
The greatest Guru is your inner Self. Truly, he is the
supreme teacher. He alone can take you to your goal
and he alone meets you at the end of the road. Confide
in him and you need no outer Guru. But again you must
have the strong desire to find him and do nothing that
will create obstacles and delays. And do not waste
energy and time on regrets. Learn from your mistakes
and do not repeat them.

There is coming a time when all of you will be in the know about what is taking place on your planet and within. For now it is a matter of settling in and enjoying yourself as the days grow into weeks and months of the workup time to the full ascension of earth and all of life within and on its surface.
I am Hatonn, and I come to you this day in order to alleviate some of the worries that you have and some of the doubts that are shadowing the earth at this time. As we go through this process we are seeing what is coming forth in your lives and how you are encountering the breakthroughs that are steadily climbing for you. It is a matter of being able to take your strides in what comes your way, and see that they are indeed temporary and designed to clear the old stuff from your beingness. As this happens you are finding that once the clouds have lifted you are feeling more Joyous and at ease, lighter and more in tune with yourself.
This is a wondrous time for you all, and as we see what you are expressing in the overtures of your clearing we rejoice for we see that as the old terms of life expel from your beingness, the new lighter energies are blossoming forth and expressing themselves in a way that is unmistakably Love.
We ask that you see this as the fulfillment of the promise that you have given to yourselves as you saw each phase of the clearing taking hold and setting free all that has been an encumbrance in the past. We see that as the events around the world that are taking precedent in some people’s lives, are but mere annoyances in the moment, and are then set to rest within those who see them for what they are, separate from them. The freedom that this brings you, as the ideas of the annoyances fade away, is by far more of what your trueness is than so many of the hindrances that you all agreed to so many millennia ago.
You have done it, dear ones. You have gone beyond those hindrances and come forth from the boundaries that you set into place. When you set them in place you knew that at some point they would fall away because you would allow it. You knew that some day you would look back on all of this and tell yourself that it was worth it, because it gave a gift to all of existence. Now you are rising even more than you realized you could into the spectrum of idealism and knowingness that takes you to an unbounded evolutionary process.
That process is entirely of Love. It is geared to move you forward in the Love energy that you are. It is already seeing you in the newness that you are destined for. As you begin to see that newness more and more, you will realize that you are in this for all of existence. You will know that nothing that you did, experienced, or brought into manifestation was wrong, for it was all designed in the interest of what you are expressing in your potential.
I leave this message now with these words. As you go on into eternal bliss and express what it is that you have chosen for your journey, you are adding to the completeness of what The Creator saw for you. You are hand in hand with the All That Is and it is completely Love unbounded and in harmony with all of existence. Blessings are upon you, of your own design. Gather them to your bosom and dance through the eternal Now forever and a Day.
Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Conversations with Monjoronson #77 – Earth Problems; Energy Systems; Psychotropic Drugs; Global economy – Jun. 14, 2013

Progress on the grid of human consciousness
The nuclear disaster at Fukushima
Is seafood from the Pacific Ocean unsafe to eat?
Geo-engineering, chem-trails and HAARP
The planet’s energy systems
Psychotropic drug use
Debt slaves
Sustainable global economy
Focus on the Father rather than the Trinity in this Superuniverse
Choosing questions for this venue
TR:             Daniel Raphael
Moderator:  Roxanne Andrews

June 14, 2013

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Christ Michael and Mother Spirit, we gather once more in your light and love, seeking higher growth and wisdom for our planet of spiritual brothers and sisters and ourselves.  Please bless our efforts to spread truth, beauty and goodness far and wide on our world, called Urantia.  We are truly thankful for this opportunity to speak with Monjoronson and his staff and to always be in your presence.  I would also like to ask that you bless our friend, Michael McCray, who is unable to be with us today because of illness.  Amen.
MONJORONSON:  Good morning, this is Monjoronson.
Roxie:  Good morning, Sir.  It is wonderful to have you with us again.
MONJORONSON:  We will definitely bless “our friend,” Michael McCray, with healing grace and integrity in his body.  Thank you.
Roxie:  Do you have anything that you would like to begin with before I start asking you the questions that Michael has sent to me from our audience?
MONJORONSON:  I have no comments to provide this morning extemporaneously.  Please proceed with the questions.
Roxie:  As I mentioned, these are questions that our reading audience has forwarded to Michael.  I don’t know much about the background of these, but I will just ask the questions as they were presented to me.

Progress on the grid of human consciousness

What progress is being made upon the “grid” of human consciousness?
MONJORONSON:  The grid of human consciousness is improving, whereas your media portrays great travesty on the global, national levels.  We note that among the common people of Urantia that the consciousness continues to improve.  There is an increasing certainty of belief among a vast group of people that indicates that they know what is happening on their world.  They may be daunted by the projection of these difficulties, but they know with an inner certainty that all is well and that this is simply a matter of time before it becomes manifest and evident in the world around them.

The nuclear disaster at Fukushima

Roxie:  Would you give us your view toward the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan?
MONJORONSON:  Yes.  One moment.  The nuclear disaster at Fukushima is evidence of the shortsightedness of the human intellect to grasp the magnitude of the power of which they are striving to control, manage and use.  It is in proportion very similar to a salamander or a frog trying to direct the course of a lion, that this semi-intelligent being may be able to control the whereabouts of the lion, when it chooses to be with them, but once the chains of control are broken, its powers are loosened upon the world to create tremendous damage.  That is the way of this illustration that the nuclear power that your species has learned to develop and to use is of such powerful magnitude that humans are incapable of truly managing and controlling what may become unleashed through their ignorance and their shortsightedness. 
The reason why the next evolutionary phase of energy has not been allowed to develop on your world is that it is even far more powerful than nuclear reactors.  It is of a nature that is very benign; it has no radiation to it, it causes no damage by its presence, but the application of such vast reservoirs of energy through mindless, shortsighted engineering, development and foresight on the part of humans could cause immense disaster to virtually the whole of your planet.  There is much more to be learned about this by humans.  It is not so much that the nuclear processes are so dangerous or devastating, it is the shortsightedness of the people who are striving to harness its use.  The in-completion of thought, the lack of foresight to become aware of hazards and dangers in even the most remote of circumstances, that if it occurs could wreak tremendous damage upon the immediate area and upon the planet. This is truly the dangerous part of nuclear energy.
Roxie:  That was very helpful and interesting, Monjoronson.  How effective has the cleanup effort been for the Fukushima disaster?
MONJORONSON:  The cleanup has been superficial.  It is in the most immediate area, taking control of the most intense energies that have been released, but the broad spectrum of the release of energy will be incapable of humans to control or clean up.
[This is Daniel:  What he is trying to say through me is that it is like using a “net,” that we don’t have the fine enough technologies to reclaim the nuclear waste that is now in the water and the atmosphere.]
Is seafood from the Pacific Ocean unsafe to eat?
Roxie:  Is it now unsafe to eat seafood from the Pacific Ocean?
MONJORONSON:  No, it is not.  You would not, however, want to harvest mollusks and such within the nuclear zone around Fukushima [or] from the ocean, immediate to that locale, as they are highly toxic with radioactivity.  The earth is very absorbent to this radiation and has capacity to reclaim or to absorb the radiation at a distance, without harm to the human population.

Geo-engineering, chem-trails and HAARP

Roxie:  Looks like this next question has three parts to it.  Can you tell us about what is going on with geo-engineering, the chem-trails and HAARP?  [High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.]  Let’s take that one at a time—geo-engineering first, please.
MONJORONSON:  I will engage all three aspects simultaneously.  These are attempts by humans to manipulate and control the environment, and this too is very similar to the use of nuclear energy, that those individuals who are manipulating these technological activities truly do not understand the forces they are engaging.  The repercussions from these can be immediate and long-term.  The geo-engineering use of fracking and injection of high-pressure fluids into the earth will have repercussive effects for well over 10,000 years.  It involves the geologic tectonic sedimentary aspects of your planet and those will remain in place for the duration without being released until they rise to the surface and are eroded away in the tens and hundreds of millions of years in the future.  It is much like throwing ball bearings on the floor in the walkways and sidewalks of people who are going to and from work, so to speak.  It is creating a great disaster.  Do not be mistaken in thinking that the weather tragedies that are occurring throughout your nation is not due to HAARP.  These are the results of the investment of those energies into the weather structure.  There is a cumulative effect, which affects weather now and for years to come.  The additive of energy into the atmosphere over and above the global warming has an additional devastating and traumatic effect.  Whenever you add energy to a weather system, you will aggravate the extremes of its activities.

The planet’s energy systems

Roxie:  We don’t seem to be able to deal with some of the “messing around” with the planet’s energy systems very well.
MONJORONSON:  Yes, you have hit the nail on the head.  Those are the consequences that are unforeseen, which will cause the greatest difficulty.
Roxie:  Is there anything that our unseen friends can do to help us with this, or we strictly on our own?
MONJORONSON:  You are strictly on your own.  Those are decisions that have been made by individuals, and those decisions are sovereign in nature.
Roxie:  What can you tell us about Morgellon’s syndrome, [a mysterious skin disease] the genetically modified organism disease?
MONJORONSON:  We prefer not to address this issue at this time, because there are repercussions to the answers, which would raise further concerns.

Psychotropic drug use

Roxie:  Okay.  This question harks back to a previous session we had:  Would you expand upon the proper time and place to use psychotropic drugs with “intention and deliberation?”
MONJORONSON:  Yes.  One moment.  The answers to this question are many, and it is relevant to the maturity and immaturity of your psychiatric and psychotheraputic professions. Given that your psychotheraputic professions are still quite immature in understanding of the brain mechanism and its effect upon the mind, the answers to this will seem quite primitive. The first is that psychotropic drugs are appropriate when the individual may cause harm to themselves and to others.  And, in the case where they are unable to manage their lives productively because of the interference of [the] brain mechanism upon their mind mechanism.  There are other solutions to this, which will be discovered in years to come, but psychotropic drugs should be used when the individual is unable to manage their mind mechanism through the balance of their brain chemistry.  There is far too much medicating of minds, of brain organs, which affects the mind; there is far too much medicating of children, adolescents and immature adults.  There are far better means of assisting the individual to think through their situation, even when they are actively engaged in neurosis or psychosis.
Roxie:  Monjoronson, with your answer to the last question, it sounds like the recreational use of psychotropic drugs is not the right way to go.  Am I correct in that assumption?
MONJORONSON:  That is correct.  There are other ways of entertaining your mind through appropriate practices, and through training you can become highly distracted from ordinary life by being engaged constantly with the mechanism of your mind.  Meditation is one process; contemplation is another.  You can do astral traveling and time-dimensional traveling in your mind without drugs, and be able to come away from the experience without any residual problems.  Recreational use of drugs was useful in shamanic practices in indigenous populations as a means of training and teaching that population of other dimensional possibilities and realities, to allow the training of the universe to infiltrate populations of a world at the lowest levels through the simplest means.  In “modern” developed cultures, recreational use of drugs is inappropriate, as there is not a spiritual base for using them or applying them.  They are not used to enhance the trans-personal or altered states of consciousness of the individual towards a positive end.

Debt slaves

Roxie:  Thank you.  The western world, in particular, has created a new form of slavery.  Due to materialism, rising costs and current banking practices, millions have become “debt slaves.”  Would you care to comment on this modern form of slavery?
MONJORONSON:  We have addressed this topic earlier, at least once, if not twice before, and it is “voluntary slavery.”  It is simply the “rat and the cheese” process of attracting an unsuspecting individual into a trap, which they voluntarily enter into, without awareness of the consequences or seeing the consequences and diminishing the reality of the obligations that will be incurred by their becoming ensnared with this process.  Slavery is an inappropriate word to use in this case because it is such a voluntary process.  It is the addiction of materialism that confronts the individual with lesser intelligence.  Even those individuals who are highly intelligent can succumb to the primitiveness of materialism, to become obligated and in high distress through that indebtedness.

Sustainable global economy

Roxie:  Will you expand upon the subject of a sustainable global economy, please?
MONJORONSON:  Yes, I would be glad to.  It is timely to begin entering these concepts into the consciousness of the human species.  That is, a sustainable global economy is a process that is able to sustain itself, meaning that the resources are available to all, and the rewards of the economy are available to all as well.  The current global economy is based on the simple game of  “winner takes all.”  There is no end game in this contemporary global economy until one person or one corporation owns everything.  You may think that this is an exaggeration, but truly, it is not.  You are continuing to see the acquisition of hundreds of companies by a major corporation, which brings them under their control. 
You have several examples that you can think about; one is the General Electric Corporation, which is involved in manufacturing and loans.  The diversity of such a company is huge, yet the acquisition of these companies is to garner increased profitability, increased profits, which goes to the stockholders who receive dividends for their investments.  Truly, in a sustainable global economy, the economic engines see the individual as the shareholder and recipient of dividends.  It is very difficult for you—meaning the global population—to think in terms of a sustainable economy.  It is not akin to communism or socialism, or any other aspect of an “ism.”  It is not politically based; it is simply based on what works to sustain approximately 1.5 – 2.0 billion people on a planet, such that they can enjoy the benefits of their labors and investments to improve the quality of their life and to grow equally as everyone else does. 
As you now see in your world, there is a tremendous inequality in the capacity of individuals to appropriate and use the resources in order to grow, to improve the quality of their life. This is truly what the heart of the Green Movement in the Middle East, and the Occupy Wall Street Movement is all about; it is about the potential of access to growing and improving the quality of life, as the one percent.  Therefore, in order to have a sustainable global economy, you must think in terms of the 99% as the 1%; they are owners of the global industries and recipients of dividends from their efforts.  Labor then becomes a far differently defined quantity in the equation of investment and return on investment.  Labor is seen as a necessary asset that must be improved to improve the quality and sustainability of the corporations and companies, which are involved in the global economy.  This may sound like so much mumbo-jumbo and fuzzy thinking, but it is so outside the box of your contemporary corporate and governmental mentality as to be so removed, to be almost impossible for you to understand.  You have been conditioned by your economy and by your work ethic to think in particular ways of you getting something for your labor.  Yes, this is true in the new global economy as well, but that something is of such a nature as it is equivalent to what everyone else receives. 
What you see in a sustainable global economy is not the grand acquisition of material wealth, as in larger and larger houses, or in the amassing of tremendous financial assets and the sequestering of financial capital into financial instruments, which does not directly contribute to the production of goods or services—it is simply a return of money for money, which has no end.  Therefore, in a socially sustainable global economy, the difficulties that were potential to occur in that 2008 onset of the global recession, which could have led to a global depression, would be eliminated.  Financial instruments would not exist and would be eliminated; there must be a much more tactile contact between an individual’s wealth and its use for individuals and for corporations and for governments.  I would expect that only a very few of you would be able to understand this explanation to your question, but it is one that will be repeated over and over and over again in years to come.  There must be the reinvention and reframing of your contemporary global economy into new terms, which are developmental and lead to global economic evolution.
Roxie:  Those are all the questions that Michael sent me, but I have one of my own.

Focus on the Father rather than the Trinity in this Superuniverse

It seems to me that when Jesus was on our world, he talked exclusively about the Father, rather than the Trinity.  Since our Superuniverse is dedicated to the Trinity, most of what is expressed here on Urantia is also about the Father only.  Are we slighting the contributions of the Son and the Infinite Spirit too much?
MONJORONSON:  Certainly not.  Because of the social, moral, ethical and spiritual backwardness of your world, it would be far too confusing to address mortals on this planet to engage the sevenfold nature of the Trinity.  It is simply enough for mortals on Urantia to know that they have an all-loving, caring, compassionate, generous Father God who provides beneficently for them, and that this is a personal relationship that they are encouraged to engage.  Christ Michael as Jesus completely understood the simplicity of the nature of this “child and Father” relationship that must be emulated to a far higher degree before mortals of this planet could appreciate, let alone engage and contribute to themselves through a relationship with the sevenfold.  A relationship with the sevenfold nature of the Trinity is a highly evolved state that can only truly come into existence in the early phases of the days of light and life.  That will develop as societies and individuals learn in the years, centuries and millennia leading up to that era, that the nature of God can be expanded to include the other two personalities of Divinity.  No, you are not slighting the Trinity at all, or the other personalities, and it is not necessary for you to even consciously have this in mind.  If you can engage a truly authentic, genuine conscious and intentional relationship as a child of the loving Creator as the First Source and Center, and as Christ Michael of Nebadon, you have come a long ways in your own personal spiritual growth and are well prepared to engage the morontial realm, to which you will transit shortly.
Roxie:  That’s all the prepared questions that we have for today.  Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Choosing questions for this venue

MONJORONSON:  Yes, I would admonish our readers and those people who will provide questions to strive to not enter into speculative questions that are not directly related to your mortal existence and to your elevation through the lower morontial realms during your lifetime.  These are simply curiosity questions of a speculative nature, which are unproductive, even if you thoroughly understood them.  Thank you.
I would close today’s session by saying that you are entering into a new era of your world, that you—individually—are well prepared in many ways to engage what is now unfolding. The era of tremendous difficulty in your world has already begun, as you see.  You are fortunate if you live in areas which are unharmed by the weather and through the obvious earth changes which are occurring in such a devastating manner in such wide-ranging areas.  There are areas, as well, where the difficulties are not natural, but man-made, and these truly have a mean nature to them as they affect individuals specifically, due to their culture, due to their religion, due to their ethnicity, due to their race, whereas with those acts of nature and earth changes, these are truly fair.  They are uncomfortable, they are destructive, but they treat each individual equally.  You should be wary of those political and economic, social and cultural positions that bring you personally into conflict with others of differing origins.  Know that always you are loved; that you are cared for, no matter what your race, culture, ethnicity, gender, or religion, . . . or political persuasion—you are loved, you are accepted, you are encouraged to grow; you are encouraged to grow into the potential for which you came into this world.  We truly operate a sustainable universe, which in many ways has an economy of love and benevolence, which is seldom understood by mortals on material planets, and of limited contact with the Divine.  These situations are truly being addressed, though slowly and painfully.  There will be progress as we have already seen.  Even during these difficult times, that there is progress, and progress that your world must achieve.  Thank you and good day.
Roxie:  Thank you, Monjoronson and Daniel.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4594 You Have All the Ingredients, June 23, 2013 

God said: 

What do you need? Questions often asked in one form or another are: “What do you need to make an omelet? What do you need at the store? Are you out of coffee?”

Often your questions are about possible vacancies, about what may be missing, about what may be used up, what may be lacking, what must be filled. So is it often in life.

“Where is the hammer? Where did you put the salt? Where are the keys?”

And when is another question. “How soon, soon enough?”

How you want to hear: “Right now, this minute, before the clock ticks again.”

You don’t want to hear: “Sometime, anon.”

All these questions that have to do with time and space or absence thereof.

You don’t favor conjecture. You don’t favor eventuality. You favor acceleration. “How long will it take?” is a tiresome question to you. You favor immediacy.

You favor: “This minute. Now.” You don’t favor later or sometime. Patience doesn’t figure in. You are not to be kept waiting.

I have the patience of God.

Of course, patience isn’t putting up with something. Patience is seeing in a different light. When impatience is gone, what is left but patience? Walk at an even pace, and you will be even-paced. If you want to be muscular, use your muscles.

Consider patience a muscle. You don’t object to exercising. You do it for a purpose. Certainly, life gives you many opportunities to be unfettered and to settle down into patience.

Impatience is peremptory. Impatience gives obeisance to time. Patience is obeisance to timelessness. In Eternity, there is neither patience nor impatience. When you come down to it, where would you rather be than in Eternity? The case is that you are in Eternity. That’s your whole story. That’s the synopsis, not all this other stuff of who did what and why. All except Eternity and Infinity might as well be gossip.

What are your heart and mind concerned about? They need no concern, for all is well.

With or without, all is well. With a lot or with little, all is well.

Have the certain knowledge that you have everything. If bread is not made, you have the ingredients. You are the wherewithal, beloveds. Yes, I AM, and you are too. Within yourself is the way to everything. What do you need, beloveds? What do you want?

You want peace of mind. You want love in your heart. Who can give you these? I can, and you can. Or perhaps a stranger can. In every case, regardless of the apparent means, you and I provide. It is said that I provide. This is true, yet I can only provide with your permission. I can only provide with your acceptance. How many times have I offered, yet what I offered may not have looked like what you were asking for. Look again, beloveds.

Are your eyes bigger than your provisions?

Perhaps now is a good time to think of giving, not of sacrifice but of giving. Have you seen giving as sacrificing? If you have one egg, find out what a pleasure it is to nourish another. Think less of keeping or saving and more of giving, and everyone will find out that there is enough for all.

In one sense, you can toss away your lists of needs, and simply acquire them through your giving. There is no end to what giving acquires.

And yet give without thought of return, for giving with return in mind is not giving. It is bartering, if only in your own mind. Giving a tit for tat is not giving. You do see that now.

There is enough for all. Start giving. When your hands are full, where is room for more? Empty your arms, and then there is room for more, yet your arms are to empty in order to give, not to gain, and gain your will. For starters, you will know how good it feels to truly give.

The Divine Frog
A family is driving in their car on holidays. A frog crosses the road and the husband, who is driving, is able to stop the car. He gets out and takes the frog and carries him to the side of the road.
The frog is grateful, thanks the man and tells him that he will grant him a wish.
The man says, "Please make my dog win the next dog race."
The frog asks to look at the dog, which limps out of the car. The frog notices that the dog only has three legs, it very fat, and can barely move at all so he tells the man that he thinks it is almost impossible to fulfil his wish and asks that the man will tell him another wish.
The man says, "Well, then please make my wife win the next beauty contest in the area. The frog asks him to tell his wife to get out of the car.
Wife comes out of the car and approaches the frog.
The frog turns to the man and says, "Could I please have another look at the dog?"

