know that there will come a time when you will all meet at the table of the last supper of the old and change it into the new table of the celebration of the new beginnings. I love you all so splendidly and look forward to holding your hands and celebrating in your divine presence.



AM: It would be so cool if they can speak about the Love Essence of Mushaba and its purpose. I think it will serve the people to know. I know that when I get back to writing and speaking again I will be bringing in a lot of this info. However, I am not the only Mushaba, nor the only source where this info will come from. You too are Mushaba, and many more are awakening to that fact. I have been hearing from people that have been in touch with Kathryn May and found out that they have a Mushaba connection. Mushaba Beings are awakening. I haven't had the opportunity to really connect with her only on one occasion after Papa passed away and she heard from someone about it and called me and I spoke to Papa at that time through her. That was the only time I any connection with her directly.


I just feel like sharing more and more with you my thoughts about things. It doesn't matter if you agree, for as friends we both are simply sharing our thoughts, which is how we expand and grow into our own truth and wisdom.

You know Papa will not only speak through me, Raonezha, and the other family members, but you as well, for you are family and never forget that.

Love, A


S.G. New: There will indeed come a time when many more will not only realize the truth about the Mushaba energy, but they will begin to feel and see the connection they have with it, for it is within everyone, just as the Christed energy is. As we go down these roads of truth and find the missing pieces we will become more and more aware of what we have been undergoing and what steps to take from where we are in the moment. It is a matter of being in the Now and seeing it in joy, peace and Love.


Nancy: Thank you so much Anakhanda for your reflections on what St Germain brought forward.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain,

Much Love, Nancy Tate



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God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4826 The Whole Truth about Love , February 10, 2014 

God said: 

What is true is what is in your heart. And what is in your heart is beautiful. This is Truth. Anything not beautiful is not true. Anything not beautiful is fear dancing around, lurking. The whole world has made something of fear, and, yet, fear is an illusion, yet, even so, illusion can carry a great weight. In fact, this is what the illusion of fear does, carries a great weight and weighs you down. Even hope is not big enough to be Reality and countermand fear, yet hope is closer to Truth.
Fear finds objections. Fear does everything it can possibly think of to object to everything that is beautiful and true.
Fear gives unasked-for reminders on a level of existence that does not bear reminding. You may see a beautiful rose in bloom or a gladiola, and you are immersed in its perfection, and then fear whispers: “Tomorrow, what you see as beauty will no longer be beautiful, for, tomorrow, it will fade and be just another flower gone down the river.” Fear likes to put you in a mood of finality.
Fear ensures that you see the road of time. It has been said that God gives on one hand, and God takes back in another, yet, ah, it is not I Who does this. It is the concept of time that gives on one hand and takes back in another.
Fear says, “Everything changes.” Truth says that Truth is lasting. On the surface, nothing lasts, including your physical life. And so you may fear life, and fear loving because, one way or another, you have sunk into the belief that love does not last. You may even have a history of short-lived love.
Beloveds, what if love does last? What if you yourself are an expression of love long-lasting? What if you cannot in truth say: “Poof, love just flew out the window.” Admit, love is greater than passing love, greater than recurring love, for love is a constant no matter what the world makes of it. Love is true. True Love exists. I exist. And you exist, and love never ceases.
What if there is only Big Love? What if there is no love wasted? What if you truly are love? You, beloveds, who are the energy of love are love total. Love may come in many guises, yet no love is ever lost. Love is not really a shape-shifter. No matter how it may seem, love is behind it all, all the love in the world. There is not a blade of grass that is not love.
Fear has put myth before you, and you have lost your belief in love. Fear has drawn some ghastly pictures of love, and you may have engaged in them. Love is effortless. Of course, it is because Love is the whole kit and caboodle of what you are.
It has been said that when you leave this mortal coil, you will reunite with your loved ones. This is so, yet it is not the Whole Truth. You will reunite with the full bloom of love that now may tremble in your heart. Fear disappears, and Truth is known, and the Truth We keep coming back to is that you are love, not some love, not love sometimes, but Love, Love standing tall, Love Eternal, Love Vast, Love Hearty, Love Simply Love that holds no quarter and asks for none. Love is a bloom that cannot fade, cannot fade if it tried. Non-love is illusion, and fear is illusion. Fear of love doesn’t stand up. It doesn’t stand a chance.
But love, ah, love, withstands illusion. Love withstands time. In Eternity, love is and anything that is not love is not. You don’t for one minute believe, do you, that fear has even the tiniest place in Eternity? In Eternity, there is not even believing. There is Knowing. You live in Eternity, and in a quiet place of you, you know all this now. At this moment of Eternity, your heart is soaring, and you are nodding Yes.


Alberta, Canada. 
Prometheus’ Treasures - IX. 
Subjects: “Partnering with your Creator for Personality Perfection.” 

Received by Renée. 

Teacher Prometheus: “Have trust in the perfection of the plan which is carried by the indwelling Fragment of the Creator as you cooperate with your heart-led desire to partner with your divine Friend. 

“The personality which is a gift of the Creator is always in development and made to evolve to perfection. The personality is only activated in this refinement process as the free-willed mortal makes choices to learn from the experiences that are continuously being presented to him or her. 

“Love is the guiding light and intelligence which promotes progress and penetrates the willing personality’s mind in cooperation with the mortal’s desire-of-heart. The leadings of the indwelling Spirit are always purposeful and carrying forward the divine plan for that individual personality.” 

“I am Prometheus.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw”
– Prometheus.

