LOVE Vs fear

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  All You Need Is Love!
3.)  The Economy of Love vs. The Economy of Fear
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Make Way for Peace
6.)  The Purification of Family Relationships

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Love is the answer, tolerance is the answer, understanding and acceptance of differences is the answer. Peace is the way but Love is the catalyst and fuel to achieve that state of Being."
~ I AM Archangel Michael ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Are You Holding Your Breath?
Your breath is what sustains life and you live from one breath to the next. Without the breath there is no life. All life on earth breathes, even the plants. The movement of energy is found in the breath and it is symbolic of your connection to all - you must all breathe. But when you are not allowing the energy to move in your life you are holding your breath, waiting for things to happen and hoping that you will be able to take a breath at the right moment in time. How long can you hold your breath? 
Life is about movement and transformation, cycles of growth whose purpose is to allow you to evolve into new and different paths. When you hold your breath and wait for the cycles to complete or to have a solution given to you, the cycles move but are not evolving. This is when you feel stuck and powerless, you feel that life has become the obstacle and you are its victim. But life is a shifting reality whose movement is controlled by what you are breathing into it. 
As you breathe in the energy that sustains your life and is provided to you in unlimited abundance, you breathe out the reality that is the form you have given to the energy. These are the in and out breaths of God, the unfolding and evolving creation that is your co-creative partnership with the Universe. You have been given unlimited power to create in the world so when you hold your breath you also suspend creation. 
As you take in each breath remember that this more than air, it is the unlimited power that sustains your life. Then when you breathe out, you are combining your will with that of Creator, and each out breath puts forth your thoughts and beliefs into the reality you are creating for yourself. Whatever is being created in your reality is the way you are using your creative power. If you feel stuck are you holding your breath or unaware of the power of your thoughts? Can you use the power of each breath to create a different reality? Set your intention for the life you wish to have, use each breath to empower that intention and you will manifest everything you desire, as you partner with the Universe to breathe life into it.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  *  email: *    

All You Need Is Love!
Alec Christos Gabbitas
November 16. 2010
The world is awash with so many mental and emotional 'redundant' shells of thought forms that have, and are, being displaced by the clearing process that is being participated in by multi-millions upon the planet, whose energies and focus of intent are indeed on self preparation and of self cleansing. These so obvious misplacements have been occurring for some years as the world and it's inhabitants move steadfastly towards the greater light, and the greater joy. This is also beginning to fill those places where the discarded energies once were, and flowing into those now pure virginal spaces, with far greater light. 
Days are now gone when the hanging on to those old and obsolete patterning or well outdated habits that no longer serve highest good is all but over, being ostracised and disposed of once and for all. The violet flame of transmutation heralded by beloved St.Germain and Lady Portia, with AA Zadkiel and Archei  Amethyst, comes into its own as these holders of the violet flame are on hand to assist and remove that which you are now ejecting from your auric fields, or from any part of your multifaceted selves, that now no longer serves you. A time indeed to discontinue with any outmoded and unneeded debris, let go!
You are marching into the higher echelons of this ascension processing as it is nearing the time and place where the days of reckoning are arriving on the near horizon, when past and present fall into a oneness and the future is then realised, chosen and co-created by you and all other radiant light beings and starseed, along with countless beacons of light that are here in number.The armada of light is growing by the day and by the very nature of All That Is, will this fleet of ships be ever victorious as the way is surely paved with gold. For this golden light flows down with a crystalline purity, blessing and caressing each and everyone and everything upon this vibrant planet, Mother Earth.
As those discarded thought patterns and emotional debris' are jettisoned then simply engage with the loving grace of our beloved fellow travellers upon the violet ray.The day shall come when you will see an action replay of all that is, and all that will be occurring, and it will behoove you greatly to perceive of that which you now do, in the name of God, yea, in the name of LOVE! There is no power like the power of love, for it is the omniversal and universal glue, that adheres every thought, word and action. It is the precursor of Alpha and Omega, it is the harmony of the Central Suns that warm the very heart and the very soul of all and everything. Love simply Is.It quantifies everything with the grace and purity of the virginal and resonating 'OM' that begat this creation...
"All You Need Is Love," was indeed an amplification of the melody of Hu-man kind to Mother Father God, to the Ultimate Being, as harmony is the food that behooves all upon and within this beloved planet, the solar system and within our local universe. Love indeed makes the world go around, and it is indeed such a tonic and 'Pass Go Free Card' that has and will open all doors to the searching, aspiring soul. It will fill all hearts with immeasurable and joyous pleasure, with succinct and perfect acknowledgement that Love was, is, and will surely ever be the motivational, magic and mystical inspiration to all!
As you all together rise through the redundant quagmires of yesteryear, will it be pristine clear that the living will indeed not be in vain. The efforts and the tenacity, the power and the simplicity, the determination and the so divinely orchestrated purpose of intent. All will shine forth it's victory song with each and everyone participating in this, the greatest geometrically perfect and soul  rendered inspiration of All You Need Is Love...and more...and yet more LOVE. The light is ever and always victorious, you are the light! Love is ever a cradle for the soul, you are that love! Pure and pristine love, as the past, present and future merge into a Oneness of All That Is. BE the light and love of the world!Simply BE YOU! BE....
Namaste, Selemat Ja
(c) Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom. *  Feel free to copy and share, affording full credit to the source. REMEMBER THAT THE LIGHT IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS... LOVE IS!  *   

The Economy of Love vs. The Economy of Fear
by Barbara Wilder

It's Sunday morning in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The mercury is hovering somewhere around 28 degrees Fahrenheit, and the sun is shining brilliantly. As I was doing my meditation, I was struck by the underlying fear that seems to permeate everything in the media these days. This is not a new condition in the world, but because of our technology we are connected 24/7 to the fear mongers and the harbingers of doom. There are many brave voices also that speak about hope and a new era approaching. But so often they are the softer voices with much less media coverage. Even Oprah, whom I admire greatly, highlights fear on her shows at times.
The biggest fear that seems to consume most of the media and most of the population, is the fear around the financial situation, because the great economies (translate - the rich countries) of the world seem to be going broke. Why they are going broke is based on fear, corruption, and greed. What if there really is a simple answer to how we can transform the economic crisis? What if all we have to do is to stop being afraid? What if the answer is within each and every one of us, and not dependent on any looming institution?
Greed and corruption can only exist where fear is present. When people - not corporations, but people, for every institution on Earth is run by people - are afraid they will lose what they have, they tend to close their fists around what they do have and then invest most of their time and energy on keeping what they have and finding ways to get more.
The fear that we will die if we don't have enough is omnipresent as long as fear is the most prevalent emotion. But there are people who live quite simply and comfortably in the midst of this fear-storm. Who are they? Are they the very rich? Though that would seem to be the case, it isn't necessarily so for all the wealthy, because many of the wealthiest are the very people who created the corruption and the destruction of the economy. And they did it, and do it, because they fear losing what they have - money and power. So, their fear has led to greed and corruption. But what about the rest of the human population? Are we just poor simple pawns in the hands of the multi-national coporations, which are led by powerful greedy people? I don't think so.
I think we are all powerful beings who have individual power and collective power that can, and I truly believe will, transform this greedy culture into a culture of abundance for all. But we won't do it by trying to help restore the "halcyon days of the 80s and 90s," because that was not a true abundant culture. That was a greed and corruption based culture, where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. One sixth of the world's population, that is one billion people, live on less that $1 a day, and another billion live on less than $2 a day.
The transformation will come, and is coming, as one by one we stop listening to the fear mongers and become the harbingers of a new way. A way based on love and abundance for all. And to do this we must stop feeling like we are helpless victims of the powers of greed and corruption, and tune into the magnificent truth of the universe. And that truth is that Love is the power that overcomes fear, and thus greed and corruption, and that as each of us, one person and one moment at a time, steps out of fear and slips into the great stream of Love that powers the entire universe, we are free to be abundant. We are all free to live in the flow of love and joy and true prosperity. It is a choice. Yes, a hard choice to make when fear is the loudest voice in the crowd, and the illusion is that you will lose everything.
And yes, it is always possible that you may lose everything, but if you own your own soul, if you stop thinking that you have no power over the evil beast and go instead on the quest for your own magnificent hero within your soul, you will not be the victim of the beast any longer. You will be the hero of your life and have all that you need.
And here's a little thought. What if you didn't give a damn if you were in debt? What if that fear didn't consume so much of your energy?

More on that next time.
In the meantime, remember that there is always someone in the world who has less than you have. Reach out and give one of those people a hand and feel the love that surges between you both. That is where the power is - in the surges of love, not the cringes of fear.

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you come truly alive when you allow the laughter and you come into that space of feeling and touching and being, where you know that truly you are the essence of the Father, you are the essence of life, come forth in whatever form you have chosen to be in the moment.
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HEAVEN #3646
Make Way for Peace
November 18, 2010
God said:
Fears are a waste of time, yet there is tendency for fears to bear fruit, fruit that you do want to eat. Be fearless instead.
It is brave to be on Earth. You have no armor. You have no need for it. You do not really face the world. You live in it for a while. The world has its rigidity, yet you are free. You are free not to fear. Who would choose to fear? And yet you do, time and time again.
Fear is like a hatchet hanging over your head. Fear weakens you. It certainly doesn’t make you strong.
What great wrong are you guilty of that you should fear? You don’t even know, half the time, what it is that you fear. You have fear strewn-about that jumps out at you at certain corners. You fear because you fear.
Some days you forgot your fears, yet they are always there lurking.
I say an end to fear. I say there has been enough. What a wonderful world there will be when fear no longer exists in it! What a wonderful world a fearless world will be.
You can think of a million variations of fear, fear on top of fear, niggling fears, big ones. At the same time, you don’t want to be afraid of even pesty fears. Fears are like itches you scratch and rub raw.
Come now, let those itching fears fly out the window. Do you see them flying out one by one and faster and faster? How many there were, and now there are none. Fear is gone. Fear never belonged in your heart. That is why fear is so uncomfortable for you. From now on, fear is out, unwelcome, forbidden. Fear has no choice but to go away, and you have no choice but to let it go. Fears are not precious. Anyone can have fears. It is no great skill. Slipping away from fears can only give you great energy. Too much thought and energy have gone into big and little fears, giant fears and little wispy nagging ones.
You are not accountable to fears. They are not to have their way with you. Fears are shadows you see like floaters in your eyes.
Throw down your swords. The rule of fear is over. Fear has had to step down. Fear has been overthrown. Make way for peace. Peace serves you. Fears do not. Don’t be hornswoggled by your fears. You can only be hornswoggled by them because they are imposters. You think they carry bad news or swords, and all they do is stick pins into you.
Every time now when a fear wants to wiggle its way in, see yourself standing in My light, and watch the fear disappear. Fears are smart enough to know not to tangle with Me. They know when they have met their match. Let them know that you, as well, are incapable of being taken in by their tricks.
Fears, like ego, are tricksters. They make themselves big. They want a lot of attention. They want to be bowed to a lot. Don’t do it. Who needs fears? Better to bow down to yourself.
Bring out the dancing girls. Bring out a chorus of love. By what law does fear have sovereignty over you? Say, “Boo!” to fear. Scare it away. “Shoo, fear, get out of here, and never come back. I have more to do than to listen to you. I have love to give. I do not even put you at the end of the line. No longer are you to be in the line at all. You are to be nowhere to be found. I no longer imagine you. Be gone. Shoo, fear! Boo, fear, boo!”
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

The Purification of Family Relationships
November 14, 2010

Dearest Beloved Ones,

God's grace and blessing is present at all times, even in the most difficult of circumstances. God's light and love reach down from the heavens and provide support for the extreme trials that many are facing at this time.

At this pivotal time on the Earth, significant and groundbreaking changes are being felt in all areas of life, and especially in close relationships.

All relationships are sacred, and family relationships are especially so because they are chosen at the soul level prior to incarnation. This does not mean that family relationships are easy, as most are not. Instead, they are chosen for healing, which may involve the exploration of painful emotions or experiences.

Beloved ones, at the present time all relationships are being brought to new levels of clarity, purity, love and truth. This is especially so for family relationships and as a result there may be new levels of strain or stress that are manifesting.

Old emotional issues may be coming to a head, and previous coping mechanisms that involved denial or lack of truth may no longer be useful or even possible with the new energy configurations of light that are emerging on the Earth.

Families exist on many levels, and there are also spiritual families that exist, of souls who are not bound together genetically but through their soul connection. These souls often share a common purpose of service or creative expression, and these relationships often are carried from lifetime to lifetime.

The spiritual family relationship can feel confusing at times, for example if you meet someone who instantly feels familiar, and you feel a deep love for. Many people find this confusing, especially for those who may already be married or in long term committed intimate partnerships.

What is needed to have a deeper understanding of these kinds of relationships is an expansion of the heart that goes beyond the traditional ideas of love and relationship.

As light expands on the Earth, so do the possibilities for a deeper and more profound connection of love between all souls. Each soul that you meet has something to teach you, and a blessing to offer, even in difficult interactions.

As love and light grow within you, the intuitive understanding of your relationships grows, so that you begin to feel something known as right relationship.

There is no judgment in right relationship, only an intuitive sense of what is the best form and expression for your relationships with each person. Or, said another way, right relationship is your intuitive understanding of the form that God intends for that relationship.

Beloved ones, at this time the intensity levels of the Earth have reached a new high. The strength of light that is manifesting is breaking apart the veils of illusion and separation. The process of purification is greatly intensified and emotions are intense. Lives are in upheaval, and structures that once supported life are now changing or have disappeared altogether.

This time of change is having a profound effect on family relationships of all kinds. What can be helpful in strengthening the bonds of love is a shared practice, of whatever kind, that enables each family member to come together in love and light and truth, at whatever level of depth is possible. This can be as simple as saying a prayer before dinner, sitting together quietly in the evening and reflecting upon God, or making time to share comforting connections with one another.

All supports of light in your life that bring you to a closer relationship with God, with light, with love and with the essence of peace that is your soul's truth, can serve to help you navigate during this intense time. We give thanks for the blessing that your presence on the Earth brings during this time of transformation.
With all love and blessings,

World Blessings  *  P.O. Box 8741  *  Bend, Oregon 97708  *  USA  *  (541) 388-4692  *  The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world.  *    

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