Matthew: Channeled -- 5-3-14

Love is that phenomenon of dissolving, disappearing, merging, becoming one with the infinite. Love is that phenomenon of total letting go.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Matthew Ward - May 2, 2014

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The brilliant light of compassion has been streaming around the world to the families whose members’ lives ended in the South Korean ferry and to the families of those who are thought to have been lost at sea in the Malaysian plane. Wherever many hundreds grieve after a trauma is suddenly shared, an outpouring of compassion for them rises from all corners of Earth.

Thus, it may seem that your hearts are united only in times of multiple personal tragedies, and that is not so. Always you are united in your love of family and the desire for your children and all future generations to live in a better world than you inherited—and this foundation of your unity is far, farstrongerthan your differences, beloved sisters and brothers! That is why, in the timeless continuum, all of Earth’s cultures and races are living in harmony with each other and all of Nature. You are co-creating that world as you surmount challenges in this world of the moment.

Let us quell concerns about Russia’s aggressiveness in Ukraine—it will not lead to all-out war. Vladimir Putin doesn’t want a war and he’s not all wrong by attributing the turmoil in part to interference by the United States. It’s not the country’s government, it’s that the US is the home of the CIA, and it is the Illuminati-controlled faction of that agency that stirs the pot globally. Oh yes, their “black ops” still has enough viability to step in where people are dissatisfied and exacerbate the situation.

However, the time for new warfronts is past, the vibrations will not support much longer war temperament and combative divisiveness. The era for negotiating conflicts has arrived and ultimately, all serious differences within and between nations will be resolved by this means. Discussions will go in fits and starts, so please don’t expect a smooth transition or prompt results especially where fighting still rages and in the numerous circumstances where high emotions still run roughshod over reason.

Talks to end decades of unrest between Israel and Palestine bogged down again not because the residents prefer discord to living together peacefully, but because the peak of the Illuminati doesn’t want harmony there until the region is under their control—those few individuals are holding onto their delusion of world domination with Jerusalem as one of their headquarters. Never could their plan have come to pass once Earth’s ascension began, and eventually vibratory levels will bring to fruition a lasting peace accord.

We have been asked to comment as well on several countries in Africa—“Why is there still so much brutality?” is the bottom line question. Historically the continent has been an arena for oppression and bloodshed. Along with ruthlessly killing each other, stronger tribes captured weaker and kept them in subservience or sold them to slave traders. The negativity that amassed during the centuries of slaughter and slavery and later apartheid and civil wars, has been released gradually during Earth’s ascension, and lingering low vibrations in those lands leave inhabitants susceptible to upheavals. Because Mother Nature’s abrupt means of uprooting and releasing entrenched negativity—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and powerful storms—are not prevalent in Africa, a “clean slate,” so to say, definitely is on the way there, but it is coming more slowly than to some other areas.

Along with raising your society’s consciousness, the prevailing vibrations are producing other effects. Persons who endure trauma of one kind or another, perhaps prolonged combat, sexual molestation or other physical abuse, or mental aberrations, are especially vulnerable. When those experiences lead to uncontrollable anger or overwhelming despair, the individuals’ minimal stability snaps and often they kill others or themselves. Persons who are trained from childhood to avenge what was done to their ancestors are feeling intensified urgency to annihilate the designated enemy—that will run its course as the will to kill ebbs around your world.

The commonality in those diverse situations, past and present, is that all were and are opportunities for souls to evolve spiritually and consciously. Now, not only are former Earth residents eagerly taking advantage of the unique chance to complete third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, but souls from other civilizations also are coming in to do this. Yet, even for you who understand the purposeful karmic cycle, we know it is extremely difficult to think that way about the many millions who are choosing to live and die in painful circumstances. So please think of the many thousands of lightworkers, most of whom have never heard that term, who are participating in or donating money to humanitarian programs that are uplifting those lives, and feel grateful for their efforts—always the light of gratitude is a worthy contribution.

Numerous recent comments and questions can be summarized thusly:Several countries have hostile relations and some have nuclear weapons; how can you be certain that none will be used deliberately or accidentally to start a nuclear war? But if a nuclear war can be prevented, why can’t allwars be prevented?

We can say with certainty that there will be no nuclear war on Earth becauseCreator decreed that there will be no more such wars anywhere in the cosmos. When bodies die in ground-level or very low atmospheric explosions,souls are not damaged—the density of the bodies safeguards them. When nuclear weaponry explodes in space, as has happened in other civilizations, souls living as free spirits or in light density forms are not protected—they have been shattered and their parts scattered throughout space.

They cannot be left in that shocked condition, and retrieval and restoration are lengthy, intricate processes that start with specially trained teams searching for soul parts. Some may be floating aimlessly, oblivious to anything other than their existence; others may have entered the bodies of benevolent souls that took in the “orphans”; still others may have been captured by dark entities and held hostage; and some may be so frightened and confused that they can only tumble about. But wherever each part is, it retains the soul’s unique frequency and that is the tracking signal the search teams use as their guidance system.

When a soul part is found and retrieved, it is taken to what you would call a rehabilitation center and given treatment that is customized for its condition—that is, whatever care is appropriate for its experiences during its separated state. As other parts of that soul are located, each is taken to the center and gently reintroduced to the parts being rejuvenated. After all parts have been found and nurtured, they are carefully reintegrated so that all experiencing, knowledge and memories are in proper order in accordance with the soul’s file in the Akashic records. Only then can the soul be fully healed and restored to functioning, and in some cases, this has taken as long as thousands of your linear years.

This immense undertaking shows how important each soul is to Creator and, in this universe, to God, and what those fractured souls endure is why Creator decreed that never again will there be another nuclear war. In keeping with that, God authorized all spiritually, consciously and technologically evolved civilizations to prevent every attempt to detonate nuclear warheads anywhere in this universe—in your world, they have done this more than a dozen times.

Because a “standard” war—and it pains us to speak that way when some of our beloved family are being killed by others whom we also love unconditionally and their karmic merry-go-round keeps going—is initiated by someone’s free will choice, God cannot intervene. He is bound to honor Creator’s law that permits no exception to any soul’s free will choices other than starting a nuclear war. What God is permitted to do within that law is honor Gaia’s choice for a massive inpouring of light to save her planetary body and all of its life forms. Vast, powerful distant civilizations that responded instantly enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension pathway.

Although this is proceeding with unprecedented swiftness, we know that in longing for all suffering and violence to end, at times your patience runs thin. You tire of hearing us say grand changes are underway—it’s evidence you want, not only encouraging words. So we shall speak about progress in an area that you may not be viewing in the context of planetary and personal ascension, but it is a vital—essential!—aspect of a civilization’s evolvement:the treatment of its animals. With joy we have seen activity on animals’ behalf become widespread in your world!

Animals are souls; each is a part of Source just as you are and they evolve just as you do. Among some species are souls of highly evolved humans who chose to embody in those forms specifically to enhance the bonding spirit between all animal life and humankind. Love is the key—animals show youhow to love without conditions or limitations.

The intelligence of higher orders is very close to yours, and species-wide, the cetacean family of whales and dolphins comprises the most highly evolved souls on the planet intellectually and spiritually. The spectrum of animals’ emotions and characteristics is similar to yours too, except for acquired traits like tact, deceit, bitterness and killing for sport; and in some ways their awareness is superior. They know your thoughts, they are more energy-sensitive than most people, and one or more of their basic five senses is keener than yours.

They are multidimensional souls just as you are, but they consciously go back and forth between physical and spirit worlds, and they understand that there is no such thing as “death.” They communicate telepathically with each other and interact with the myriad Devic souls about whom most people know little or nothing, yet these precious beings are indispensable to the flourishing of all life on Earth.

Let us back up a bit here. Eons ago animals lived peaceably with each other and with the peoples, and there was telepathic communication among all life forms, including the plant and Devic kingdoms. The entire planet was the Garden of Eden then and every life flourished. When strong civilizations with dark proclivity succumbed to the will of the dark forces, they downgraded the DNA of weaker civilizations and included brutality and they introduced the ferocity in animals that led to the predator-prey chain. As the light in people’s consciousness dimmed, they started massacring each other and the animals—that is what caused the planet to spiral down into deep third density and stay stuck there for long ages.

The dark forces knew that whales were serving the critical function of anchoring light in ocean depths where darkness cannot reach, and to eliminate all light on Earth, that force influenced humans to kill whales as part of the culture or commerce, and much later, cause them serious harm by sonar testing in ocean waters. But the darkness did not accomplish its objective—the whales agreed to let their light remain deep in the seas after their bodies were killed.

The same dark influence was at work in the near annihilation of bison herds that roamed the plains of the land that became the United States. Individuals who came under that spell ordered the mass destruction because they knew the animals were the source of food and hides that the native population needed for survival. By contrast, the natives killed only enough bison to provide those basic requirements and they expressed their honor and gratitude for the lives they took.

Other examples of the darkness’ influence was motivating the populace to prize items carved of ivory tusks, to think that wearing animal fur is fashionable, to stuff heads of wild animals and entire “game” fish and mount them on walls, to believe that some animal parts are aphrodisiacs or strengthen sexual prowess. Millions upon millions of animals in the wild or the waters were killed simply to satisfy the cravings of humankind.

Never did it enter people’s minds then that animals have emotions and intelligence and many species are family-oriented. There was nary a thought that those parents love and care for their youngsters just as people do and mourn the loss of a family member or dear friend just as people do. No, animals were simply objects to satisfy human whims. That deep third density mentality had to change so Earth could ascend, and that is why, during the seventy-some years she has been on her ascension course, the light has been raising the consciousness of your society to see animals’ critical importance in the balance of all life on Earth.

After some voices proclaimed that animals have the right to be treated humanely and with dignity and respect, groups started forming to act upon that premise; and a few courageous individuals were inspired to live in the wild and record their observations of specific species. Those beginnings burgeoned into today’s local, national and international organizations with the mission of saving animals and their native habitats. Some are making or expanding preserves for injured and orphaned wild animals, others are operating shelters or rescue and rehabilitation programs for maltreated domesticated animals, and many people are financially supporting these groups.

Outrage about inhumane conditions under which food animals live and die is forcing improvements in those areas. Zoos are creating or enlarging wildlife surroundings for their animals and breeding programs are saving endangered species. Circuses are responding to pleas to care for their animals conscientiously and kindly. National laws prohibit the export of native animals; part of enforcing anti-poaching laws is helping poachers find other livelihood; laws require breeders of pets to meet higher standards.

Extensive research into animal behavior, intelligence and communication is showing their similarity to you in those respects. Increasing numbers of companion animals are being adopted; school children are being educated about the need to spay and neuter pets as well as their proper healthcare and nutrition. Many petitions advocating for animal’s wellbeing are incirculation—the very act of signing a petition sends forth light streamers—and the Internet abounds with films and photos showing cross-species friendship, even in the predator-prey chain, as well as some wild animals’ willingness to befriend humans.

You know this, so why did we speak of it? So you will think about these giant strides your society has achieved and feel grateful! Yes, a great deal more must be done, and many of you have written poignant letters asking what you can do. Of paramount importance, we urge you to stop focusing on the cruelty and negligence animals endure and feeling distraught about it. Via the universal law of attraction that’s in perpetual operation, the low vibrations of those negative feelings and thoughts are helping to continue what you want to end. Sending out the high vibrations of gratitude for the innumerable endeavors on animals’ behalf spreads light throughout the animal kingdom.

Beloved family, there is far more goodness and light in your world than you may think, and your every loving thought, feeling and deed adds to the abundance that is transforming your world. With love, respect and honor, we salute you and accompany you every step toward the myriad glories of Earth’s Golden Age.



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books



Urantia, April 16, 2014. 

“Ask and You Shall Receive.” 

Received by 

Mentor: “Since all mortals on all planets of time in space have been granted the gift of free will, it devolves upon all you thinking humans to accept your individual responsibilities as to how you shall behave yourselves throughout this foundational life on earth, upon which your eternal life hinges. It has become urgent for this matter to be spelled out to you all, so there can be no more erroneous beliefs in your minds about this most important question. This message is directed at all who have an ear to hear and an eye to see the current reality of your lives. 

“There is much trepidation growing in many human hearts with rumors of wars and happenings unfolding at the present time here on this little blue orb in space. 

“Celestials are questioning how much longer this war-mongering shall continue and innocent blood shall be shed for whatever self-serving reasons on account of few. Truly, are there so few thinking people left on the planet who actually notice all the scheming that goes on in the back-rooms of the materially wealthy, who are showing those true colors of being the poorest in spirit? Greed rules their lives! Their God-given Lights might soon disappear if they persist in their iniquitous and inhumane ways. 

“Think of how the future of you all is at stake at this most crucial period in the history of the planet. You have made material progress in your mad rush to accumulate wealth, and for what? The last garment when leaving this earth has never had any pockets to stuff anything in. Or do you entertain the childish thought that you are going to have eternal life on this planet? How about individually enlivening your contact with your Pilot Light from God within, and growing spiritually in order to become more balanced human beings? 

“The first and foremost reason why you have been given life is to honor the Creator of all, who in his generosity is allowing you your time in this earthly sandbox to learn and play together as good little kids who strive to become the best they can be. Instead, a few are busy in usurping other’s sandcastles, without the right to do so. 

“What is the matter with you all? Recess is over! It is time to get serious and start learning the lessons at hand from which no one shall escape; you are all together in this sandbox, named Urantia. You have been given clear guidelines in a new revelation: The Urantia Book. 

“Please familiarize yourselves with its contents, and do find out why the beloved Ruler of a mighty universe was nailed to a cross like a common criminal, simply because He pronounced that the Creator God is a Father of unconditional love. 

“However, the rulers of that time convinced the people that they knew better, and without any due course of law the most dreadful deed was done, because greed ruled their lives. 

After His resurrection, He gifted you with the Spirit of Truth. The Creator gifted all thinking humans with a Pilot Light and the Spirit send Her Comforter. You humans are not bereft of help. Ask and you shall receive.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
Athena, Celestial Artisan.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4908 Shine, Beloveds, Shine, May 3, 2014 

God said: 

Out of this world! The world you live in is out of this world! You stand in light, and light is your whole story. You may be unaware of the light, the extent of the light, yet you are light shining, and so you shine, and so life is, and you are – WE ARE.
How are you today? You are light. What are you doing today? You are lighting up the firmament. You, who are True Light, light up a firmament that reflects your light. How blessed is light, and how blessed the light you shine. Even when you feel absorbed by darkness, you are shining light. There is no turning your light off. Your light shines. Shine your light! This is what you do anyway. This is all that you are capable of. This is what you do. Light lights. You light up, and you are light. You are My Light. This is the long and the short of it.
Holy is your light. Your purpose here on supposed Earth, this beautiful supposed Earth, is to shine your light. It is not a casual statement to say that you are the Light of World. There is nothing else you can be. You are much more than a glimmer of light. You are light. Hail to the light that My children shine, Self-absorbed in daily life, you may well be unknown to yourself. What a party you attend. What a gala you participate in. You are the light that shines in My eyes. Holy is Our Alliance.
On one level of vision, you are dust to dust. On the true level of life, you are Light to Light, and your light burns brightly.
I beam the light you shine, and I beam in your light. Light surrounds Us. Light envelops Us, the One of Us. We are an esplanade of light. We shimmer, and We shine. We bask in the light of Our Own Making. Is this not a wonderful tale I tell? I tell you that all is a tale. Only the Light is True. Only the Silence of Light is True. You are True Light, beloveds. You are more than surface appearance. You are the bending and unbending of light on Earth.
I dreamed of you, and yet you are real. You are Reality. You are the playing out of Light. Shine your light brightly. Shining your light brightly is the order of the day. This is the display of your day. You are an Announcer of the Light That Is. You are the Twirler of it. You are light, and all is light, and never is light not. Never are you not. Always you are. You are steeped in light and nothing but light. And the light you light up is love, simple pure light that lights itself.
What a wonder is My Creation and everything held within as My sole Creation is light and nothing but light. Light Is. We are light regardless of all the suppositions you hold. And holy is Our light. Holy is the Light of Life on Earth. It was never not lit, you understand. Light is all there is. Light has never been not. You are the Shining Glory of Light just as you are. You are always lit. Our light is intermingled. All is enshrined in light. More than that, everything is light, and that is all there is to it. So shine, beloveds. Shine so that all may see.


by Patricia Cota-Robles
May 1, 2014
Hi Precious Heart, do you feel like you have been in a blender? Well you are not alone. During the incredible influxes of Light we experienced in April, our pineal and pituitary glands were activated by our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to receive more Light than we have ever been able to assimilate. This greatly increased the Divine Alchemy taking place in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth as well. The challenges we are experiencing in our individual lives, and the inclement weather conditions we are witnessing in the Elemental Kingdom, are an indication of the intensity of the purging Humanity and the Earth are experiencing. Fortunately, the Company of Heaven has promised us that things are going to get easier. But in the meantime, it is critical that we keep on keeping on.
Remember, the Ascension process we are all going through is a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any System of Worlds. Never has a Planet that fell to the depths of separation and duality Humanity and the Earth experienced been given the opportunity to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution at such an accelerated pace. No one said this was going to be easy, but we have all been training for this miraculous endeavor for hundreds of lifetimes. Contrary to outer appearances, we are moving into the Light by leaps and bounds. The end result of our Ascension into the 5th Dimension will be glorious beyond our greatest imagination. And to everyone’s amazement, we are succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of the Heavenly Realms. 
Things seem so chaotic at this time because there is no separation. We are One with every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation. We cannot just say cancel, cancel and expect the atrocities we have inflicted on each other and the Earth to magically go away. It is our responsibility, and our profound obligation, to transmute back into Light all of the human miscreations and the pain and suffering we have inflicted on any part of Life during our many Earthly sojourns. This is the ONLY way we will complete our Ascension onto the New Earth. 
So hang in there, the only option we have is to move forward in the Light. There is no turning back. The more our fear-based human ego tries to hold on to the painful miscreations of the old Earth, the more difficult our Ascension will be. This resistance will slow down our process and create more pain and suffering for us, but the end result will be the same. In the end, we will all be abiding on the New Earth in our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, while experiencing the wonders of our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love. 
This shift of consciousness has already been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of CAUSE where everything begins. Once something has occurred in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting on the physical plane of Earth, which is the world of EFFECTS.  The only variable is how long that will take, and that is totally up to you and me. In order for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth which are now pulsating in the Realms of Cause to manifest in the world of EFFECTS, they must be magnetized through the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God who are embodied on Earth. This is accomplished through Humanity’s Divine Intentions and our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs. The unprecedented assistance we are receiving from the Realms of Light, and the incredible Celestial alignments we have just experienced, will help Humanity do just that.
In April we experienced extremely powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipses. We also were blessed with an unusually powerful influx of the Resurrection Flame on Easter Morning. That was due to the fact that both the Eastern and Western Christian Religions celebrated Easter this year on the same day, which is a very rare occurrence. After that monumental influx of the Resurrection Flame, we experienced a very rare and powerful Cardinal Grand Cross alignment.
The peak of the Cardinal Grand Cross alignment bathed the Earth April 22nd-23rd-24th, 2014. The Planets involved in this Grand Cross were Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. These four Planets formed a Grand Cross by aligning at exactly 13 degrees at each Cardinal Point. Uranus was 13 degrees in Aries which represented the Fire Element and Humanity’s mental body. Jupiter was 13 degrees in Cancer which represented the Water Elemental and Humanity’s emotional body. Mars was 13 degrees in Libra which represented the Air Element and Humanity’s etheric body. Pluto was 13 degrees in Capricorn which represented the Earth Element and Humanity’s physical body. 
It was not by chance that this powerful Cardinal Grand Cross alignment, which dramatically effected the Elemental Kingdom and Humanity’s Earthly Bodies, began on April 22nd. That is the day when all the World focuses on the Elemental Kingdom through the celebration of Earth Day. The synchronicity of the Cardinal Grand Cross and Earth Day played a major role in catapulting to new heights the Divine Alchemy taking place at a cellular level within Humanity and Mother Earth.
Many people feel that all of this Light has actually made things worse, but that is an illusion. The reason things look like that is because when our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven bathe the Earth in unfathomable frequencies of Light as they did in April, everything that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. That phenomenon may have intensified our challenges, but I promise you this unparalleled cleansing is not going to take us down the tubes. It is providing us with a colossal opportunity to complete, once and for all, the painful experiences we either deliberately or inadvertently created in the past.
The Divine Intervention Designated for May 2014 
In the Heavenly Realms May is considered a Mystical Month because of all of the special events that occur during that month involving both Divine Intervention and special Celestial Gifts for Humanity. Following the monumental influx of Light we received in April, this May is going to bless Humanity in miraculous ways.
May 1st is celebrated throughout the World as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. Every year on that sacred and holy day, Saint Germain directs his Legions of Violet Fire Angels to bless the Earth with the Violet Flame for a 24-hour period. The Violet Flame is the perfect balance of our Father God’s Blue Flame of Power and Divine Will and our Mother God’s Pink Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. This Sacred Fire, which reflects the Divine Balance of our Father-Mother God, is the most powerful tool for transmuting negativity that is available throughout all Creation. The Violet Flame is known as the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity, and it will be the predominant energy bathing the Earth during the next 2,000-year cycle, as we move through the Age of Aquarius.  
This May, because of the intensified purging Humanity and Mother Earth are experiencing, and because of Humanity’s ability to assimilate more Light than ever before, our Father-Mother God have granted Saint Germain with a special Cosmic Dispensation. This Dispensation is allowing Saint Germain and his Violet Fire Angels to bathe the Earth and ALL her Life, FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MAY, in the most intensified frequencies of the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth have ever received. This is a Gift of Divine Grace beyond our comprehension, and it will greatly empower Humanity’s ability to transmute our surfacing human miscreations back into Light.
We each have the ability to be an instrument of God during this Cosmic Moment. Saint Germain has given us an invocation that will allow us to be the Open Door for this amazing Gift of Sacred Fire. Together we will make the Violet Flame readily available for every person on Earth whether he or she is aware of this unprecedented opportunity or not. 
If this facet of the Divine Plan resonates in your heart of hearts, please utilize this invocation throughout the Month of May and beyond, as your I AM Presence guides you to do.
“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Cosmic Law will allow. 
Saint Germain and your Legions of Violet Fire Angels, we ask that you blaze, blaze, blaze this Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory, and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than Heaven on Earth.
Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record, and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of God’s Infinite Light.
We accept that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as we Call. We also accept and KNOW that the Violet Flame is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath we take until this Sweet Earth and ALL her Life have Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light on the New Earth.
And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.”
Another wonderful thing that occurs during the Month of May is that our Beloved Mother Mary opens the doors to her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Planes and invites all of us to visit her in our finer bodies while we sleep at night. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take us to Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart when we go to sleep and it will be done.
Since we are One with all Life, we have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to do the same. All we have to do is affirm, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I ask for myself, I ask for every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.”
Mother Mary is working with each of us in wondrous ways. One of her greatest responsibilities is holding the Immaculate Concept for each and every one of us. The Immaculate Concept is our Divine Blueprint, which is the full Divine Potential that is encoded within our DNA. This month Mother Mary is going to work with our I AM Presence to help us bring the Immaculate Concept of our full Divine Potential to a conscious level within our hearts and minds. This is now possible because of Humanity’s initial activation into Christ Consciousness which occurred within every man, woman, and child on Earth after the Shift of the Ages, the Birth of the New Earth, and the activation of our pineal and pituitary glands.
Another event that greatly adds to the Light of the World during the month of May is the Celebration of Mother’s Day, which takes place in several countries. Mother’s Day in the USA and Canada will be May 11th, and in Mexico Mother’s Day is always on May 10th. This year on every Mother’s Day celebrated throughout the World our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity are going to flood the Earth with higher frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love than we have ever been able to experience. Everything is being accelerated, and as our bodies are transformed from carbon-based planetary cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells we can receive and assimilate much more of our Mother God’s Love than ever before. 
This influx of Transfiguring Divine Love, working in unison with the influx of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will cleanse us and lift us up in ways that will astound and amaze even the most skeptical person. Pay attention and expect miracles!
All of these events will enhance the blessings Humanity and the Earth will receive during the Wesak Festival which takes place during the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Taurus, which usually occurs in May. This year the Wesak Full Moon will take place on May 14th. Wesak is the annual celebration of the Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha.
Gautama Buddha is a vital force helping to bring Enlightenment and Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness to fruition in ways we never perceived possible. This year during Wesak, we will each experience through our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will begin to open our hearts and minds in new and profound ways. 
The first way this shift will begin to reveal itself to us is through a gentler and kinder way of perceiving even the most recalcitrant of our brothers and sisters in the Family of Humanity. When we recognize the Divinity in ALL Life, we open our heart and mind to new ways of thinking and feeling which are infused with Divine Love and Reverence for Life. This in turn lifts us into a higher level of consciousness where we will clearly perceive viable solutions for all of the maladies still surfacing from the old Earth. The old concept of “us against them” is revealed as an illusion. Then the knowing that we are One and that it is only through cooperation and Reverence for Life that the problems of the day will be solved becomes a blatant and obvious reality.
With this Awakening and shift of consciousness we realize profoundly that indeed, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.”
The wondrous Activities of Light we will experience in May of 2014 are going to be life-transforming and they will pave the way for the God Victorious accomplishment of the next phase Divine Plan that is scheduled forSeptember 13-18, 2014
The Next Phase of The Divine Plan
Now our Divine Plan, our very PURPOSE AND REASON FOR BEING, is to complete the next phase of the unprecedented experiment we are in the midst of. That part of the plan involves transmuting the remaining residue of the old Earth and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth tangibly in our everyday life experiences. 
The patterns of perfection for the New Earth reflect Oneness, Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Abundance, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Reverence for All Life, and the Unity of Christ Consciousness. These patterns are pulsating in the Realms of Cause waiting to be magnetized into Humanity’s daily lives. When this happens, our Earthly experiences will be transformed into expressions of joy and wonder beyond anything we ever dreamed possible. But this will not happen without our conscious participation.
Remember, we are the cocreators of our lives. Our responsibility now as Sons and Daughters of God is to magnetize the patterns for the New Earth through our creative faculties of thought and feeling so that we can cocreate them tangibly in our lives. 
The problem is that there are millions of people who are empowering through their fears the maladies on the old Earth that are surfacing to be healed.  As a result, they do not remember that the ONLY way those negative things will change, is for Humanity to focus on cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. That, in fact, is the Divine Mission we are now being called to fulfill by our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and our I AM Presences. 
In order to catapult the patterns of perfection for the New Earth into our tangible life experiences the Company of Heaven has set a plan in motion and is invoking Humanity to participate according to our Heart’s Call.  They have revealed that this plan fulfills the GREATEST NEED OF THE HOUR for our Ascension into our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. 
This will be a global Activity of Light and there are various ways you can participate from wherever you choose to be on the Planet during this event.
The Details
Your I AM Presence has drawn this information into your sphere of awareness because you have been preparing for aeons of time to assist with this facet of the Divine Plan. You are a harbinger of Divine Love whether you are consciously aware of it or not, and the time for you to fully manifest that aspect of who you are is NOW!
Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers; this includes YOU and me. We are being asked to gather within the most powerful Portal of Precipitation that exists on Planet Earth. This portal exists within the forcefield of the Grand Teton Mountains in Wyoming in the USA. 
Precipitation is the Activity of Light through which unformed primal Light Essence is drawn directly from the Universe and converted into form. This is the Activity of Light that Humanity must use in order to tangibly manifest the wondrous patterns of the New Earth.
As Lightworkers we are being told it is time to move this process forward a quantum leap. This can be accomplished by Lightworkers gathering within the Portal of Precipitation and forming a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is transforming our carbon-based bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies. The Light of Precipitation flowing through the collective Cup of our consciousness will also accelerate the magnetization of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth into Humanity’s Earthly experiences. 
It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. We will join our Heart Flames which will be pulsating with the Light we have brought from our homelands, all over the world. Together we will form the transformer­—the Chalice of Light—that will serve as the Open Door for the Light of Precipitation. 
Ask your I AM Presence for guidance. Every person who has been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity, and all Life, will resonate with this Divine Mission in the deepest recesses of his or her Heart Flame. So listen to your heart and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is needed now! 
Know that we will all be in our right and perfect place for this Global Activity of Light, but only YOUR I AM Presence knows where that is for YOU.
In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Precipitation in the Grand Teton Mountains where the Lightworkers will be physically gathered at Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold. 
No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Precipitation, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission. 
The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 28th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place September 13-18, 2014. We will gather at the beautiful Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Precipitation. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website . If you have the Heart Call to be physically present at this opportunity to serve Humanity and the Earth you will receive a $100.00 discount if you register by May 17, 2014.
This is going to be an incredibly powerful and joyous event. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to clearly know that EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. Our Lightwork will no longer involve the overwhelming struggles we often experienced in the past. That time is over. 
Whether you are planning to be physically present in the Grant Tetons or not, please click on the link below and watch this short video that will allow you to weave your magnificent Light into this Portal of Precipitation and connect with us at a Heart level from wherever you are on the Planet.
(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.)
I Love YOU, and I AM Eternally Grateful for your willingness to be an instrument of God, as we move forward together cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. And so it is.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883, 
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2014 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment 
3. Don't over-do; keep your limits 
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does 
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip 
6. Dream more while you are awake 
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present 
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you 
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.  Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


Co-Create Beyond Illusion and Separation 

by the God and Goddess Creator Vibrations



Co-Create Beyond Illusion and Separation by the God and Goddess Creator Vibrations

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-30th April 2014-

Beloved Creator presence and embodiment beings upon the Earth, the energy flowing forth to you and emerging from within your being is that of the balanced and harmonised God and Goddess Creator vibrations. As a sacred aspect and expression of the Creator we flow forth to work with you in special areas of your reality and ascension process. We speak simply as a consciousness and source of light from the dimension within the cosmic level of the harmonised God and Goddess Creator vibrations.  As a vibration and consciousness of the Creator we encourage deep healing, awakening and unity within your being, dissolving energies of separation and illusions which are rising from within your being and projecting into your realities to encourage you to discard the energetic patterns of the lower dimensions. In order for the manifestation of the new era and the new Earth of love there is a need to erase and dissolve many different forms, beliefs and perspectives of separation and illusion, then the truth of love will be experienced with ease and perfection. We now wish to co -create with you a reality which is beyond separation and illusion.

You may wish to begin by saying out loud or within your mind;

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, support me now to see, sense and acknowledge the truth and divinity of my being, energy, form and presence.'

This simple intention will allow us to work with your energies to dissolve all illusion and separation thus gifting to you a greater awareness and responsibility of your spiritual ascension. In order to anchor and realise the presence of the Creator's essence within your being you may wish to work with this intention;

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I call you forth to activate from the purest essence of my being to flow into divine fruition and expression with sacred balance. Assist me in accessing, acknowledging and realising the Creator essence of this present moment of ascension from within my being. Let my Creator essence evolve within me to align with the ascension vibrations of the Creator's universe. Assist me to be awake, aware, conscious and observant of my own energies, shifts, evolvement and the divine Creator essence so abundantly within my being. Let my physical body and energetic bodies be encoded with the present day fully awakened Creator essence manifesting fully with awareness and inspiration within my being. My bodies now shift to be as one with the Creator essence, meaning that I exist at the quickest Creator vibration available to me at this time. I allow my bodies to transform.'

We wish to assist you in being aware of separation and illusion as this gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of the space of peace, love and joy already within you so you are no longer intertwined with perspectives that hinder and block your recognition of the Creator within your being. You may wish to work with the below intention.

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations please penetrate my being erasing all energetic patterning of separation and illusion. Raise my energetic vibration to the purest Creator love frequency so I may always be aware of separation, seeing straight through with clarity and understanding the illusion of all forms of separation. I now vow to no longer create thought patterns of separation or illusion, I only choose to energise positive creatively loving thoughts and energetic patterns within my reality. I ask the God and Goddess Creator Vibrations to erase all suffering and pain held within my being and bodies connected to suffering and illusion. I acknowledge, sense and positively understand myself to be united completely and absolutely with the Creator, experiencing the eternal love of the Creator. Unity, happiness and contentment now replace any and all forms of separation and illusion that I may have previously acknowledged as the truth of my being. I now acknowledge myself as being free from separation and illusion. My chosen energy and focus is now gratitude.'

With your awareness and recognition of the Creator awakening, your entire being is opening up like an egg shell being cracked open, this can cause feelings of extreme sensitivity and even pain to experiences created within your reality. When you require healing and nourishment due to a painful or hurtful experience in your reality you may wish to call upon the God and Goddess Creator vibrations to be of service.

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I call upon your energies to wipe my energetic vibration and patterning, my emotional, mental and physical bodies of the negativity I have just experienced. I no longer wish to retain the experience within my being or collected within my soul's memories. My divine wish is to experience a deep and absolute cleansing on all levels of my being experiencing a profoundly powerful dispensation of pure love from the heart chakra of the Creator to be embodied completely by me. I recognise myself as purified, and all evidence of my experience dissolved from my being as I now emanate a powerful and pure love. This powerful and pure love is immovable, untouchable and impenetrable; it resides as a strong love presence within me eternally. I am healed, cleansed and purified, I am love.'

With great emphasis placed upon unity within the inner planes of the Creator's universe, all aspects of your soul especially the numerous incarnations of your soul are returning to the aspect of your soul you embody, wishing to gain healing, truth, love and to be bonded once more in love. Some of your soul aspects may be influencing your being causing old energetic patterns or pain to emerge; we can assist you in healing and purifying all aspects of your soul to aid a deep and pure embodiment within your being.

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, I ask you to purify my soul and enhance my soul's embodiment within my physical present being. Please erase from my soul memories, scarring and all forms of negativity my soul and the many incarnations of my soul choose to hold onto. Purify, cleanse and heal my soul encouraging the pure and wise energetic patterning of my soul to be fully formed and present within my physical body, chakras and auric field. I now accept a greater or complete aspect of my soul as fully embodied and fully realised within my being. I am my soul in this embodiment.'

Your soul has numerous purposes upon the Earth but one of the natural focuses of your soul is to bring the experience of heaven or the bliss of the Creator to the Earth for all to enjoy and experience. The heaven of the Creator can only be brought forth through the projection of the recognition of heaven from within each soul. When separation and illusion are dissolved then it is easier to connect with, manifest, embody and experience the heaven of the Creator on the Earth.

'Beloved God and Goddess Creator vibrations, it is my intention to manifest the heaven, bliss and profound joy of the Creator within my being, perspectives and reality while also supporting humanity and the Earth. My intention is to dissolve the veil of separation which many energise including myself between the heaven of the Creator and the Earth. With recognition of the heaven of the Creator so all separation experienced between myself and humanity and the divinity of the Creator is erased. I and all of humanity now accept our divine right and acknowledge ourselves as divine sacred creators on the Earth eternally connected to the Creator experiencing fruitfully abundant realities born of love.'

Our greatest wish is to be of service to you at this time of tremendously powerful awakening and shifts of ascension.

God and Goddess Creator vibrations


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