Living On The Edge {Channeled}

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."

~ Pope John XXIII ~
How everything and everyone is connected.
See this series!  Series begins on TV 3/12
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We are here dear. We love you. We bless you and yours. We see what goes on in your lives. We see the ups and the downs. When you learn to enjoy the ride then you have learned much. Just as in a roller coaster ride, there is excitement in the highs and lows. Remember that you are never alone, even when you feel as if you are. Remember that God/Creator loves you and sees the beauty in you. As you focus on appreciation and gratitude, that which is good in your life becomes more prominent. We wish you many blessings on your walk of life. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *      

Celestial White Beings: Your Divine Spark
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
February 26, 2012
With tremendous honour we step forward to exist in the energy of the Earth, we are the Celestial White Beings. Our energy always flows with the greatest of respect to those that we connect with. We see the divine spark of the Creator within each person on the Earth and we ask that this is something that you remind yourself of regularly. Now is the time to allow your divine spark to be creative, expressive and expansive.
The divine energy within your being can be given so many labels, such as your soul, inner truth or higher self. In this communication we wish for you to truly rejoice in the magic within you as if you are our magic students and we for the first time are explaining that you have magical abilities which just need to be realised. The magic within you we will name your divine spark because a spark has the potential of manifesting into something profoundly magnificent and large. Your divine spark within you is the energy of the Creator. It doesn't matter about your beliefs of the Creator, which name you offer the Creator or the qualities and actions you believe the Creator holds. The simple understanding needed to begin to realise your divine spark, is that the spark is an aspect of the Creator.  The divine spark is whatever you believe the Creator to be and this belief may change over your lifetime and so your divine spark will alter as well.  This doesn't mean that your divine spark exists as your current beliefs or that your divine spark evolves as your understanding expands, but the truth is that your realisation is changing.
Returning to the reference to magic students, we believe that for more people they would be far more likely to believe that they are capable of magical skills than believing that the Creator exists within their being. Others may feel that the possibility of achieving magic and the possibility of the Creator existing within them both feel so distant in terms of experience and so belief is very small. The truth is that you are the Creator and you also hold magical skills, it's just that you have chosen so far not to recognise both possibilities fully. If you were our magic students we would first start by explain to you where the magical energy within you is situated. We would then share with you how to use the magical energy starting with achieving small miracles and then progressing to greater skills, so let us achieve this now for you.
 Within your heart chakra is a divine spark of Creator light; the same divine spark exists within all your chakras, within every cell of your being and throughout our auric field. For now we will focus upon the divine spark within your heart chakra as your heart harbours pure vibrations of light and energies, so you can place your trust in the divine spark of your heart. Then there is a need to visualise, sense, acknowledge and simply accept the divine spark. You could draw a creative picture of your divine spark or understand the colours of light that it holds, something that imprints an image onto your mind and awareness. With an understanding of your divine spark there is a need to feed and nurture its energy to allow its powers to strengthen. As you would feed your physical body with food so you need to feed your divine spark. You can achieve this by breathing into your divine spark, with your breathe you are collecting life force energy within your being and directing it to your divine spark. Life force energy is the vibration of the Creator which exists within and around you and is needed to maintain your energy. By imagining that you are breathing into your divine spark in your heart chakra you are nurturing your divine spark with the possibility of increasing its power. Your divine spark then begins to expand and unfold its energy. You may realise that your divine spark has been deceiving you all this time into thinking that it is a small powerless energy when in fact it is an expansive large and powerful presence. As the light of your divine spark begins to flow into your body, aura and surroundings then you begin to become more familiar with its energy. It can be like reading a book about your divine spark or watching a video all about yourself as much wisdom and information begins to flow into your mind. In magician terms you are accessing your magical powers.
You begin to realise that there is energy inside of you that needs to be put into use and the more that you draw upon the energy the more you understand its power.  To enhance your magician skills we would teach you set skills to truly bring the magical energies into your reality, but we know that you are already magicians; you just need to direct the energy. You need to focus upon what you want to create, what you want to experience, what you wish to draw from the energy within your being. With simple understand of the energy and how you wish to use it you access your magical skills and then simply need to practice drawing upon and experiencing the energy within you.
Many people see spiritual growth as a long and sometimes tedious process but if you were training to become a magician with the ability to achieve anything and everything, we feel that you would probably approach the journey in a different way and with a different mind-set. Always remember to keep the element of joy in your spiritual growth and spiritual practices; joy is needed to raise your energy vibration and allow it to be maintained at a quick speed.
We wish for you to truly realise that there is something magical, magnificent and truly wonderful within you, if you begin to believe this then you are so much closer to truly viewing and experiencing it for yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most divine and beautiful energy possible then magnify it a thousand time and you will be a step closer to perceiving the magnificence that is within your being. Now imagine that this understanding was so real to you, how would you treat your physical body, how would you treat yourself? We imagine that you would act differently; you would perceive yourself differently and would possibly even change your life style. The beauty within you may cause you to see the beauty of everything around you. You may find a new confidence and respect for yourself and would probably no longer say negative things to the divine spark within you.  Your divine spark also holds wondrous abilities, offering you the ability to create anything that you wish and desire. You would begin to see yourself, your actions and thoughts in a whole new wayand realise that certain understandings of yourself from the past are simply meaningless illusions that you have carried within you, honouring them as truth.
We wish to propose a mission for you to achieve over the coming week, this is to discover your divine spark, to feed and nurture your divine spark with life force energy and to begin to recognise the presence of your divine spark within you.  While this mission is extremely serious we wish for you to bring as much fun and joy into the mission as possible. Even if you allow your mind to be extremely creative this is perfectly appropriate because we wish for you to realise the magnificent divine spark and energy within you. You may feel that for the whole week you are making up the energy or imagining it within you but essentially we wish for you to revert to the innocence and playfulness of a child and to enjoy the process of creating, building or realising the beautiful divine spark within you. How would you feel at the end of the week if you spent the entire week every moment imagining, knowing and rejoicing in the fact that there is a powerful, magical beautiful energy within your being, which is with you always and at your disposal? Make it into something amazing and divinely beautiful, enjoy the pleasure and joy that manifests, watch how your perception of yourself changes. Then at the end of the week you can sit peacefully in meditation and ask to see the true divine spark within you. By this time you would have naturally connected with the divine spark whether you realise it or not, your energies would be open and receptive and most blockages between you and your divine spark would be dissolved. Your understanding of your divine spark may be completely different when you look to see the truth then if you had simply tried to connect in meditation, because you have already placed attention on the divine spark, nurturing it, making it easier for you to accept.
We truly wish for all to see the magnificence in themselves, because we truly see and feel your magnificence. Please be fun, joyous and playful with your connection with your divine spark, the Creator and the Universe as this will allow so many energies to open up to you and much healing to take place. Our message may seem unusual but we feel it is needed at this time.
Let yourself see the magnificence within you and notice how it alters your perspective of yourself.
We are the Celestial White Beings.
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website  she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit For the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to www.wisdomofthelight.comand click on weekly messages. *     

Are All Our Experiences Choices?
by Neale Donald Walsch
February 24, 2012
My dear friends...
There are many areas of life, many situations, in which you may choose to have the Holy Experience.
Now that may sound like a strange thing to say, so let's take a look at it. At first, it may seem strange to speak of the Holy Experience as something that you "choose to have." Most people think of things that are holy as things that are rare. Or at the very least, not controllable in the first person. That is, they do not see themselves as being at cause in the matter.
In fact, they are. We all are. All of us. We are "choosing to have" all of the experiences that we are having, moment-to-moment.
Now remember, I said all of the experiences, not all of the conditions, circumstances, or events. An "experience" is something that you feel inside about something that is happening outside. Your "experience" of something is "how it felt to you." It is nothing more, and nothing less, than that.
In the world of Duality Thinking (which is the world in which most of us live), you could imagine that somebody else is "doing something" to you, or that some seemingly uncontrollable outward condition, such as the weather, has been encountered by you, without you having anything to do with it. (This is impossible, actually, but in the world of our illusion such impossibilities can seem very real.)
The world of Duality Thinking says that there is Us. and It, or U.S. and Them. In the world of Non-Duality Thinking there is only Us and Us. There is nothing else but Us in differing form.
If there is only Us, then nothing can be happening To us, and everything must be happening Through us.
This is, in fact, the case. Nevertheless, an event could have the appearance of happening To us--and when it does, if it is a negative event, it will be very hard to stop from thinking of ourselves as the victim of that circumstance. We see ourselves as the victim, rather than the creator, of our present situation.
The movement from victim to creator is an astonishment. It is the movement that Masters make. Everyone can be a Master--indeed, everyone already is a Master--and it is true that not everyone knows this. In fact, few people do.
What it takes to experience the fact one is already a Master is to make a commitment to having the Holy Experience every day. Indeed, all day every day, if it is possible. And it is.
Next week we will look into the various areas or aspects of our lives, to see, one area at a time, how one may move into the Holy Experience, at will.
Hugs and love,

P.S. The thoughts above come from The Holy Experience, a full-length book that you may download for free Simply click on the Free Resources icon. *
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * Blog: *  *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the Christ is an energy. It is an Intelligence. It is not just one personage known as Yeshua the Christ. I was given that title after ones recognized that I was living from the space of divinity, but in truth, you are the Christ expressing; otherwise, you would not be here. It takes the energy of a Christ to incarnate and to choose various paths to serve.
Visit our website:  *    
Sananda Council of Light: Living on The Edge of Succeeding
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
We are of the Sananda Council of Light. Within our Triad, there are 10 Councils of Light including the Lords of Karma and Restructuring Councils. Many of you walk stagnantly through your life. Doing what you need to be done, saying what needs to be said, all without attachment.  It is all so mundane; as if you’re reading from a script, not allowing yourself to become fully part of life. You feel less buoyant and denser. Everyday you collect more stress and confusion, allowing it to gather in the body, anchoring you like a rusty weight from a freighter that has been sunk.
You blindly walk through the passageways of your life, entering each door and each situation with little to no expectations. ‘The thrill is gone’ and all of life shows the stress lines. How much of your day is bringing you any joy or laughter? Even those that your heart belongs to, do not bring you the joy that you once knew. You feel null and void of energy and purpose. You can blame life, or them, or you can take credit for that yourself. As a child you were told you must grow up and be responsible for your actions, your words, and your bills. Taking that responsibility to heart you have been stifled, choking on what you are supposed to be, gasping for air. 
Many of you sit on the merry go round of past injustices changing horses but never getting off. You walk slowly through the labyrinth of your mind trying to figure out why someone said this, why someone did that. For too long, humanity has sat licking the wounds of the past. Not allowing that area of hurt to ever be healed. The human soul is starving for nourishment. 
The neuro pathways of your brain has many cul-de-sacs, and dead-ends. When you have an intuitive thought, electrical impulses are released in your brain. A passion runs through your body. Adrenaline spurts in the blood and you feel alive. Usually passions are short lived. Sometimes it is you that aborts the passion, other times it is just one word from another that stops you dead in your tracks. Your spirits are dampened, the passion is extinguished, the lights go out, and you give up on what once brought you joy and a reason to live. 
How many times have you given up on an idea, an invention, a new home, a new friend, because you aborted it before it could be birthed? Your brain has a file cabinet of disappointments. You keep a photocopied molecular file of these same disappointments in your heart. Everything and everyone that ever disappointed or hurt you is kept spinning around and around in the neural synapses of the brain and the heart. You base your future experiences on these disappointments.
Imagine a very old machine that has sat there and never been used. Then one day someone decides to use it. The machine sputters and chokes on this new electrical connection, not knowing what it is to do with it. Your brain is now receiving electrical cosmic input in order to trigger it into firing up sections that have been dormant for eons of time. 
Each day, instead of thinking about what you did not achieve, think about what you did achieve. You succeeded in waking this day, many did not. You succeeded in going to work and many do not have a job. You succeeded in driving to work; many had to take the bus. You succeed on many levels throughout the day but you do not see that success as important. You reference the places that you have failed, the places where you were disappointed. Your future is based on a 'labyrinth of failures' and disappointments.  Each failure is an opportunity to shift the future into a place you desire to be. 
Each and everyday remind others about their success instead of their failures. As this re-patterning of the brain is occurring, a doorway within your crown is making itself available to higher levels of light. There will be an issuance of new light beings, masters, angels, and guides. They come forth to give you a lift into the next level of your light contract, and instructions that live within your heart. 
Each of you tends to sabotage yourself. It is this continual sabotaging that keeps you less than and running in circles of difficulty. When you feel like destroying something that you have worked on or worked for or worked toward --that is a sign that there is a need to press harder, to do more, to go past previous boundaries. It also represents that you are at the edge of succeeding. The edge of succeeding is booby-trapped. At the very edge of succeeding and success, there is an 'initiation via potential sabotage'. You watch yourself do this and you wonder, what is wrong with me? Why do I try to sabotage success? Many times the human being does not want to succeed. Many are comfortable in succeeding a little bit, but not totally.
We of the Sananda Council have come to explain that it is important that you walk in peace, in all of your actions and re-actions. You all come from the body of Earth. Your flesh is from her flesh. You process what she processes. That is part of your journey. When you make peace within self, when you feed your own starving child, then your world receives the same blessing. You must fight your own war and achieve internal peace inside. Then and only then have you done your part.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | | 
Old Love, New Love Cycles
by Jennifer Hoffman

Love follows a cycle, as does everything else on earth and in the Universe. But because we think of love as an emotion and forget that it is an energy, we don't consider it as being part of the cycle of creation and destruction that everything in the Universe experiences. Our role, as co-creators of and with the earth, its ascension partner, and masters of the third dimension, is to create and expand love, allow old or ineffective love patterns to die so new ones can take their place. We can do this when we remember that love is an energy and it follows a cycle of death and rebirth.

In autumn trees and flowers lose their leaves and die back so they can re-generate in the spring. Do we wonder whether they will do this or not? We don't because that is part of the natural cycle. Love follows the same kind of cycle. Old patterns of love and loving, such as the ones that are needy, demanding, or controlling, cannot co-exist with new, higher vibrations of unconditional love that expand love into acceptance, self control, worthiness and value. So in order to make room for this shift in love, we enter into a love cycle.
To begin the cycle, the old love pattern is revealed to us. So we connect with someone who has the old energy and then we experience the pattern we are to release and shift. If all goes well, that happens quickly and easily and we create an energetic space for the new pattern, thereby releasing the old person or situation and a new one enters our energetic space, at the new and higher vibration. But what often happens is we try to make the old pattern fit the new paradigm and that doesn't always work.
In order to shift an old love pattern we have to first accept and acknowledge it, release it to prepare ourselves for a higher vibration. If we try to hang on to the old love, to make it fit into a new paradigm, we are trying to make the past fit into the present moment. That energy can transform but only when there is something for it to transform into, and it is willing to do that. This is an either/or possibility, either the old love pattern will shift into a new vibration or a new love will present itself to us, in response to our intention for love. But we have to be willing to allow the shift to happen, be open to a new love energy that matches our intention and know that our intention always manifests, in one way or another. Set an intention for new love, allow the love cycle play itself out and know that when one love pattern ends, it is a brilliant opening for new unconditional love to manifest in your life.
Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  *  email: * Uriel Heals | Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. | PO Box7076 | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064 *     

