Mary Magdalene: Channeled 5-22-14

MARY MAGDALENE: Everything Is Your Creation

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Image by Iconshock

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 22, 2014

Question: Would you explain what you mean by “Your circumstances make it very clear what you need to do for your own growth”? Does it have to do with confronting one’s belief systems that underlie our feelings and thoughts?


Mary Magdalene: Hello my dear ones. It is Mary Magdalene, here to be with you again and to respond to your question. Thank you for asking this question. It is an important concept to understand, and I am most happy to clarify what I meant by that statement.


This question relates to the way that manifestation works, as part of creating your reality. Nothing that happens to you is random, even though many people in the third dimension think that life events are random. All of your experiences are things that you have chosen, at some level, for your growth. You chose some of them in your pre-birth state, when you were selecting your life experiences that would serve your next steps of growth. You have chosen some of them during your incarnation, either consciously or subconsciously. Everything is chosen. This understanding is a central part of becoming 100% responsible for your life. If you do not understand this, you tend to see yourself as a victim of circumstances or others’ actions and choices.


In the third dimension, coming to the realization that you have chosen everything in your life and are fully responsible for all the events in your life is part of your spiritual growth and awakening to higher-dimensional consciousness. If you do not yet understand this, you may have a reaction to hearing this. Perhaps you feel outraged, thinking “I would never have chosen these circumstances or events!” Perhaps you feel guilty, because you blame yourself for what has happened in your life. Or perhaps you feel depressed, thinking there must be something wrong with you, that you’re somehow defective or deficient if you’re having the experiences that you’re having. These are the most common reactions people have when they don’t yet understand what this fully means.


Awakening to the understanding that you choose everything in your life and are completely responsible for all your experiences is a huge accomplishment spiritually. Many people feel that they are responsible for their own choices and reactions, but not the choices and actions of others. Yet even this is a limited viewpoint, though certainly a step in becoming fully responsible for your life. However, the full realization of how you create reality involves accepting that everything is your creation, even the choices and actions of others. This is because you have attracted everything you experience to you, either through your pre-life choices or as a result of your choices, actions, beliefs, and emotions in this lifetime.


This means that if you are not happy with something that is happening in your life, your spiritual work is to see how you have created it and to make different choices, followed up by action. This is your path to growth. It is also your path to empowerment. If you are not responsible for what is happening in your life, then you don’t have the power to change it. You have given away your power of manifestation and creativity to others through your belief that they hold the power and not you. This is the essence of codependency. You believe that you are dependent on another to create your happiness and well-being.


When you come to fully understand and accept that you are at choice about everything and that you create your entire reality, and consequently are fully responsible for it, you become free. You are not dependent on others for your happiness or your spiritual path. You are not independent, in the sense of having nothing to do with others. You are simply free, which includes being fee to truly love. Someone who is in a codependent position cannot love freely and truly. Only a whole person can love.


Once you come to this disposition that you have chosen and created every circumstance in your life, you will see your outer circumstances as a projection of your inner reality. It is the “movie” of your psyche, animating the results of your choices for you to be able to see and become conscious of and experience your consciousness in a tangible way. It is the performance of the “play” of your life, the external dramatization of your inner consciousness. This is the reason you have come into this realm, to have this experience. When your inner consciousness gets animated outwardly through the events of your life, and you get to experience them in all the aspects of your being, then it becomes very clear what your weaknesses are and where you need to grow.


The primary communicators of this are your body and your emotions. These are the two clearest sources of information as to where you need to focus and change for your growth. Whenever you are having a physical or emotional experience that you aren’t enjoying, some kind of bodily or emotional pain, that is an indicator of an area that you need to change.


Thus, your path of growth is made obvious in the third dimension. If you become aware of your physical and emotional sensations of discomfort or pain, you will be guided to the specific areas you need to engage for your growth. When I speak of emotional pain, I am referring to what are often called “negative” emotions. I do not use that term because I do not find them negative at all. I think they are extremely beneficial, though often not easy to experience. Nonetheless, they are a great benefit to you, if you understand their function and make wise use of them.


In the book Mary Magdalene Beckons, I have spoken extensively about how to make use of painful emotions for reconnecting you to God, which is also the same as your spiritual growth. And so I recommend making use of that instruction to understand the next steps in accomplishing the spiritual growth that your experiences are directing you to.


I hope this has answered your question. I extend my love and blessings to you and all as you grow and expand in your spiritual journey.


With great heart love,

I AM Mary Magdalene


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