When you realize everyone is a part of your Self, you enjoy the whole world without a sense of craving.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 7:53 AM

Illawarra District, Australia, August 10, 2013.
Thuroc the Entertainer
“Eternally Optimistic.” 

Received by George Barnard.

Thuroc: “Greetings precious ones from both me, myself and I and my dear consort, Rihte. It is I, Thuroc the Entertainer. I come from halfway across the world to be with you. Cautiously I have first thrown my hat into the ring to see you pick it up and shelve it. What is that you say? This is not a hat, but a dunce cap? Admittedly I am the odd card in the pack, the black sheep of a family of lilly-whites and ever so pleasant woolly ones that bring you sweet messages. 

“Not always from me do you hear the lovey-dovey words of, ‘yes, you are doing well, my dear human brothers and sisters’, and ‘a bright golden-paved road stretches out before you’. Is it not true that so very like what constitutes your species behaviour, you will live as much as you can the hard way, almost each of you to a man, or woman? For the entertainment I provide, especially that for my Midwayer colleagues and others, I study your politicians… yes, closely. 

“And could it be that due to my rather manic personality that I, at times unexpectedly, begin to suddenly feel somewhat depressed about some of these leaders of men deciding that their countries’ resources are buried in other nations’ lands? That human rights must be upheld in only the weakest of nations? That integrity must be expected from those in far-off lands, but wicked lies be acclaimed and truth be despised at home? I don’t consider such to be legitimate! 

“Today there are classes of people that are greatly more equal than are others… supposedly… and here I speak on behalf of all of the 1984 (Secondary Midwayers), to tell you that for now you are still free to think. Soon, however, nothing may be yours except a few cubic centimetres inside your skull. Did the 1984 know George Orwell? You might ask. Of course, we all knew him, and he certainly knew some of us to be by his side as he projected mankind’s future.” 

“Well now, here you have a clearer picture of the two sides of Thuroc the Entertainer, perhaps a better idea of your western civilization now lacking any true form of democracy, anywhere. Soon you will awaken to the sad knowledge that your children’s children will be held in involuntary servitude to those who call themselves the elite, but who will hardly refrain from theft and torture, and whose minds do not conceive of fair living for the common masses of this world. 

“I know that in the end the indomitable force which is mankind’s drive for fairness and equality will win out, never to be repressed again. I am eternally optimistic in this Correcting Time. I am Thuroc the Entertainer, and I say good day, my white-bearded old friend.” 

George: “Thank you for being straight with us, my ever-young-looking joker.” 

Note: Thuroc here quoted George Orwell more than once, and also suggested there to have been an association between the famed writer and the Urantia Midwayers. Other Midwayers some years ago also made claims of such an association.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972. • 11:11 Store!/george.barnard.982 


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4670 To Follow God’s Will , September 7, 2013 

God said: 

Mind your own business and not so much others’ business. This is a great lesson in life. With this lesson in place, there would be no gossip. There would be no talking behind someone’s back. And you would not haggle over anyone’s repute or disrepute. Then you would not have so much on your mind. Then you could be more carefree. And then, there would be a much lighter load on your shoulders.  
Besides, you have enough to do to take care of yourself. You have more than enough to take care of than to point out how or when or why or what someone else does or does not do. Do this, and you will elevate yourself considerably. This is the road you want to walk on. I desire more of My children to walk this road. More are needed, and I am recruiting you.
When you keep your eyes so firmly on another, you neglect yourself. No offense, dear ones, yet you have plenty of your own mis-actions to take care of. You don’t have time to add anyone else’s errors. It is all a pony show anyway. Reflecting on others’ lives takes your attention away from your own errors.
What you want to do is to mind My business, beloveds. Let My aims be yours. Let My desires be yours. And then I hear you say:
“Let me surmount all obstacles. Let me deign whatever I deign be for the good of all. Let me design whatever I design to be for the good of all. Let me be kind and generous in thought and deed to everyone. No false allegations do I make. No more judgments do I make. Who am I to judge another anyway? Who do I think I am? Sometimes my hubris amazes me. Who do I think I am? What do I think I am doing? I am privileged to have a life. In my life, I follow God’s wisdom. It is God’s wisdom I choose to serve.
“God, may I follow Your Will all the days of my life. May I remember what is Your Will for me, and Your Will for all. I know Your Will is to uplift and not to put anyone down. This I will remember.
“From now on I will not join in conversations that try to remodel another person. From now on, I will not make remarks I would never make in another’s hearing. Why would I make such remarks at all? To do that is beyond judging. It is condemning. I think twice from now on and pay attention to what I do and what I say, and I remember Your Will that is greater than mine. I shall adapt to Your Will, God.
“I care about other people’s hearts, and I refuse to damage anyone’s heart. I know better, and I shall do better.
“Even as I am by myself, I want to honor You, God, and, so, with Your help, I will never again think ill of anyone, for all are just like me, wanting to do their best, wanting to be equal, and not wanting to do harm on any level, not in deed and not in thought. From now on, I speak well of others, and, God willing, I think well of others. This is how I can think well of myself, not by putting someone else down or in putting anyone, as I may deem it, in their place. Anyone’s place is beside me and not to be set apart from me or from You. This is Your Will, am I right, God?”
“You want us to be sisters and brothers to one another. Because Your Heart is in mine, my heart is big enough to encompass all and to encompass my responsibility to You and to all.”

Sheldan Nidle - September 3, 2013

10 Cib, 19 Uo, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come today with much to tell you. As you know, various events are underway which will lead to your grand victory. The requisite paperwork and signatures that were mentioned last week have been attended to. Our allies are managing the diverse situations on the world stage, and we have asked our observation fleet to stop the dark's attempts to force a large conflagration from breaking out. Accomplishing anything significant on your world is very challenging because of the obstacles thrown up by your cultural beliefs and administrative customs placed there by the dark, in addition to the curious complications created by your diverse global societies. Nonetheless, these potential obstacles were overcome with the help of a very detailed plan worked out between our allies and our consular liaisons, and these creative solutions are now being implemented and are fully expected to result in an all-out success. In the meantime, your present economic system is passing through a transition which includes the completion of the financial collapse set in motion by the dark cabal some ten years ago. In fact, this will now be more in the nature of a 'flip' of your systems, and will usher in a new economic age for all.

This new economic age is to see the end of your self-perpetuating debt slavery. In its place will come global debt forgiveness that some in the West are calling an economic jubilee. Money will then be based on a true-value scale. The price of goods and services will be deflated to pre-hyperinflation levels to more accurately reflect their true worth in your society. However, these set values are to be only temporary because, as the new technologies take hold, they, together with the new abundance, are eventually to make such values meaningless. Each household will be in receipt of an 'in-house Light processor' which will be able to create just about anything that you require, putting an abrupt end to the dictates of production costs and consumer demand which presently undergird your global economic system. At this point, your economic theories and concepts become obsolete; the disfiguring infrastructure of your industrial base can be removed; and, most importantly, the devastation wrought by an economy based on fossil fuels upon the ecosystems of Gaia can cease.

Once you no longer need to worry about essential goods and services, you are free to turn your attention fully to the creation and running of your society. You will be liberated from the stressful exigencies of survival which the dark milked to the full in order to control you by reducing you to the apathy of slavery. Apathy is a product of the old order and will vanish from your mindset as the new reality takes hold. Your new reality, which is appearing around you, needs your enthusiastic engagement and input. It is to be the fertile ground out of which your galactic society will form, and where each member creatively contributes to the whole. This is a natural process for which Heaven has simply provided a divine blueprint. Each society takes this template and modifies it according to its respective inclination. As a result, each star-nation becomes a reason to celebrate as its members employ their joint, creative talents to produce a galactic society that 'works.' When you reach this point we will introduce you to a panoply of possible versions from which to create your own unique adaptation. We can see that this grand plan is to deliver something truly magnificent!

This new reality is of course a fully conscious one. It is to be made up of individuals who accept the wonders of full consciousness and understand the social etiquette implicit in such an amazing state of Beingness. You are entering a reality that is so very different from the one you reside in. Everywhere, it reflects its unique form of Oneness and impresses its individual stamp on the way it functions. Once we can make open contact with you, we can prepare you for what you are to receive. Everything you presently know will shift upwards and be completely redone. In a galactic society, each one is completely known and their uniqueness celebrated; secrets are impossible. We enjoy being open with each other and learning about life from each other, and we rejoice in the wonders of our grand collective. We chant, sing, and dance to express this. We can truly see how our Love affects each one of us and can understand how it affects the entire magnificent universe. It is this indescribable world that you will shortly graduate into, with all that that so gloriously implies.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come bearing good news. The dark world that you reside in is losing its power over you. The major underpinning for its control structure is a shrinking, ever-devolving financial system which is caught in a crisis from which it cannot escape. A new, credit-based monetary system is starting to replace the current fiat debit-based one, and this latter has no chance of overcoming the immensity of the debt it has accrued. Heaven, in her mercy, is allowing this cruel, inflation-creating system to simply fade away. Already, several new banking rules are in place and these will hasten the demise of the old system. We welcome those events that are to force this evil from power and from your new world, and we exalt and praise the transformations that are ready to manifest and which free you from odious debt slavery, returning your personal sovereignty to you. Heaven is orchestrating events which are to forever transform your world!

These changes require you to learn about certain truths that the dark has long kept secret from you. More importantly, the purpose behind the teachings of the Masters is to show you the magnificent power that you possess, which confers upon you divine responsibilities towards Gaia and all aspects of this sacred living universe. Our lessons will actually delve much deeper that your philosophies into the 'eternal mysteries.' 'Death' has no meaning for an Ascended Being of Light; we move as necessary between the realms of the physical and those of Spirit. On these journeys we learn about the very essence of Life and its relationship to the ineffable wisdom of the Creator. You will discover, as we did, the nature of your own divine service to Creation, and as your wisdom grows you will use it to bring forth the divine plan and help all Beings who make up the wondrous proliferation that is Life.

For us, divine service is a great pleasure and sharing our knowledge is a great joy. Each element of what we do has its counterpart in the ways of others, out of which the Creator weaves an ecstatic pattern. Based on our comprehension of this we share our wisdom with you and guide you in carrying out your contribution to shifting this realm fully into the Light. Our wisdom comes from the supreme Source of all things. When you achieve this state of oneness, you are able to experience the thrill that comes from contributing your own essence to the whole, and your entire Being is flooded with a sense of elation at the thought of what you are to accomplish. This is the state of bliss that the Creator has so lovingly decreed for you, and the next period of your lives is to be focused on becoming one with this indescribable state of Being! This will be coupled with the adventure of meeting your spiritual and space families.

Today, we carried on with our weekly message of what is happening around you. A great shift is happening on your world and throughout this solar system. It is a multidimensional 'jolt' that is to return you to your natural state: a fully conscious Being! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Montague Keen - September 1, 2013

I implore you, all of you, no matter which country or belief system you belong to, to SAY NO TO WAR !

The human race must come together as one, as never before. Remove all false divisions, and remember that they have used the DIVIDE AND RULE system to keep you all under control. Respect and assist those who share the truth with you. Forewarned is forearmed. Be prepared to stand together and support each other. You will be asked to make decisions such as you never expected to have to make in your lifetime. This is the battle of all battles with light and dark opposing each other. Those who support the Dark Cabal become more obvious every day. They can no longer hide in the shadows as they are being exposed. Only those who are part of the plan support them. They cannot pull the wool over the eyes of the people like they used to in the old days. Your awakening has made their job more difficult these days. This has upset them and made the destruction of your planet more difficult to achieve. Consider every action that you take at this time. Carefully ensure that it will not hurt anyone. Always have the interests of the planet and humanity in your hearts. This is not a time to be selfish. You must consider the greater good of humanity.

The Cabal continually creates "unseen" enemies through the media, in order to direct public opinion to prepare to give up constitutional freedoms. They are promoting anti-human agendas through deception and enslavement as acceptable social behaviour. By doing nothing, you feed these systems and keep them alive. Face the shadows of FEAR and self-deception. Confront the deception by asking, WHO IS BENEFITING HERE?

Remember that the Cabal stands no chance when faced with transparent truth.

It is important that you now leave all that was three dimensional behind you. You cannot give in to fear. You are on the Earth to rescue it from the usurpers who are trying to conquer it. The Cabal makes promises in order to entice you from your path, but be assured, they will never keep their promises. They will crush and discard you when you are no longer of use to them. For they despise you, as you will never be one of them, no matter what you do. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain by even considering joining them. There is a battle going on for your souls. Make no mistake about this. Soon, all the corrupt institutions will falter and the cracks will be exposed. They will fall, never to rise again from the ashes. They will become history: quickly forgotten as humanity embraces the light and all becomes peace and love.

To be betrayed is deeply hurtful, my dear, especially by those you had once accepted, only to find that they are now planning to assume what was assigned to you, for themselves. They are driven by EGO and three dimensional thinking. They know who they are. They are endeavouring to use one who was close to you because they think, foolishly, that he has all the answers.

My own dear Veronica, no one on Earth knows everything. The spirit world is not foolish enough to divulge all the information. Only those who were assigned to carry out such plans will be given the information when the timing is right. The foolish actions of those three people could have serious consequences for humanity. I call on them to come out of EGO and consider the foolishness of their actions. The Dark Cabal has massaged their egos and convinced them that they were capable of taking over. One of them even foresaw the overshadowing that was to happen to them in order to set them off on this destructive path. Spirit now asks them to cease and desist. Your world is on a precarious path with the Cabal demanding war, no matter what the cost, and foolish people such as these, jeopardising the light.

People everywhere must ask, "Who do I trust?", "Who should I believe?" Honesty and integrity are of the greatest importance in this time of darkness. When you cannot trust your own people, then it is indeed a sad state of affairs.

This is a time to be responsible. Work for the good of humanity - all humanity. Consider carefully all information that comes your way. Question everything and look for a motive. You are well aware of the fact that all these wars were planned years ago. When people understand this, they will not be taken in by the lies. Think about it: how can you state that you are going to war to rescue the innocent?
How can you be expected to believe such stories?

You have heard these same stories throughout history. The wars still go on, generation after generation, and nothing changes. I will spell it out clearly: there are those in your world who plot against the human race. Yes, they look like you; but there is no way they are anything like you. You have hearts, and compassion; they do not consider anyone or anything but the complete take-over of Planet Earth. They will go to any lengths to achieve this, their dream. Because they do not have a soul, they triumph when they succeed in leading ego-driven people off their chosen paths.

You are all living through the most difficult time of your lives on Earth. Be there for each other, as together you will be successful. We are side by side with you on this path.

My dear, you too, have decisions to make. Who can you work with who is trustworthy?

I never said it would be an easy path but it is what you chose to do. My love surrounds you in these difficult times.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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