Messages from GOD SaLuSa & Others



The path of love is not a tedious path. It's a path of joy. It's a path of singing and dancing. It is not a desert. It is a valley of flowers.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Opening the Gifts of Love 

Beloved ones, each moment is a gift from Me overflowing with Love. Each moment is yours to unwrap with your heart, that you might experience the truth of God - that you are one with all I Am, and all I Am is One with you.

In this time, this holiday season, which is in truth a parting of the veil of time, it is easy for the mind to take jurisdiction and to happily involve you in the chaos of the ego's version of the giving of gifts. But deep within the one gift comes. It is the gift of the truth of your heart. It is the gift of the awareness that you are this Love. You can never be separate from the truth, the great gift that I give you forever, the moment that you choose to open your heart.

So in this season of busyness make the time to receive your gifts from Me. To open to the real flow of Love. To experience the communion of hearts directly, powerfully and beautiful beyond words, a living conversation that continues while the mind is busy looking elsewhere.

It is a time when the ego often takes control. The ego-mind loves holidays and bringing in the past to mix it up with nebulous dreams of a future that somehow continues the projection of what you think you are. But for every moment that is spent in ego, perhaps remembering old slights, or bringing up old feelings, the gifts of the heart are present and alive calling you to quickly unwrap them that you might remember this endless well of joy and the purpose of your life, which is giving Love. Giving the gift of love to every being that you perceive as outside of yourself, for the union of your hearts as part of the whole expression of Love blossoming as the world.

It is a season of gifts and you are ready to receive them. Ready to receive what is real and what is endless. If you live in the heart's reality of this Love, opening your gift from Me in the moment, then everything you touch will be healed of the illusion that there can ever be anything against you or against another. Family is much deeper than the body and the genetics. Family is the endless circle of living Love that is the divine.

So as you sit down to participate and partake of your holiday meal, remember that you are really eating Love. Remember that every breath you breathe, and even every thought, each and every atom that whirls around your center, all of it is a communion of your heart. And your journey of discovery of the truth that this Love I Am is what you are, and you are one with all you see.

Deep within the heart the message is received, that this one who you might call your brother or your father, is simply a reflection of your beliefs, that that which is whole and the most exquisite mandala of grace can somehow be separated and perceived as separate egos. It doesn't mean that your gifts are not unique. But it means that Love is the substance of which all is made. And just like the Earth expressed as nature, there is one rich and teaming life that blazes forth in countless ways to create the vision of humanity while hearts commune in eternity, deeply always knowing each other.

This time is the remembrance of the Christ, the Christos. That place where time is gone and eternity reigns. The awareness of this Love in its perfection going forth to bless and express the beauty of all I Am made visible to the heart. Offered as a communion of the Spirit. Rejoiced in as a dance that is exciting and invigorating, as the circle turns within and you remember that you are one with this Love of which everything is made.

So the brother, or the sister, or the mother, or the uncle are just ways to observe the refracted light that comes forth from the moment of creation to express the experience of working with your creativity, that you may understand the truth of Love you are and the heart's reality.

So beloved ones, in this holiday time, take your moments and live within them in the place where eternity meets the world and you can unwrap My gifts to you of perfect Love. That you might be the shared breath of life with one another and understand what brotherhood or sisterhood really means.

The family of Love is My heart and each of you are its perfect expression. When you shift to what your heart sees you will remember that this is true as well for your family of origin. For when you look within to the heart's communion what you will find is eternal Love that is unwavering, indestructible, and continues on forever.

The ego-mind loves to cloud the truth with issues great and small from the story that it has created. And oh beloved ones I know just how deeply you are affected by the stories that you've perceived that you've lived. But it is time to unwrap the gifts of eternal life. To share the moment that goes on forever. To look into your brother's eyes and to see yourself, the great heart of living Love of which you all are a perfect expression remembering that the gift of time can end, and what remains is what lasts forever - perfect Love.

I will give you the strength of the heart as you receive and accept My gifts of Love. I will give you, beloved ones, the heart's vision of your families. I will show you what exists deep within, beyond the seeming boundaries and stories of the little mind. You will be stunned by the power of a Love that is so great it exists beyond time and has carried you through eons of dramas, playing the roles that you needed to bring you to this moment where at last the gifts of the heart are ready to be received.

When you unwrap the gifts that you receive in the physical world, do not forget to unwrap the gifts of Love. Make sure you are attuned to the undercurrents of real communion that heart to heart are happening all the while. Even if egos are involved in drama there is a deep connection, a communication of Love, that is happening all the while.

There is something that is so pure and so powerful about those with whom you've travelled through the land of ego. There is a deep respect and commitment to playing the parts that have brought you here to the moment and the truth of God. Therefore, beloved ones, be aware of your heart and rejoice in its continuous and indivisible message of Love that can see just how beautiful you are, expressed as the heart's reflections that you call family.

And if perchance you find yourself alone without a family with which to celebrate the holidays, unwrap the gift of the moments and discover the Love that you are intimately connected to with all that is. You are part of the family of God and every heart is yours to worship, and to accept into the great family of Love that is the awakened heart of humankind.

You are never alone. That is a dream of the ego-mind and the greatest trick that it has perpetuated on any of you. Because you are surrounded, you are filled, you are part of all I Am. And everywhere you look your heart is connected to the wondrous and limitless family of God, the mandala of Love that is the refraction of this one light, the perfect circle of grace in which all you see is truth and beauty and limitless unity.

So if the ego can't show you that you're not alone, look to your heart and you will always find that you are lovingly surrounded with those who assist you. And you are part of so much Love that it always fills you up to overflow in joy that you might share the truth that the Love I Am is here for you in the myriad gifts of the moment.

Love, Real Love, is experienced only through the heart beloved ones. Every time the mind imagines Love it is simply a shell. It is an idea of what Love is supposed to be, and of course what it is supposed to give you. But the heart knows the truth, that this Love is forever. It is that of which you are made and you are interwoven with everything. And with this simple awareness, the "yes", the shift to the heart, you are free from every misperception of being separate and alone. You are the glory of this endless communion of life ever and always loved by Me and all that is alive within Me.

In other words, in the heart everything you encounter is My Love coming to bless you, to fill you, to exalt you, to lift you, to celebrate your life. And as soon as you acknowledge it with your open heart, then even the ego remembers this inclusiveness and you are full to overflowing with support, with life, with endless joy.

Your awareness of the moment's gifts allows this gift to be given also to others. That each and every precious heart can remember this overflowing Love and joyfully accept it. In this place of Love ideas fall away, concepts of people and cultures, of individuated egos and bodies shift until you find the heart's communion in which all life speaks with the voice of Love centered in your communion with Me. Beautiful, eternal, and strong, nothing can interrupt it.

It takes remembrance to return to the moment's gifts, rather than allowing the little mind to focus you on the future or the past. As you focus on your heart, what will be revealed is the truth of your family - that only Love exists and it is always for your blessing. Part and parcel of your awakening to Love and your acceptance of your heart as the expression of the Christ, the pure and perfect center of the Love I Am. The vortex of power and energy through which the world is made manifest as a symbol of our unity.

Unity is a many-splendored thing far beyond the simple idea of joining or oneness. You are rich with all the gifts I bring you but they can only be opened in the now. And thus, beloved ones, let it be your holiday practice to accept the moment's blessings and to open the gifts of Love I bring you. Do this that you might experience with new eyes the gifts of Love in every area of your life.

Unwrap the gifts of Love carefully, beloved ones. Cherish this moment and the gifts I bring. Thus can you pass them on through your gratitude and your joy, attuning every heart to this communion and to this joyous celebration of the awakened Christ as the living heart of humankind opening the gifts of Love.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4774 God Asks You a Question, December 20, 2013 

God said: 

What is it you are afraid of? You don’t even know, not really. You are afraid of possibilities, poverty, old age, loneliness, ill health, your death, death of others, and life. You fear life. You fear developments. You accumulate inadequacies. What are you afraid of, dear ones?

And what do you want? What would make you happy?

You may answer that if so and so loved you, you would be happy. Yet that would not be enough. Love on Earth, your dream of it, may have escaped you. You think of your dream, perhaps, as winning, as victory, and yet individual love, in the long run, is not always fulfilling or fulfilling enough.

You intellectually know that financial wealth is not enough to give you happiness. You already know that and yet you covet wealth as if it were the answer to all that you find difficult. I bless you to have wealth. In the long run, you with wealth and you without wealth are the same.

It is you yourself who is difficult. You and you alone stand in the way of your own happiness. Perhaps you are a pouter. Even if all your desires were fulfilled in your lifetime, you might feel: “Why didn’t they come sooner? Why did I have to wait so long for them? Why did I have to go without them for so long and struggle for them? Why couldn’t I have had happiness anyway?”

And that is what I ask you: “Why couldn’t you have been happier sooner with or without whatever you wanted? Why couldn’t your own love be enough? Why did you set up barriers to your loving yourself? Why did you put off happiness, making it dependent upon this or that?”

Perhaps you delay happiness now. What prevents you from happiness? Why do you feel or have you felt that it is beyond you? What makes you think that your happiness is dependent upon something outside you when your happiness is dependent upon you?

Why does someone’s lack of love for you trail you and run before you? What are you running from and what are you running to?

Never mind what is around the corner. What is with you now?

If you really believed that time is not real, would you wait for another time to hold happiness in your heart?

What are you waiting for?

Certainly, it always seems that if only you had this…or if only you had that… you would be happy, deliriously happy, yet would you?

What is this factor called happiness and why, oh, why, don’t you already have it?

I say it is yours. I say you can have it. You say you chase it, and it eludes you.

Where is this Bluebird of Happiness? It is said to be in your own backyard.

You may already have it and be the last to know. You may have hidden it from yourself. Happiness exists, and it exists within you, and all you have to do is to pull it out from where you put it. Happiness is yours. Admit it. Usher it into your heart.

If you were to be happy right now, what would have to be different? Only you, beloved. Only you. You would have to see differently. You would have to notice your good fortune.

And, yet, you ask yourself different things. You may ask yourself: “How can I be homeless and happy?”

What if you removed thoughts just like that and changed them to: “I can be homeless and happy. Having a home wasn’t enough to keep me happy, why does absence of anything have to make me unhappy?”

Beloveds, what are you looking for? Happiness or unhappiness? What do you find? Happiness or unhappiness? What bedtime stories do you tell yourself?

What if you could be happy or happy enough to last a day? If you can have happiness one day, why not another? And another and another.

Why hang on to unhappiness when you could have happiness? Why, oh, why, I ask you.


SaLuSa, December 20, 2013

The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs. The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together, and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them.

These situations repeatedly come up and slowly but surely people realise that they are their brothers keeper. Those who have travelled far ahead with their understanding can also see that all life is One, and that it is inextricably linked and the actions of each individual effects the whole. This is when people take responsibility for their actions and help raise the vibrations upon Earth. If only you keep the goodwill going that arises from times like you are experiencing now, the sooner you would move away from the lower vibrations that could not exist in your higher state. As the changes continue so they help raise up those souls who are just emerging from the darkness. They need a helping hand to get on the road to success, and find it easier once others have created the pathway.

Through many lives you have experienced a myriad of situations that have helped your progress. They have been arranged as all lives are, to help you surmount the problems you are likely to face. There is absolutely nothing that happens without good cause, although to the human mind it is difficult to see beyond what happens in your physical realm. Each of you have numerous helpers whose sole interest is to ensure you progress through your experiences. It is why the key events in your life are orchestrated to gradually advance you along the path of evolution. Yet in many instances you are propelled into chaotic conditions that do not seem to have any real purpose. Believe us Dear Ones, nothing happens by chance and whatever you become involved in has some measure of gain, not just for you but every soul involved.

Do not worry if you get caught up in what is clearly coming from a negative source, as your presence may be needed to hold the vibrations in check. Often you can provide sufficient Light to soften or remove some of the negative energies. Be assured you will be used for your experience and dedication to spreading the Light, and will never be called upon to handle more than you can manage. Obviously you will also find yourselves on the receiving end, but this is often a test to ensure you know how to handle yourself. We repeat, that "nothing happens by chance" so always look for the lesson that may accompany your experience.

Be assured that you do get breaks throughout your lifetime, and you are not expected to serve the Light without them. It is certain that you will know where you stand when you are going with the flow, and fulfilling your life plan. However, remember that at times you will so to say, catch up on outstanding karma and it will present itself when you are known to be able to cope with it. So do not be alarmed in such circumstances and accept your experience with good heart, and most importantly ensure you learn from it.

At this time in your evolution you are progressing at a faster rate than ever, and each soul is on the last lap of its life plan for this incarnation. This may seem improbable as all of you are at different points in your evolution, and remember that not every soul is ready to ascend, or desires to do so. The end of an Solar Cycle draws nigh and it is special inasmuch that the end times have already been decided, and regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to foil the plan, they will not be successful. Ascension is assured and is to be expected at the end of a Solar Cycle.

In the meantime help your fellow traveller where needed, but at the same time do not pressurise them by forcing advice upon them. Sometimes lessons can only be learnt through direct experience, although group experience is not uncommon. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and be flexible, although many of you are now sufficiently intuitive to know when to move in a different direction. Take things in your stride and try not to force a situation, unless you can be sure of the outcome. You should know that when matters flow in harmony, there is little for you to do.

You have been preparing for this period for millennia of time, as you have always known that it would arrive to lift you out of the lower vibrations. Many of you have awoken to the fact, and now joyfully make your way forward with great expectations. Even if you do not fully understand what a great time is opening up for all of you, there is a sense of excitement knowing that a new era is about to open. It allows you to contemplate what life would be like once the dark Ones were removed. Such freedom from interference is something new, and very hard to conceive when you are lifting out from the lower vibrations.

For millennia of time you have experienced duality of such high levels, that it is hard to conceive of the dramatic and far reaching changes that are almost upon you. However, they are near to manifestation, and will bring the most wonderful surprises and far reaching changes much to your amazement and delight.

I leave you now in what is hopefully a feeling of joy, knowing that your travels in the lower dimensions are about to end. Keep your calm and continue to spread love and peace wherever you are.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Wake up Call: Horus, Dec 19, 13


I, Horus, am here dear ones to speak to you of the upcoming event that so many are hearing and reading about. I am here to tell you about the part we in Hollow and Inner Earth have in the coming event. It is a matter of us being at the root of what is taking place on the planet and within it. As we go about our parts in it we also are working with those of you on the surface who made this promise when you first came to this lifetime. Not only was it a promise to all of mankind, but especially to your own beingness, and to the Creator as well. It was one brought about in seeing what it could bring to the ascension of earth and all of life on it and within.


I sit in place in the Porthalogus library in this moment and sort through what has already been place here in the energy of what it takes to put all of the pieces together for the event. It is a matter of seeing all of the parts that are set in place and then sifted around as decisions are made and changes take place in the everyday life of humanity. It also relates to what is taking place with ISON and with all of the other heavenly bodies that are in place now and are affecting the overall scope of what is taking place and root in the causal effects of all that is coming.


You will see that in the coming times on earth things will speed up, as the energy of the people rises. Also as they intercept that which they see as not only what they desire, but also what will serve all of humanity in a way that has not been lived as yet. I speak of allowing people to choose their way of life, their choices in the moment, and seeing that it will all work out, even if it doesn’t seem to be a beneficial choice for the whole of life on Gaia. So many of you are seeing that these choices are made in the aspect of what will serve in the whole picture of what it is taking to bring it all into harmony.


When that becomes a knowing of more people around the globe it will bring about a change that will allow the manifestation and living of the event that will be obvious to those who have been tuning in to the pieces of the ‘so called’ puzzle. It will solve some issues that have been singing their off notes for some time, and will bring it all into harmony with the totality of the musical energy of Love and Joy in the peacefulness that will be prevalent.


This is part of what is taking place and causing some of you to be distressed, confused and tired of hearing what is coming, while never seeing it manifest. This is part of what so many refer to as the patience that is necessary for the result to show itself. It is also the example of the totality of humanity’s ideas about how to live life, how to make things happen, etc, come along. For so many of you it is making itself clear in your minds and hearts, while at the same time you find yourselves unable to find the words to explain. It is a knowing that requires no words to be clear. In fact words can often mislead for they cannot completely express what the knowing is.


So as I said, I am sitting here at the library and seeing the mix of results and seeing how it is all interweaving into a constantly changing pattern. The colors that are spoken change as in a living rainbow that escalates as the changing tides bring about the sounds that express in colors. The rainbows bring about a constant elevation of the tones of the promise that is in place. Have you ever heard a song that is sung on one level, and then brought to a higher and/or faster tone? This is quite an experience that I am having, and it is something that you all coupled with All, for the energies connected with this planet are creating in your own melody of creation in the manifestation of that which is in the highest benefit of all of life.


Now that I’ve planted some new ideas, perspectives and perhaps confusion in your minds, I know that you will go away from this message with the ever changing and clearing energy that you are in right now. It is wonderful so see so many of you asking for clarity, for that represents the truth of your being able to understand it and to then apply it to your movements in the manifestation of the event that you will in some way recognize when it happens. It will be as a mirror shining back to you that which you, on some level, already had seen. It is the nature of the capabilities that you all have, even those who don’t remember they do as yet. You will one of these days; you will awaken and see that your part in all of this has been so intragal that without it, it would still be out there churning and changing till the one piece finally falls into place to bringing it all into harmony. Know that it is at your doorstep, and live the moment of Now in love, peace and joy. That is the secret ingredient in the perfection of the Creation of All.


I sit in Love and the observation of your power. Love you all so much!


Thank you dear Horus,

Love, Nancy Tate



Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.


Thought Adjuster

Subject: “What Will You Leave for Your Children?” 

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Your media is doing a great disservice to the generation growing up in these times. The moral deterioration of humanity is becoming evident in what is projected on television. Your movies, your music, your television programs, your internet, and even your news, are focused on subjects which a few years ago would have been considered trivial, trite, reprehensible, and lacking in professionalism. The media is not the cause of the evils of humanity, merely a consequence, contributing by perpetuating the problems. 

“How can one defend oneself from this bombardment of the absurd? The world requires examples of authentic lives. Develop your spirituality and live your lives dedicated to the will of the Father, so you can be examples to your peers. Develop authentic, sincere, and deep relationships with those around you, so they can feel inspired to follow you along the higher path. Be the peace in the middle of the storm so those who are confused by falsehood, and live under the weight of anxiety, may become motivated to ask for the source of that peace. 

“You arrived at a time in your civilization when you have to decide if you will use the greater part of your resources and your time for self-satisfaction, or invest all in an effort to grow – what Michael called ‘fighting the good fight of the faith’. When a civilization cares only about self-gratification, it loses the momentum to keep evolving and it inevitably destroys itself. It happened in Mesopotamia, it happened in Greece, and it happened in Rome, to cite only a few examples. How is it that you don’t notice the symptoms of a historical disease that has been described in detail in your books and by your wise? 

“The will of the Father will prevail in the end. It depends on you if you will continue on that path of growth, industry, exploration, philosophy, and true science, or if you will motivate your youth towards the easy pursuit of success and material rewards that are achieved with minimal effort. It is your choice to take one more step towards light and life in this world, or repeat another cycle of regression and re-discovery. 

“The world needs adventurers and explorers who will dedicate their lives to find something beyond themselves to produce something that perhaps only the succeeding generations may enjoy, as you are able to enjoy the many comforts available today. What will you leave for your children at your departure from this world?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 

We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Rules For Life


