Matters R About 2 Expolde Into Your Lives - Channeled

The Light Circle Ezine
A World-Wide Publication
This publication is offered free of charge and has been published 365 days a year. And is coming to an end before December 21, 2012. Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self.
Published by Isis "Lady Of Light" since 02-22-02
Welcome into this Circle of Light beaming around the world.
A Portal of Light opened just for "you."
Dedicated to the Service of the One Infinite Creator.
"Messages sometimes arrive on our doorstep when least expected. We can ignore them, dispute them or listen to them. Life is a series of choices. Our job is to make the right choices at the right times."
If something you read here,does not ring true to you then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in fact in the next instant -- as "all things are in constant change." Every four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears -- changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. Please keep in mind when reading this newsletter that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of understanding.  If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it.  It may be an eye-opener for someone else!

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Master Kuthumi: Harmony in the New World
3.)  SaLuSa: Matters Are About To Explode Into Your Lives
4.)  Nice And Easy Does It
5.)  Ashtar Command: Encountering Online Hostility
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
7.)  God's Love for You

Isis' Message of the Day -
God said:
In an extant world where nothing really happens, where all is illusion, there is really no winning nor is there losing.
* From Heavenletters™ February 18, 2012 * Copyright1999-2012 * HEAVEN #4103 *
How everything and everyone is connected. See this!
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My eyes filled with tears from the love that filled me as the angels came in. We are so loved, but we cut ourselves off from the love that is available to us. I do not know why today I had the sense of what they are trying to get across to us, the depth of the love. They try in so many ways to convey this to us. We are truly blessed when we open with a pure heart to that which is available to us.
Dear Ones. We love you. We care for you. Blessed are you who open your hearts to God/Creator/All That Is. Let love fill you with peace. Feel love in every cell of your body. Imagine each cell is holy. How would you treat it? With respect? Know that you are a vessel in which the Holy Spirit travels. Allow your self to open to the magic and wonder of God/Source. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *      

Master Kuthumi: Harmony in the New World
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
June 3, 2012
With love I step forward to connect on a deeper level with your soul, it is my love and my consciousness that I share with you at this time. There is a subject matter which I wish to remind you of at this stage of your ascension, it will be most beneficial to hold an understanding of this subject matter within your being so that it may be magnified in December 2012, in order to assist in the divine and new world unfolding. I wish to place a question into your consciousness, this question is, 'How can we remain in harmony as we walk our individual and diverse pathways of ascension?' 
This is a question that has arisen within me and I feel guided to ask each soul whether they are on the Earth or the inner planes. I feel that it is a justified question as each soul and the reality that they exist in is altering with such power. It is true that we are all growing together and are supporting the growth of each other but we are each connecting with the Creator at a deeper level and the expression of the Creator through each person can be extremely diverse. For example, we have souls with different beliefs about the Creator, we have souls with different understandings of their pathway on the Earth and the meaning of life; we also have so many diverse pathways that lead to the energy of the Creator, even within the inner planes of the Creator's universe. A large process of awakening is being achieved at this very moment and will continue, each soul is awakening and projecting its truth, stepping into the world and sharing its gifts and services. With such extreme awakening I feel a need to focus upon creating harmony. 
Some of the energies of the old world were chaos, negativity, judgment and separation, now in the new world there is a need to transform these energies into a positive or neutral vibration. In my belief there is a need to be extremely aware at these stages of ascension and that we plant into our consciousness a desire to create harmony in order to access and experience the oneness of the Creator. Let yourself for a moment look around or visualise your family members and friends, you will probably be aware of the differences between you, maybe they have not yet awoken to their true soul within, maybe they have a different idea about the energy of the Creator or maybe they hold a similar consciousness as you. As each person awakens on the Earth there is a need for a divine plan or consciousness of harmony otherwise we may have a new world of people who have awoken to the energy of their soul and the Creator but still experience the energy of chaos and separation, as they are focused upon their own reality being better than another. 
I am aware that the main creation of chaos, separation and judgment is the ego and so I am pointing out to you that even when you are connected to your soul and consciously aligned to the energy of the Creator you may still hold aspects of the ego. It can be your small aspect of the ego that can cause disharmony in your reality. I believe there is a need to be conscious of the disharmony that the ego can create and to understand the guidance of your intuition. For example, you may come across a soul who has a completely different understanding of the Earth and the Creator to your understanding. You may feel instantly that this understanding is not for you or that it is not a pathway that you need to take. This understanding doesn't come from fear or judgment but a simple knowingness inside of you. If you find instead that your ego activates and you completely disregard the understanding of the person, saying or thinking that their understanding is completely wrong or that maybe they should consider understanding your own beliefs then you know that disharmony has been created. You may be confronted with many challenges to remain in your own energy and understanding, as well as creating harmony between yourself and others, I wish to make you aware of this so that you can be conscious of creating harmony on the Earth at this time in the ascension. 
Now we come to the part of my communication which I truly wished to express to you. Firstly there is a need to hold within our consciousness that there are many aspects of the Creator and many ways to express the Creator and that each are of value aiding the expansion of all. It is wonderful to also remember that through each person's pathway of ascension and the services that they share with humanity they and you are learning and understanding what your souls consented to accept in this lifetime. The reality of the Earth encourages separation due to the physical vibration of the Earth and yet your soul always amplifies the desire and the natural unity and harmony that you have always experienced with every soul and the Creator. Your ego has also been conditioned to see the separations and difference between you and others, even you and the Creator, this dissolves as the ego dissolves but can still rear up at times. If you can dissolve your ego and truly believe in yourself and love yourself unconditionally so you will find love for every soul on the Earth and the inner planes and so will be able to create harmony. To love yourself and others unconditionally requires that you have an abundance of energy within you, that you focus on techniques to enhance your energy and breathe in the life force energy of the Creator to nourish your entire being. 
Creating harmony is about acceptance of yourself and others, of course love is always important; to love yourself and to love others unconditionally always gives way to a united consciousness of harmony. Empowering your own beliefs and understanding is needed, this isn't in an egotistical way but it is more the process of giving loving power and strength to yourself, while also giving your loving power to others as support or acknowledgement. If you find that in a situation that you cannot achieve these pointers then simple hold onto the energy of harmony, repeat the word 'harmony,' in your mind and you will see that its vibration flows and weaves into your being and reality. 
The more that people on the Earth can create vibrations of harmony between each other and discard the vibration of disharmony, chaos, judgement, fear and separation the easier it will be for all to make necessary shifts of change within our beings. 
I realise that I am highlighting the ways of the ego in my communication; this is because greater focus is needed in this area at this time. I also wish to place within your focus the process and vibration of harmony because at this time the Earth is being energised with love to create a greater amplification of love on the Earth. If more and more people can focus upon the vibration of harmony at this time then we will see the walls of separation held onto by the ego falling down with a greater unity and oneness experienced. The amplification of love is radiating from Venus and so you may wish to open your heart to be aligned with the beautiful vibrations of love that Venus is transmitting. As you accept and radiate the vibration of love into your entire being and reality you can also be aware that the vibration of love that you are accepting holds a special thread of magnification which will amplify all the love that you hold. Bathing in the energy of love offers a wonderful opportunity of focusing upon harmony. Contemplate how harmony would assist your reality if it was experienced in your life or just repeat the word, 'harmony,' and visualise everyone on the Earth uniting in love and harmony. 
Let the vibration of love that you receive and that is enhanced within your being truly transform your reality, dissolving separation, judgement, fear, disharmony and chaos, allowing for harmony, acceptance and unity to evolve from the core strength and power within your being, your soul. 
Let your focus be your power and tool of transformation at this time.
With divine love,
Master Kuthumi
May you walk in the love and light always,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *    

SaLuSa: Matters Are About To Explode Into Your Lives
Through Mike Quinsey
June 8, 2012
You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling. For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end. The detail can follow when we are openly talking with you as we intend to make sure you are all well informed. For the time being it suits our purposes to keep a low profile until we are ready make our appearance. 
Our allies are extremely busy pushing forward a number of projects at the same time, and it means there will suddenly be a burst of activity. Our presence is having the desired affect upon the dark Ones who never thought that their crimes would catch up with them. They now know they are to be tried for their crimes against you and that there is no way out to escape justice. We ask you not to dwell upon such issues inasmuch that there are more important ones that directly concern you. One is releasing you from the draconian laws that have taken away people's rights, and putting all forms of injustice right and giving back freedom to those wrongly imprisoned. Secondly are the governmental changes so that the right people represent you so that there is no chance of the wrong people representing you and delaying the necessary changes. They have already been selected and prepared to take up their positions, and that will help create the ideal circumstances that enable us to speed ahead. 
Clearly there must be co-operation at the highest level and then we will see disclosure as possible. We need to be able to put our aims on record so that everyone is aware of why we come to you. There will always be a few doubters and outright disbelievers but given time we believe that even they will warm towards us. We come as your family because we are your elder sisters and brothers of long standing and we wish to make a reconnection with you. We shall eventually join forces to go forward in the name of God and spread peace and love. It is not in the manner of a missionary as we are not intent of imposing our views or beliefs upon anyone. We respect free choice and wish to make all souls aware of their heritage and the Oneness of all life. 
On Earth you awakened ones are our advance party of Lightworkers and so much good work has been done by you. You were selected for such work because of your knowledge and proven ability to bring out the Light in the most darkened situations. There is always a risk involved and some souls find it difficult to lift themselves up. However, with the ever increasing amount of Light being sent to Earth it is able to awaken most souls, and already there is a surge in the numbers seeking a greater understanding. Small beginnings are all that is necessary to start an avalanche of progress, and as time passes it will become easier to find guidance. One source will be our own communication channels with you that shall be directly from us. Indeed, it will  be a feature of our contact with you as we intend to keep you fully informed of what is taking place. 
We note that your weather patterns are being affected by the changes of energy upon Earth. That too will eventually settle down and ultimately it will be more stable, pleasant and comfortable. We would also add that physical changes will be much less damaging than was once considered to be likely. You can take some credit for this situation as you have lifted the vibrations upon Earth and it has brought about a more balanced ecosystem. It will continue to improve until you have the ideal balance that suits everyone and also other forms of life. In fact in the future there will be little if any variation, and changes will be controlled automatically. 
Although your computer knowledge has advanced very quickly in some ways it is still in its infancy, but will progress in leaps and bounds once you can work with us. By now many will know that our systems involve organic computers with truly a mind of their own, that surpass any individual ability and are capable of running our ships in every respect. As you are finding out our technology is thousands of years ahead of yours, but we will be pleased to share it with you. That is a feature of the members of the Galactic Federation inasmuch that sharing of knowledge is commonplace, and it is not held back to gain an advantage over another one. On Earth you are used to holding onto information and even stealing it from each other to gain power. 
As you get to know us you will find out a lot with regards to our attitudes and approach to life that is far different to yours. The main reason is that we have no necessity to compete with each other, and all share in the wonders and benefits that are all around us. You for example are presently denied of many advances that would dramatically lift up your quality of life. That is because the dark Ones deliberately wish to keep you down and in need, whilst they secretly enjoy all of the benefits themselves. Free energy is the most important discovery that has been held back, and forced you to remain reliant upon the Petrochemical Industries for energy and many other products. This is one area that will be given high priority attention, and it will solve so many problems that currently result in poverty and lack of essentials, and give a normal life that ensures a reasonable standard of living. 
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring you love from the Galactic Federation, and ask you Dear Ones, not to lose your focus upon the future at this most important time, as matters are about to explode into your lives. All that you have hoped for and promised is ready on the assembly line. The thought of finally helping you to overcome the problems caused you by the Illuminati, is exciting for us as we already feel the gratitude and thanks you are sending out. Be assured we shall do all we can to make the changes with the least inconvenience to you, but of course some are unavoidable. You shall be forewarned where possible and communications is an area that we are very proficient at because of our new technology. Bless you all. 
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *     

Nice And Easy Does It
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
May 6, 2012
Greetings beloved friends, mid way through this energetic period of now time and is there anyone still left upstanding? Challenging times these are especially if you dig your feet in and try not to go with the universal flow - which will not take 'no' for an answer. Only will you become confused and befuddled if you resist leaving go of those incidental things that of truth are obsolete but they've been around so long you can’t see yourself parting with them, despite the anguish that you are co creating in the event. Lay back and think of "light and love" in it's highest form of activity and expression. Take off those dark glasses that totally befuddle your perception as to what they truly look like and mis-represent to you, what or how good for nothing they truly are! Stand up and allow the dross to fall away as you re-invite the feminine clearly back into your mind-set and into your right brain a little bit more.
Now is the time to make good use of these 'temptress' energies as you define simply and clearly what it is that you want to see coming out of all this input of ultra divine flow. Have a good look within that mighty heart of yours and listen to it's urging and prompting that which softer is, or more warmer is, and more balanced it is, and adding up all these simple little things, when put together in one big lump or bouncy ball of it, are really something that is an absolute gift to yourself and all in such simplicity; why didn't you think of it earlier? Sometimes you are so engrossed - and ultra serious - about yourselves that you fail to see the obvious which was always there right under your noses, buried under a load of anti this or combat that. Your divine feminine is issuing forth in spirals of abundant energies to bless and caress each and everyone whose heart is opening first and the chatterbox intellect is opening a poorer second, so to speak. 
Coming from the heart, feeling with your heart, and sampling with your hearts, talking from your hearts and discerning with the heart, full time! Life is becoming a heart felt existence and is only a question of time before you will ever and always be focused in your mighty hearts to ascertain what or which ever is right for you. There will be no more confusion and only clear thinking and centeredness, you'll always be in the heart space, holding the light, holding the space, and holding forth your clarity to boot.
Heart spaced and left/right brain equally spaced and effortlessly, when you look back and survey the 'shift' that you are all beginning to make and yes, big time. Holding head held high, breathing in that cool clear air that is becoming more and more obvious as your own radar system is being honed and attuned, into the higher decibels that are necessary to function wisely and surely on the ever rising energies. These are already causing many souls some problems as they dig in and puff against the universal flow, or winds of change - the ever and number one constant! 
There is no strict percentage wise with the right and left hemispheres of the Hu-man bring, for what is needed is of course a balance between the two. Male and female gender are both in need of honing and see-sawing until that more of a 'oneness' can and will be realized. How absolutely wonderful it is going to be when all that we see, feel, hear, think and say will first be discerned within our mighty hearts for true verification and doubly checking just how some thing really and truly is. Discerning. For a balanced right and left hemispheres’ brain will it be reaching ever nearer to, dare I say, a perfect transmitting system blossoming forth. Head gracefully and safely in the mid heavens and with the gyroscopic engine room of the heart holding the space, safe and secure, and with the earth star beneath our feet bonding us to the very heart center of beloved Mother Earth. Everything is in the offering as we move forwards in this magnanimous journey of life and continuum of eternal change.
As the new beginnings begin, in the now moment, will all and everyone be in their element, as those things that were expected to happen in an instant will of course take a little while longer so to do. There is ever and always an impatience of the earthly mind that oft-times places inner urges, wants or desires, to be more quickly personified and realized. In real terms will all predictive occurrences ensue but at the right divine moment in time and place. In years gone by were the initial suggestions from the higher echelons in the lighter realms more conservative with their provisions of time sequences, suggesting spans of 10 or 20 years after that infamous date of 21.12.2012, taking perhaps 'acceptances for ascension to run into 2020-25 possibly.
Everything is a variable and everything is subject to change. Change is a wonderful tool and you, the light-working fraternity upon planet earth, by your diligence and hard work, and NOT accepting the dire prophesies of doom and gloom, have moved the goal posts and as afore-stated the severity of any changes that might come will be far, far more minimal than were at first proclaimed by many. Change is indeed a constant inevitability. It simply is, and you as the Christed ones and lighted ones on planet have the driving wheel in your own hands entirely for you are co-creating a far easier passage than ever before. Be the captain of the ship, and walk hand in and with beloved Lady Gaia to bring about this miraculous shift, for so it is!

Selemat Jahin. 
Be still and know

(c)2012 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom   "The load you seemingly carry may well be the light and the way for many   others to follow."   *  *  

Ashtar Command: Encountering Online Hostility
June 7, 2012
It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions.

What has been transpiring here throughout your online communities can often be described as hostile bickering between those who are trying to show others a higher vibrational way of living and of thought, and those who have yet to adequately grasp this concept and understand that it is love that is the motivation that brings you to this conversation in the first place. We do see so many of you, our devoted Lightworkers, who do at all times remain focused on delivering, positive in attitude and response, your views while engaging in these discussions with others, and we do see and appreciate so greatly those of you who remain centered and balanced and refuse all attempts to lure you into heated discussion while remaining professional at all times.

We see only occasionally those of you who allow yourselves to be lured into heated debate, and we only wish to offer you support and say to you to remember your training and remember that many of you have many times before undertaken such missions and have successfully thwarted all attempts to pull you into conversations that have no ability to produce positive results no matter what you offer to the discussion. We remind those of you who find themselves under personal attack and insults to their integrity to state your reason for posting such content and engaging in discussion and move on, not allowing yourselves to get weighed down in the heavy bogs of negative vibration. If you could do this, you would be doing yourself and our mission a great service and we, the Ashtar Command, greatly thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to spread a wave of higher dimensional vibration across this planet to help rinse away the tarnishing residue of so many years of negative storm.

We know you can do it, and that is why you are here. We have full confidence in your abilities, and we only wish to remind you today not to allow yourselves to get dragged into discussions that fuel the need for some to engage in confrontation and argumentative discussion. This is a habit for a number of individuals in this world. It is an addiction, the need to fill a void created by the lack of more positive outlets of their creative and academic powers that, at this time and in part, lie dormant in some of these individuals. In time ports will open for them, and like powerful rivers flowing to the sea, their artistic and intellectual desires will flourish, resulting in a manifestation of beautiful blooms of creative gift.

What we see from our perspective are gorgeous bouquets of brightly colored flowers blossoming all around your planet from the seeds that so many of you beautiful souls have sown. Without your hard work and dedication, none of the changes scheduled for this world could be made possible. It is you who are to be thanked for what is transpiring here, and even though the numbers can be considered few who understand this and appreciate the work you are doing, from our perspective you are the sunshine and you are the rain to the seeds of possibility for this world. We thank you, we appreciate you, and we say to you that there will come a day when you're identities will become known and your tremendous efforts to bring to this world love and light, peace and prosperity, harmony and balance, will be known and recognized by all of this world who will understand that the gifts they enjoy are blessings that have been made possible through your tireless efforts and your perseverance to continue on in the face of such adversity.

Restoring a planet to peace, prosperity and harmony is never an easy assignment. There are worlds that have been submerged in darkness for so many eons, that when light begins to shine through certain corridors the inhabitants are shocked as a ‘deer in the headlights’, as you say. Many do not know what to make of this, and many cannot easily assimilate this life altering, conscious altering and reality altering information. This is very important for you to remember at all times, that very few of those of worlds we visit to help advance them as far as they wish to advance can easily and quickly grasp hold of these concepts and understand that they are for their betterment and upliftment. Many of these beings from the worlds we visit react negatively and react with hostility at the introduction to these new ideas and concepts. It is no different, as many of you are coming to realize, here in this world.

Many of you are facing the same obstacles and adversity only from different faces and different names, but the product is the same, and this product is a compound offear and confusion, insecurity and un-comfortability. We wish to always proceed smoothly and slowly, carefully and gently, as we introduce another way for their society and their lives. We must tread very lightly, as many of the beings that we are dealing with have fragile psyches and a tender emotional and mental makeup. Although we are all brothers and we are all sisters, not all beings are like you. Not all beings are made of what you are made of, and not all beings have experienced what you have been blessed to experience that makes you the being you are today.

There was a time, perhaps very long ago, when you too were first exposed to life-changing and reality changing concepts, and perhaps you too reacted in a similar way that some react to your infusion of these new ideas today. We ask you to always keep this in mind, and perhaps this will gift you with increased patience and increased tolerance for those who lash out at you with different forms of verbal sparring and jabs at your honor and integrity. We ask you to remember who it is you are and who it is and what it is that you represent, and continue to be a shining example for those of worlds that we offer our gifts of love and service to.

We love you and we say to each and every one of you that you are performing your duties at an exceptional level, and tell you that the finish line for this stage of our joint operation is approaching rapidly. It will be soon that you can move on to the next phase of our mission, proudly knowing you performed your duties to the best of your abilities while laying the groundwork for the many changes that will return harmony to this world and happiness to the hearts of those who call this planet their home and who have not experienced this kind of joy in eons of time.

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
The past has seemed to dictate what you have to be in the present, but in truth, the past is not real. It is not with you, except as you bring it into this reality. The past, where is it? In memory only. If there have been experiences in your past that have not been loving, that have not been the kind that would allow you to feel good about yourself, you can go back and change those memories.
Visit our website:  *    

Heavenletter #4214
God's Love for You
June 8, 2012
God said:
You cannot dictate what others must do or ought to do. That is not your province. It is for you to dictate only what you will do.
Your values are for you to uphold. Uphold your values, and allow others to live their lives as they see fit. Your values are not to be foisted on others. No one has to come up to your standards. Half the time you don't even come up to your own standards. Half the time you don't really know what your standards are, yet it is easy for you to pick at what someone else does or doesn't do. When you do, beloveds, it is like you are gossiping. And so you become involved in small matters that are not really your business. Because you see a failing in another does not mean that your value is heightened. Not at all.
Watch out for being self-righteous, self-pleased, self-honoring, for then you are full of judgment.
Judgment is to be avoided like the plague. Why? Because it is not good for you, and it is not good for the object of your tut-tutting. Judgment is like having a gavel in your hand and bopping another child of God on the head. Whether the ones you criticize are within hearing distance or not is irrelevant. Your negativity reaches them. Your thoughts are heard. They are heard around the world, and, yes, one way or another, they come back to haunt you.
How many times have you said with satisfaction: "I would never do that." And, then, at some point, you find yourself doing that very thing.
You will not find Me gossiping. You will not find Me judgmental. Do you think I am judgmental now? When do you express judgment, and when love? Take a look. You may think that judgment is in the interests of the person you judge, and I am saying to take your hands off others' lives and take care of your own.
I do not talk behind your back, beloveds. I judge you not. Judgment is a condemnation. It matters that you uplift the world. Nothing interferes with My love for you. My love for you is My love for you. In summer and in winter, My love for you is intact. My love for you is My love for you. I do not withhold it.
I gave you free will. That is not the same as to say: "Anything goes." I do not say that anything goes. I am telling you now squarely that negativity in all its shapes and sizes is to leave your consciousness. You are not to keep negativity. You are not to harbor it in any way, not by a glance, not by any way.
You make a mistake, and I love you just the same. I do not whisper about you behind My hand. Because you make a mistake, I don't decide you are scandalous.
I talk to you. I seat you on My lap, and I speak to you. I ask you to be a lover rather than a census-taker, for it is not for you to censure others.
Lead by example. There is nothing else for you to do. Come from love and not from self-aggrandizement. Be wary of your ego that you do not inflate it at someone else's expense. Care for others more than your own ego. Be a person of consideration. Be considerate. Take care of what you say and how you say it. Be greater and not lesser. Be great. Be the Greatness I made you. Be it.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *     
