Mary Magdalene: Channeled |
Question: For women, particularly of the Middle Eastern
descent, is the essence of the Divine Feminine being allowed and supported at the moment? Mary Magdalene: Your question is a beautiful
one. What I feel in this question is your compassion and your concern for the Feminine and women who are incarnate on the
planet at this time, especially women in the Middle East. It is absolutely true that women are not being supported in all the ways that would be optimal in allowing the Feminine
to come forth. You might say the Middle East is one of the more extreme areas in your world right now where the Feminine is
still quite suppressed and held back. But sadly, it is not only the Middle East. It is in all places. The suppression of the
Feminine is perhaps more subtle in the United States or your western, more developed world, because in those areas the suppression
tends to be internal rather than external. Even in the external, most women are still not related to in a way that places
them as equal in value to men. This is not the same
as saying that women are the same as men. This is one of the errors that occurred earlier in your opening to the Feminine.
What happened for many women when they initially tried to claim their power, which they had not done for a very long time,
was that they assumed the Masculine form of power. There is nothing wrong with this. All beings need to have access to the
Feminine and the Masculine forms of power and embodiment. But it was done in a way that still did not bring forth the Feminine
power, the Feminine strengths, and the Feminine arenas of manifestation. Bringing forth the Feminine is still called for and is still a challenge for most people, in all areas of your world.
The work of bringing forth the inner Feminine, which I am focusing on, is something that virtually everyone needs access to.
But it is nonetheless true that there are areas such as the Middle East, where women are still denied many of the privileges in
their outer life and outer form that men have access to. This is affecting those women in bringing forth their full Feminine
power and Feminine strength. In your world, both the
inner and outer are very important. It is important that women be valued as women, as human beings. They must be supported
in coming forth with all their strengths, having access to all aspects of your world, as much as men. At the same time, the
inner work is also essential. For example, you must bring forth the Feminine in your relationship with your own body, as well
as to the physical altogether. In your world right now
there’s so much destruction being done relative to the Earth and your environment, so much callousness. The extent to
which people are not feeling how valuable the earth is and how important it is to protect the Earth, to honor the Earth, to
treasure the Earth, to be in relationship with the Earth—this is a reflection of the way that so many people are cut
off from their own physical body. If you were truly in relationship with your physical body, you could not do this to the
Earth. You would see that the Earth is alive. The Earth is a living being, just as you are a living being, and the physical
Earth is Her physical body. You would see it as the same. Yeshua gave the exquisite instruction to relate to all others as you relate to yourself. This instruction is so profound
and so far-reaching. You must begin with your relationship with yourself and inevitably that will be reflected in your world.
When all of you change your relationship to this one aspect of the Feminine within—how you relate to your own body and
treasure your body as a temple of the divine, specifically the Feminine form of the divine—you will see a huge change
in your world. This inner work is essential. But I do not in any way suggest doing this to the exclusion of the outer work.
I hope that is clear. *********************************** Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this
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forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary
Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings
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from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person
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