Magnetic Healing Its Benefits & Its Danger

And also a Health Alert!
Please read the whole

Magnetics And Human Biology


Magnetic healing. Magnetic healing is honored. It is wonderful. It
addresses the magnetic human being. It addresses the magnetics
of the DNA and it is valid .It's being used with a greater impact now
than at any time on the planet. Let me ask you a question,
however. We have told you that the human body seeks balance,
and occasionally it needs facilitation to help it with this. Enter
magnetics. Those familiar with magnetic healing will apply the
magnets in the right biological areas. Through intuition and the
sacredness of the gifts of new knowledge, they will know where to
put them. That's how it works, you know. YOU are going to write
the books on this, since -they're not written yet. They will come
right out of your channeled higher selves, to be used by all.
    Now, does it make sense to you that once that perfect balance
is achieved, the magnets would stay? The answer is NO. External
magnetics, like the live essence, like the hands-on, like the energy
work, is a temporary method of balance for the individual. When
the individuals have choice to balance, why then would they carry
the magnetic array with them all the time? Why then would they
decide to sleep upon it all the time? The body will balance itself and
heal. Why continue to apply the external force after the healing?
It's almost like they are saying to the body, "I don't thmk your're
going to balance; therefore, I'm going to contfnue giving you
the stimulus--forever." 
    We're here to say, dear ones, that there is actual biological
danger in any of these healing methods when you continue using
them on a constant basis while ignoring the biology's natural ability
to balance. There are some who are using magnetic arrays that
continue to feel wonderful when the magnetics are around. It's a
body trick! For cells will feel different when they are being
enhanced (stimulated). They're being tickled and massaged, as it
were, and their reaction is felt as "special." That does not
necessarily mean that things are well and good in the balance
department. Many of your dangerous mind-enhancing drugs can
do the same thing; they can make you feel "wonderful." It just
means that you "feel" something. Balance the body and remove
the stimulus when finished! When it needs to be balanced again,
bring out the balancing stimulus. Do not use it constantly as an
everyday event. Magnetically, the danger is this: The instruction
sets will actually become different. Many can become erased! This
goes far beyond balance. It can be dangerous to your health!
Believe it! What you don't understand yet is that magnetics is even
more potent then chemistry.

     Use magnetics sparingly and wisely. Don't take large magnetic
arrays (lots of magnets together) and metaphorically throw them
at your biology in the hopes that somehow they might help you. In
 some cases, they may actually harm you! Use discernment, and
call on your gifts in this New Age to tell you what is proper for your
own body.
     Realize that magnetic aids are wonderful healing tools. Now
 go find out how many, what power, when, and how long! Active
 or passive? Singular or array? The puzzle is before you, and many
 are finding the answers.


  From LC Who Channeles The Writings of Spirit

      During the channeling, Spirit spoke of some new
  magnetic information which I will recap at this time. The subject was
 the exposure of whole cells to magnetic fields. Spirit said that
 magnetic fields affect whole cells directly, but that in order to study
 the phenomenon, science should expose individual cells to a
 "focused" field (and not a stray one), then look for secretions from
 the cells in direct response to the magnetic stimulus. His challenge
 to scientists was to find this correlation, so that all would know about
      Before I define what Spirit meant by focused fields, let me tell
 you also the "why" involved in this correlation. Hard to prove, but
 channeled just the same, was the Spirit information that part of the
 DNA system consists of invisible magnetic strands that provide the
 magnetic information to each cell. This magnetic information helps
 the cells to know what their purpose is (the difference of an "ear" cell
 from a "toe" cell for instance), as well as each cell's "regeneration
 properties." (Did you ever wonder why your liver can regenerate
 completely, as well as your skin, but you can't grow a new hand?)
 This new information also helps to explain why some are convinced
 that we have more DNA strands coming to complete our "ageless
 body" ascended forms. If some of these strands are invisible, or non
 biological, then we already have some of them in place! Remem-
ber... that it is a poor human assumption that all the DNA strands are
just like the others, and have to be biological.
     This magnetic DNA information is the new source of science for
the Temple of Rejuvenation (TOR), which Spirit has spoken of often.
Evidently Spirit invites us to revisit the science of altering this DNA
magnetic stripe through the TOR process, thereby creating a very
long life by balancing our biology, and giving it instructions (via the
magnetic strands) to regenerate more often!
     Spirit speaks of the fact that the cells are addressed directly by
the magnetic strands, and that the magnetics involved act like a
 code for the cells. This handshakes very nicely with the biological
 DNA which also acts like a code. In fact, DNA is very much like
 computer programming code, complete with stop and start se-
 quences of amino acids which identify the beginning and end of
 instruction sets for the proteins. Quite a system!
     According to Spirit, certain magnetic fields can have an effect
 on individual cells, and unlike the effects of radiation (which
 causes damage or unusual growth), science should look for the
 cells to react as though they were receiving biological instructions,
 since they will actually secrete chemicals in direct response to
 magnetic stimulation of focused fields. The main point of this
 channeling was that our biology doesn't just react to any magnetic
 field... but a certain kind. If our cells are used to reacting to specific
 polarized designed magnetics that give instructions, then they will
 tend to react to other designed symmetrical fields, as though these
 were also instructions. The stray magnetics fields, although strong,
  might do nothing at all to the cells.
      The difference between stray and focused fields isn't all that
  hard to explain. A magnetic focused field is any magnetic field that
  is designed. This is what Spirit meant by "focused." Here are some
  examples: A simple magnet is a designed field. It has symmetrical
  lines of influence and a known strength which is constant. It
  therefore would be a very nice tool for a lab study. An electromagnet
  is even better, since it has everything the magnet has, plus the
  ability to vary the intensity of the field. A good experiment, therefore,
  would be to place identical kinds of live cells separately in the
 positive and negative influence of such a field at various intensities,
 and look specifically for cells to secrete some chemical in direct
 response to the magnetic stimulus. Also, if I were doing the experi-
 ment, I would place some cells midway between the positive and
 negative poles as well. Naturally the control would be a group of
 similar cells placed in an area of no magnetics at all.
     Other examples of designed fields that wouldn't be good for
the lab, but that are with us daily nevertheless, are (1) Electric
 blankets. Electric blankets are not designed to create magnetic
fields, but they create designed fields anyway due to their consis-
tency of coiled wiring with electricity flowing through it. (Remember
from science class 1A, that even a single wire with current flowing
through it can produce a magnetic field of some kind.) (2) Electric
motors are another example of designed fields. Motors create
strong fields, even though the purpose of the motor is as an electric
engine. The field is only a by-product, but a "designed" one, since
it mirrors the design of the motor. A hair dryer is a good example of
a strong field created by a motor in everyday life. (3) Static magnets
for stereo speakers are also a hidden source. These are just
magnets, and therefore are designed fields. If you want to know how
deceivingly strong these are, just get a normal cheap compass and
see how close you can get to your speakers at home before they
move the needle. You may be surprised at how far away from the
speaker you are when the needle swings. Remember: if it can
swing a compass needle, it can affect you! (4) Another designed
and dangerous source is a neighborhood transformer box. (It's the
green thing about the size of a US mail box that is usually mounted
on a cement slab around some bushes... and hums.) There often is
one of these for every few houses in newer neighborhoods. As
long as they are on the street, you are okay, but I have seen them
put right next to houses on occasion. These are definitely bad to
have close to your living quarters. (5) Finally, your computer monitor
(if not the newer shielded kind) may produce ELF (extremely low
frequency) magnetic fields. This field is symmetrical, designed, and
can affect your biology. My thanks personally go to the many
consumer computer magazines that exposed this potential hazard,
and actually got the manufacturers to do something about it before
there was proof that it was a problem. Public perception can
change things! Perhaps even this message can make a difference?
    Stray fields are unorganized, non-designed fields. A good
example of this would be power lines. In this case, the fields
generated are not symmetrical due to the fact that there are so many
smaller fields interacting with each other (some cancel each other
out). Also, the current through the wires changes all the time,
making the intensity and the symmetry of any field change con-
stantly. It's really a "pot luck" deal if power lines are aligning
magnetically to bring about a focused field, since some scenarios
might not ever "come together" in an organized way. In other cases,
the situation might be "just right" randomly to create a strong field
with consistent symmetry, thereby nicely emulating a designed
field. In this case you have a real problem, since the field strength
potential is so high. So we should treat power lines as though they
could always be a problem, even though not all are. This is why a
scientific study of power lines on health is such a difficult thing.
Power lines in themselves are not the problem. It's the random
organization of the magnetic field that is the important attribute. It's
no wonder that conclusive evidence isn't at hand. You might have
some "killer" power lines at one house, and down the street another
identical looking pole could be benign. The real way to show the
planet that there is a health danger is to provide evidence that
controlled magnetic fields affect human cells! Then prove that there
are magnetic fields around certain power lines on an individual
case-by-case basis. The rest is just logic.
   Another example of an unorganized field would be from those
created by your house's electric junction box (usually where your
 meters are located). Many times this junction is responsible for
some stray magnetics, but usually it is random and non-focused,
and therefore often too unorganized to be of concern. It has the
potential for harm, however, just like the power lines do.
     The bottom line is to stay cognizant of all fields, designed and
undesigned. Really go out of your way not to live daily next to the
known designed ones. Here is a review of examples: Don't have
large stereo speakers next to your bed. Use your compass to check
this. Don't use an electric blanket! This is by far the worst offender.
Imagine spending 8 hours a night in a designed field? Use a hair
dryer only if you must, and then no longer than necessary. That
motor next to your head is really powerful. Again, use a compass to
verify this. You might be surprised at the fact that the motor itself has
a static magnetic field that is fairly powerful, even without being
turned on. So store the thing in a drawer that isn't next to your bed
pillow. Be aware that all electric motors are strong creators of
magnetic fields. Don't sleep with a fan next to your head. Use the "3
meter rule" to be safe, as stated by Spirit in previous channellings.
    There are also some systems of designed fields you can buy
today that are supposed to "marry" to your biology and actually help
tune up your cells. There are even some you can get to sleep on
(made in Europe and Asia). I cannot possibly pass judgment on any
of these. Use your intuition! If you purchase one of these systems,
get it on a trial basis. Your body will scream at you if it isn't right; but
the main point here is if you are connected enough to the workings
of your biology to "hear it scream." The answer again is INTENT.
Take time to meditate, and let your precious biology know you love
it and honor it. Then ask it for help, and proceed. It won't fail you!

{Much more to come on Magnetic Healing,
its benefits and its Dangers}



P.S.: I put a compass next to my computer - monitor & stero speakers
when everything was turned off, and the needle turned up to 180
degrees South. This hazard has has been with me for a long time,
and has gone undetected until now. - I have no idea what harm it might
have done??  I am going to get a new computer monitor with ELF
protection, and I have rearranged my stereo speakers,
who knows, maybe I'll be a better guy?? ... John