
All opposite values - creation and destruction, compassion and violence - exist in this Universe, exist within God, as God.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Support from the Angelic Kingdom by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-29-08-13-www.omna.org
As Angelic beings we are aware of the shifts, activations and integrations that occur upon all levels of your being
and the numerous levels of the Earth’s being. We understand this time upon Earth to be somewhat stressful within
certain areas of your being as your spiritual ascension accelerates maybe causing patches of confusion, stress,
discomfort and the seeking for greater truth. The energy vibrations anchoring into the Earth, through your being and
activating from within your being are far beyond anything you have previously experienced. Their intensity and
frequency are immense as the waves of light are designed to create accelerated activation of the truth of the
Creator. No longer can false energies, consciousness or manifestation exist in this new era and dimension,
everything that is no longer needed within your being and within your reality is being cleansed, purified and
Each time you raise your energy vibration or grasp a moment of enlightenment you are encouraging purification
within your being. It could be likened to a scan that takes place with each step of enhanced awareness, which
erases all that doesn’t resonate or align with the new awareness. This scan of the entire being purifies you and
allows you to completely embody the new awareness. At this time of ascension you may not even value the new
awareness you obtain, the guidance you follow and the sparks of remembrance or familiarity but each, whether
large or small, has a strong and powerful impact upon the overall awareness of your being.
Many people ask me if their efforts as a light worker upon the Earth really make a difference to the ascension of
humanity and Mother Earth. In light of the wisdom I have just shared, my answer to you is that each time you
support, heal, love or have an inspired divine awareness you are encouraging  a deep purification for the entire
Earth and all of humanity. In the same way that we could imagine a whole body scan to dissolve impurities and align
everything with the new awareness, you are encouraging all that is not of a similar energetic frequency and vibration
to be raised into a more enlightened consciousness. The light you share, the healing and release processes you
move through, encourage all around you to align to a similar or higher frequency and so you are a part of a major
network of light working to align all to the source, soul and essence of the Creator whatever form the Creator may
take. We wish for you to know that everything you do when connected into, bathing and radiating the light of the
Creator will always be of service to the Creator, however small or large. You constantly have the love and support of
the Angelic Kingdom. Whatever you achieve even if it is just to sit in peace, you can ask us to magnify and enhance
the influence that your moment of sacred connection with the Creator has upon the Earth and humanity, spreading
and sharing further light.
It is my wish to share with you some gifts of connection, consciousness and wisdom to support you; these gifts
come with love from the inner planes and heavens.
Earth Angel Lovanda exists and works at the outskirts of the Earth’s auric field; she is an Angel filled with love and
able to see the larger picture of all that is occurring upon and even within the Earth. She supports the anchoring of
powerful ascension light waves from the universe in gently permeating the Earth and humanity. An Angel of
tremendous expansion, Lovanda wishes to be of service to you. You may allow yourself to exist in a capsule of
Lovanda’s love; her love is immensely pure as it is untainted by negativity, ego or even the physicality of the Earth.
She has the ability to demonstrate to you the expansion, freedom and limitless vibration of love as well as returning
you to your true essence, as if allowing you to see the beauty of the jewel within your being. She has the ability to
move your consciousness beyond your physical body into a space of pure love for healing, rejuvenation and shifts
to take place within your entire being. This is a beautiful experience when you feel you need to shift from the
material reality into the light reality of your truth. Simply ask and call upon Earth Angel Lovanda to join you in
meditation. Ask to be surrounded in a Capsule of Lovanda’s Love and just allow yourself to experience as you
breathe deeply, especially focusing upon the expansion, freedom and limitless vibration of love.
Many of the Angels carry within their energy sacred Angelic symbols which can act as keys of awakening for your
being. Different Angels work with different and diverse aspects and qualities of the Creator. Depending on the
qualities they recognise within themselves the Angels can hold powerful symbols which act as keys and codes for
your ascension process and integration with the Creator. Whether you wish for healing, upliftment, magnification or
any kind of support you can first become aware of exactly what you require, for example, you may wish to
experience or embody more joy.  With your intention, call upon the most appropriate Angel to join you in your
meditation as you breathe deeply, an Angel which holds the quality that you desire. Then ask the Angel to share
with you a symbol of the quality, such as a symbol of joy, allow yourself to hold the intention of receiving. The symbol
will be a simple pattern that you can draw upon your body; it may be as simple as a circle or a spiral. Place your left
hand or a finger on your right arm and with flow imprint or draw the symbol imagining the light of the Angel flowing
through you and into your left hand into your right arm. Let yourself then draw the same symbol upon your left arm,
your chest or heart chakra and anywhere else you feel guided to. Allow yourself to be in a deep meditative state
with your eyes closed as you achieve this practice. You are integrating the quality of the Angel into your physical
reality and activating it from within your being. This is a powerful upliftment for your being and a communion with the
Angelic Kingdom. As I stated earlier, we, the Angelic Kingdom are always waiting to support and assist you,
through the power of our love.
The Angelic Kingdom can also assist you in moving your entire being into the new energies of this era and
becoming settled within the new vibration, or they can assist you in moving into new appropriate energy in certain
areas of your reality. Whatever you wish to focus upon the Angels can assist you in this way. First there is simply a
need to understand whether you wish to move your entire being into the new ascension energies so that you can
digest and embody them or whether you wish to move a certain aspect of your being or reality into a new energy.
This would mean that you are opening up this part of your being and reality so that more light can flow to dissolve
any blockages or hindrance. Then call upon my energies, Archangel Michael, to be of service to you. Take time to
breathe my energies into your being thus allow us to integrate, exist as one and co create. With your intention,
imagine that I place before you a large crystal bowl of the most sacred Angelic liquid light which holds within its
vibration the new energies you wish to receive and activate within your being. Allow yourself to prepare for a
ceremony, remember that you are responsible for your own spiritual growth but have an abundance of support from
your guides, the Angelic Kingdom, your Soul, Soul Group and Creator. With your intention, allow yourself to speak
words that state that you are allowing yourself to move completely into a new vibration of energy guided by your
soul. Allow yourself to bless yourself and your transition, whatever you may wish it to be as you witness yourself
consciously connecting with the new vibrations of light available to you around and within, so that you are
suspended in light.  Once you have completed your ceremony and words, cup your hands as if creating a cup to
pour the sacred Angelic Liquid Light over your head and entire being. Physically make the gestures of bathing
yourself in the light and allow yourself to be conscious of yourself moving forward into a brighter new light and
emerging as a brighter new light. You can then breathe in this new appropriate light for you. I will be there to support
and protect you every step of the way.
My greatest intention was to bring forth support for your entire being, please accept the tremendous love and
support I share with you now.
With Love and Support,
Archangel Michael


Illawarra District, Australia, August 24, 2013.
Urantia (Gaia -- an Evolutionary Deity).
Subject: “Local Celestial Administrator” (abbreviated). 

Received by George Barnard.

Urantia: “Those who first open their eyes on Mansonia One – the first planet you will all call home after your life here ends – are in awe of the number of personalities involved in administration. I am advised they are counted in the millions and millions. Moreover, these administrators record all happening in myriad fashions to suit all of the permanent citizens, all (former human) pilgrims from the local universe worlds, as well as all visitors from Nebadon and beyond. 

“Almost every world from here to Paradise has its repositories of countless quadrillions of items of information. All this serves the purpose of educating you, and in the process of learning you are also becoming what the Father wants you to be, energetic, wise, helpful and of great use to those who come after you. Remember the things you were told: A time will come in the distant future when you will be highly prized contributors on worlds in deep, deep space. 

“Much as on this world, there is written information, voice-recorded data as well as information that can visually be replayed. Moreover, there is morontia machinery of kinds far superior and long lasting that can portray what you ask for or think about. In some instances there are real beings that have stored and can portray happenings of long ago and in this fashion reveal the most accurate details where, because of sheer complexity, matters would be difficult to relate. 

“Such beings on various Mansion Worlds can be personal, pre-personal or even machines, as I said, but all have their limitations or indeed specialties. They have either been created or have further evolved. They are completed but limited, note this well. They are completed and compared to me they are severely limited in the data they contain. In contrast I am incomplete, and limitless in the information I absorb and retain. I am Urantia. 

“Like you I am an unfinished ‘work of art’. We are mere embryos, you and I. Whilst you might one day, though most unlikely, decide not to continue to exist instead of becoming god-like, I am an evolutionary deity, a real God with much growing still to do. Whilst you grow old in less than one hundred years and forget much of what you have learned, I cannot forget anything that happens on this planet, the good, the bad, the irrelevant, the mundane, the happy, the sad.

“I know every word that is spoken in every place, at any time, in any language, in friendship or anger. I am your Earth Mother and you are my children. I see every move that is made, at any time, in any place, and I remember it all. I am Urantia, I am Gaia, and those that are your friends (the Midwayers) are my loyal servants, close to my heart, and those that are my servants’ servants will live in my heart. I shall hear of how well you are doing millennia from now. 

“In time, countless of your brothers and sisters will commune with me, but for now there are few, so think of me often, speak to me, and feel my embrace. Till then, keep safe. I am Urantia, the living repository, the local celestial administrator, of all that ever happens on our world.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store

Subject:  No. Idaho Team  2013-09-01

Teacher: Jonathan, Nebadonia

T/R:         Allene Vick, Cathy Morris

Jonathan: [Allene] Good morning, this is Jonathan. I have been most interested in listening to the discussion this morning between all of you. I wish to tell you that you are living in extraordinary times right now. You have mentioned before that a lot of things were happening but they were underneath the surface and not particularly available for most of you to know about; however, times are changing and much that has been happening is going to begin to surface for more to become aware of. You are truly in the Correcting Time in a magnitude of ways, covering everything on your planet. I look forward to sharing more information with you as we discuss these things. Today I would just like to assure you that yes, a lot is going on and it's wonderful. In our group we have such open minds to be able to be open to some ideas that would be very off-putting to most people, they wouldn't even give it a second thought, they would dismiss it as being totally out of hand. 

I look forward to our having more discussions in the not too distant future about some of the tools that I have mentioned and some of the other things that are available to you and are also becoming available to others on your planet in a wide range of areas. This is truly an amazing time. The energies and frequencies that are directed to your planet now are creating all kinds and types of new opportunities in almost every single area you can think about. I might suggest that each one of you take some time this week to think about the areas that are of interest to you and formulate some questions after you comply with reflecting and pondering on what it is that is of interest to you.This might be a better way to start to learn about the new developments on our planet. 

I very much look forward to being with you in this new process that is upon us and it is indeed very new. I find these sessions together have the potential to be very powerful in sharing with others to let them know about the new developments that are taking place on the world today, not only with your words and ideas and the things that come from celestials to this group but also understanding the importance of the focus of the energy and love and lightyou know to different areas or people how important that is and how effective it is as a very powerful tool for healing your world and different areas of the world and different problems in the world. This is much more powerful and effective than any of you are aware of at this time so sharing this information to sharing our transcripts from this group is a very important and worthwhile way to share and contribute to the Correcting Time. I assure you this is going to get to be very interesting very quickly.

Nebadonia: [Cathy] My children, I am your Mother holding you in my embrace of light. I am supporting your efforts to experiment with light and healing. I have increased the availability of energy to be manipulated and enhanced. I have systems in place to guide the focus of this energy for the enhancement of the plan of progress. Michael's plan is indeed moving forward and in some aspects is ahead of expectations. It is aided by each input of the light workers. As light workers, you have the ability to raise the effectiveness of the action of light to clear the remaining darkness and disfunction. In your daily interaction with light is the potential for healing the planet and all of its occupants. We of course are always with you in support of your experimentation and application of light. 

The question has been posed: Is there a way to enhance the physical body to enhance these light experiments? There is indeed a correlation between the physical body and the ability to use the power of light. Now it is most important to eat healthy foods and get enough rest. The fuel of the body is acted upon on the cellular level. This process is impaired if chemicals are allowed to flood the bloodstream. Since the light energy is acting upon this cellular level too, it is helpful if toxins are eliminated as much as possible so that there is less interference. As each cell maximizes its operation, you will glow brighter as beacons of the light and the light will be able to flow through you in a more effective way. If there is a blocked area in body or spirit, I am able to join with Michael to help you clear this blockage. Feel free to ask for our help with this cleaning of your lens. We are most happy to "clean you up" my children. My love to you as I embrace you with love and affection, good bye.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4674 You Are the One, September 11, 2013 

God said: 

If you are someone who feels rejected a lot, you are responsible for your sense of rejection. It is not for you to put the responsibility on another. You project and expect too much. You project all your dreams onto someone else and expect that someone else has to fulfill your happiness. No one can take on the responsibility of making you happy. No one else is responsible for your happiness or unhappiness. Only you.

Your need for someone may be more attachment than love. If you think someone has to love you – to whatever degree – you are barking up the wrong tree. This applies to great loves in your life as well as to a casual sales clerk who may be indifferent to your needs. This can apply to certain foods or anything at all that you feel you must have in order to be happy. You are the one who completes yourself.

What is happiness, My children? It is feeling good about yourself. All the accolades in the world cannot do this for you. Only you can do it for you. And I. And I, if you will let Me in.

Of course, someone or something outside you can appease you for a while. Your need for love from the outside, no matter how reasonable it may seem to you, is an addiction. You have a craving, and you look for someone or something to appease your craving be it raging or constant. This is the too much you ask for, require, demand, insist that you are given. You wear yourself and other human beings out with what you believe you must have and must have now and from the specific person or situation you crave so deeply.

Being turned down for a job you so wanted is like a betrayal to you, as if you had to have that job to feel worthy. Without it, you feel unworthy.

We come back again and again to the sensibility that no one owes you anything. Even a piece of candy you eat doesn’t have to be as wonderful as you had thought and hoped. Nothing outside you can sustain your insatiable need for – whatever it may be or whoever it may be that you elected to this high office called need.

Beloveds, no matter how much proof of love you receive, it will never be enough no matter how much someone or something provides it for you. No person, situation, project, product can fill you endlessly, for you are insatiable.

Do you perceive your responsibility now?

Perhaps you already have. But what then? How do you become self-sufficient? Goodness knows, you have tried. You have tried so hard.

Knowing the answers isn’t enough. How do you get to the point of inner fulfillment without anyone or anything having to supply you? Certainly you would love to love yourself enough. Certainly you would love your love for Me to fill whatever emptiness you feel. And, yet, where can your fulfillment come from except from you? I am giving it to you. I pour it on you, yet, it is as if you wear a raincoat and can’t get wet.

You can never prove that you are loved enough. If you are looking for proof from Me, no proof will be enough. If you are looking for proof that you are worthy to be loved by Me and by yourself, you are in the wrong arena. Proof cannot be proved, My darlings. No amount of proof can do it for you. All the evidence in the world is not enough.

You know this. You really know this. All the wealth in the world cannot satisfy your hunger. All the beautiful clothes. All your attendance at church cannot do it. All your blessings cannot do it.

I give you approval. I more than approve of you. I love you as Myself which, of course, you are. You have been deluded into thinking that you yourself are not enough when, not only are you enough, you are far more.

What can We do to have you feel solid about yourself and about My love for you?

When you love yourself and others and situations, that which you desire will rush to you because you will have freed the world from having to love you. Only you can fill your need for acceptance. Call it surrender, beloveds, surrender to love for yourself. Now you have to be your own mother and father, brother and sister. No one else can carry you any longer.

It is not a burden you are to carry. It is love. It is love for yourself, and, therefore, for others. Out with need and in with love.
