Message From Mother Mary




You are free. You are the infinite space. The craving to be free is itself another bondage.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Transitions of the Emotional Body by Mother Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 11-12-13-

Every day upon your Earth is a powerful energy day. In the past there have been noted days where powerful surges of energy flow into the Earth and your being, powerful surges now flow with each and every day you walk upon the Earth. You have moved into a stage of your transition where you are constantly open and there is always an opportunity for powerful and transformational surges of light to flow throughout your being and reality more frequently than not. The energy is building your energy vibration while creating purification and strengthening within your being. No longer do you need to wait for certain calendar days to boost your awakening, every day upon the Earth is a powerful awakening and ascension process for you. With such powerful and strong energy vibrations anchoring, this can cause periods of tremendous bliss and peace along sid e periods of chaos with both inner and outer suffering. It is important to realise that any form of suffering in the past was a spiritual lesson or challenge for evolvement. Many people are still using old energetic patterns of learning as this can take some time to be observed, healed and released. The energy surges also have a purpose of bringing all that is no longer needed or that is causing hindrance to the surface for you to observe, heal and release, thus allowing yourself to step deeper into the new era focused primary and completely upon love.  The new era is to love yourself, to love others and to experience the love of the Creator. Some energy surges also have a powerful influence upon your emotional body. Much focus is being placed upon the emotional body at this time as it is preparing and moving through transitions in order to be able to serve and merge with your soul more fully, this signifies that great volumes of light and energy are being poured into your emotional body and the Earth’s emotional body which can cause your emotional body to become very active in your reality, actions and reactions.

It is important to ask for the emotional body to be balanced, soothed and for its energy to be smoothed down in order for harmony to unfold into your emotional body and your entire being. You may wish to affirm,

‘With the support of my soul, guides and the Creator I ask for balance to be restored within my emotional body. Let my emotional body be soothed and calmed by the light, love and support of the Creator, merging in harmony and peacefully with my entire being. Please bring tranquillity to any over activity that is no longer necessary within my emotional body. I experience my most appropriate ascension emotional body, experiencing my emotion as beautifully flowing, peaceful and healed expressions of my being. ‘

Often the emotional body holds onto ideas of suffering and pain which you automatically draw upon as a valuable way of releasing the past, experiencing your true self but also experiencing your ego and feelings of lack or separation. Some emotional challenges, reactions and processes of release or learning can cause you to become unconscious of your reality and the truth within your being. Being unconscious of your spiritual path and the beautiful light being within your physical being can be a source of pain but can also cause pain, suffering and confusion as well as unneeded experiences. I wish to offer insights and reminders for you to use whenever you find yourself influenced by or trapped in your emotional body and its processes. Your journey upon the Earth is a process of remembrance of the Creator and so your reality each and every day is a process of remembrance of yourself as the Creator. Tools and practices that remind you of your truth or bring your focus and attention back to being consciously aware of your truth, even if you do not understand your truth, will serve you in remaining in a space of balance, peace, love and bliss whatever is occurring within or around your being. Often when high surges of energy enter your being the body and energy bodies become extremely active, this can be projected into your reality in many ways. If there is something that needs to be healed, it can be projected into your reality for a powerful healing process and experience.

In times of suffering, pain, confusion, turmoil, chaos, fear  or such like energies bring your attention, focus and memory back to these thoughts, I will be with you, supporting and loving as you read through my words of remembrance, supporting new star bursts of light awakening from within your being.

If you are experiencing suffering or pain in this moment recognise that the light is building within your being and reality, your current experiences are allowing for major blockages or unneeded energies to be released eternally so that you may recognise yourself as a greater being of love and light.

Allow yourself to be conscious of love, love is the essence of the Creator, it is the natural healing energy for your body, being and reality and will bring everything within and around you into perfect alignment, harmony and bliss. Breathe within the vibration of love.

Your outside experiences with the world, your reality, people and even yourself are all a projection from within your being. Your beliefs, opinion and understandings of yourself and the Creator can be projected into your reality. To heal any situation whether small or large first look inside yourself for the answer. Blaming yourself or another will not bring enlightenment to any situation but simply cause more pain. Sit within your own energies and realise the source or purpose of your creation.

All energies are malleable and can be altered by you. There is nothing in the world that is permanent especially at a physical level, the divine flow of the Creator acts as a natural rhythm for change within your reality. This means that if you experience a situation or feeling which is not aligned to the truth of the Creator know that you can change it instantly if you wish to. You can change any energy and your reaction to it instantly especially with positive and expansive thoughts. Imagine what you would like to experience or how you would like to feel rather than focusing upon an energy being permanent and unmoving.

Your emotions, thoughts and body can express the highest and purest vibration of the Creator, let yourself be conscious of this awareness.

Remember that you are a strong and powerful beacon of light and love, this is your truth more than any other realisation, thought, emotion or experience that may enter your reality.

Program your mind to instantly seek for a solution to all experiences and feelings which you may perceive as not being aligned with the Creator. Encourage your mind to enter deep into your soul’s vibration seeking for an outcome and inspiration to create a solution. Often many people focused upon spiritual growth can become sensitive to the energies around them, often many situations or experiences can come to a positive solution through energy work, whether it is sending energy, accepting energy, creating an energy exchange or creating energetic foundations such as bubbles of light to maintain, support or protect energies.

Transitions occurring within you often require you to be patient and compassionate with yourself and those around you.

Often you can take yourself out of situations and feelings by imagining yourself in a space of love, surrounded by love and love building from within your being. This can be achieved energetically and instantly, you can then enter back into your reality and allow the remembrance of yourself to merge with your reality thus, raising the vibration and possible outcomes.

Understanding the transitions and situations you move through is not always essential, if you become preoccupied with discovering and understanding then you may be distracting yourself from receiving valuable insights and ways to move back into deep spaces of love.

I am love, I am peace, I am bliss, I am truth, I am the healed perfection of the Creator. I trust in the truth of these words and allow divine remembrance to emerge with ease from within my being.

Emotions can entwine themselves deep into your being and energy systems, it can take loving observation of yourself with a remembrance of your truth to bring forth healing and freedom of emotions.  The experiences of the past has caused emotions to be used incorrectly but now your emotional  body is moving through a tremendous transformation which will allow you to use your emotions to fuel your spiritual evolution, connection with and experiencing the Creator in every present moment.

Take time to be aware of your emotions, send love, healing and support to your emotions as your emotional body moves through a powerful transitional period. Please know that I Mother Mary am with you loving you eternally in truth and with divine remembrance of the Creator.

With love Mother Mary 


Urantia, November 15, 2013. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Give Me A Chance.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “It is I, your Spark from God within or better known from My work of guiding you as your Thought Adjuster. I am watching and waiting patiently ‘in the background’ of each mind, to note if I can make a difference by uplifting your thoughts to a higher level, more becoming to an evolving child of God. I wish for you to pay attention to My words as I truly desire that humanity wake up to its true purpose – to be open to God’s guidance. 

“Perhaps this planet will finally progress as do her sister planets, which are forging ahead due to the ongoing efforts of their citizens. They have left the ugly propensity for war far behind as they en masse answer the Call from God’s Sprit within them to help uplift and guide them on the ascension path to perfection. Even though they may outwardly look different to your species, inwardly they are just like you, and they have a soul in need of development. They all are your brothers and sisters, as they spring from the same spiritual Root Source – the Universal Creator of All. 

“When will humanity on this tardy planet wake up and develop their God-given talents and begin work on peace and progress for their selves, so the planet may benefit exponentially? It is all in your hands and within your capabilities to wake up and proceed in the right direction, which according to God’s will is the way of love towards one another. 

“When will you give Me a chance and start listening within to what the soft Voice from God is guiding you to do? Of course, you are always free to follow up or neglect Me. Free will is never ever coerced. However, giving one’s Thought Adjuster a chance to provide one with guidance, has never been put into sincere practice on this planet, other than by a few, who, after much turmoil within their souls, decided that there had to be a better way. 

“This is the secret to a successful life, My friends. This is the way success is noted in heaven’s chronicles, which you will later get to search for yourselves. Let it not be a story filled with regrets, so you end up saying: ‘If only I had listened more to the Voice from God within, I would have lived so very differently.’ These are the words the angels hear all too often. Therefore, this is the reason why I bring this most important life-changing issue to the fore of your minds, yes, of the minds of all those who may chance to read these words. 

“By giving Me a chance, your inner life will become more peaceful, so your outer life will gain the soul-rest and expansion this poor world is so badly in need of. The planet can and will become more stabilized when more creatures living upon her become more balanced and loving. So please, think about this and give Me that chance to guide you. I will not disappoint you. However, it is up to you to do the work.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4770 Even a Crust of Bread Can Be Delicious, December 16, 2013 

God said: 

So long as you see life as a struggle, it will surely be a struggle. Life can be what it is and not have to be a struggle. You are the one who struggles. It is you who swims upstream. You can make a truce with life, beloveds. You have been looking at life as if it is monumental. Life is a great offering at the same time as the details are incidental. Life does not have to be what you think it has to be. It’s like this:
You may crave a whole loaf of bread, yet, even a crust can be delicious. If you have your mind made up that you must have more than a crust, you may throw a crust away and so deny yourself. If everything in life has to be “good enough” for you, you fight life and you may throw away what could be delicious. You can desire more and still accept what comes. You can accept graciously.
There is a lot to be said for being grateful for what you do have. Being grateful can make all the difference in the world.
I am not saying you have to be satisfied with everything. I am saying you can be satisfied with something.
What is it? Is it pride that would make you dissatisfied with any prize?
It is a beautiful thing not to pout. It is a beautiful thing to be satisfied with half a loaf or, My dears, even with a crust or even okay with none?
Of course, you would like life to suit you. It is good to consider being suited to life. I do not mean for you to have a brave front. I mean it is a good idea to appreciate life even when it isn’t perfect. You can lean toward appreciation rather than protest. Incidents are called incidental, and incidental means less than all-important.
Nor am I saying that you submit to life as a penitent might. I am saying not to be so hard on life. You don’t have to stand out front and be wowed by it. You don’t have to be resistant to it. You don’t have to be affronted by life. Give life a break, and, therefore, you give yourself a break. Don’t stand on ceremony. Don’t be crushed because all that you desire has not reached you. Don’t be a dissident.
If you want to ascend, then grow up, beloveds.
A winner is not necessarily the one who wins all the prizes. You don’t have to win all the prizes. Life is not all about what you get. It is about your giving. Giving disapproval is not exactly great giving. Giving life a chance is more like it. Bet on life. Bet on yourself.
Life gives you many stepping-stones. Hop on them. Do not dismiss something because it does not live up to the epitome of your desire. You do not know where what you disapprove of could lead. You do not know what treasures lie before you.
Know this. Treasures do lie before you. Be open to them. You already know that everything in the world is not as it seems. All that glitters is not gold. By the same token, a piece of coal can offer you warmth. You can write with it. What seems like a piece of coal may even turn out to be a black diamond.
My children do not always know what good fortune looks like. Keep your eyes open for it. There are many doors in life to open. You cannot close out all of them. You never know what is behind a door. What exists behind a beguiling door may disappoint you. What is behind a rough-hewn door may surprise you.
Be an explorer. Better to take life as it comes than to denounce it.


Montague Keen - December 15, 2013

The awakened amongst you understood my last message. You responded positively. You now see clearly how your planet was taken over and kept under control. Now it is time for all who understand the importance of ENERGY to come together, to work to clear the Dark Control and to release the energy of the ley lines that are the life blood of your planet.

Many of you can work directly on the ley lines. Others, who work with energy, can combine their energies to assist. Those of you who are not versed in working with energy can use the power of thought and intention to remove the Dark Control forever. Everyone can take part. Now I ask of you, do not allow race or creed to stop you getting involved in this work. Never before has it been so important for humanity to act as one. You know in your souls that you, the 99%, will be successful. Every country will benefit and every soul will be able to say, "I WAS NOT FOUND WANTING. I DID MY BIT TO RESCUE HUMANITY FROM DESTRUCTION."

It is public knowledge that the Illuminati are meeting in South Africa on Monday 16th December 2013, in an attempt to establish new and more effective controls over you. They are powerful when they come together. But consider for one moment, how much more powerful are you, the 99%. They can only harm you if you believe that they can. This is an important fact to understand. The Dark Ones await the return of MARDUK on 16th December, to save them from the 99%. This is your window of opportunity. Are you going to accept the challenge to ignore your left brain, which is controlled by the Dark Ones, or will you instead listen to your right brain, your higher self, and use your immense energy to rescue humanity. Be brave. Believe in yourselves and discard all the indoctrination, the so-called "education" to which you were subjected in order to destroy your free will. You are so much more than you realise. You are beautiful beings of light who need to brush away the cobwebs so that you can see clearly once more.

When all the countries come together, coordinating their actions, and this is done on a worldwide basis, then nothing can stop you. When you have completed the change, then and only then, will all wars cease. All the plans for the takeover of the New World Order will be yesterday's news, consigned to the dustbin of history. All their carefully laid plans will come to nothing.

Do you have what it takes to step forward and do what you came on Earth to do? Many of you talk the talk, but now you are being asked to walk the walk. The time has come for action to replace the talking. Stop being critical of those who work on your behalf, for this shows that you do not have what it takes to be part of the action and so you throw bad energy at it, to try to make yourselves feel somehow superior. You need each other at this time, more than any other time in the history of your planet. So I ask, if you haven't got anything good or encouraging to say, then keep your own council. Support is what is needed.

Age is no barrier. You, too, can send energy to support the effort that is being made on your behalf. There are some (and you know who you are who have specific roles) who's DNA goes back to before time began. This was kept hidden until now. The importance of DNA will be brought out into the open. It will answer the many questions that have puzzled many of you in the past. We will reveal everything when the timing is right.
The right people will come forward to do whatever is necessary during the Transition. They are being moved into place. From our vantage point, it is like a chessboard and all the pieces are being moved into place.

Veronica, my dear, do not take so much on your shoulders. People can only do what they are capable of doing. Not everyone has your commitment. Some will fall by the wayside but there are always many more who can step forward to replace them. There are those that this does not apply to, and they need the energy of your support.

When all life on Earth is valued equally, then you will know that you have achieved what you set out to achieve. When LOVE of humanity replaces corruption and avarice, when no man is hungry or homeless and no child is in fear, then you will see the full extent of your achievements. Believe you can do this, and you will do it. Meditate on this, make it your reality. Your prison bars are disintegating and the light is flowing in: welcome it with open arms. Pray for those who are having to do battle with the dark in order to release themselves from the evil shadow that tries to engulf them. Act as one, as never before. This is no time for petty squabbles or differences of race or creed.

You are the army of the light, shedding light on all that was dark and hidden. You are the creators of a New Age where all knowledge is shared and all are equal. Let love rule the day. Send love to all humanity.

My dear, you know what you must do. It will all come together as planned. Know that you are loved more than you could know. Forever, I remain your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


7 Rules For Life
1) Make peace with your past So it wont disturb your Present
2) What other people think of you is none of your business
3) Time HEALS almost everything. Give TIME
4) No One is In charge Of Your Happiness, Except You.
5) Don't compare your Life To Others & Don't Judge them , You Have No IDEA What their Journey is all about
6) STOP Thinking too much, Its all right not to know the answers.They will come to you when least expected.
7) SMILE. You don't own all the problems in the WORLD.


