Love / Chaos

In faith you can transcend the laws of nature, but it needs to be pure.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Theory of Balance by Egyptian Goddess Maat
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
The sun of the gods shines down warmly upon your being, its brightness and vibrancy illuminates your entire being, activating within your
being the same sun to emerge. Your inner sun flows with great purpose and intention from you bathing all surrounding you in essence of
the sun, empowerment is brought forward within you and those gathered close physically or energetically present. The sun that shines
from within you is a beacon that recognises its counterparts, realising it isn’t the only sun capable of power and radiance in the universe of
the Creator. Your sun seeks not to be independent in its radiance but to unite with other sun beacons, merging to become one.

Beloved ones, I am Goddess Maat, an aspect of a greater soul connected to the cosmic goddess beings and vibration. It is my purpose
to come forward today to bring the qualities of balance, restoration, harmony, equilibrium and truth. I am guided to create harmony and
balance where there is chaos and confusion, to create lightness of vibration where there may be darkness; I am a restorer of balance
within the Creator’s universe. In truth I activate within you and assist you in recognising all that will bring you into harmonisation with the
world within you, around you and energetically. I am a mirror of the aspect of yourself that is a restorer, recognising the harmonious
vibration of the Creator in the universe within and around you.

In the past truth  and balanced were revealed through the manifestation of and movement through chaos, in this time of high vibration and
the awakening of truth the presence of chaos as an activation is no longer needed. Many of the Egyptian Initiations encouraged the
initiate to recognise the manifestation and presence of chaos within the Creator’s universe as well as within self. Chaos and destruction
have been used as tools of reshaping and restoring the presence of the Creator within all, this means that many even to this day seek
chaos and destruction because they are yearning for truth.  Truth and balance can develop from chaos and destruction but do you wish to
continue this energetic pattern in order to become at one with the Creator? Is there a new pathway for the initiate to take that continues to
bring truth, harmony and balance to the divine within and around?

Balance, harmony and truth require to be restored within your being, upon the Earth and within the Creator’s universe. Long has chaos
been present without purpose or the rising of truth. I ask you as a beloved initiate to observe your creations, do you create chaos? In what
form do you create chaos? From which energetic body does chaos manifest from you? Does chaos once it has been created resolve in
the presence of peace, truth, harmony and balance within you? Do you hold the belief that chaos is required for your spiritual expansion
and awakening?
Allow yourself to recognise the presence of chaos whether it manifests in a small or large form as a craving and effort of seeking the truth,
harmony and balance of the Creator.

Reprogram yourself so you no longer create truth or a connection with the Creator through chaos, let yourself release the presence of
chaos and accept the love of the Creator without expecting or creating chaos as a result of that which you seek.

‘In and with the presence of the Creator, the presence of divine will and balance within the universe, I now ask for light from the Universe
guided by Goddess Maat to flow through my being with the purpose of reprogramming my entire being to observe chaos but to no longer
seek, desire or automatically create chaos as a tool of ascension. Allow all energetic patterns within my entire being to be programmed
with the purest love, truth, balance and harmony of the Creator, the universe and  my sacred essence, so I create and experience my
connection with the Creator through a process, pathway and initiations of peace, love and universal balance. Let the reprograming begin.
I am, I seek and I create the purest love, truth, balance and harmony of the Creator, the universe and my sacred essence.

Goddess Maat, please place into my entire being the energetic network and structure of balance and harmony from the Creator’s
universe so that I may experience it as a network akin to star systems embedding deep into my energetic patterning on all levels of my
being. Let me experience the balance and harmony of the Creator in my daily reality, anchoring the presence of balance and harmony into
the Earth and realities of many thus dissolving the presence and need for chaos completely.  I recognise that the universe of the Creator
is within me projecting outwards, let the reality of balance, harmony, truth, peace and love be restored within me in the most peaceful way. 
Goddess Maat, please remain present with me to oversee and support the deep awakening within me. Thank you.’

(Breathe deeply for as long as required)

I wish to put to you; can you acknowledge that love and chaos are the same?

Where there is the love of the Creator there is always a flowing current, a pulsating vibration that evolves eternally free from stagnation.
Where there is chaos there is movement, life and a flowing current as chaos is always resolved. Order in truth is the similarly between
chaos and love. When chaos is created the greatest purpose is to manifest order when love is planted or activated its greatest purpose is
to manifest or bring forth the realisation of order, which in truth is always present. The activation, manifestation or realisation of either love
or chaos instigates, if the initiate is willing, a transformational process within which leads to greater realisation of self, of the universe and
all that is the Creator. The presence of the love of the Creator can manifest a fiery feeling of upheaval as the initiate chooses to let go of
disorder and anything connected to lack of love. The presence of chaos can also create the same, the difference is that often the
presence of love is chosen by the initiate as a greater integration of the divine self whereas chaos is chosen through the unprogrammed
mind or the soul as a form of encouraging the initiate, who may not be aware of their divine self, to move into a space of oneness with the
Creator and the universe. Love and chaos both hold tremendous power within your reality and are tools to be used with care, for both will
lead you on a process of aligning with the Creator.

The difference between using the love of the Creator and the creation of chaos as tools of ascension and connection with the Creator is
that when you are focused upon love you can remain centred, aware and conscious of all that is occurring, even allowing yourself to move
through chaos with ease. With the presence of love chaos may not even feel destructive but more so like a blissful cleansing of your
being. The tool of chaos without the presence of love can cause you to experience with a lack of centre, clarity and understanding making
it difficult to accept what is provided to you from the Creator but both love and chaos create transformation.  It is my belief that it is time to
realise the power of both tools but to also realise that both tools can create fear, which now needs to be dissolved. Allow yourself to
disperse all fear connected to experiencing the complete love of the Creator while also dissolving fear of the power and manifestation of
chaos within your reality.
Let me come forward to you in meditation, allow me to surround you in my light as you breathe deeply. Permit me to assist you in
dissolving any fears held within your heart or entire being connected to experiencing the love of the Creator.  Experience this with me for
as long as feel appropriate.

Then allow yourself to permit me to dissolve any fears connected to the creation or experience of chaos in your reality or being.
Experience this with me for as long as feel appropriate.

You may find that with focus upon releasing the fears of experiencing the Creator’s complete love first, then your fears of experiencing
chaos may be realised and released with tremendous ease.  This is due to the fact that the presence of love is a healing balm that brings
you into complete alignment with all that is the Creator offering to you the space to recognise all that is no longer needed with ease.

The question is, do you wish to continue to use chaos as a tool of growth and do you wish to continue to observe humanity achieve the
In the presence of balance and harmony,
Goddess Maat

Thought Adjuster.
“An Important Step in your Journey.” 

Received by Oscar

Thought Adjuster: “Hunger for righteousness and thirst for justice. These are the only requisites to enter the Kingdom. There are some who hear the promise of salvation and ask about the procedure to acquire it. They think that a few prayers and some rituals will make it possible. Others enter by the ‘narrow door’ and wish to be better, because something inside them guides them towards that purpose. These are the ones who hear ‘the voice of God’ and decide to do His will. 

“This is an important step in your journey, when you stop looking ‘out there’ and realize that the changes must come from within. You have understood that it all depends on you, on your decisions and your desires – on what you let into your mind. You understand that you are not alone in this, that you can count on the help of God Himself to obtain what He has promised you. From now on start taking firm steps toward your destiny and start taking advantage of the treasure hidden within you – the presence of God. 

“Patience. I can attest that we are walking to where I want to take you. I know the final destination, even when you cannot see it. It is not important how much longer we have to travel. Rejoice in knowing that today you are one step closer than you were yesterday, even when you feel that you have not at all advanced. Little by little you will begin to understand the signs and you will realize how much you have grown. This is a slow process that has to be completed by natural means, without ‘miracles’ or special effects. 

“The achievement of spiritual elevation is always a personal one. When a creature makes this possible – right up to the point of being ready to be fused with a Fragment of God – it is something that is attained by his or her own merits and efforts. The credit for raising the self from the material realm to a true spirituality will forever be yours. Your experiences will serve others as well, and they will be your contribution to the Supreme Being. It is the affirmation of the human will who liberates herself by joining with the divine will and becoming creative and eternal. This exaltation of the human will would not be possible if this will was to be controlled externally. This is the reason for free will; so the creature can discover and know that the path of the Father is really the best path, after the experiences of an entire life at many levels of existence. 

“This is the reason why in a world like Urantia a soul who achieves this becomes so valuable. The souls in this world are mostly blind and confused. When one of these souls surrenders freely to the will of the Father, in an intelligent fashion and knowing that this is the best for that soul in particular – and for the entire universe – it is displaying a great trust in God that is beyond the normal. That soul has felt the internal impulse of knowing that he or she is under the protection of God, and that soul has decided to surrender to his or her Father even without having seen Him. Even when they don’t see, these souls know. By developing such trust while being so young on the universal scale, their future offers the promise that these souls will never abandon their path. They will fulfill all that is expected of them, because as they didn’t go astray in this world, while having all the possible valid excuses, they will not falter after they have ‘seen and heard’. This is what it means to be an Agondonter. 

“The path of the Agondonters is not an easy one. But even when the path is hard and the risks great, the rewards are also great. This is the time when the ones who will be able to see and hear with ease are being born. Your struggles of the present will be incomprehensible for these children of the future. The time of the Agondonters will end with this era. However, do not feel pity for those coming after you, because the spiritual achievements of these new generations will greatly surpass everything that has been achieved in this sphere as of now. The Father is always fair and He never takes anything away without leaving something even better in its place.” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “The Spark of Life (and receiving messages)” -- Part One. 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentori Spokesperson: “…as I now have your undivided attention, we shall impart a most important message; one which is still shrouded in mystery for a great many people on this planet. To begin with, we shall use the following statement: ‘Spirit energy, as does spirit gravity lives and moves in and through everything, for without it there would be no life to either evolve or express itself.’ 

“We have been observing and learning that some of the supposedly brighter scientific minds on this planet are entertaining thoughts of disproving the existence of God – the Creator of everything. How shallow and narrow-minded does one need to be, and what misuse of precious God-given minds exists, to even entertain such thoughts! Time would be far better spent in unraveling the mystery of how spirit moves through everything to give life and to express itself. In matters of spirit there exists a Source-Mind, which planned and created all of the presently visible out of the invisible, to then put everything in motion during the unfathomable past. 

“The limited mind of mortal man cannot begin to conceive of these processes. The ill-conceived plan instigated by narrow human minds is designed to prove the non-existence of God, by denying the existence of everything from before the beginning of time and space? Are you all to deny what has been upheld for eons of time by the grace of the Creator – the First Source and Center of everything – who plans and creates and has set in motion that which has become visible to your eyes? The more refined and more advanced and far-seeing your instruments of observation become, the more you will be able to discover. And then to think that everything is just all random! 

“It has to be a creative person realize and accept that a plan needs to be worked out in order for it to be activated, even though that plan has in most cases been quietly ripening in the deep recesses of the mind before it finds its way into the light of day. Also, we desire for you to give some thought to the important subject of wherefrom this thought originates. Whatever proceeds from the human mind, at best compares to only a dim reflection of the Great Mind which feeds insights into the human mind, which proves itself fertile enough to receive. 

“Incidentally, a human mind which strives to be a pure receiver of higher thoughts, needs to also strive for clean living, so this mind can operate at peak efficiency as the quality of reception will depend on the purity and cleanliness of the connection.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
If not you, my child, then who will do my bidding? – Christ Michael.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4604 Who Is Responsible?, July 3, 2013 

God said: 

You might ask: “Is life a roulette wheel, God? Do You spin it, or do I?”
I could answer that We are One, so what is the difference? And this is a good argument I make. It’s time now to stop pointing the finger. There is no blame. On whom do you lay the responsibility for life or anything and everything?
Take life as a matter of course, and keep whistling a merry tune.
Manifold is the responsibility. In one sense We can say that everyone and everything is responsible, as are you responsible for everyone and everything, you as you are on every level of existence.
At the least, you co-exist. At the least, you watch what goes on. You tut-tut, or you walk away.
Guilt is outdated, beloveds. It is a waste of energy. Regret just lies around, not doing much good if any at all.
If you have left your trash to be picked up in the wrong place, no matter how innocently, when you realize you have, you move the trash. If you spill milk, you wipe it up. If someone else’s elbow spills the milk, still, you wipe it up. You are responsible for all aftermath. One way or another, you take responsibility.
You may object to this idea. You might say: “If an explosion goes off three thousand miles away, how am I responsible?”
The cadence of your thoughts, beloved. The armor from which your thoughts, speech, and deeds come. Listen, you could wipe out a whole town with your thoughts. You could also build a town with your thoughts. You are a proponent. On stage or off stage, you are a contributor. One way or another, you contribute, so you might as well tip the scales in love’s favor.
Unless you uplift the world, you are pulling it down. You may say you like to face facts, yet you, who call yourself practical and realistic, you may well have been skirting the issue. And you, you are part of the issue. You are a significant part of the issue.
People play chess long-distance. Wars are incepted long-distance. Shorten the distance. Distance is illusion.  
Beloveds, as has been said, there is no them. There is only Us.  There is no they, there is only We. There is no you. There is only I.
Analysis doesn’t do much. Analyze all you want, and still you are responsible to everyone for everything. This is not a new thought, although it may be a new realization for you.
No longer are you a bystander on Earth. There are no bystanders. So-called bystanders also pertain.
Your thoughts are powerful. Be careful about the power you wield. Better to be humble. Better to come from a blank slate. You are the one who writes on it. You are responsible for what you write. You are also responsible for what you don’t write.
Now let Me say this all differently. Above what you do is who you are. We know that your Being is what is called good and true. When you look out from a 40th floor window, you have a different view from when you see out from a garden apartment. Who is responsible for your perception? To see further, if you are required to climb, then climb.
Nevertheless, you who are on the top floor are also responsible to the people on the ground floor. The people on the ground floor are also responsible for the people on the top floor. Life is not a one-way street, beloveds. There are many avenues, and they interact and overlap.
Are you your brother’s keeper? Yes, you are. You invariably are, yet not in the way you may have thought, yet your brother is affected by your thoughts.
