Messages from Isis

Isis' Message of the Day -
God's Army . . . Do you know who that is? God's Army are the Lightworkers that shines God's Light into the dark.

We are divine beings with a divine plan, doing divine things.
We send you many blessings on your spiritual path and journey home!
We wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
Isis & Archangel Michael

Today's Angel Message
The progression continues. The equinox has passed, and still you feel no let-up in the downloads and changes to your energy fields. There will be almost no respite for you now other than brief troughs between the waves. The ‘surf’ will continue to build. There will be several more very large ‘big ones’ for you to catch between now and the end of the year.
The incoming energy/information has now reached truly what could be called flood stage. Yet you really, if you honestly think about it, do not feel overwhelmed at all. It feels to be just as it was six months ago. This is a measure of your progress, my friends. Your capacities have increased tremendously.
Our realm and yours are much closer now. You are much more integrated with your wholeness than before. Great numbers of you are having much more dream recall than ever, and are seeing much more significance therein, even though you still are not able to consciously interpret all of them. Do not worry. They are you speaking to you, and the messages are always received. Some are having outward situations that are uncomfortable occur in their lives and are saying “why” once more. “Why” is not the proper question, dear ones. “Why” is that you need to finish the lesson for good and for all. Look deeply at it. Realize that it holds things you have not faced in yourselves. Accept that and ask yourselves what that might be. Listen for the feeling in your heart that is the answer. Do this in the quiet space of your inner being. We promise you that once you have done this, you will be able to release whatever it is to the Universe, never to bother you again. You could liken this time to final exams. Not to worry. You will pass… if you wish to.
It is time also to look very closely at your true motivation. You can step off this staircase if you so desire. However, knowing this will allow you to be confident once again in your determination. Always you are here because you choose to be. Always what you feel is what you choose to feel. Many do not yet understand, but opening fully and freely to what you have chosen, embracing every nuance of it, and expressing gratitude daily for it, are what makes the difference between apparently rough rides and those who skip happily through everything.
You can find the courage to release everything that is not good for you and walk joyfully into the future, but still many of you will not let go, feeling that it is better to hang on to anything, no matter how painful, than to trust what you cannot yet see. There are, we promise each of you, those within reach of you that can help you. Ask them. Ask us. You are not, no matter how it feels, ever alone. When this ride slows down, you will discover that, in fact there is only ONE.
We will continue again soon, my brothers and sisters. Good day.
Channeled by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: *

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Those of you who feel energy changes, come unto me, because you are going to be and you are already experiencing the roller coaster ride, and it is not your stuff, and yet it is, because you are part of the collective. Come unto me. Allow my peace to be as a cloak of raiment that you put around you to keep you steadfast in love, in trust, in knowing that truly you are loved and you have purpose and that you can be the steadfast rock and trust the divinity of yourself and of others.
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Eirenae Of The Pleiades: Window In The Sky
Channeled by, Bella Capozzi
September 23, 2012
I am Eirenae, of The Council of the Venus Ray. Dearest friend of the one you know as Bella or Aurora Le. Whether I am sitting as I do now, secure in the relative comfort of my shipboard home, or in the far less comfortable guise of the Away Team member, I watch your world in wonder. During those journeys, with my feet planted firmly upon your soil, I have often mixed unnoticed among you. Albeit, for just a few hours at a time, I learn your ways and marvel each time anew, at your unwavering fortitude and determination. Each one of you is resilient and beautiful. Such light you emanate, if you only knew! Indeed, I am humbled. On this day I gaze out at a carpet of stars. Our Mothership is vast, and it’s outer rim is lined in clarity. Windows, as you call them. Windows, in the sky, with cozy seating to recline upon and partake of such a marvelous vista. Nothing is ever hidden from view. It is from just such a place that I initiate this transmission, and not to impart any great knowledge or revelations, nor to portend what is to come. Please do not ask me for dates, I beg of you. None of us, neither you nor I, can be completely certain of the finer details of how the shift shall inevitably transpire. Inevitably, yes, for you must never forget that the Will of God prevails, always.
Our ship is is well cloaked. It is far enough away from Earth to allow for it’s size, yet close enough to permit our teams easy entry and exit, to and from your surface societies. I see your home quite clearly now, the shape of your landmasses and the vibrant blues and greens, the warmth of reds and the golden-brown. Quite picturesque. And there exist so many versions, all varying shades of the the Earth you know. So many choices, realities and outcomes. Bound as you are by linear thinking, you cannot yet see things as I do. But trust me, you shall. For my eyes see not one but many Earths, like colorful holograms whose edges are superimposed upon each other. They are simply different versions of the same thing. Some are healthy and thriving, while still other versions are falling off and fading away, their path no longer a desirable solution. If one did not intuitively know the assurance of the victory of The Light, then it would be quite impossible to tell whether the overlying spheres were coming together or pulling apart. But as the Mother’s Light permeates your planet and each of your physical vessels, the darker outcomes are dying away and the timelines leading to our new Crystalline Terra Gaia are strengthening. Praise be. It is astonishing, is it not, to contemplate such a thing from the still somewhat veiled, Human perspective? And to think that of the billions of you, each and every one has a completely unique lifeplan, unlike any other! Such are the wonders and blessings of our Creator.
The New Terra Gaia exists, Dear Friends, make no mistake about it. She is real and I have seen her. She vibrates at a frequency which is currently too high for most people’s everyday perception, yet she is one of those very spheres whose edges gently rests across the others. She is a choice-a choice available to every living entity residing upon and within your own Earth, this very day. She welcomes all of us, from every corner of the Universe and beyond. Her arms are cast wide and her heart is so ripe with love that I scarcely can find words to adequately describe Her! It so well worth the effort, for you to make your ascent to the New Earth your ultimate goal. Seek to live in a state of Divinity, and by this I mean to be conscious-always conscious-of your Ascension progress. You do this by making all decisions not from the ego mind, but from the goodness of your heart. You must treat all creatures, both Human and not, in a manner befitting a sovereign child of God. Treat them all with the same kindness and respect you yourself wish to be the recipient of. You must do no harm and give of your light. Take definitive steps each and every day to raise your personal vibration, and do at least one thing in the course of each day to make a positive change in the life of another. What dismays me so, when visiting and interacting with you in your own environment, is how easily you hurt one another. Why is it that you remain so competetive, even at this late hour. I so wish you could experience this from our perspective, I truly do. I implore that you examine these behaviors. Be aware that with the eradication of such lower vibrational ways, you are effecting the changes necessary to bring our worlds together at last.
I leave you now, in peace, Dearest Brethren. It has been a pleasure to converse with you.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice. *
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space. This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Whichever it is, or if you just happened to find this site by Divine Synchronicity (there are no accidents), be open to everything! Speak your truth. Tell the world who you “really” are. * * Email: *
Archangel Gabriel: The Equinox of Your Soul
Channeled by Shanta Gabriel on 9/18/2012
This is a time for profound and very deep healing. Just as the earth moves through the seasonal balancing point of Equinox, all of life strives to reach this place of perfect balance. At the point of balance, the energy in the body aligns with the blueprint of Divine Perfection with which each soul has been blessed. To be in harmony with your most authentic Divine self is to be in alignment with the place of balance that provides healing on all levels. This is the true state of Oneness all souls are seeking, even though it may not be conscious.
Refined elements of healing are available to those who are led to a place where they desire balance in their lives. It takes a surprising level of awareness in the western culture to even realize that balance is what one is seeking in life. Most of the ancient systems of healing understand this principle and teach many ways to reach the place of balance within the mind, emotional state and physical body. The gaining popularity of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi Kung are assisting many people to find balance and better health. As all exists as one body, this balance will greatly assist the health of the Earth as well.
The Need for Balance

Once the awareness of the need for balance becomes available to the mind, situations often arise in life to be a reminder of that which is missing. It may appear that suddenly the mental and emotional state is out of one’s control, as if an old relation is jumping out from within the subconscious. The child self may become more prominent to the great horror of the controlled adult. Indeed many old patterns and parts of your inner self may be showing themselves to you now. Often your child or adolescent self has felt neglected or unloved in the past but now would like to be invited into your adult world to bring some fun and laughter. Perhaps these aspects of the self are seeking harmony and balance with your responsible adult self who works so capably in the world. The joyous freedom of childlike wonder brings magic into an overly responsible adult life. Creative projects, nature settings and other playful activities can help these parts of you to come into greater harmony and balance. This healthy integration of your mental and emotional selves can bring greater happiness into your daily world.
As your soul seeks balance in life, your physical body can also demand attention. Disharmony in the body manifests as acute or chronic imbalances requiring your immediate attention. Most of the time, small signals from your inner self have been ignored and allowed to blossom until they must be addressed before dire consequences result. To correct an imbalance in the human system, you may be taken to the proverbial edge of the precipice of life. From there you are given an expansive vision of possibilities so you can make choices, consciously or unconsciously, that bring you to the still point of balance and oneness with your soul’s purpose. There may be many probabilities for your future self, but it is at this turning point you can make the choice for your soul’s most optimum future.
As the planetary energies continue to shift, change and quicken, all life is being called to integrate these frequencies or perish in the process. Many people will find it beyond their means to make the inner shifts necessary to find inner balance in this world. There are many souls ready to complete this incarnation in order to choose another time more harmonious to their needs. Those beings, making a choice to stay on earth through these times of transformation, will need to seek inner balance, as well as harmony with the shifts in seasons and vibrational frequencies of the planetary evolution now in progress.
You are a Beacon of Light

There are tremendous levels of support available for those who choose to stay on earth through this, often tumultuous, time as a Beacon of Light. The invisible support of enlightened master teachers, the empowering presence of the Angels, and many beings from the starry realms are making their presence known in ways that range from the subtle to the miraculous. Every synchronicity you notice in your life is a sign from those planes of existence beyond the human eye. All manner of assistance is available to your beck and call. Just remember that it is your frequency of resonant vibration that is the key to your level of attraction, because you attract into your life only that which is in your consciousness.
Alignment with your Divine Self is a demonstration of the balance and harmony within your being. Seek out this balance on every level within your body, mind and emotional state in order to be receptive to the Divine assistance available to you now. Be willing to ask for the help you need in every area of your life. Humility in action brings compassion to the self, that part of you who feels powerless in the face of life challenges that may seem overwhelming. Stories abound of the many souls who felt beaten to their knees until they were willing to cry out for help. This act opened the way, allowing the Divine to intervene in their lives. It takes courage to recognize that a human being alone is powerless to make the great change necessary so that life comes into Divine Order and Balance, but as scriptures say, “with God all things are possible.”
Healing takes many forms, and one can never presume to know what is best for another person. The Divine Spirit working within each being knows the truth of the soul’s path, and each one comes to a time of choice. When you survey the possibilities of your life, what will you choose? The next time you find yourself feeling powerless, beaten up by life and confused about your next step, consider all the help that may be waiting for you to ask. Know that being open to Divine Assistance brings help in ways that may look different than you imagined. Have the faith to believe you are being cared for in the way most appropriate for your soul’s growth.
This is a Turning Point

Imagine that you are on that figurative mountaintop, a turning point in your life. You are so elevated, you can see the vastness of the world before you. It is your time for choices. There are Angels of Light all around you. Your soul is calling out for inner balance and connection to that which you hold most dear. As you surrender to the love your soul is offering, the Angels uplift you in their Wings of Light. You are enfolded in the power of compassion, grace and mercy. Allow their loving presence to guide you through your next steps in life. Ask for your true path into harmony and balance to be revealed, then humbly allow yourself be led by your soul and embraced by the Angels of Light.
It is time for all beings to find alignment with their Divine purpose. When you seek a place of Harmony and Light within your being, the heavens rejoice, and your life becomes a reflection of that still point of Balance, the Equinox of your Soul.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. *

You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle EzineCopyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
*** Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. * *
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