Subject: LIghtline Teleconference 2011-09-29
Teacher: Inner Voice, Christ MIchael
Henry Zeringue
Prayer: As we connect here in this circle on lightline
this evening, we open to the spirit of wisdom and to the spirit personality presences here this evening.
Voice: Greetings to you this evening,
this is the voice of the Spirit Within to continue revealing more of yourself to you. This evening [I begin] by asking a question
and the question is, where is the seat of wisdom? Your first thought is, well the seat of wisdom lies with the Spirit Within.
That is also true. But what I am referring to as the seat of wisdom, I am referring to the voice of the mouth as the seat
of wisdom and you say, why would the mouth be the seat of wisdom? Well, the mouth can give voice to what you are thinking
inside. Sometimes it is not wise to give voice to what you are thinking and sometimes it is wise to think before giving voice.
we find that the seat of wisdom lies within the realm of decision, human control, it is a choice you can exercise like wisdom
itself. Wisdom is not some pervasive force which forces you to do things correctly. Wisdom is a perspective usually based
on experiences, the way those experiences are held, and what they reveal to you. What about the choice part, the control?
Was it not the Master who said: He who would control armies should first have command over his own mouth. How many times have
saying things out loud cost us?
wisdom of the inside of the inner guidance and the experience of the person creates the perspective, the understanding of
how to see things. It is like an animal, a lot of times they see things by movement and are alerted to movement. The spirit
within is constantly alerted to the movement, the actions of the human, occasionally getting in a few thoughts, echoing. The
spirit of wisdom operates as a spiritual circuit within. It works within your own realm of consciousness and thinking.
not all thoughts need to go out in raw form, so that the mind in essence becomes an editor, editing when to say, what not
to say, what to say, and how it is said. The how it is said is extremely important. This is why a tremendous amount of the
cranial nerves in the brain are given to facial expressions for the expression of the words are its power or its destruction.
Balancing the neural and chemical energies in the body to maintain much more balance and equilibrium in the nervous system,
and bringing the emotional life under control becomes much easier to grow into an awareness, a practice like the breath, like
refining movements, activity, actions, refining thought, living in clarity, living in equanimity, living in respect for all
things and all life, all people, and standing in this balanced way as you go about your daily chores, the routines of life.
You approach them with regality and majesty, thankful for the life to work this all out within yourself to become a greater
receptacle of light and love and carry forth in your life so that what you are doing is not so special but how you are doing
it becomes a much more conscious effort.
is an effort, to relax and bring your mind to bear clearly upon ideas, things that you read. So wisdom depends tremendously
upon the experience of the human and the ability of the human to put this into a greater perspective which reflect how he
or she feels and thinks and live their lives and raise their families and do their work, how they are as humans. Truly what
you are becoming day by day is of greater importance, to be in the moment of consciousness and at first, that moment of consciousness
may come appropriately right after you have done something which brings it into your consciousness, that oh, I could have
done that better, I should not have said that, I was insensitive.
enough, if someone does not ask you, there is no reason to tell them, yet when asked, you are given the chance to express
yourself and they are listening. It is important to listen. I listen to everything. I listen to thoughts, I listen to what
you give voice. So the practice of consciousness and responsibility being responsible for who you are and for what you do
and for how you do all of this, this is what you are thankful for, this is what is given you through life, to grow into this
ability to know who you are and to begin to control yourself and to begin to resemble what you believe about yourself, about
what you want to be, what you want to grow. All of these things do come in time.
thank you this evening for allowing me these few words. I leave you in peace and I leave the stage open for another.
Michael: Greetings to you my brothers and sisters,
it is I, Michael, here to acknowledge you in this circle of light and love, to acknowledge the presence here, the correctness
of the truth and wisdom of the mouth. Yet we understand you are human and growing and we do respect your humanness, we respect
that which we helped to create and bring into life. We have tremendous respect for you, tremendous love as well. This is why
there is tremendous help, spiritual help available to you. Sometimes it's easy to doubt or forget or get too close to something
that its energy totally absorbs you and you can't think of anything else or see anything else or remember that you are loved,
you are sons and daughters of God. You are indwelt with the passports to Paradise.
do respect your humanness. As you grow to manifest more in a spiritual sense, your humanness becomes transformed, you begin
to bring the spiritual within your humanness as a practice, as a practice of control, as a practice of understanding and seeing
the greater picture, of understanding why it is important to help build a greater brotherhood of men and women on the planet
in all activities in all types of interactions and relationships. Remember that spirit does not judge your humanness. What
spirit does is spirit waits till you grow in a greater expression of spiritual humanness. This is what spirit endeavors, to
help you to grow, to change your ways and your habits, your thoughts, to move you into a more refined way of being even though
you are still human.
matters not what people believe in terms of judgement or the spiritual exercise of such for eventually you learn the less
you judge yourself, the less you are able to and concerned to judge others. To begin living fearlessly outside of judgement
is a greater human spiritual stance. When I lived my life on Urantia, what was important was how I lived my life. When I became
a mature adult I was never in a hurry. I thought things out, I talked it over with Father. I moved through life attempting
to share greatness with my fellows and helping them to see greatness with what they had, to see that greatness was how they
did things, not how much food or how much gold they had but to teach them that they could have it all if they began to trust
on a greater level and exercise that trust in how they went about as humans. Light and Life is more about going in a
spiritual human sense of letting go of some of your humanness, to have a greater capacity and reception to spiritualness.
to live in peace my children. Know that the love of your Divine Parents lives within your hearts and the seat of your soul.
Go in peace, thank you.