Meditation 3-17-14 |
Happy St. Patty's Day! "ClickMe"
Urantia, February 13, 2014. (date of transcription). © The 11:11 Progress Group. Mushaba Platinum Light. Mushaba Greetings to all of my family of humanity of Earth! I am Altros Commander of the Mushaba Galactic Light Fleet Command. As I mentioned to you before that I come
to you as an Altronian from the planet Altron in the Andromeda system. And again as I stated in my public introduction through
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba that Yes, there are many Mushaba People all over the Universe being that we were the first people
to begin and populate your second universe. I state all this again because I want to ensure that it is clear and understood
that the Mushaba People are real and that yes, they are the first race to populate this universe. They are of the first
universe and were destined to come and bring into being the second universe. The
God and Goddess of the first universe is the Being Mushaba, leader of the Mushaba people, they are his parents. Mushaba,
being the father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba and Anakhanda his eldest son, has sent his son to earth as the representative
of the Mushaba People on Earth for he has earned the place of being not only the Grandmaster of the Mushaba Force, but also
the Grandmaster of the Mushaba People. Now as to how a Mushaba being may look, and I am speaking of the Mushaba people from
the Planet Mushaba that is in the 7 sisters of the Pleiades star system; Here is a description below which partly comes
from Mushaba through Nancy Tate and some from Mushaba through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba and it isn’t that it is so different
from me or some of the others even though there are some Mushaba beings that are very different looking indeed! However,
get this in your mind if you so choose so that when you see one of us you will be familiar! “The
Mushaba Race has individuality foremost in their intent, and that reflects in their demeanor. Their skin glistens as a wetness,
though it is dry. It is a glow that comes from within and that speaks to anyone who tunes in. As the inner conversations
proceed the skin takes on the reflections of the colors that are dominant in the communication, while remaining black. It
is rather like what you refer to as a marbling affect, and is very subtle. The hair is naturally curly and it is worn in
various ways. Some position it in a spiral that rises from the crow and flows upward in what seems to be a constant, fluid
motion, once again, very subtle. Others wear it cropped short, and some create flowing patterns in the closeness. The flowing
tresses may be worn loose and trailing down the back, while some sweep it up to the top of their head and braid it from
there.” Head: The head of a Mushaba being is anywhere from 12”–
15” long, and 9-12” wide. The measurements I give you are according to the 12” x 9”: size, and can
be adjusted according to the size of the individual head. Nose: The nose of a
Mushaba being is short and wide, approximately 4” long and 2” wide. It protrudes in a slight curve from the base
of it and descends to the space just above the mouth, with that space being about 1/5th the length of the face. Cheekbones: The cheekbones are curved inward from the base near the ears to the nose. Protruding more from
the base to the nose, as to be almost unnoticeable at the nose. Mouth: The mouth
is about 1/3 the width of the face, with lips that are soft and full, yet firm and able to withstand any intrusion on them.
They help to create a resonance when they speak, sing, whistle that resounds as music to the ears. There is a flap on the
top lip that springs forth as they are flying in their leaps and jumps, and aids in the momentum of the flight. This flap
sinks into and becomes part of their mouth again when they are at ease. Ears:
The ears are 5+1/2 – 6” long, and flare out at the curved top, reducing to a point at the bottom. Eyes: The eyes are round and closely slitted at the outer sides into a point about 1” long. They glow
with the radiance of the skin when different energies are exhibited. They also dance in the motion of the energies speaking
to the others who are in communication with them through their eyes. Their eyebrows are full and flow almost into the hairline
at the sides. The eyelashes are long and full, allowing the sleep to be at total in their rest. Forehead: The forehead is sloped to the hairline, and is apprx 6” long x 8” wide. It has a protruding
beginning at the eyebrows. Arms: The arms reach down almost to the knees, with
the hands being 1/4th of the length of the arm. They are muscular, and the forearm is approx half the length of the whole
arm, and is considerable thinner than the upper arm, for improved agility in flight. Legs:
the legs are instilled with the muscles that determine how well they can jump over anything they choose. They can take great
leaps according to how they want to be able to transverse the terrain. The muscles contain the fibers that speak the language
of intent. They actually converse with the mind and the rest of the body. This is true of the arms and feet as well. The
legs are able to withstand any amount of energy needed. They are approx 1/3rd the length of the body. Feet: the feet have seven toes, one being as you would think of as the big toe, one extra one being on the
outside of the big toe and only reaching about half way up to the top of the big toe. The other one is actually part of
the little toe, as it comes from the base of the little toe and extends past it about another inch or so. This helps to provide
balance and extra leverage in so-called flight. The toenails all curve and come to points at the ends to provide the ability
for speed and for entering the soils for communication with the ground. Yes, you are getting it…. There is always
complete accessibility of communication with all that is part of their world. I
am attempting to inform you of the Mushaba People and you will hear a great deal ore about the Mushaba Force because they
are about to step forward in a huge way in the coming times ahead leading up to and after the ascension. They have a great
hand in all that we know of as this creation and were here in the beginning of all things and in the beginning of the creation
of the planet earth where they have planted a crystal matrix under the earth from the Isle of Man to Africa to places all
over the globe. They also have along with the Mushaba God of Jewels; have planted many jewels in many places on earth for
what will be in the coming times. To those that have chosen to be the wayshowers
or guides for the Mushaba Contact, first contact, you will be some of the first to see us and we meet with you firstly in
seclusion and then when the time come for the openness to all of humanity. Lastly
I say this, know that no matter what, that you will absolutely step fully into your freedom and empowerment for this is
what the Mushaba Force represents. It contains every single potential and possibility there is or ever will be for freedom
and empowerment within the energy of this force. It is within all of you, it is within nature, and it is within the entire
second universe! So know that we have been in very major and key roles throughout your earth history and especially this
one whom I speak through as well as the Mushaba Family, Nancy Tate and others. I am putting out the call for the full awakening
of all Mushaba beings on earth. It is time to awaken and come into the knowledge of yourself. It is time for all beings
regardless to what race of people you are from; it is time to awaken to the knowledge of yourselves as well. SO TO ALL PEOPLE OF EARTH IT IS TIME TO AWAKEN TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOURSELF AND TO WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE! Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. How
many times do you have to have your heart broken before you learn to be more accepting? When someone you care about leaves,
what is so enormous that your heart is broken? You break your own heart. No one else does. Regardless of whether someone stays
right with you or leaves, everyone’s heart has a mind of its own. Someone’s eyes light up when he sees you or
thinks of you, and then his eyes no longer light up. He may mourn the passing of his affection as well as you.