Living Without Attachment {Channeled}

This is the call to be the awakening of Love from the Real of God into the world, that Love might be the magnet, beloved ones, truly that dissolves the illusion of less than Love’s perfection and less than the freedom of endless consciousness. I Am your upliftment. I Am the true magnet of Creation. I Am the endless power of perfect Love, of true God energy that is your source, beloved ones, and the truth of your being.

Remember, even an instant of this perfection, even a moment’s opening to the flow of Real life begins to disengage the ego mind and opens you up to truly be the hologram of Creation itself, focused as the open heart in conscious service to the truth. The truth is, Only Love Is Real.

From The Messages from God

“The Word of God is Love. The enactment of the Word of God is service to your brothers
and sisters. Truly, if the Word of God is actively resident within your life, the Fruits of Spirit
are being produced in your life through the Service of Love.”
                                                                                                                Solonia, tml 5/2004

Urantia, May 15, 2011.
Teacher Rael.
Subject: “Living Without Attachment.”
Received by Yoela.
Yoela: “I don’t understand how to live without attachment.  It seems that it may lead to indifference.”
Rael: “Living without attachment has long been misunderstood.  Many times it is considered to mean forgetting, or as letting go of something that is no longer needed.  In reality most use it just as a way to hide their pain, to hide their weaknesses, or hide their sincere affection.
“Living without attachment is possible only when you have matured, and you have realized that nothing is ever lost.
“You are slowly learning that everyone needs their own space and time.  You are beginning to understand that you need no one but the Real Presence within you.  Everybody may fail you, and you will learn that your growth depends only on your steadiness and your guidance.
“When finally you understand that the true meaning of living without attachment is to honor the design of creation, you can let go and will not strive to control, to manipulate and you will find a balance in your relationships.
“Faith is paramount, but truth will set you free, and truth has nothing to do with coercion or manipulation.  Knowing that this world is temporal is becoming free and at the same time it is accepting a great responsibility, because each day is important and should be lived fully, by learning and experiencing.”
Yoela: “How can we find that balance, if we have to be responsible, but also learn to let go?”
Rael: “People are part of life and highly regarded in the entire cosmos.  Love them and make them a priority above all.  Forget your sense of ownership and let them discover themselves and explore their potential on their own.  This is what experiences are for; this is why you should live with intention.  Forget your illusions of control and do not use fear to make others do what they don't want to do.  Leave each one to their inner guidance so they can realize their higher expression of the self.
“No one is indispensable yet all are needed to create and share our collective reality.  Do you have any more questions?  Trust is the answer.  Trust, and take care of yourselves, for I am always looking after you.  There is a lot to do and a lot to care for.  If you help yourself you are one less problem in the world and thus our endeavors can reach were the need is found.
“This is one of the reasons we reach out to you – those who will hear our messages.  We are preparing our forces to go out and do the work of our Father, when and where it is needed.
“When humans learn to take care of themselves and others, we can start working together on the many issues on this planet that need to be resolved.  It is then that living without attachment becomes important, because you can focus on those important tasks beyond yourselves.
“You see?  You only harvest when the wheat is ripe.  If you do it before then you would have wasted all your work.  This is your friend Rael, sending our love and gratitude to all who listen and desire to grow under the guidance of their Divine Presence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

Sri Sri: There are three kinds of understanding: intellectual understanding, experiential understanding and existential realization.
Intellectual understanding says yes, agrees. Experiential understanding feels, is obvious. Existential realization is irrefutable. It becomes your very nature.
All you hear will simply remain a jumble of words if there is no experiential understanding, which is more on the feeling level. You can know intellectually you are hollow and empty but sitting and feeling you are hollow and empty is totally different.
When one gets an experience, one wants to understand more about it and becomes a seeker. If you have only intellectual understanding, you will think you know it all. Most theologians are in this category.
Existential realization contains within it both experiential and intellectual understanding. But it is beyond both of these.
Question:How do we get there?
Sri Sri : There is no way. When the fruit becomes ripe, it falls.
Question: What is doubt?
Sri Sri:It is one part of the mind challenging the other part of the mind.
Sri Sri: "You have to rejoice in the means. You have to love the means. Love is the goal; the means must also be lovable. Love springs when there is no effort, when all activities are shunned."

 [Objective] knowledge is mediated by the mind and senses,
direct spiritual knowledge is unmediated by the mind or senses.