Let It Be

Spreading the net of worldly objects of pleasure,
it is this egotism that traps the living beings.
Indeed, all the terrible calamities in this world
are born of egotism. Egotism eclipses self-control,
destroys virtue, and dissipates equanimity.
Abandon your reliance on fate or gods created by
dull-witted people and by self-effort and
Self-knowledge make the mind no-mind.
In this world the cause of all misfortunes is only
the mind which is full of sorrow and grief, desire
and delusion. Forgetful of Self-knowledge, it
generates desire and anger, evil thoughts and
cravings which throw the person into the fire
of sense-objects.
Be firmly established in egolessness and remain
unpolluted like space.

Let It Be

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Dear Ones,

This is a confusing time. Some of you are beginning to feel love. Others are more irritated by the suggestion than comfortable. You wish to be part of this transition, but there are those who make you so angry. How can anyone suggest that they too are an important part of this transition? You are an advance Lightworker and they continue to do and say things that emotionally, physically or spiritually harm you or others.

This is a global transition. All have unique roles that may not seem justified in your thought processes. Perhaps you feel drained thinking of how some seem intent in destroying earth's ecological systems. Then there are those who enrage you when they physically abuse or end the earth life of innocent victims. And what about those who tell you what you should believe?

Maybe you are angry that we suggest love is in the air for you do not see, sense or feel it. But then, until you allow yourself to sense love instead of needing to advocate for what should be, you cannot be of the love frequency.

Your transition is happening in stages. The last major stage included peeking around the corner of what could be once you washed your being in love - instead of what should be according to you.

For eons, you have fought the "good fight." You have taken it upon yourself to care take those unable - seemingly - to care take themselves. But then, for eons you have also physically, emotionally or spiritually harmed others. You are the same - angel and devil. There is no entity outside of yourself that is the devil - merely a representative of your lifetimes where you played that role for whatever reason.

Perhaps you experienced both sides of that equation so you could select which best suited your being, to end karmic connections, to prepare for this transition or to advance in your life experiences. It does not matter why or when. Merely that you know you are not an angel - or a devil. Nor is anyone else.

Many of you are pleased with your progress in this lifetime - and rightly so. But at the same time, you must realize that those you find fault with and those who seem to be a devil incarnate are merely mirroring that which you do not like/love in yourself.

This is a an extremely complicated thought process. Not that you are not intelligent enough to understand it, but that emotions tied to that thought are perhaps more than you can accept at this time. You will eventually for you cannot move into the new love energy without doing so. But you do not need to do so today or even tomorrow.

Many, if not most of you, may accept your former or even current roles in this emotional upheaval that is the transition. You understand that you are not without blemish. At the same time, you cannot understand how you can accept that person or concept. All is loving within your being - except that person or philosophy.

We are not predicting a gradient of love. You will love eventually - both what you now consider good and bad. This is not a partial experience.

We are not berating you. You have transitioned more deeply and rapidly than we thought possible. We are merely pointing out that you are clamoring for the New Age/new earth experience which means you will move beyond creating it. You will learn how to live within it - accepting others and their path, as well as love yourself.

Many of you are feeling less than loving for yourself as you cannot understand  how the person, idea or action that makes your "skin crawl" can be a loving part of your life, much less earth. You continue to be a new earth crusader even though you want to accept the loving concepts that are of the new earth.

This is not about merely expressing what you think should be of the New Age/new earth, but feeling it deep within you.

Again, many of you berate yourself for not feeling that love for yourself and others. We wish to reassure you that you will experience such love in your own time. You do not need to push yourself into that love arena. Nor do you need to berate yourself because you cannot experience it completely no matter how diligently you try. Allow yourself to be. And once you truly do that, your anger at others, your fear of others and your inability to love yourself will shift naturally.

In the Old Age, everything was work. Nothing seemed to flow. The New Age/new earth is about allowing flow. If any concept, movement or interaction feels like work, put it aside until it does not. You no longer need to work at a concept.

For many of you, this might seem counter intuitive. Letting it flow is extremely frightening. What if you never "find your groove?" How can we guarantee that all will be well?

We are of your future, present and past. We know without a doubt - as you did when your children were afraid they would never learn to read - that all is going to happen in due course.

Maybe you do not understand our concepts or thoughts today - but you will. And the most rapid way for you to do so in this new energy is to let it be. Do not fret. Do not worry. Just follow your heart/inner-being and all will happen when it is meant to for you.

Let it be is our phrase for now and forevermore in this New Age/new earth. Nothing needs to be forced. Nothing requires worry or work. Just let it flow and it will happen. You have already set your intent to move gracefully and quickly into the New Age/new earth. Nothing more is required. Let it be. So be it. Amen.


Urantia, February 21, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “Exploring the Unexplored” (a personal message). 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “The subject matter for today, ‘exploring the unexplored’, is a matter that pertains to the mind. This is the word your mind locked onto during this morning’s meditation. This is indeed an unexplored area of your inner world, and to be more exact, of your mind, which is still so largely unexplored. Normally in this life little thought is given as to how one can venture into a pristine mindal area. It needs to be acknowledged that as a mortal on this planet, you have mainly done your work without ‘outside’ help or instruments. You depended totally upon your wits, by no means an easy task. You indeed educated yourself without any formal schooling as a basis. One could safely remark that the fire in you to gain knowledge is still undiminished, never mind the years that are adding up. 

“This is truly the ideal state to be in – to never grow weary of explorations dubbed ‘thinking outside the box.’ May the truth be known to you and others that this is the ideal way of inner exploration, and finding that most precious and priceless connection of the All That Is, in whom all knowledge resides. So obviously, to venture out, or rather inward, you can link up with that almighty Channel of knowledge to get the inspiration for your insights, whilst you really will have no idea from whence they come. 

“This is the route to all inventions. However, one word of caution here: As many inventors allow themselves to hook up to the All Knowing, they still have no idea wherefrom arrives the richness of their minds. All mortals have included, together with their personality bestowed upon them at birth, many hidden gifts, which can in some small measure be activated and explored during their mortal life-time. Those gifts will be further discovered and developed during their ascension journey towards perfection. 

“However, during their mortal lifetime, most humans are quite unaware of the unexplored potentials residing within them, living a superficial life, and skimming through life without delving into deeper, higher, and worthwhile thinking. This is a great pity, for there are few mortals on this planet who become deep thinkers. They are allowing themselves to remain shallow thinkers, at the same time being waylaid by hollow, worthless and useless entertainment, never realizing how truly rich they are, as their minds remain largely unexplored. This is the reason why there are so many regrets at the end of mortal life. When they wake up at the next stage of their eternal existence, they bemoan the fact that they did not live life very much differently, by exploring the unexplored.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4589 Does Happenstance Exist?, June 18, 2013 

God said: 

What if everything that happens in your life is supposed to happen? Imagine for a moment:

What if there are no cancellations? What if everything that is written is written in indelible ink? In this case, would you be trying so to undo or redo or battle against a course of events?

What if it were not possible to take anything back? What if it were not even possible to apologize? You might have a bigger regret than you do now.

Not everyone regrets the same. There is no point in regretting, dear ones. Sorry is as sorry does.

At the same time, life cannot be thought out too much. Decisions are made on the fly. In one sense, you cannot think over every action or inaction. You can’t be weighing life at every corner: “Is this the right decision? Is this the wrong decision?” Decisions have to be made.

Sometimes in life, it seems as if you are the pilot of an airplane, and you have to decide what may be, perhaps, some undecidable decisions. Sometimes in life, it seems as though you are on automatic pilot. Decisions are made as if without your input at all. You turn the plane left instead of right. It seems like it was happenstance, and that you, perhaps, are just a figurehead looking like you are steering the plane. You’re not so sure that you’re really the pilot of your life.

Yet all this figuring out, how much purpose does it serve? It is time now for you to let sleeping dogs lie. Life took its course. You may have landed in some out of the way place, yet this is where you landed. This is the day you lived. It has played itself out.

In every case, what must you do? Get along to tomorrow. You simply cannot hold the steering wheel as tightly as you have tried to. Life does, indeed, seem to have a life of its own.

There simply are matters in life that you don’t know about nor have you control of. Perhaps in one awkward moment, you looked away. There are so many combinations to life that you simply can’t figure out at the time and, most likely, cannot figure out now.

Another day is on the horizon, and you take the best chances you see and may you be blessed.

In one sense, there are no wrong choices, beloved. Yes, indeed, there are other choices you might prefer to make now. That doesn’t necessarily signify that choices you made in the flash of an eye were incorrect. The fact is that you can never know for certain. You don’t know what is seemingly going to happen right now right around the corner.

Good things have come from what may be seen as error, and vice versa.

Beloveds, you don’t even know what the stakes are let alone are always able to hit the target. Life cannot always be cornered. Perhaps what can be said is that Life Is, and Life Is What It Is. Details are not the sum of your life. Details may not apply. They may be insignificant. Details may seem like everything to you, and yet they are nothing at all.

Your life is built on a better foundation than details. Details are, listen to Me, nowhere near as important as you seem to think.

The point is life, not the details. Life is where it takes you. For the ninety-ninth time, I tell you that Life, Life with a Capital L, is bringing you to Me where I await you with wide-open arms. Your destiny is assured. One way or another, you reach Me. You catch up with Me. So what is all the furor and all the worry about?

Beloveds, you are going to win all bets. This way or that way, you are rushing to Me. Of course, the rush is in your awareness, for the outcome is not new. The outcome is not an add-on. Always you have been secure in My heart. Know it or not, you are My Beautiful, safe in My heart.

