

There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa, 31 January 2014

Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more quickly. These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it. It is the culmination of many thousands of years experiences through many lifetimes in different Ages. The end of a cycle is an important time, when all souls decide how well their life plan has furthered their evolution, and if they need to repeat any particular experience.
Most of you are well advanced and will be ready to move to the next stage of your evolution, with the help and advice of more evolved souls. Many will stay with the Human Evolution, but some will elect to join other species that may take them to another planet. You would of course incarnate into a suitable form for that experience. Those continuing their experiences on Earth in the 4th. dimension will find that life takes on a completely new look, and that it is in a harmonious and happy time. Gone will be the dark Ones to follow their own pre-destined future, and be given another opportunity to return to the Light.
You have little idea of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits you, and it will far exceed your expectations. It will be your reward for having come through the darkest period of your life, and having successfully found the Light once again. A few of you will find that some of your friends or relations have failed to make it into the higher dimension. Have no fear for their future as they will be exactly where they can proceed and make progress towards the Light. In your position you will be able to learn of their progress, and visit them when they are out of the body through their sleep period. Whilst you will be able to retain the memories of such meetings, they will return to their dimension with no waking memory of them.
At present you are awakening to your true potential as your level of consciousness expands, until in the near future you acquire full consciousness. Be assured that many helpers are already prepared in readiness to help you take your place in the higher dimensions. Life is a continual opportunity to evolve and at every stage you have many helpers. It is always the responsibility of those that have evolved to assist those who follow after them. As like souls come together so their consciousness becomes as One, but be assured you keep your individuality at the same time.
We know so many of you are weary from your experiences, and it is not surprising considering the dense vibrations that you exist within. It is why you receive so few visits from Beings in the higher dimensions, who find it a most unpleasant heavy vibration to be in. Equally you will be so uplifted when you enter the higher dimensions, and enjoy all of the advantages associated with them. Make no mistake, that when you elected to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, you knew what a difficult task it would be. However, you were assured that that no matter how far you dropped, we would always be their to help you return to your rightful place.
Dear Ones, your sojourn in the lower dimension is all but over, and you will emerge far greater than when you first entered it. Your experience will help souls who can benefit from your experience, and you are to be commended for your great sacrifice to benefit other souls on the path of Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and full of admiration and gratitude for your unselfish acts to assist your fellow travellers. You are All One and linked in ways that are everlasting, and you will continue to assist each other on your great journey through the Cosmos. Your sacrifice has its own rewards as you see souls move into the Light and awaken to their true selves.

Thank you, SaLuSa.



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4829 Ideas vs. Energy, February 13, 2014 

God said: 

Why not be happy? If you would prefer to be happy rather than unhappy, what do you allow to hold you back from being happy? Contrary to what you may have thought, it is not what happens to you from the outside that holds you back. Rather, your happiness and unhappiness depend upon a rating you place on what seems to happen outside you. You rate what occurs outside, and, according to your rating, you decide you are happy or unhappy or angry or content and so on.  
Of course, the energy that seems to come at you plays a part. It ticks you off, or it pleases you. You, however, think that what occurs is a cause. Yet, you must see that you, the same you, feels good energy when someone brings you food. If someone took away your food while you were still hungry, your energy would deflate. Too often you see energy coming at you as the cause. Beloveds, We are talking about your energy, your reactive energy that comes at you.
So, yes, there are ideas, and there is energy. We could say that hot and cold are ideas, yet in the arctic areas, you would shiver, and in the tropics, you would perspire. No one would say that there is no difference between hot and cold. Hot and cold, sweltering and freezing may be concepts and, yes, in the world, these concepts have their physical counterparts in what is called reality.
Yet, there are concepts that everyone understands and not everyone really grasps. Death is considered a reality. So far as the body goes, death is definitely a reality. Yet the concept of death is blatantly untrue when it comes to the essence of you which never ever can possibly die. Souls do not die. Souls are not removed. Therefore, there is no death.
What you see may not be what is.
One person loves a movie that another walks out on. Is the movie good or not? It is as you perceive it.
By the same token, there are many who look at the world as devastating. Some may blame governments for their force, for instance, and the protestors use the very same energy they protest that the government displays. If you want to strengthen oppression, keep thinking about negative current events, for so you uphold them. Look closer to home, beloveds. Do not oppress yourself with your ideas.
And there are those who rampantly see the beauty of the world and, so, they expand the beauty. They may be artists or composers, or they may be what are called ordinary folk.
By and large, My children feel one way one time and another way another time. Most likely, you fall into this bunch.
Since these are all ideas, ideas can change, and you can change your ideas. Realistically, you can. You can be supportive of what you want to be supportive of. Often, beloveds, you proclaim what you exclaim. Pro or con, you are saying, “Look!” You turn your attention and the attention of others to where your attention is. “Look,” you say, “it’s Superman,” and everyone looks up at Superman.
And if you say, “Look at this catastrophe,” everyone looks at where you point. Give thought to what you point to. You are responsible for your thoughts, and you are responsible for the messages you send. There are heavy thoughts, and there are thoughts that are light and lighted as well. Choose your thoughts. You have some say over what you fill your mind with and what you share with others. The world you live in is as you see it.
The world may be difficult. However, you don’t have to imprison yourself in your concept of the world. Your mind is free whatever regulations there may be. You do not have to accept the consciousness of the world. You can rise higher. You can lift the world to the height you are at. You can also put down the world in your thoughts, and you can also pull down others’ thoughts. You have a choice, beloveds. What are you going to point out? What ideas and tone in the world do you promote? What upliftment do you want to give to the world hungry for upliftment?


Michigan, US of A, February 2, 2014. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “Put Your ‘Imaginations’ to the Test.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is about exploration and imagination. These are two very important functions for the development of the soul because they are the two vital ingredients for creativity and the catalyst that starts the universe engine running to fulfill the desires of the mind by providing the opportunities that lead to change. It is your ‘Father-like’ ability to imagine and explore – to create something in the mind and see it as if it were reality, for when you see it in your mind’s eye, you can bring that thing into your reality with the use of your will and by acting on the opportunities that present themselves to you as the universe provides them. 

“Life was never meant to be a drudgery of mundane events, but an unending adventure of discovery, for it is the Father’s Will to explore the creation through the lives of his created children. Therefore has he given you the god-like ability to create anything in the mind through imagination and free will – then can He provide the opportunity for you to fulfill that desire and to bring it into your reality. Every man made material thing that enriches your life was first conceived in the mind of man through imagination using this creative function. 

“Music, art, and literature are pure imagination and exploration, and when an artist or writer is in that creative space, he or she is using the highest faculties of the mind – that part of mind that is accessing the same creative force that created the universes, only in attenuated form. When your intentions are to use this creative force for the good of all, then do we (spirit) get behind you and assist you in the entire process from beginning to end as long as you are willing to see it through to its birth in your reality. 

“There are many dreamers who have great ability to create in mind, but who fall short in bringing those dreams into their reality because of some self-esteem issue where someone in their lives told them they were incapable or lacked the intelligence to succeed and they believed this untruth. Each one of you has been endowed with the Ultimate Creative Spark, the Indwelling Spirit. It is through this undiluted fragment of divinity that provides the infinite potential that shall bring you to god-like perfection, and so there really is no limit, other than your own disbelief, that can stop you from achieving anything you desire. Even the most fantastic of imaginings can be fulfilled, perhaps not in this life, but most certainly out in the higher planes of the multiverse. 

“My friends, most of you have been programmed to believe an untruth – you are constantly bombarded with mixed signals and self-imposed limitations from family, the media, and societal memes that tell you that you are just material beings subject to the circumstances of your environment, but I tell you this is not so! The world has dismissed the greater part of who you are – the creator within! Use this time you have upon the earth to create and make the world a better place. We will be at your side to assist you and help you move those mountains. Put your imaginations to the test – use your will to see it through to the end result, and watch the gears of the universe begin to turn for you, for it is God’s will to ‘make it so.’ 

“It is the time-creation that provides the elements of adventure, but it is your god-like creative imagination that molds it into being. 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Wake up Call: Avenda, Feb 13, 14


I am here and I am your other self, the only other one that is with you at all times. I ask that you allow yourself to speak as you feel at whatever level you feel most appropriate. I am going to whisper a clarity into your soul and then ask that you relay it to the others that you care to share it with. It is a very simple message and it comes with the utmost love for all of mankind, all of life on earth and in our universe.


We came to the universe with an express purpose. It was to bring about the forms of life and the expression that we have come to do. We expressed ourselves in all ways in order to reach the boundaries that we felt would be in place. We have found the real truth of boundaries in our travels. We have found there are no boundaries; there is only the love that expresses openly, and with no limits. We came here to this planet in this solar system to alleviate the fears that we saw could envelop the universe. We saw in our first meanderings throughout the universe that there was nothing that supported the idea of limitedness, for we had no idea of what that was and how it could be expressed.


That is when we got the idea to see how far we could drop away from what we knew to be the simplicity of expression. One we began this journey through the concept of limitedness we found that each time we pushed the wheel, it began to grow stronger. It began to envelop the freedom that we knew and lived in. That was a surprise to us, and an experience that we decided to explore further. As we did that we found that there was something that we had not thought of, and that was how deceiving the falling away could be. We discovered that there was nothing that could not be expressed once we put a curtain up to what we created in the energy of deceit.


What this did for us was to show us the other side of love, the side that we had separated from ourselves, and what we had seen to be the only way of expression. We learned that there was something else other than the Love that we knew. What we also realized was that we didn’t feel good about it when we were involved with it, so we pushed even harder to escape it. The more we did that, the more we felt empowered, because it worked. The thing is it worked in what we were doing; we became more and more involved in what we were doing and forgot more and more of the simplicity of the ease and purity of Love.

Now it is time for us to remind ourselves more and more about the power of love and how it can ease us back into the power of ourselves, the trueness of our being. We don’t have to push anymore, all we need do is to treat and focus on, everything with love and that is what it will bring us in return. It is a wondrous thing when we ask our dear universal family to reach out with us and love all that is foundering in the depths of forgetfulness.


They too are our brothers and sisters, and they too know on a level that they can access what it takes to find that purity again. It is to ease into the next moment and the next with the feeling and truth of the Love that is always prevalent and ready to sooth us into the Joy, Peace and Love of who we are and what we can accomplish. This is my Valentine Love message to you all, and I send it forth to the family that knows no bounds on the level that all of existence lives in. I welcome you all back to yourselves and the new boundlessness that you are. Love is all there is.


Thank you dear Avenda,

Much Love, Nancy Tate


MARY MAGDALENE: When People Disturb You

Cosmic Heart courtesy of Willow Arlenea,

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 12, 2014

[Note from Mercedes: This was once again a personal message to me, which I believe will have great value for others, as well.]


Blessings my dear one,


I am here. I am with you. I hear you, feel you, and am aware of you and all that’s going on with you. You have been under tremendous stress. Suddenly there seems to be an avalanche of things falling upon you for you to handle, and it appears to be more than you can take care of and be responsible for. Yet you continue to do what you can, attending to what seems most important or urgent in the moment, trying to be as efficient as you can, working as hard and long as you’re able, fitting in a little bit of fun here and there to try and stay balanced, and doing your best to stay calm and not get overwhelmed, frantic, hysterical, or go into physical or emotional collapse.


Is this accurate? (I affirm silently that it is.) I thought so. I would like to offer my help. First, you have heard that there are powerful energies operating at this time. Perhaps the clearest source for information about this is through astrology. It is not actually necessary to know the specifics, although that might reassure you and provide some comfort. For when you see the larger forces that are occurring and affecting you, it helps to understand that this is not just some anomaly happening to you personally. You’re not just incompetent or a bad time manager. You’re actually experiencing huge energies that are greatly affecting you. And you’re doing your best to stay functional and balanced in the midst of this energetic storm or tidal wave. If you understand that, it can help to give you compassion, patience, and forgiveness for yourself.


And of course, it’s not just you being affected by this. Many, many people are. The more sensitive ones are affected the most. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that they feel the effects the most. That is why your spiritual sensitives often seem to have such difficult lives. It’s because they are open and responsive to these energetic forces. And it affects them powerfully. Others who aren’t so sensitive or open seem to just proceed with their lives without much effect. That’s because they are doing different soul-level work and their life-path is not about being open to energies the way that yours and others are. You would do well to understand that there are many different reasons that beings incarnate on the Earth, and they can produce vastly different lives. That’s why it’s important not to compare yourselves to others or judge others when they’re not responding the same as you in various circumstances. It is all perfect, from a higher perspective, but this is very difficult to see from the human plane.


You are experiencing disturbance in relationship to a particular person in your life. You continue to periodically get triggered by that person’s choices, wishing that they would make the kind of choices that you make, and feeling hurt and pain when they don’t. Not only is it part of that person’s soul path to be making exactly the kind of choices they are, it is also part of your soul path to have this situation in your life and to learn to come to peace, acceptance, and love with it.


This is what many people are missing who are involved in the new-age spiritual beliefs that everyone is creating their own reality. They see others and think, “That person has created their reality.” There is truth in that. But then they tend to think, “That has nothing to do with me.” And that is an error. For you have created them to be in your life, just as they have created their life to be whatever it is. So the important work for you is to consider why you have created them to be in your life. What lessons are they providing for you? What growth are you accomplishing by calling this in?


While these are valuable thoughts to consider, I urge you to go deeper. Go to the emotional level. There is almost inevitably an emotional component to any situation that is coming to your consciousness. If you are thinking about someone else, you are generally either disturbed, happy, intrigued, or something like that in relation to that situation. That emotion will be your most expeditious help in getting directly to the source of why that situation is appearing in your life.


You might think of it as being like an energetic knot. If you’re not having any response to a situation, it’s like a hose that water is freely flowing through. But if you feel some kind of reaction coming up, it’s as though there’s a knot in the hose and the water gets stuck. That knot creates thoughts that arise in your mind. But the thoughts are generally somewhat removed from the core of the situation. Involving yourself in the thoughts will tend to keep you removed from the center of the knot.


What will take you into the center of the knot are your feelings. The advantage of going to the core, or essence, is that you are then most well-equipped to deal with the real issue that is creating the knot. Most of the thoughts that arise are removed from the real issue and, in fact, keep you distracted from the true issue and event. Often when you’re consumed by your thoughts, you don’t even realize there’s something else going on, something which is much more important for you personally. Your thoughts are a protective device, which keep you from this real issue, until you are ready to address it.


Your ally in all of this is your feelings. By making the conscious choice to become aware of your feelings, you are choosing to work at the deeper level, to go into the center of the knot. You do this because you understand that doing so will address what’s really important, what you have come here to accomplish through this situation, why you have created it in your life. And you trust that it will bring you the growth and peace that you desire, including resolving all the thoughts you’re having.


In your situation this morning, you initially experienced a long period of allowing your thoughts to finally come out—because you had been suppressing them. This is something many spiritual people do. They keep their thoughts or experiences down, such as anger or judgments of others, because they judge them to be unspiritual. This does not really help, because energy never goes away. In your case, you only suppressed the thoughts for a very brief time, because you’ve come to understand the importance of allowing them to arise to your conscious mind, so that you can work with them. It was good that you gave yourself this space of time to simply experience and witness all of your reactivity, pain, judgments, etc.


Then you finally got to the real root. You realized that your disturbance wasn’t really about the person you were having all the reactive thoughts about. Rather, it was about your pain that your father is declining, your fear that he’s isolated and lonely and unsupported, and your sadness that he doesn’t have family with him where he lives who is going through his life transition with him.


You went deeper and saw that this was really about your own sadness and fear about not having a life partner going through your life and challenges and transitions with you. Ultimately you felt how it’s about your fear of life in general, of life’s pains and the ever-looming fear of not surviving, fear that you’re in this on your own and inevitably going to lose.


Then you remembered about trusting God. In your better, more connected moments, you have a trust in God. You trust that all is in divine order and you can let go into that. You felt how you’d gotten disconnected from that trust. And in that awareness, you became reconnected. Once you were reconnected, you found your peace and the full release that comes from uniting with God. You began to breathe deeply again, to calm down, and your body literally let go into the vast embrace of God. Once again, all was well in your world.


Did anything change in relation to your circumstance? Not as far as you knew. The shift you went through occurred entirely in your feeling–consciousness. Yet it could be said that everything changed. It could be said that your feeling-consciousness is all you have, and from there you create your reality, your so-called “outer world.” So perhaps everything changed. You will see with time what occurs.


The cosmic humor is that even if everything changes from this point, in some ways it doesn’t matter. You have reconnected with God and all is well again, whether things change or not. This is your true freedom, our great release and ecstasy. The more you do this and experience this joy, release, and ecstasy, the more you will naturally want to do this. It will start to become more and more of what your life is about. As you spend more and more time in this release, ecstasy, and freedom, your life will change. I guarantee it. That is what will move you into the higher dimensions, because your consciousness has changed. And you will indeed be creating a new reality for yourself.


I love you, support you, and trust you in the midst of this moment, and all the moments of your life. You are a manifestation of divine light. More and more you are finding your way back to remembering that light and drawing upon it as your source, rather than being locked into the relative darkness of your 3D world. As you bring that light to yourself, as you gravitate more and more to the light that you are, you will not only be transforming yourself. You will be transforming your world. For you are not alone in doing this work of becoming the light. Many, many beings are doing this in their own way. The light that you all collectively bring is enormous, powerful, and capable of transforming your world. And so it shall.


In great love,

I AM Mary Magdalene
