

Dearest Spirit Family:

Again, we are delighted to welcome all the new members of our Spirit Family who are joining us through their requests for Heart Activation. For some of you, this is your first or second Message from God through the email list. We hope that you will find inspiration and delight in the full Messages that usually come twice a month, as well as in the Messages of Love, the short excerpts that arrive on Mondays and Thursdays.

We here at Circle of Light are truly honored to have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including with any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information.

At this time, the magnificent remembrance of who we truly are and why we are here on Earth is becoming more and more clear to each of us. We continue to offer HEART ACTIVATION indefinitely, as guided, so please continue to share the information with others.

We hold each one of you in deepest Love. We thank you for being conduits of God's Love on Earth and wish you joy and blessings never ending. May the Love we are flow as never before!

Yael, Doug and ShannaPra at CIRCLE OF LIGHT


The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light


Beloved ones, there is not a moment when I Am not loving you. Not a single second when I Am not in your heart. Every part of your body, your energy field, your being, every particle of Light and wave of Love you are, every magnetized essence of Creation that sings in harmony with your heart’s resonance – every bit of it is held in this communion, receiving endless Love from Me.

You are loved so profoundly, so limitlessly that a wellspring of My Love for you is always feeding you. No matter where you turn your focus, whenever you look, whenever you open to feel, here My Love is – totally present and tenderly alive for you.

I Am loving you perfectly. I Am filling you with this Love continually. Your heart is a limitless reservoir for these feelings of Me, this perfect Love that gives you your identity and says to you, out of all the glory that Creation is, I Am in Love with you. In this Love, you are whole, complete and filled with life, provided for with all of your spiritual food, recognized and honored by All That Is.

When you feel My Love for you, beloved ones, everywhere you look you see it shining, shining through the eyes of those around you, beaming to you from the stars above, uplifting you with visions of the Angels and letting you know how perfect you are, how deeply and eternally loved.

So dearest ones, the next time that you find yourself looking into the world to be loved, the next time you are asking someone to provide for you the assurance of perfect and lasting Love, the next time you find your mind tempting you to wonder if the Love before you will stay and whether or not a companion you find in the world can be the perfect one – the reflection of the Twin Eternal Flame…..  let yourselves remember this Love that springs like a fountain of eternal life from within your heart.

Remember that when you are reaching out in front of you into the world for Love, you have it backwards. You are looking to receive from that which isn’t meant to give, but rather, is ever and always waiting for you to be the open conduit for this mystical Love that ever fills you heart with My affirming, tender and loving presence so that you can be the heart that gives into the world.

When your heart is full with the deep unwavering recognition of this endless and holy Love that I have for you, when you open and allow your heart to be that receptacle of the eternal fulfillment of the truth of God you are…then that which is Love is ever being given forth from you with nothing expected in return. From the giving, beloved ones, then you will recognize that you are always seeing your reflection in everything you see in the world.

So, no matter how high you fly in meditation, no matter how vast the realms of Light in which you travel, no matter how perfectly you serve Love in the omni-verse, you may always be assured of how well you are giving Love by what you see reflected in the world.  This is the purpose, beloved ones, of the ego mind and the world that it has created. It is a mirror specifically for showing you the state of your heart.

Wherever you look in the world, dear ones, you will find it, based perfectly by the Law of Resonance, even what is attracted into your consciousness -- no matter how it seems to be separate from you. It comes into your space and finds recognition because it resonates with you. It resonates with your consciousness and your heart.

Most of you, as yet, at times still feel vulnerable and look to the world to reflect your worth…  You wait equally for a human partner to prove to you that you are lovable, that you are good, that you are worthy of being seen and receiving the gift of Love….

Beloved ones, allow Me to fill you up, to provide for you the eternal source of your identity, to show you your perfection as the heart of God – to touch every electron in your being with this intimate Love. When, at last, you come to Me to find your Love and allow yourself to feel full…  full to overflowing with all of this Good, with the endless assurance of how perfect you are to Me… and thus, to All That Is…

When you come into your heart to attend this feasting of the richness of the endless life of God I Am… to be shown continually your perfection and grace, your beauty, your magnificence and the magnitude of your ability to give Love and to receive in return…  then, just as naturally as you breathe, you will return to the in-breath and out-breath of perfect Love, receiving it cherished from deep within you, filled to overflowing with assurance of your perfection until you are so full of My Love for you that it overflows your heart and rushes forth – sparkling, effervescent, filled with joy, to provide for you the true reflection of all you are…surrounding you, abounding with Real energy, with the power of life that is yours alone.

It brings you into resonance, into perfect harmony with every aspect of the world whose truth is Love as well. Everything, beloved ones, is yours -- everything that is ever the resonance of Love. Your heart, then, is filled with such assurance that you are perfect and perfectly loved that it is reflected to you at last in the symbols of the world.

When you feel this source of Love ever providing for you, this rich ignition of who you are that fills you up with My Love until you open like a perfect flower, like the hand of God you open, beloved ones, and you give…

From here and this moment of eternal communion, you drink My Love in and let it nourish you, and in this place of complete and holy communion, you experience yourself loving All That Is and loving it well. When your heart is attuned to Me and is receptive to this Love, then you can’t be fooled into looking for Love outside of yourself. The need of the ego to be continually reassured, to be supported, acknowledged, even cherished by another in the world…  these things are easily transformed into the continual acknowledgment that you are loved unwaveringly with a Love that is more than enough to forever support you, to fill you up and bring you endless joy.

From this place of fullness, dear ones, then you give. What you give, then, will always circle back to you that you might then send it back to Me in a Circle of Love that is ever complete.


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Circle of Light
3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631

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3969 Mundell Road | Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72631

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