Make Room 4 LOVE

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Lady Quan Yin: Relaxing the Ego
3.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.)  Hope and Hopelessness
5.)  Make Room for Love

Isis' Message of the Day -
"No Santa Claus! Thank God, he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."
~  Francis P. Church ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards:  If you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them). Please NO Checks I can't cash them no way to the bank. Mailing Address: Lady Isis - 80 NE 19th Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 U.S.A.

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Love Generously
Just as your forgiveness should be unconditional, given generously to all without judgment and flowing from you to others in an effortless stream, so should you love others with the unconditional love that resides within you. You often share this love in controlled, measured ways, giving to those who have proven they deserve it or whose love you are grateful for but it should be shared fully, generously and without limitation, to everyone. Do not judge who you should love, be willing to love everyone so that love can be returned to you. 
Unconditional love is more than what you know of romance, it encompasses acceptance, gratitude, divinity, connection and truth. It is mindful of the place of each person in the family of humanity, of the shared experience of suffering and potential for ascension. Love given generously is always returned to you multiplied, but not always from the person to whom it is given. When you judge others' capacity for love and use that to limit how you love them, you also limit the love you can receive in your own life from all sources. 
How can you love those who hurt you? By remembering that they are part of your path because you chose them. Can you love your enemies? Who is your enemy, the one who hurts you? These are often your greatest teachers. Those who remind you of your lessons in power are those who are your most loving teachers, this is how you see them in spirit and this is why you should be generous with your love to everyone. 
Unconditional love is a gift of spirit, not to be confused with the love the ego recognizes as being deserved or owing. When you love generously you are allowing your divinity to shine brightly in your life and allow that light to become a beacon that attracts the love you seek. It will come to you for as you release judgments about love, you remove the blocks to love. Make love your practice with each person, so you give love generously in the spirit of acceptance of who they are, gratitude for their role in your life and you in theirs, see their divinity, remember you are all connected and the only truth that exists is that you are all of spirit.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  *  email: *    

Lady Quan Yin: Relaxing the Ego
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
I greet you with the blessings and love of my heart, such a divine privilege to channel my energies to you now and to share a sacred moment within the light of the God Presence that is so evident to me within and around you. I reach out my hands to you and ask that you trust in my compassion and love for you, in the friendship that I have and wish to build with you. As you trust in my energy, let yourself trust in your own energy recognising our energies as the Creator and supreme source of love. Take my hands and allow me to wrap my gentle arms around you. Allow yourself to relax completely into my energy.
When you sit with the intent of relaxation in your physical reality it is only a small percentage of your being that relaxes, tension and stress can remain within you even when you feel completely at ease. We spoke of nurturing and nourishing the spiritual being previously, it is my wish to nurture your ability to relax and soften the energies of your entire being. This will allow for limitations, restrictions, blockages and negative thoughts to soften, dissolve and be completely removed from your reality and being. To relax completely can bring thoughts of fear as you are letting go of the control that you have over your being and are simply existing in light, it brings a greater sense of freedom which can be daunting, but remember that all fears are illusions, they do not come from your true self, they are magnified by you without you realising so they become more powerful than they actually are.
This is a very interesting point that requires additional attention, when a fear is created it has very little power, it is essentially a neutral thought but you have programmed yourself to recognise the thought which has a negative connotation and to place a huge amount of energy behind it. It is almost as if you are loving this fear and wanting it to be a magnificent part of your life. When you think of the way you have programmed yourself it seems irrational but you have taught yourself that fear is good and that you need it in your life and that by energising fear you are dealing with the problem, thus helping the situation. If an animal was sick would you place it on dirty bedding, leave it in the dark and surround it in negative energies? For most people a sick animal would bring up feelings and thoughts of compassion and a desire to surround the animal in love. There is a need to surround yourself in love, whatever you are thinking or experiencing as this will act as a healing and uplift your energies thus transforming your reality. To empower loving thoughts and firmly not allow yourself to engage in negative or fearful thoughts is the key to reprogramming yourself and mind, permitting a greater happiness to blossom.
To relax your being and energies completely you must engage, accept and bathe in love. The presence of love unknots your energies and allows for expansion, it is essentially like exhaling deeply. When we think negatively or are not engaged in love our energy can draw close to us, its expansion short and small, this is due to the lack of life force energy flowing through you. With the continuous presence of life force energy or Creator light your energy becomes luscious, flexible and expansive, allowing you to manifest with ease, adapt to changes and remain balanced, akin to a tree blowing in the wind, eternally grounded and focused in the energy of God.
Something that hinders the process of relaxation on a spiritual and energy level is the ego. We can imagine the ego as an eager child at Christmas wanting to look inside every present. The presents are the thoughts created by the mind, the ego is especially drawn to the thoughts or presents that will make it powerful or that magnify more fear in your being. The ego is not a bad energy essentially it is like a child, it doesn't know any better; it has no one to guide it and therefore enjoys ruling your life by reminding you constantly of your failings and mistakes. Every time you think a negative thought about yourself or another that is your ego asserting its power, playing with you to see what it can manifest. If we imagine a child who has no parents and has fallen into a group of youths who enjoy making mischief then we begin to understand the ego. Children are pure and can be influence easily, your ego is the pure energy of the Creator but you have allowed it to adopt negative habits, to play games with your life and to sabotage your truth. If you noticed your child acting in this way you would make efforts to alter their negative habits and teach them what is good and true, but you are perfectly happy to allow your ego to have all the fun at your expense without even a word of complaint or objection. This is something to contemplate, it requires your understanding.
There is a need to love your ego unconditionally, as if it were a child. You are not loving it for the chaos it has caused but for the truth that it is when aligned and guided. It is important not to scold your ego or to hold resentment toward it but to forgive it for its controlling qualities knowing that changes can be made with ease which would bring happiness to your life and to your ego. Your ego thinks it is contented by the power it has but really it is a lost child looking for love, attention and approval. We can see that the ego is not content as it keeps creating fear, unable to receive what it desires.
To dissolve the power of the ego and to allow your entire being to relax, there is a need to assist the ego in relaxing in love.
I remind you that I am surrounding you in love, I have extended my loving arms to surround your entire being in a soft pink light; we must remember and recognise the power that love holds its magnitude and supreme presence of transformation. Feel my love melting into your being and breathe deeply, gradually as the love of a soft pink colour melts into your being it is allowing you to relax with ease, undoing knots and assisting expansion.
See within your heart chakra at your chest area a symbol of love, this can be anything you desire it exists within and as your heart chakra. This symbol has its own pulse, presence and breath of life. Let this manifest, let it radiate.
Imagine a symbol that represents your ego, it can be anything you like; it represents the presence and manifestation of your ego. Picture this in or around your mind. Then as you exhale, imagine with ease the symbol of your ego flowing down and melting into your heart chakra. Let the symbol of your ego sit within the light and love of your heart chakra and feel my love embracing you completely. Allow yourself to relax into the energy and with time you should notice yourself reaching a new level of spiritual relaxation.
You can also remind yourself of this technique whenever you feel a negative thought or emotion brewing or feel the controlling influence of your ego growing. As you allow your ego to relax so the rest of your being will relax, heal and enjoy an embodiment of love.
With sacred blessings and gratitude for your attention,
Lady Quan Yin
May you walk in the love and light always,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website  she shares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit  www.omna.orgFor the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to and click on weekly messages. *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, I see a great Light: in your eyes, around you, in your heart; for your hearts are brimming over with Light and with love. It is the season of Light, yes; it is the season of love, where the focus of many of you turns to a place of expectancy; expectancy that it will be a good time to celebrate, to take stock of what has been and what will be, to hope and to hold in your heart the potential of knowing whatever it is that you desire can be and will be manifest.
Visit our website:  *    

Hope and Hopelessness
December 3, 2010

Dearest Beloved Ones,

At this time on the Earth the massive physical and energetic structures that were holding your world together are now transforming in small and large ways. Some structures are simply collapsing, unable to sustain the weight of the current vibrational changes that are creating more spiritual light on the Earth.

The structures we speak of are not just physical structures like buildings, they are also energetic structures that have created a collective consciousness that can be thought of as "consensus reality." These are the unspoken assumptions that many people base their lives on, that are usually not discussed because they are so much a part of the fabric of larger social, political and economic systems that have been created.

At this momentous time on the Earth, there is a large scale awakening process that has begun. Like the light dawning after a long night, the spiritual reality of God's love is becoming more and more palpable for those that are able to attune to their spiritual self.

At the same time, the process of purification has never been more intense, which has brought an upsurge of painful and even unbearable emotions.

Even for those that are not able to perceive God's love, light and truth in their lives, the increase of spiritual light on the Earth is empowering the consciousness of unity, which is the understanding that all are One, that all actions have consequences, and that all beings and all of life are connected.

This consciousness can be seen all over the world, in the changes that are happening politically, socially and economically. Even though for the most part, most people are still operating with the unspoken assumption that they are alone and separate, larger scale changes are requiring that people come together to try and find solutions that will work for all people.

One of the pitfalls that many people are falling into at this time is related to the energies of projection and blame. With such an overwhelming array of massive challenges, it is easy to focus energy or attention on what is wrong with other people, or with wrong with one's family, employer, government or country.

Because it is not possible to truly see into another person's experience from the outside, judgement of others is not useful in bringing greater love, light or peace to the world. Instead it creates anger and more hopelessness, since there is little that can be done to change others unless they are ready and willing to change.

What is useful in helping to create a more loving and light filled world, is to become more aware of the thoughts, feelings and judgements you are experiencing as you go about the day. Your consciousness has a huge impact on the world, and though you may feel small, insignificant or even helpless in your current situation, you actually have all that you need to change the world, within you already.

When you begin to have awareness of the thoughts and feelings that you are putting out into the world each day, this brings greater light to you and to others that you are interacting with. When you encounter pain, anger, judgement or blame within yourself, it is important that you not blame or judge yourself.

Instead, pray for God's love, light and truth to free you from these energies, and to show you the truth of who you really are. When you are able to truly see yourself as God sees you, you will also be able to see others through the eyes of divine love.

When you are able to take responsibility deeply for what you are feeling and experiencing, and for those situations and events that come into your life to teach you, then a new consciousness begins to awaken. It is the consciousness of love, that holds all things in the world, and which is the underpinning of the physically manifest world.

At the present time there is a breaking apart that is happening between separated consciousness and the consciousness of unity on the Earth. Souls are making choices as to where they will go, and whether they will remain on the Earth for the new energy that is arriving.

This large scale shift in consciousness is also affecting the physical earth, and the physical structures of life. The stronger influx of spiritual light is creating massive shifts for everyone, and many are experiencing large scale disruptions of their lives.

For many, these disruptions are causing grief, despair, or even panic. Many situations appear to have no answers. Some exhausted souls are feeling despair and hopelessness, because they cannot see into the future to anything positive.

Beloved ones, the reason it is not possible to imagine a more positive future is that your consciousness is involved in such a profound transition right now. Your brain and consciousness, which were born into a third dimensional physical reality, are transforming. It is not possible to imagine, from where you are right now, what will be.

The future is more glorious than you can possibly imagine. There are also forces on the Earth that are clouding and covering the perception of spiritual light, which can also make it more difficult to attune to the knowledge that your soul carries.

Your soul contains all the wisdom and knowledge of why you are here on the Earth during this momentous and extraordinarily difficult time. Your soul and it's knowledge, is your source for inspiration, love, light and hope. It is possible to connect more deeply with your soul, through prayer and intention.
Love and blessings,

World Blessings  *  P.O. Box 8741  *  Bend, Oregon 97708  *  USA  *  (541) 388-4692  *  The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world.  *    

HEAVEN #3665
Make Room for Love
December 7, 2010
God said:
You like what you like, and you don’t like what you don’t like. That is fair enough. What you like, however, matters. What you don’t like, let it go. Carry on. Let go of the bygones. Don’t carry them. Do not put your nose up in the air about what you don’t like. In terms of life, what you don’t like isn’t important. What you don’t like is only what you don’t like. Don’t complain. Move over to what you do like.
Don’t get enmeshed in your troubles or anyone else’s. For what purpose? For commiseration? For drama? For gossip? Does talk of trouble make you important? Does talk of trouble make you a star? A prima-donna? Do you think that talk of troubles, yours or someone else’s, somehow makes you smart or powerful? Or does it make you weak?
Dislikes don’t need your full attention. Walk away from them. You do not have to be superior to anything, not to anything. You, who may well have lack of sense of self worth, nevertheless feel yourself superior or more discerning than others. You lick your chops over what you see as less.
By certain standards, you feel superior to the ant that crawls at your feet. But are you, are you really? You and the ant are here at My bidding, and ants do what ants do, and you do what human beings do. Ants are earnest, and they work hard, and they support one another. You do not even imagine what purpose ants play in your life and the life of the world, and birds sing a beautiful song each morning. And why not you? Why not you?
Find more to like and more to value. Do it today. Imagine all the little things that serve you, and yet you have overlooked them, as if they aren’t worth your attention. You haven’t thought for one minute to value them. Value them now. The floor under your feet. The ground you walk on. The sky above. A moving shadow. The sunlight. Laughter. Give importance to what you like. Do not give importance to what you don’t like.
I am pointing you to love. Love the leaves that fall. Love the pines. Love the weather. Love the hot and love the cold. They all serve you. Growing things breathe with you. The same God loves you and all the growing things. Let Us call love – what shall We call love? – that which you honor, that which you appreciate, that which you call yourself to do, that which you thank Me for, that which you value. So value a lot. Value more. Like more. Respect more. Love more. As you appreciate more, you love more. You will love yourself more.
Discontentment lies with yourself. Put your discontent on a thousand things outside you, and discontent still comes down to you. The outside world does not demand discontent from you. You demand it from yourself, as though it were queenly to be discontent. It is not queenly. It is the opposite of queenly. Queenly is gracious, and I ask you to be gracious to the world and everything in it. Be gracious. Have manners. Have manners, and you will gain insights. Start liking everything you do. Start valuing yourself. In My book, there are no lowly anythings. I love everything. I love. Love is My State of Being. Adopt My State of Being. Love. See how much love you can stir up from the depths of your heart. Empty the trash. Bring in love. Make room for love.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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