Conference Call with
Monjoronson; March
28, 2010
Topic : Right Mindedness
T/R: Donna D’Ingillo,
Center for Christ Consciousness
: Mother and Father , we come before you to today to be joined as one mind
, one intention, one heart to receive the words of our Magisterial Son Monjoronson and to be guided in mind and heart by him
for the transformation of our world. We open ourselves up to you and we thank you for giving us this opportunity to gather.
We thank you for preparing us now to be as energetically open and available as possible for what your will and what our Magisterial
Son wishes to achieve today. Thank you so much. We are ready.
Monjoronson: My brethren this is Monjoronson. It gives me great joy to be here with you again in this manner of
speaking, connecting with your mind and your systems of consciousness to empower you further as you are the laborers for Michael
in the fields of humanity bringing hope, light and information to your brothers and sisters. We share with you to help you achieve the
desired results. During our last time in this manner you received a deeper energetic impression of my energy presence within
your being. It is my delight today to continue to develop
this circuit between us that will enable you to be more consciously attuned to my presence within you.
Time is growing shorter wherein I will establish
more of my presence here upon Urantia. While it will still be in morontial form for a while you will notice a quickening within your own being;
there is something additional for you to feed upon in your thoughts and to be further stabilized in spirit as your world undergoes
greater change. I ask you to stay calm, to remain secure in
what you witness and to recognize that it is the will of not only the action of the First Source and Center but the will of
humanity that is in alignment with the will of the Father that will see these
changes occur.
We are here to establish a new order of right-mindedness
upon Urantia today as I infuse more of myself into you. Feel your desire for this action, this language, this encoding of the language of right-mindedness
to embrace your world—to bring the minds of your brothers into alignment with their own Father fragments so that they
are more attuned to following the will of their indwelling spirits. Feel your
desire of this right-mindedness activity to occur and I will move in you and embrace you. (pause)
discloses an action of being, helping your behavior more love-dominated, spirit-motivated and peace-producing. It harmonizes cellular polarity in your body
with the action of spirit. This right-mindedness is a quality that is highly desirable in the human estate. It is significant
that you would hold this idea not only for yourself but for your brethren. May they allow this coding of language to become more infused in the systems
of their thoughts and feelings. The
world has suffered from the lack of right-mindedness in its long evolution. The course of mindedness is being reversed. It
is as if the ship is changing course in the flow of life. It is as
if the ship of mindedness has gone off its course. This is a very large vessel that needs to be turned in a particular way
so that its causes not too much pandemonium and chaos in the minds of the individuals that are affected.
The more of you
attune yourself to this language of right-mindedness the more you allow the course of your world to change, thereby creating
more energy for others to follow in their desires to become attuned. Allow these words to become settled deep in your hearts and minds. Ffeel its presence within you and what it discloses within your conscious being: right-mindedness,
right-mindedness, right-mindedness. (pause)
Invite your body to open each cell into this language of right-mindedness. There is a cellular polarity that yearns for
this. This is something that your bodies have been
designed to function within, as designed by the Life Carriers in the laboratories of Nebadon. Yet because of the occurrences on this world
that took you away from the divine inheritance and a normal evolutionary course of your world, cellular polarity has been
operating off key, This language of right-mindedness establishes
you back on course in the deeper places of your body; bringing you back into alignment with the will of the Father and
the operations of the universe. Continue to feel your desire for right-mindedness to engulf your world, to travel into the hearts of
all the children here, your fellow Urantians who have needed this language for such a long time. (pause)
will yield rightful action, and that you are moving towards the will of the Father will help you collaborate more effectively
with one another as you move into greater group participation, creating certain pockets of light which yield greater networking
and harmonization as you form the foundations of the new social institutions in the years to come. The foundation of this is being able to work
together harmoniously without self-aggrandizement, pride, competition, and other emotions of ego interference.
period of foundation building is crucial at this time for it will lead you into more harmonious group interaction—to
be able to share new ideas more wholeheartedly, more soulfully, learn to function in teams, how to allow the team leadership
to prevail. This new working model for your world is one that will be constructing greater
social institution than you have previously conceived. They will
all begin to coalesce together, they will work cooperatively instead as antagonistically as some social institutions now are
So allow this time of foundation-building to grow within you. Prepare yourself for the work that is to
come to insure that you are capable and ready—that you are indeed ready to work in the field, harvesting souls for your
Father and Mother. As you focus in your stillness in the coming
days , allow the word of right-mindedness and the language of coding therein to be infused in your heart. Drink deeply of this word; allow the new patterns
and energies to form upon you, engaging your mind and feelings in new ways. (pause)
leave you now. Again, you have my most devoted thanks for
participating in these thrilling times of change upon Urantia. You cannot
yet perceive all the love that is poured out. Know it is
infinite outpouring every moment--every day. It is only a matter of turning your intention inward for you to increasingly perceive what is available to
The Universe has opened her heart, yours are open; everything is accessible to you now. You must make your decisions
wisely and with a joyful heart, knowing that what you all have wanted in terms of bringing planetary changes is now at hand. Grow in your own Indwelling Spirit’s
love and peace and enjoy each day of your life moment to moment as your Father within speaks to you.
wish you a good day.