Look at the future with a open mind-Channeled

CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D. lighttoparadise1@yahoo.com



Mother Spirit's Christmas Message

Nebadonia - December 6, 2012.
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael: Mother Spirit, it seems like a long time since we invited you to speak to us. I guess it’s how we are living our own individual lives that so effects our sense of time. We’re happy to have you here with us in this particular mode, keeping in mind you’re always with us. We appreciate how, in turn, you augment our sense of appreciation of these lives we’re living, of all the dimensions of reality that The Urantia Book has introduced us to, and tickled our imaginations. We love how you are so much a part of us, bringing all the power of the Infinite Spirit to us through your own Holy Spirit, your own spiritual nature. We enjoy too just thinking about how, as a Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, you are so connected with all the power phases of our Local Universe. So we offer you a heartily welcome this holiday season, and await what you have for us. Amen.
Nebadonia: Good evening, this is Nebadonia, your Mother Spirit, and I warmly accept your welcome. I encourage your acknowledgement, not so much of me personally or even my Holy Spirit, but to be aware of what I am doing my best to augment within you. It’s the way your spirit, your own individual spirit, finds its outworking’s through all the mental abilities that I help you with--just grasping things, being able to respond to what’s inside and outside with the immediate aspect of your intuition. Then it’s how you’re able to store this experience as knowledge. Think of what you know because you’ve done it; it happened to you and it’s real. Then there are all the thousand and one ways you correlate and associate this as understanding.
This, my children, should be your door to an interesting life. Think about perfection. It’s a very tricky business because, on the one hand, it seems you are so far from it. In this sense it’s an unending, never-ending process you will be engaged in. And yet we say that moment-to-moment you are complete. All the parts are there. It’s more or less the way you unify and balance all these living aspects of yourself that relate so much to perfection. So be undaunted that you have so far to go. That’s just another promise of eternal life.
Michael and I do appreciate on our own, your worship of our mutual Father. This is the true worship, and this is even more than God asks of you. For from his point of view it’s the origin of his outpouring of love, and spirit, and sharing that connects this whole universe. But he too does appreciate when you send him your love and your thankfulness for your life.
This will be my last chance this year to wish you a Merry Christmas, so I do so with my whole heart. Michael gets a chance to talk to you in an upcoming Lightline session, but tonight I just wish to stress the merry part of the ability--we also encourage--of setting everything aside--all your concerns, all your worries, all your plans and projects--and just glory in being alive. Glory that you have so many friends and compatriots with whom to share these times. Just let all of everything else go and enjoy this company for again this is our version--our understanding--Michael’s and mine--of what gave rise to the whole creation--God’s desire to share his power, especially his power of creativity, with all of you. It is in this you are most made in his image. And so we encourage you to share all that you have and all that you are with each other. This is the delight that springs up spontaneously. So be gone all fears!--and even all your plans and projects. Just be here-and-now with all your wonderful friends, and let it be a very merry celebration of Jesus’ birthday.
Another thing I would like to congratulate you on is not only your merry-making, but your serious moments. Speaking of the last general election you held in this country, I’m sure you’re all aware, as you look around the world, that the ages-ages-old dictum of Might Makes Right still means civil and military authority is being determined by raw violence. Here, my children, you are looking face to face at the last few hundreds of thousands of years of human government, right from the tribal stage on up to your enormous, enormous nation states.
You’re aware of how in one country alone tens of thousands of people have been killed in some of the most truly obscene ways, simply to terrify their opponents--almost too obscene to mention in particulars. The things done to helpless children, I will briefly mention. This is the way it’s been throughout human history up until pretty much recent times, this notion not only of majority rule by force, but by fairly open and honest elections. This too is a progressive thing, depending upon a truly free press and freedom of speech.
Also as you are finding out, in some other countries where there is so much violence going on, that it is not only a question of majority rule through honest elections, but it is also a thing of minority rights, especially in those countries where the various parties are so well-balanced. This has been a wonderful progression in your more modern states of not only majority rule, but honoring and recognizing the rights of those who simply lost the election. Where this is not the case, where either the election results are not accepted, or given rise to violence, is where you have a tyranny of the majority. So we congratulate you that your recent elections were decided by fairly open processes in most of the nominations of your candidates, and then in the elections themselves. So much better having elections of civil power decided this way, rather than with bullets and explosives that not only kill, but wound and maim so many more.
Let this be a lesson you take deep into your hearts and your souls, my children, of what is still happening on so much of the earth--the way civil and military authority is decided by pure violence and terror. This is that other aspect that you are confronted with. Yet even this too you must take a break from, and not in some self-satisfied egotistic way, but with true humility and appreciation for your fellows who could have such an open election, so very intensely fought over with words, but then with the acceptance of the outcome. The losing party gathers itself back together, gets over its losses, and becomes what you consider the honest opponent to bring up all kinds of issues to the ruling party, the majority.
So we salute your acceptance of this. Someone once said, “A democracy begins when the first the election is over and the losing party accepts the results.”--especially in your case where the president still remains for a period of time, this “lame duck” period, commander-in-chief of the armed forces. You have a cultural understanding that the president cannot usurp the power of the armed forces to stay in power if he loses.
All these are not just granted to you. All of these issues have been long fought over. This, my children, is the evolution of culture. We’ve given so many lessons on how, by the time you reach your age of maturity, you’re so totally immersed in the culture in which you were raised--your family, your neighborhood, your cities and states, your country. And now, with your modern communications, you can have some feeling, some experience of all the hundreds and hundreds of little mini-cultures all over the world. It all leads to a deepening appreciation of humility, of being truly humble in the face of all you can come in contact with now--your wonderful television with its programs on different groups all over the world: their history, their behavior, even what they consider to be real.
This is all laid out for you these days—a wonderful cornucopia of culture. And so you as an individual can become more truly cultured in the very breadth and depth of your contact. This is what we mean by being open-minded, of knowing--as Michael said--the marvel of being truly curious, curious with the courage to go where it leads.
This is simply what gives you the fullest life. It’s the best use of your limited time here in the first phase of your eternal life. It’s why we say Michael’s Spirit of Truth is mainly an orientation. It’s a way of orienting yourself everywhere, all around. Think of developing a kind of global consciousness, and be hungry, hungry for more--more experience, more truth, more sharing, more understanding. It’s only by this hunger, this curiosity, that you discover your mind and your spirit and your soul are, for all your limited time here, verging on the infinite for you, a deliberately created creature of God’s.
This is the marvel. This is the fun. This is the joy of life. You’re plopped down in the middle of so much. There’s such an enormity of infinities in every direction: all the value to be derived from this experience.
And so, Merry Christmas, my dear ones. Hopefully I’ve given you a wonderful gift here to consider as you look for the other little treasures under the Christmas tree. It’s a gift of life, and the gift of an insatiable curiosity, this wonder that you are endowed with, if you will only let it be. Go with it. Trust it. This is God’s gift, this sense of sharing, not only with all the others, but even with yourself. Just open up. And then get a sense of the infinity you can get a little taste of, even in this first life, for all that’s been laid out here for you to discover, forever.
Now if you have any questions or comments, I merrily invite you to come forward.
Student: Yes, Mother Spirit. We were talking--prior to your talk--about the possibilities, predictions or prophecies of what may happen on Dec. 12th or Dec. 30th. I read people’s writings about “end discussions”-- concerning such prophecies and predictions and whatnot. People really get caught up in all this and it’s always so doom-and-gloom. We see even here and now that a lot is going on.
And there’s a part of me that does want something to happen, that does want to evolve, to progress to, in a sense, create heaven on earth. Yet I know that all we have in reality is this moment, the here-and-now, the eternal now. That’s all we have.
I don’t know where I’m going with this but it seems like people get caught up in all these possibilities and come from a place of fear, instead of a place of potential and possibility of evolution, an evolution revolution. But it’s here and now.
It’s not hard to kind-of see what’s going on in the world, that people’s lives are going through an upheaval, that people’s belief systems are being questioned. Like you say, there seems to be a lot of terrorism and fear-driven activity. It’s like people are being less and less human. I wouldn’t mind, in a sense, a whole do-over so we can be more human, to be that image of God. So can you expand, or even shed some light; or just your thoughts on this?
Nebadonia: Yes, my son. It’s the motivation for wishing something big to happen, shall we say on a global scale, with the spiritual community that has always been here; and then too the other extra-planetary beings such as Michael and myself. Certainly, fear is a part of this, fear of the future and what it portends. Some people are truly in desperate circumstances, not only for themselves but for their loved ones--parents for their children, children for their parents, comrades-in-arms in all the militarily tight situations.
It’s a triumph of the human soul that it can be more concerned about someone else. Yet it’s also in so many a profound sense of helplessness, of just not knowing which way to go, what to do next, and hoping beyond hope, as you say, that somebody else, some wonderfully glorious divine force comes in on a planetary scale and makes everything right in a very short order.
As you know, this was such an expectation of the Jewish peoples for a Messiah to come in with the power to overthrow the yolk of the Roman conquerors. It’s something that Jesus faced his whole life. It even caused some, who realized suddenly that he was the Messiah in the sense that he had the power--this Creator Son of God on earth--to grow angry that he didn’t use this power as they saw fit.
There are those in the most desperate situations, with the greatest sense of hopelessness, who are willing to throw their lot behind some predictions. They sell all they have to join some commune out in the middle of nowhere--as you call it, to survive the holocaust coming, the apocalypse.
This is why Michael and I refuse to pass judgment on these predictions but would rather have you entertain them with an open mind. This simply increases your capacity to wonder and be open to all kinds of alternatives. For even in the disappointment of these unfulfilled predictions and expectations, you find the courage and the wherewithal to pull yourselves together and meditate deeply/reflect upon not only these predictions, but your own response to them, whatever that is. This is another way of getting some feedback from exterior events like this, on who you are and what you believe; and a deeper insight into human nature.
The only disagreement I would have with you, my son, is that all this human behavior as you see about the world, this is all being human, from the most glorious self-sacrificing, as you say, to give up your life for another--no truer love, no truer devotion; to those on the opposite end of the scale who will go to any means they can conceive of, and actually do, to exercise power over others. This is all part of being human. This is all part of using the creative spirit that you are endowed with. This is what you all have to contend with.
I talked about having fairly free and open elections, majority rule with considerations for the minority, and to keep open to accept the results of the election; then to go on in your own human ways to hassle and argue about alternatives. This is what stands in such stark contrast to deciding things with bullets and explosives and the truly obscene notions that come into the human mind. This is all what it is to be human, and as you say, this is the potential that exists here and now.


The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light, www.circleoflight.net

Communion with God
Will Hold the Resonance
Needed for the Shift

Beloved ones, this is the time for moving close to Me. In this time that is the turning of the ages, the time when the very movement of the dimensions comes together into this powerful creation point, it is the time for you to hold this Love.

The only way that you can hold this Love is when you feel it directly from Me. The only way that you can be this truth is to open up into our communion that you might move past all limitations of the perceptions of the little mind and lift into the purity of your hearts in recognition of how things are meant to be.

You are always to receive your Love from Me, the Love that you are, the power of your energy. Out of this deep communion comes the opening of the very center of Creation… that you might stretch forth to be all that you are meant to be – creator of worlds and universes of Love. You are My heart singing its endless truth, the full awareness of the blossoming of the Love of God I Am that all Creation sings in its gratitude.

Our Love, beloved ones, is like an engine that powers All That Is. The force of your devotion and My joy and receptivity and the power of this Love that is continually returned to you sparks to life the essence of creating and makes everything, everything…possible.

You have many thoughts about this time of the world but I am calling you to move beyond thoughts now – to move into the feeling of your heart and to look to Me to remember the truth that you are not only consumed by Love but you are Love’s birth -- what comes to life out of My desire to awaken into an ever greater truth and an expansion of Love’s beauty.

You are My longing heart. You are the joy that fills it. You are the wonder of the relationship of God and you are the gift that is continually given – you, beloved ones, are the awakening of Love.

Therefore, let this awakening consume you. Let it become the truth of your every breath. Look to Me and remember this Love that the power Creation is for. Be My receptive heart and let it open and allow this new truth that Love is not only magnetic. It is the answer to every question. It is the fulfillment of every longing of your heart.

You are looking for Me and as you remember this communion and Love, you remember that out of this shall come the very expression of the perfect life of God, dancing forth in all dimensions, that you might express yourself, that you might experience your truth as this perfect aspect of My heart, the outreach of Love that you are.

So, come to Me to remember Love’s power, Love’s blessing and the gift that we share. When you are fully in this presence of Love, in this deep and endless communion that we share, you are holding the vibration of the New World and holding it effortlessly, for always your identity comes from Me and so, too, the truth of your heart.

When you are filled with this infinite awareness, this consciousness of the power of our communion, then out of the joy and the energy that we share comes the creation of all your heart’s longing and all of your excitement for life.

You have walked this world back to truth. We have brought humankind to the heart. You have remembered that Love is the only answer and now it is time to hold this, to remember that a circle of life is complete only in our communion.

There is no separation in Me and yet there are energies of life that are constantly creating, energies of Love that are awakening and evolving and every single one of them is fully conscious and alive. You are the essence of this truth. You are ready to make your mark. You are dancing into the life of perfection and I Am your vision, your awareness. I Am your perfect life.

Therefore, open to Me and recognize there is a movement of Love deeper than the mind can comprehend that speaks powerfully to your heart. Remember that your every breath is meant to receive this Love that I have for you, My beloved. My heart, My center, My truth, the nature of Love and the union of life that can only be fully expressed out of movement and giving.

There is so much to remember about Love. It is deeper and more powerful than you have yet experienced. So come, dearest ones, and open your heart and let Me fill you while Love rocks you and brings you forth, continually new, pristine and astoundingly beautiful. And you respond in gratitude and joy which comes directly to complete the circle, to enliven this life that I Am and to bring to Me an ever greater and fuller consciousness of All That I Am.

If this were not so, there would be no point to Creation and all its glory. It is this explosion of energy and joy that is the expression of the possibilities of Love that are what we are all about and what is held in this sacred communion. Be willing to receive your identity, to find the mystery of your deepest heart by opening into this state where we are joined and yet, where we celebrate the gift of the Light of My heart fully conscious in you.

Once you are open and aware, everything shows the mystery revealed. Every movement of Love is part of the concert of God and everything is sacred and beautiful. The dream of a world of separation, of ideas of ego and the pull to the little self can fall away. The unity of Love can sing all of its elements in a chord of rejoicing with so much depth, so much texture and beauty, so much that can surprise and expand and delight…

So much is born in this moment as My heart rejoices in the power of Creation itself which is you, dearest ones, however it is expressed -- as the powers of Creation, the two flames of God, the energies of life shouting "yes" and making a place for the new expressions of Love that can be alive as this world is revealed in its truth as well.

As you stand in this communion of the heart and you look upon the world that you think you know, beloved ones, you will find yourselves deeply surprised when the consciousness of Creation comes to call and to commune with you and to express the movement of Love in new colors and new life. As you see the world in the circle of our Love, what is revealed is all the aspects of the Love I Am -- My heart held as the gift for humanity and more… and the essence of the energies of Creation expressed in the beauty of the world, reflected perfectly through your heart.

So, come, as this time settles in and you feel the call of the truth of Love. Don’t worry about how you hold the energy. Just open your heart to Me and you will know what Love is. You will know that it is totally unlimited and powerful beyond the ability to express. It lives you, changes you, makes you come alive in new ways, brand new every moment

As you allow the fullness of this Love, as you open to the gifts of our communion, what bursts forth through you now is the full exclamation of the endless joy of life that we share and all the possibilities for expressing it.

So simply take time to be with Me, to open to the truth of your identity, to feel this circle of Love that we share continually. Feel the spark of the awakening of life in you that blossoms into a heart with two energies that can hold Creation in its center and let new Love be made.

There is so much for you to take in, so much to discover about who you are, so much to allow when you open to this good and all of it is revealed to you effortlessly as you open your heart to Me.

Come into this communion of Love and let it write a brand new "story" of the end of time and the expression of the awakening of pure Love dancing forth as the heart of humankind. Beloved ones, I will show you how to hold this vibration, how to accept what your heart has always known, how to look to Me to receive your very life and how to allow Love to blossom through your heart as this world.

It is certainly a time to celebrate. The celebration comes from deep within you in that place where you are connected to the whole of God I Am, the place that always sings in gratitude for life, the place where Love speaks in many forms and colors and shows you the tapestry of God coming now to take you Home, Home to the place you have never left that is right here where you are, Home into the Love that has no end and gives to you everything of God, Home into the power of creative Love that you might take this Love I give you and create it anew, bringing forth the new artistry of God called the world in which everything is the reflection of this beauty that is alive in our continual communion.

Step into the truth of our Love, to the timeless wonder of receiving your perfection and your truth from Me continually, that your every step truly is in Heaven and far beyond anything you can imagine Heaven is.

Consciousness and Love are what create. Let Me show you Real Love and the endless truth of the consciousness of God being expressed in all the nuances of life in every part of this world. There is nowhere to move to that isn’t Love, nowhere that Home is that isn’t here where you are, no where that you can’t receive the joy of this communion that will always fulfill your every need and manifest the dream of your heart, without limits.

I Am with you as I Am in you. You are the expression of My heart, of My Love and of the circle of giving and receiving that is eternal.

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Circle of Light 3969 Mundell Road Eureka Springs, AR 72631

Illawarra District, Australia, December 9, 2012.
Midwayer Messenger Sharmon.
Subject: “The First Moral Choice” – Answers to Questions.

Received by George Barnard.

Sharmon: “As soon as it became known that questions about indwelling would be asked, I volunteered to be at the task, charm you with my considerable grace, and supply you with the lessons from Samuel and Aaron at this time. There are three parts to this lesson, but fear not, my fussed human friend, it can all be conveyed within about 1000 words or so, so our translators will not be unduly pushed. There are universal rules for those boldly charged with an undefined task. You may determine your personal policies, and so you do.

“Firstly, from Teacher Samuel, to be sure, and on the matter of future status. Even the viewpoint of former humans, soon ‘drifts away from’ the earthly idea of individuality towards an eternal feeling of belonging, knowing that we all are each other, as is the celestial outlook. Both, Cherubim and Seraphim see themselves as cogs in a wheel of progress, each essentially in diverse functions, but still equal parts of the whole. Seriously mentally handycapped humans are well cared for, too, just as are the paradise pilgrims of sound mind.

“Unlike the average world, your world through circumstances of rebellion is productive of much human misery regarding the degree of physical and mental disabilities present. Those indwelt at much later stages by a Fragment of the Creator of all may very well have this Fragment on loan, to later fuse with a Gift of Mother Spirit or a Spark of the Eternal Son. And still, as with the Cherubim and Seraphim, there are diverse functions, but equality in being an offspring of the Creator of all, living an eternal life of happiness and service.

“Teacher Aaron has this to say: It is important for you to try to begin to comprehend the celestial mindset, indeed, begin to acknowledge the eternal reality of the Creator’s mind. Much as it is a human trait to reward achievements of many kinds, it is the Creator’s habit to reward the intent of a child to do better, to help parents, or perhaps soothe the hurts of another child. So very often we learn that sincerity of commitment, with the intent to achieve for the benefit of others, is what will bring the Creator Fragment to indwell the youngsters.

“Time and again, Cherubim and Group Seraphim note an unexpected, a seemingly as-yet-unwarranted arrival of a Thought Adjuster come to indwell a small child, only for the angelic guardians to, once again and somewhat later, take into account that a decision, an intent by the child allowed the Adjuster to arrive forthwith. We live in a well-ordered universe, brilliant in its organization, unique in its charity, unwavering in its direction, sublime in its foreseeing future events. Call it godly perfection, and it treasures children’s good intent.

“We have answered (Samuel did) the question posed about those seriously mentally handicapped. This goes as well for those who leave this world at a very early age, as both these subjects would lack adequate time-space experience for the pilgrimage to Paradise, as well as for later profitable deep-space appointments. We also indicated (Aaron did) that good intent can be more than enough for Adjusters to ‘set sail’ for evolutionary worlds and be there to indwell your youngsters at an early age.

“The third question posed, I (Sharmon) can answer freely. In our well-ordered universes there is no need for children to find themselves tricked into a position where they are ‘artificially prompted’ to make a first moral choice allowing their Thought Adjuster to arrive early. There is no need, for all that is meant to be will come about. However, you can advance them in a natural way by teaching them to care by caring, to love by loving them, to think by communicating with them, and to pray by praying with them each day. I say Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4408 Soldiers of Fortune, December 19, 2012

God said:

Thoughts flit in and out of your mind. Your thoughts are like angels who fly in and out of your sight. Is not an angel a spark of light? And are not thoughts the same? More and more your thoughts are growing to be as sparkling as angels. I pronounce you an angel, so why would it seem surprising that your thoughts serve the Universe? You have hidden your wings from yourself, or, you have not looked. I have looked, and I have seen.

You may see yourself as a struggling human being, waylaid with the sundry matters that human beings are waylaid with. What you see as weighing you down are triumphs, beloveds. I take your arm and raise it and say: "The winner is YOU." Will you hear Me?

All that comes to you is a splendid opportunity. You've heard that before, and you shake your head. You shake your head vehemently, for you have been attached to suffering, attached to calling your growth suffering of one kind or another. You have held yourself under a dark umbrage, and, now, you are setting yourself free.

You have always wanted freedom, and now you are setting yourself free from the past. You have often lived the past in what is called the present moment. You have brought your old self along with you. You have brought your old thought patterns that have long outlived their usefulness. You have dug your feet in the way a stubborn mule would. You have somehow thought you could not live or live through it without your past way of thinking. You are unloosing all those chains from the past right now as you go through what you have captioned as suffering.

Golden airways are presented to you, and you call them defeating. That which is your liberation you call your penance. A paradise of an opportunity has been presented to you, and you call it some form of tragedy all because you have held past thoughts dear to you. You have made a poor trade, My beloveds. What you call failure may be a great success, for it nudges out of the catacombs of the past.

Even illness is freeing. You don't have to know what illness is telling you. It is not your mind that has to understand. You don't have to understand anything. We are talking about what is beyond the realm of understanding. Just know that by whatever path, regardless of your interpretation of it, you are being blessed mightily by all the agencies of Heaven. What you may see as wounding is putting you together. Do not form scars, and you will not have to remove them. Even that which you may presently see as devastation is manna from Heaven. What you may presently see as punishment is a call to love, a call to My love.

You do not retreat to Me. You rise to Me.

One way or another, it is for you to rise from the Earthly coil. Soldiers of Fortune always move forward, and you are a sentinel of Good Fortune and blessings. A blessing by another name is still a blessing. You are one who is blessed. You are blessed in thick and in thin. You are blessed. You are a blessing who is blessed. Bless yourself.

What road do you travel on? What would you call it? Whatever name you may give it, it is the way Home, and you are being carried to Me. Let your thoughts uplift you. Let go of tears and all your kicking and screaming. A blessing has been visited upon you this day. You know there is no death. There is no tragedy. All paths lead to Home.

The Prodigal Son stopped his protests. He resigned from his forgetfulness. He resigned from his self-rule. He sacrificed suffering for release to Me. Choosing love, he gave up nothing.

The world is an avenue, and The Prodigal Son always makes it through what he calls the roadblocks. The stars are lighting his way. The stars are lighting your way. There is no valley of death. There are no pitfalls. There is you rising, rising, rising, seeing yourself through what you only imagined. Beyond what you imagine lies Truth, and you are, in truth, love. So love.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA