1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) The Difference Between Lust and Love
3.) Archangel Michael: July Energy Update:
True Identity within Infinite Time
4.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.) You Can Inspire
6.) Greetings from the Galactic Federation:
Isis' Message of the Day -
"Driven by the force of love the fragments of the world
seek each other that the world may come into being."
~ Teilhard de Chardin ~
"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides, but when
he can harness the power of love, then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
We wish to remind you of the importance of love. Bask in love.
Find ways to bring that feeling into your life. Watch movies that fill you with that warm feeling. Look into a child’s
eyes as they look at you with innocence and love. Feel the love from your grandmother as she remembers you as a child. Know
we of the Angelic Realm are near you. Feel the love we send to you. You are never alone. We walk beside you in times of need.
You are an incredible child of God and you are worthy of God’s love. Bless your heart.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with
25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist
you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides
- and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
* www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
The Difference Between Lust and Love
by Dr. Judith Orloff
June 30, 2011
As a psychiatrist, I've seen how intense sexual attraction
is notorious for obliterating common sense and intuition in the most sensible people. Why? Lust is an altered state of consciousness
programmed by the primal urge to procreate. The brain in this phase may be much like a brain on drugs. MRI scans illustrate
that the area that "lights up" (becomes active) when an addict gets a fix of cocaine is the same area that "lights up" when
a person is experiencing the intense lust of physical attraction. Also, in the early stage of a relationship, when the sex
hormones are raging, lust is fueled by idealization and projection -- you see what you hope someone will be or need them to
be -- rather than seeing the real person, flaws and all.
In my book "Guide To Intuitive Healing" I discuss the difference
between lust and love as well as techniques to enhance sexual wellness. Pure lust is based solely on physical attraction and
fantasy -- it often dissipates when the "real person" surfaces. It's the stage of wearing rose-colored glasses when he or
she "can do no wrong." Being in love doesn't exclude lust. In fact, lust can lead to love. However, real love, not based on
idealization or projection, requires time to get to know each other. Here are some signs to watch for to differentiate pure
lust from love.
Signs of lust:
* You're totally focused on a person's looks and body.
You're interested in having sex, but not in having conversations.
* You'd rather keep the relationship on a fantasy
level, not discuss real feelings.
* You want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast the next morning.
You are lovers, but not friends.
Signs of love:
* You want to spend quality time together other than
* You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
* You want to honestly listen to
each other's feelings, make each other happy.
* He or she motivates you to be a better person.
* You want
to get to meet his or her family and friends.
Another challenge of sexual attraction is learning to
stay centered and listen to your gut in the early stages of being with someone. This isn't easy in the midst of hormones surging,
but it's essential to make healthy relationship decisions. Here are some tips to help you keep your presence of mind when
you're attracted to someone. This needn't pull the plug on passion, but it'll make you more aware so you don't go looking
for trouble.
Four negative gut feelings about relationships:
* A little voice in your gut says "danger" or "beware."
You have a sense of malaise, discomfort or feeling drained after you're together.
* Your attraction feels destructive
or dark.
* You're uncomfortable with how this person is treating you, but you're afraid that if you mention it, you'll
push him or her away.
Over the years, I've spoken at women's prisons and domestic
violence centers. My talk, "How Listening to Your Gut Can Prevent Domestic Violence," focuses on showing women how to identify
and act on their inner voice. The gut senses a potential for kindness and violence. Many women who'd been in abusive relationships
admitted, "My gut initially told me something was wrong -- but I ignored it." The pattern was consistent. They'd say, "I'd
meet a man. At first he'd be charming, sexy, sweep me off my feet. The electricity between us was amazing. I'd write off the
voice in my gut that said, 'You'd better watch out,' as fear of getting involved. When later the abuse began, I was already
hooked." Some gut instincts though, are anything but subtle. On a first date, one woman landed in the hospital with an IV,
retching from "psychosomatic" abdominal pain. But did that stop her from seeing the guy? No. From these women we gain a real-world
lesson: no matter how irresistibly attractive someone appears, close attention to your gut will enable you to see beneath
It's so much nicer to be involved with someone your gut likes.
Then you're not always guarding against a basic suspicion or incompatibility. You must also give yourself permission to listen
to your gut when it says, "This person is healthy for you. You are going to make each other happy." To be happy, take a risk,
but also pay attention to the warning signs I presented. This allows you to wisely go for the fulfilling relationships you
Judith Orloff MD is bestselling author of the new book Emotional
Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) upon which these tips
and article are based. Her insights in Emotional Freedom create a new convergence of healing paths for our stressed out world.
An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Orloff's work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in
Oprah Magazine and USA Today. * www.drjudithorloff.com/_blog/Dr_Judith_Orloff%27s_Blog *
Archangel Michael: July Energy Update:
True Identity within Infinite Time
Channeled by Meredith
June 28, 2011
Bridges of Light are being formed within you that allow you
access to doorways beyond time.
These new passages and pathways orient you to inner avenues
of knowing and being, creating and sensing divine truth that were previously unavailable on the Earth to most in human focus.
It is through these new pathways that you will begin to live in much more full multidimensionality and yet with a singular
focus across time and space: the emergence of the true identity within infinite time.
Your true identity rests in you energetically. It opens
within you as you allow various energies to leave—those which inhibit the freedom and love that is fundamentally your
energetic experience. It is within these releases that you become most fully You. So it’s ironic that they
tend to feel so bad! For truly they are revealing to you who you really are. Like dust being blown off of a brilliant
object, perhaps you find yourself sneezing and having a difficult time seeing the beauty because of dust blowing and the unpleasant
feeling of this process. Perhaps in this process you lose sight—literally—for an infinite instant of who
you really are. And that my dear friends, is what truly feels so yucky about clearing experiences—anytime you
orient to that which is arising and leaving, that which is Not you, it feels bad; for you are out of touch with you.
Many of you in the approach to this last eclipse are noticing
enormous intensity—of emotions, dreams, digestive and physical sensation of heat and soreness in various locations (like
between your shoulder blades, or in the hips). There is a lot of energy spiraling upward as you confluence with the
stream of your future self as you move into infinite time. Many of you have had what you call past life and/or parallel
life memories or impressions, but it is this “catching up with” your “future” self that is creating
the nausea you feel and the changes in appetites—for this shift from the prior linear time reality you have been based
in involves a torque of your energies in substantially (potentially) disorienting ways in terms of your balance and senses
for orienting to the physical landscape; thus the queasiness you may feel.
So you are not only experiencing a force which is causing
your energy field to rotate in new ways—this confluence of meeting up in infinite time with You! But this force
is an acceleration as well, and thus the physical sensation can be quite intense.
You are acclimating significantly these days to these new
energetic states of being, which for each of you, naturally, reflect the state in awakening you are currently allowing and
in harmony with. As you acclimate to these energies you have vast openings within you to your Soul-ar codes. The
Sun is transmitting to you that which you imprinted upon it when you flowed into this particular human form. The codes
come regularly as you are increasingly, in a radiant fashion, enlarging, elevating and amplifying your vibration.
In July you will find much of the first few weeks will involve
sleep! This is such an easy way to support yourself in integrating new qualities of being. Do give into it as
needed and do not be concerned about calling in sick to work, or taking whatever time you personally need to feel rested and
peaceful. I encourage you to not push your body at this time by placing other demands on it. There is already
a lot happening that requires your cells to respond to the dynamics on the planet as well as your intentions and your allowing
and your body is excellent at all of this. Get in sync with it and tell it how you agree with it’s choices by
supporting them with your actions and the way you are being throughout your day. Anytime you are at odds with your body
you are in resistance and this as you all know, creates problems in all kinds of ways and just doesn’t feel good.
So feeling good is your litmus test for if you and your body are in harmony.
The energy of July is one of newness and birth. There
is a new being within you that reflects your true identity; your cosmic song or energetic blueprint, signature—and this
sense of self will be more and more available to you this month. The other element this month is that manifestation
from this location in infinite time, in alignment with your true self will be increasingly possible and accelerated as more
and more of you moves into a choice-based creative space aligned with the larger Divine Plan and with the highest good for
all informing you as you live in a Divine Rhythm, informed and impulse by the Cosmic Flow of Source Creation. This rhythm
will make more and more sense out of how to sequence and bring forth your dreams—which are likely at this point visions—with
ease. Dreams meaning—what you sense if the fullest expression of you. The wisps of this that you get, are
real and may be honored and treasured, trusting that the remaining details too will come forth and fill in the picture—the
dynamic moving picture {smile} as is perfect aligned.
There may be detours that are important for you to complete
as part of your role in Divine Creation elevating this planet. You may be called upon to be somewhere or do something
only to discover it was a temporary thing, or a detour. There is, remember, this motion toward wholeness and healing
of all that has been a misconception or out of harmonic balance with true identity and the Law of One. So you may find
yourself in situations like this, and/or you may have friends or family who do. This is a beautiful time in which to
gift others and yourself with the deep inner knowing that all is well.
Remind yourself and anyone you sense may be experiencing this
of the Divine Perfection inherent in life and call forth a trust in things which may seem mysterious, confusing or even…dare
I say it? Contradictory! This is how things can move around and move quickly and much can be accomplished in an
accelerated fashion; when one is not too concerned or self-conscious about any judgments or negative/limiting perceptions
of what the “meaning” is of things. Be careful not to get yourself too caught up in stories about the changes
taking place and realize you are in a wee moment of infinite time and in the larger tapestry much of these confusing little
moments are not really the theme songs of who you are; they are small moments accompanying your grander journey and play a
part in the harmonious weaving of All-That-Is. Allow yourself to be the instrument of peace and love which you came
forth in full joy of being and know that some of this will only be visible in clarity from other perspectives or what you
think of time-wise as “hindsight!”
The energy of July will move from being highly focused and
involved in integration to greater clarity and a much more profound sense of personal identity and then to the sense of time
quickening as you and your future self begin a dynamic dialogue in coming together. You will find yourself continually
adjusting yourself to the emerging horizon of this future self which shows you clearly in your felt sense, what you are coming/opening
Into. You are opening into Your Life. As it was intended. By You. You will then experience, increasingly
spherical being: a continual co-creation with the leading edge of you guiding you and supporting you as your hone the expression
of your being.
This is the major thrust of the energies in July on a personal
In terms of the planet you will notice what you pay attention
to. If you remain focused within your own life you will find the waves and themes which too are reflected in the world,
which are for you to notice, cultivate, evolve and participate in. The world meaning the culture and civilization of
Earth is a vast, diverse, highly dynamic collection of many, many, many realities. As you well know there are multiple
timelines in play here and as such realize that the story you pay attention to defines what timeline you are located on.
To fulfill your own intentions for Joy, the realization for 2011 as I shared in my initial message about this year—you
must stay oriented to the timeline emerging within you, being transmitted by your Soul-ar codes to you and which allows you
to fulfill your participation in the Light coming to this planet as you intend from a coherent orientation to the Divine Plan.
There will be disruptions of many kinds on Earth…is
this really new to you? And yes, it will be seemingly hard for many. Trust in the innate wisdom of each soul,
live as compassion and peace and most importantly: stay focused within your own trajectory and trust that in so doing you
are giving the greatest gifts possible to everything and everyone.
I realize that you are increasingly aware of your own voice
within you and this voice is that which the creator, the Light of Lights is choosing as you to reflect through you.
Know that your being as this voice and song, has meaning beyond which may be explained to you or even to me. We are
far richer beings than we really truly can ever know.
In this you may be sure: you are deeply widely radiantly Love.
And as much as I am capable of, I see you! And this
fills me with great joy.
I am Archangel Michael
Meredith Murphy
© 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise
Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the
work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may
not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other
purpose of use must be granted permission by the author. *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, oftentimes the bumps in the road are the
most wonderful gifts that you give to yourself. Later on when you look back you say, “If that bump wasn’t there,
I wouldn’t have made the turn that has brought me here.”
HEAVEN #3872
You Can Inspire
July 2, 2011
God said:
Consider responsibility. Remember that you represent Me. You
can be real and represent Me. Just remember that you represent Me. Consider how you represent Me.
You can inspire. You can authentically inspire even when you
do not feel inspired. You don’t have to let everyone know what you are thinking or feeling at any given moment. Even
when you feel like whining, you don’t have to. Who are you to whine? You have other alternatives at your disposal.
What does being a responsible person mean?
Certainly it is not your responsibility to discourage the
world. Certainly it is not your responsibility to point out the errors of the world. Who asked you to? Certainly not I!
I never meant you to broadcast the newspaper headlines. I
never asked you to speak ill of the world. I never asked you to air its foibles.
Because you feel disappointed is no reason to foster disappointment
in the world. It doesn’t take much to be good at fostering disappointment. Be good at something else.
I ask you to go higher, and I mean now, not later, not just
for when you feel like it. I ask you to spread light even when you don’t feel like it. Uplift even when you do not feel
like it, and you will be uplifted. It is not for you to share the doldrums. If you feel you must be in the doldrums, then
at least do not invite others in. What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that you are a victim? Why on Earth
would you want to do that? Prove that you are a hero instead.
Is it asking too much of you that I ask you, once and for
all, to stop complaining? The time for moaning and groaning is over. It is time to put a stop to it. There has been enough.
The end of complaining has come. What was the purpose in complaining anyway? What kind of accomplishment is complaint anyway?
Anyone can do it. There are probably some who can do it better than you, but why complain at all? It is an old song. Be tired
of it.
What is so revelatory about your disappointment and your disapproval?
What is it that prompts you to carry on with it? If you have been complaining, stop now. It does not become a child of God
to whine. Not at all. It is not necessary. Why would you gripe and gripe again when there are so many other choices before
Why would you gripe if only to yourself? Do you really want
to hear about it over and over again? Is it music to your ears? Are you really so in love with all the reasons why you are
too straightforward to uplift the world?
Your mission in life cannot be to complain. I ask you to let
go of pointing out wrongs, personal wrongs or otherwise.
Who wants to hear you moan about the rain or anything? Be
edifying instead. Look, can’t you find something interesting to talk about? If there is something you have said once,
don’t say it again. Well, don’t say it again unless it is far-seeing and opens the hearts of all those who hear
Why on Earth would you want to be a heart-closer when you
have the opportunity of opening hearts and opening the whole world to itself? When you can circulate love, why aren’t
I ask for your help in enlightening the world. Did you not
know that? If you did not know that, why didn’t you? And if you know that now, well, then, act on it. This is your responsibility.
It is your responsibility to inspire the world. This is what I ask of you. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps,
then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings
Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already
proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria
Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington
Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Greetings from the Galactic Federation:
June 29, 2011
There is much happening on your world right now despite the
fact that so many of you have doubts about this process moving forward. We can assure you that it is indeed on track and all
things are happening as we have planned.
There are many looking for answers to questions about what
is happening now and many more who are totally overwhelmed by the process. We will not address these issues with you. We ask
only that you keep focused on the task at hand. We ask that you direct your love, in its purest and most intense form possible,
to your leaders as they discuss the final steps towards Disclosure. This will inspire a great movement forward as the power
of your intention can create your reality.
In the time leading up to disclosure, we ask that you spread
the word as diplomatically, and as articulately, as you know how so that the greatest number of people will have an idea of
what is to happen. In the days following Disclosure, we ask that you triple those efforts, as the act of Disclosure itself
will be your rallying cry and you will have been “vindicated” in all your actions leading up to this moment.
It is here and upon you. You will know it most definitely
when it occurs. There will be no mistaking this. Our representatives are already among you and are taking their places for
the announcement. The “cracks in the dam” are coming from every side now in ever increasing numbers and quality
of information.
We know how difficult the ups and downs of this disclosure
process has been over the years. But time has now run out and we are quite confident that any outbreaks of hostility to the
announcement, which we are becoming more and more convinced will not happen, can be contained by us. The true “test”
will be your abilities as Light workers to calm the fears of those who have no idea that this process was underway for so
long. Information and knowledge are the keys to obliterating fear. It is the torch of truth that eliminates fear from the
minds of the human being. When Disclosure occurs, you need not stand on the soapbox to preach about us. They will already
know. You simply have to point those who are uncertain or fearful to the same sources you have been following these long years
so that they may drink from the pools of knowledge and information that have allowed you to become assured of our benevolence.
After that, we will test, ever so diplomatically, the waters
of Disclosure ourselves by becoming apparent in more than obvious ways. In the weeks and months following, we will begin the
process of mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual kindness and love. Those acts alone will bring the torch of Truth
to those who are uncertain. Until then, you are charged with the responsibility for the knowledge you have. Begin by intending
your result with Love and Kindness for all.
Be at peace.
[Channeler wishes to remain annonymous]
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