Messages from Isis 10/17

Isis' Message of the Day -
Each of you is a Sun in the center of your own galaxy, lighting and warming even the coldest reaches. Very soon, there will be a time when the brilliance of you will overlap with others and envelope any darkness remaining with pure love.
~ Creator
Channeled by Jennifer Farley

We are divine beings with a divine plan, doing divine things.
We send you many blessings on your spiritual path and journey home!
We wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
Isis & Archangel Michael

Today's Angel Message
On this day we would like to thank each of those who have joined in the discussions on our Facebook page.  This is now, and will become more of, a way for all to share the wisdom they have gleaned during this time of ascension.
We urge all of those who are spreading our messages around the world in their various languages to begin such discussions, as well.  Please be aware that we know of and greatly appreciate the work you are doing.  Your efforts have our total support.
There are currently very few countries on your planet which have as yet not received our messages, and even those are being reached in other ways.  Feel the truth of this.  Look at the success you can see on your own pages.  Allow this to bouy your spirits up in this time when your news media are only telling you of negative things.  You are the news media chosen by us to spread a quite different message.
There is an energy contained in these words we send which brings the love of your Creator to all who read or listen to them.  If you are a translator, one who publishes these with clear intent to keep their message whole, or one who records and publishes them in video form, please know that we are aware of your efforts and work with you as well as we do this channel.  Please accept our thanks and blessings as you continue this work.
Many of you have never considered yourselves to be channels, but we tell you now that you most certainly are.  As you begin to feel the energies of these messages while you work with them, you will likely find yourselves becoming even more so.  Even if you only read, but begin to feel these truths, you are becoming a channel for the light which is flooding into humanity now.  You are a container of light.  But you are not such a wonderful container.  It leaks out of you and blesses all in your life.  I think perhaps I should have said you were a garden sprinkler.  Yes, you make wonderful sprinklers.
For many weeks now you have felt as if things were about to come to a head, as if something, you knew not what, was about to turn your world on its head.  Now, since the gateway of your 10-10, this feeling is even stronger for most of you.  As usual, we will stress that you are feeling changes which are about to occur inside of yourselves.
Yes, the world will soon see changes, as well.  And those changes, when at last they settle down, will be welcome.  But we tell you to keep a close eye on what is happening in your own minds and hearts, for that is where the true and most important changes are happening.  Once again we remind you, the world is your reflection, not the reverse.  If you had not changed in very significant ways, none of what you are about to see would be possible.
It has taken thousands of years for you to bring your world to this point.  Enjoy the fruits of your hard work.  Be of good cheer and be of one heart now, my beloved friends, my army of light.  We will speak again soon.  Good day.
Channeled by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: * 

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, an idea or words that you hadn’t thought of ahead of time, hadn’t rehearsed, come out and it is exactly what another person needs to hear. In truth, they are calling it forth from you. And you say, “Where did that come from? I wasn’t thinking that.” But there is no separation, and as ones will invite you to speak to them words of truth, of support, of lightheartedness, you find yourself living in that space of light and support and lightheartedness, and love and laughter come forth. It is most miraculous what you will see.
Visit our website:  *  

You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  * 
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
 Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.  *
Not From Isis

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Many of you remain frightened. So much has happened to you emotionally and physically in the past few months, weeks and days that you feel as if your nerves are outside your body. You may even feel as if one more incident, one more sliver of fear or pain will push you over the edge.

Such is not true, but you do not yet believe that. Reviewing and shedding beliefs you have held for eons makes you feel extremely vulnerable. You have open spaces, if you will, in your being. So you are feeling - perhaps subconsciously - as if you have given up something comfortable, even if painful, for nothing.

Your core being is shifting so that those empty spaces will eventually be filled with love and joy. Many of you advance Lightworkers/Wayshowers are experiencing those first stages of joy - not that your life is necessarily that much different from what was true last month or even last year, but that you perceive/sense joy in your experiences.

For many, starting to feel joy does not seem worth the effort. You have given up so much and moved through extreme pain only to learn that even advanced Lightworkers/Wayshowers are experiencing minimal joy. You fully expected this transition to be rapid - perhaps a few days of discomfort.

This transition is a process. It is improbable for you to expect to shift belief patterns you have maintained for eons in a matter of days.

Many channels have encouraged, even begged you to find joy - to make joy more dominant than pain in your life on earth. You have read or heard such material for years, yet you still have to deliberately focus on joy to feel it.

Much like learning to ride a bicycle. To keep your bicycle upright, you must at first concentrate on the actions required to do so. Then one day, you no longer need to think much about doing so - it is a natural part of your being. The same is true of your movement into joy.

You are being bombarded by your society as it transitions through and out of negativity; by your friends and relatives frightened by the shift and by those who have no interest in moving into the New Age.

Your joy transition does not yet feel natural and that is your concern. You have to focus too diligently. You want joy to feel and be easy - and so it will. But you have to practice until such is true.

The December 2012 dates many of you hope are dates of completion - whether of ascension or joy - are for you to join in celebration. Those dates are booster rockets for you - ascension, if you will, not into another world, but into another life.

Will you feel pain after those dates? Yes, but to a lesser degree than was true before. Just as now you are not feeling the depth of pain of a year ago. You continue to experience pain or fear, but you move through that in a matter of hours or days not months or years. After December, your pain and fear will diminish yet again.

We wish to address those of you who feel as if your life is so painful and chaotic that you barely have energy to continue. You are sorting out your beliefs - just as would be true if you were moving to a new home. What items/beliefs do you wish to take with you? What items/belief do you wish to leave behind? And for now, you are mourning what was part of your being.

Perhaps some of you mourned leaving your home town when you graduated from high school - not because you wished to live in your home town, but because it was familiar. So it is for you now. You have empty spaces that were once filled with fear, pain, control, victimization and care taking. Those areas are fading away leaving holes in your emotional being - and you have not yet fully accepted joy.

You are not only leaving your care taking and victimization pieces behind, joy is replacing many emotions with which you were comfortable. And joy is an emotion you have had little experience exploring. New job, new role and many fears.

Some of you feel that this shift is too much - just as you felt the first time you tried to balance on a bicycle. You will soon be gliding along on your path of joy.

If you were not so enmeshed in letting go of pain and/or filling holes left by that pain, you would note that your joy is starting to be greater than your pain - that your pain does not last as long as it once did.

Do not force yourself into your new life, but know that you will soon be there - with the help of group attention on November 11, December 12 and 21. Those dates were established by you to help you focus on filling the empty spaces as you reduce the dominance of pain and fear in your being.

You will not fail. You will not fall. You are just learning to ride your bicycle. A task that may seem far too daunting today, but will become quite easy. Some of you are already flying on your new bicycles. Others of you want someone to hold on during your first attempts around the neighborhood and others feel the need for training wheels.

The advance Lightworkers/Wayshowers are demonstrating that flying through the air on your bicycle is not only possible, but fun. Just as your older siblings or neighbors did when you first learned to ride a bicycle without training wheels. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

