LOVE NOW {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Minds have been opening and the awakening has accelerated
3.)  June 2011 Light Streamings
4.)  Love Now
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  God and hell: what's the truth?

Isis' Message of the Day -
Once you make the fundamental choice to be the predominant creative force in your life there is nothing you cannot accomplish.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
You think you are disconnected.  You think that you are alone. One of the most important things you have forgotten is that you not only have a beautiful stream of Light that comes down from your God Ray and pierces your crown chakra and permeates your physical Being, a continuous pulsation of Divine energy which is your life line from and to the Creator. Without it you would not be alive; you could not exist.  Know that this column of Light  is widening and becoming stronger so that more and more  Divine Elixir of life can pour down into and through you as it permeates your body and radiates down into the Soul Essence of the Earth.  This rarified energy is critical for your host planet as this Great Being struggles to return to balance and harmony within, as well as lessen the intensity of the cataclysms on its surface; and it is especially important in the process of purifying and returning the auric field that surrounds your planet to its original blueprint of perfection.
The return to harmony and balance begins within each of you.  Unity consciousness can begin with you, here and now, in this moment.  First you must acknowledge and bring forth into your consciousness all of those unbalanced fragments that you have created during your many lifetime experiences: those things that control you, those things that have created an emotional and mental prison around you in your auric field.  First of all, you must become aware of these fragments and how they affect your reality, and then through your conscious intent you must create a desire to change and to fill those fragments with Love/Light energy.  We are always ready and willing to assist you in your positive endeavors, but you must ask and give us permission so that we can reinforce your resolve, so that we can give you the necessary knowledge along with swiftest and best way to accomplish your transformation with ease and grace.
~ I AM Archangel Michael  ~
Transmitted through Ronna Herman  * *       

SaLuSa: Minds have been opening and the awakening has accelerated
June 8, 2011
It is time to throw yourself fully into your efforts to bring Light to the Earth. There is clearly not far to go now, and you face the most exciting times as duality closes down. It will depend on how you see the end-times taking place, as they bring you to the point of Ascension. There has never been a better opportunity to really rise up into the higher vibrations, and move with the beneficial changes that are occurring. The distractions will still be there that could take your focus away from your goal, but know that they will be short lived. Whatever is placed in front of you for the purpose of creating fear and confusion, will have no affect on you unless you empower them. It is no longer possible for anything that Man can do, to prevent the envisaged end of this cycle and Ascension.
Your immediate concern should be about Self by ensuring that you are approaching Ascension in the right way. That does not mean ignoring help to those around you, as indeed it is expected that those who are awakened help to spread the Light. It can be done in many different ways, and the more evolved you are the better equipped you are to be a mentor to your Brothers and Sisters. You are at the hub of all activity and who but you can appreciate what others are experiencing. You are the ones who in all likelihood came to Earth at this special time to offer your love and services to your fellow travelers. Outside of your family links are friends and acquaintances that may well have been closer to you in previous lives. They too may come to you for advice sensing that you are at One with all else around you. There is not only safety in numbers, but coming together exponentially increases the Light between you.
The final months before the end time will add so much more to your consciousness levels, and it is certainly a period in which an open mind is essential. Many beliefs will be exposed so that the truth can be understood, and many revelations will take people’s breath away. Some will be shocking and others absolutely uplifting, but all in all they will clear the way for the final changes. Almost every soul carries some baggage that has accumulated over many, many lives. It will be thrown up at you for cleansing, and you will know what exactly needs your attention. What was normal or acceptable hundreds of years ago may be seen entirely different today. The basis for change centers on your thoughts and actions that are harmful to others. Control of your emotions is a major player in such circumstances, and being non-judgmental is also extremely important. Test yourself and see if you remain calm and peaceful, when you in the centre of fear and aggression. If you can you will know you are winning the battle to lift yourself up. At the same time as setting a good example to others, you will find that where you lead they will follow.
The confidence that you will gain in lifting yourself up will give you even greater power that will put you firmly on the path to Ascension. You will find that possessions will become less important and transient, as you realize that materialism is largely a symptom of greed rather than necessity. Of course you are all entitled to live comfortably, but that line is often crossed by those who see the acquisition of wealth as a sign of success.With Ascension comes a completely different mindset, which focuses on everything that is for the good of all. There is no lack experienced in the higher dimensions, and there is much more sharing than ownership. You can have whatever you want, and change it whenever you want, so possessions are not seen as necessary. Nothing is valued in monetary terms as you do now, and in fact money does not change hands at all. Doors do not have locks and land is not owned but shared. Dear Ones you will have a number of new concepts to get used to in due course. Bear in mind that in your new bodies you will not experience the frailties you do on Earth, and if ever in need of healing will receive sound, light and color. Therefore, medicines and drugs that are used now will have no place or indeed be necessary.
When you can start to project your thoughts and live in the future as understood from the various messages you read, you will be cutting your links with the past and creating your new paradigm. Of course it will not only just be you but also include all those souls who have started to stand with one foot in the higher dimensions. There is nothing like the present time to firmly establish where you are going, and be co-creators in manifesting the New Age. It will not stop there, as you will acquire greater powers of creation and eventually become a Galactic Being. With that also comes an even higher degree of responsibility, but you will be pleased to learn that it presents no problems at that level of evolution.
Unlike Man we do not have the impetus to rush into things, as you will have noticed. This is why we are quite prepared to wait for the right time before we implement the first stage of First Contact. Our goal is perfection in whatever we do on behalf of other civilizations, and our plans are accordingly carried out with it in mind. We allow for delays but even so have our deadlines to meet. So you can be sure that you will experience what we have promised you, and you could say that it will be all the better for having waited. Consciousness levels are speeding ahead and that will make our arrival much more easy. There is truly a phenomenal difference to what existed a mere 50 years ago. Minds have been opening and the awakening has accelerated, particularly since the Millennium.
Together we are the forces Light that use nothing more than the weapon of love to defeat our adversaries. They have no answer to it which is why they try to confuse you and instill fear. Of course the dark energies cannot be eliminated overnight, but your positive energies weaken their power to continue and transmute the lower vibrations.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and speaking for the Galactic Federation must tell you that your response to our mission has been wonderful, and we thank you for your co-operation. You do so in many different ways, and we wish to assure you that every contribution is highly valued. We love you and your tenacious approach to the tasks ahead.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *            

June 2011 Light Streamings
by Carol Fitzpatrick
We have come into this time when discernment is of the utmost importance. This month's message centers on life as the multidimensional incarnate beings that we are, and our more human experience in a physical body.

First: The landmasses will begin their shift points in the fall of the year but we are not to worry about the people who are affected by the volcanic tsunami-like waves of change on our collective horizon. 
There are many points along what is shaping up to become the new earth grid that is now anchoring into our current day reality. This act of anchoring new energies are calling forth activations of higher awareness that will be preceded by the clearing of vibrations that have,  throughout the ages, held so many trapped in confused states. The activations are allowing the many souls still trapped beneath the earth's surface to regain entry into the higher vibrational realms of light.
As fully empowered incarnate light beings, fear of failure no longer has a place in our collective vernacular yet it is now time to portend a death, one that will take us into the shadows of our very own selves.  
Now a transmission from a light race: 
"There is never a time to equate right with wrong, weak with strength, lack of intelligence with brilliance. If you persist in these illusionary games of polarity, you will only find yourself trapped amongst the souls wishing to gain freedom, souls who have lost their way. 
"What is about to arrive in your reality will dictate the terms of your journey toward ultimate liberation.
"On the other side of your illusionary divide, we are always here to help you to see more clearly to make choice without confusion or sense of separation. We are holding you individually and collectively in the shadows of our very own selves. We, as a light race, represent your future selves. We love you, honor you and wish you so very well." 
Like the above transmission, there are many races of beings wishing to share their knowledge and awareness of how they see our world and to help us make the very choices we are each here on earth to make. 
They, like anyone helping another to spiral upward in consciousness, may see the way ahead a bit differently. Like our earth guides who are so very close to us but are still not the ones in the body having the earth-home experience, entire light races are now compelling us to open our energy systems and allow their full participation in our choice making, so that our choices will reflect or incorporate their unique off-planet perspective. These offers of help and guidance, or even pleas or cries for help, are acts of selflessness. They can even be disguised as love and light but in reality become efforts to influence our choice. . . so, how can you tell the difference? 
This is where clear and purposeful discernment is key to opening the entire earth grid up to expand in a way that honors one and all.  It's wonderful to understand and see another's perspective but to be clear and aligned with what I have come to call one's "true north" center is where advice gives way to resolve to stay centered and focused on one's own inner guidance. 
It is alluring to become enamored with the many energies and influences that bombard us but if we are to anchor the new earth grid; we must be fully present in our lives. Let's face it. We're the ones in the body. They aren't. So it it our choice in what we allow and disallow to anchor into this world. 
Our task is to clear the distortion from our awareness so that we are never tempted to give our inherent power of choice away--ever.
In Grace,
Carol Fitzpatrick
Discernment and the energy patterns of June
In the spirit of discernment and empowered choice making, the energy patterns of May taught us what we don't want, what we have in theory moved away from. May gave us that last big opportunity to embrace, truly, our heart's desire. 
As we step into the energy patterns of June, we will be shown what we truly desire in the way that we run light codes through our physical form. These codes are DNA that are turned on or activated when we are holding to that true north center or core of love, joy and peace without limitation. 
There were many opportunities these past weeks to fall back into old patterns, and just as many to shift away from the old, and see both the subconscious and unconscious at work. As difficult as it may have been to pull away from what within us no longer serves our higher path, the body responded in kind.
Like oil and water settling into their natural alignment, the awakened part of self holds watch over the other and waits with patience and compassion for the internal chaos to settle into a new level of awareness.
These ingrained patterns are the way we have learned to survive, how we have learned to get along in tribe, and how we have learned to gain the love and attention we seek from others. 
For some, to abandon these subconscious or unconscious tendencies has us feeling isolated and alone. But if we drop into the stillness (our true north center) it becomes obvious that what was hidden from our view is now in full view. How could we have not seen our destructive behavior before now?
Once light is shed on darkness the revelation of new awareness settles in, and we recognize that oneness prevails. The higher awareness comes when we experience fear, and learn simply to watch the fear play out but with detachment. - the watcher watching the doer.
The many small acts of inner awakening to a higher perspective transforms our world, and by doing so, radically shifts us from polarity to oneness of being. This level of alchemy is realized on every level or layer of consciousness and requires us to take affirmative action.
In most, alchemy requires us to realign our minds to accept what is, and by doing so, to speak truth, to shift away from people and situations that mirror the distortion, and to take affirmative action, to make the choices that is most aligned with our heart. There is no ego where the heart is concerned. Allowing for the flow of grace is empowered action without the bantering of the mind.  This kind of flow of the divine, when we drop the fear, permeates absolutely everything within us. Grace then flows like a river through us and become a permanent state of being.
The practice of discernment is our most essential tool as we move closer and closer to the realization of our heart's desire to be free. 
All is well.
Carol Fitzpatrick
Carol Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others.
Carol resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children.
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HEAVEN #3847
Love Now
June 7, 2011
God said:
Wake up, little buttercup. You have drunk the morning dew, and now you look to the sun to fill you with its light. Sunlight and nourishment are one. The light of love is nourishment. Everyone knows that. So why isn’t the dough of love kneaded every day? Why aren’t hearts actively overflowing in their love? Love wants to come out. Everyone wants love, so let’s have more.
Let’s start with you. Unzip your heart. Throw the snaps away. Tear off the buttons. Dispense with Velcro. Take off the coats and sweaters, the cloaks and robes. Toss them all into the fire of love.
How can love in the world be hard to give when love is the easiest thing there is? It is unnatural not to allow love its say. And yet love is clamped every day, cramped, put in a vise, restrained, unclaimed, contracted, forbidden, stomped on, undone.
Let this be a day when all hardened hearts melt. What a day this will be. Imagine the world like a buttercup having drunk the morning dew and then basking in the sun of love.
I take pity on hardened hearts. Even though I never pity anyone or anything, I pity hardened hearts. I never pity because I know of the bank of love in your heart, and I know that you will one day decide to give your heart its freedom, and so save yourself from the dryness of immobilized love. It was never yours to go on a diet when it comes to love. Abandon restrictions. Have all the love you want. You have been store-housing love. Now open the doors of your heart and set it free. Throw open the windows. Let love have its will.
Lavish the world with the presence of your love. I didn’t say a display of your love. No, lavish the world simply with the presence of your love. Let your love roam the world and give of itself everywhere.
You jump around trying to solve the problems of the world, and you harden your heart. You disdain the rampant ignorance and the foul play, and yet you uphold disdain. You turn up your nose at love, and you fight that which you abhor. What happened to your love? Why have you not placed it under the sun? Why have you withheld your love? You have withheld it even from yourself. I know that it is true. Otherwise, you would not hate. Hate is killing and debilitating. It kills your heart. It inspires greater distaste. Feed your heart good fuel. Keep the sustainability of your heart. Sustain your love. No longer find excuses for not loving. There is no excuse for not using your love and blessing the Universe with it.
Love is not contraband to be hidden. Love is the sun which is to shine.
Do not be so particular with your love. You are so fussy. Just love. Get out there and love. Love without a word. Just love, that’s all.
Do you really have something better to do? Fomenting is not better. Disturbing is not better. Rationalization is not better. Privatizing love is not better.
Your love is not to snub anyone. Your love is to fly and to land everywhere. Un-cudgel your love. The way you would ford your way across a river, ford your love through all the mine fields in the world. Traps have been set to deter your love. Let nothing deter your love. You must forge across that river of love to the other side of yourself.
Do not wait. Love now.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, be aware of how you go through your day, how you choose to see your day, aware that you are the master who is creating all of what you see. Be aware and call it all good. “God that I Am, I call it good. I have created it. It is in my consciousness. I see it, I recognize it, and I do not judge it as the world. I judge it according to its divine expression.”
Visit our website:  *      

God and hell: what's the truth?
by Neale Donald Walsch
June 4, 2011
Hello, Everyone...
A few years ago I got a note from a young man named Scott, which wound up appearing in the book Conversations with God for Teens. Are you aware of that book? Did you know that it exists? It's a wonderful resource for parents of teens who wish to introduce them to the CWG material.
In this letter, this young man wrote...
"How is that a God of mercy can be such an isolationist and so intolerant to other views? How can a God of infinite mercy condemn anyone for anything? Why condemn magic that heals? Why condemn for eternity those transgressions that are momentary? Scott , 18, California.
God wrote back immediately, God's thoughts filling my mind. Here is what I was inspired to offer Scott as God's response...
My dear Scott, I don't think I am an isolationist, and I certainly hope that I am not intolerant. I think that you are talking about a different God here. Perhaps it is the God about whom you have been taught, but it is not the Real God. The God you describe is a figment of your collective imaginations.
I also--and let's get this straight--do not condemn anyone for anything. I have been saying this over and over again to the human race through many sources for many years.
I have explained this in detail in the books Conversations with God, Friendship with God and Communion with God. Many of the people to whom I have given this truth have passed My words on to the world. Not only authors like Neale Donald Walsch, but worldwide spiritual leaders such as Pope John Paul II.
At a papal audience in Rome on July 28, 1999 the Pope declared: "Eternal damnation is never the initiative of God, it is the self-imposed punishment of those who choose to refuse God's love..." That statement by the Pope was accurate. What it means is that I will not ever undertake to punish you, but you can punish yourself. You can create your own hell. Self-punishment is simply your decision to judge yourself, or to deny My existence and My presence, and thus separate yourself from Me.
The Pope said that "eternal damnation is never the initiative of God"? Yes. He also made some other very courageous pronouncements about heaven and hell during that same period in July of 1999. You may check your own newspaper accounts of all this.
Those press dispatches reported his statement that heaven is not a place, but an intimate relationship with God that can be experienced partially on Earth.
Also reported in the press was the Pope's statement that the idea of heaven as a place in the sky came from metaphorical biblical language contrasting the dwelling place of humanity and the dwelling place of God. But the Old Testament makes it clear that God "cannot be enclosed in heaven,'' that God hears human prayers, intervenes in human history, and that, "through grace, believers can ascend'' to God's presence, the Pope said.
Finally, regarding hell, Pope John Paul II said that eternal damnation is not a punishment inflicted by God from outside. It is an internal state of separation from God.
And then, Scott, came the Pope's most astonishing statement of all. Whether or not any human beings are in hell ''remains a real possibility, but is not something we can know,'' he said.
Until now, no Pope and no Christian teacher of any renown has ever come even close to suggesting that there could be anything but absolute assurance about souls being in hell, which these teachers declared to be the place of "eternal damnation." Now here comes the spiritual leader of the largest Christian church on your planet to declare that he can't be sure about that.
Other religions, too, have changed their tune and softened their official rhetoric about hell and damnation in recent years, and these newest statements from the world's spiritual leaders offer important signs that your worldview about Me is changing. Now you can now stop living your lives in constant "fear of the Lord," and have a friendship with God instead of a "fearship with God."
This is not a small shift. This is not a tiny alternation. This changes everything. In what way? Our relationship can at last be one of love, not terror.
The exciting thing about this is that when you stop fearing Me, you can stop fearing each other. You can begin to believe the highest truth about God (which is that I would never hurt anyone) and the highest truth about life (it is eternal, love is all there is, and there is enough of God and of life and of all the stuff of life for everyone), the highest truth about each other (you are all one) and the highest truth about your own blessed being(its purpose is to evolve forever, and it cannot be destroyed under any circumstances at all). This changes everything. It changes how you relate to Me, how you relate to yourself, and how you relate to each other.
It changes the world.

Love and Hugs,
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * Blog: *  *
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