Let Go 5-29-14


There are three essential ingredients for the development of consciousness - music, knowledge and silence. Knowledge is logical understanding. With a few moments of silence practiced every day, we can shift our awareness. This is called Patrata. Building the capacity of the intellect can happen in a few moments of silence. The purpose of music is to lead you to a space of silence. And the purpose of knowledge is to lead youto a space of wonderment.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


The World is Changing
                                                          Let Go

The world has been coming to an end as you have known it. There has been much struggle and strife with which all have dealt far too long. It is time to begin letting go of that struggle knowing there is a new way and new opportunity before you. A life of ease and grace exists as a possibility. You have only to embrace it by letting go of all that no longer serves you.
What doesn’t serve you? fear, lack, limitation, hiding your truth, denial, regret, loneliness, guilt, unforgiveness, etc. All evidence of separation from source. The source of all lies within your own heart. You have only to embrace it there to engage in and access all there is.
By letting go of the past, you open yourself to the possibilities of the present. All possibility is accessible through your inner knowing accessed through your heart, the center of all and gateway to the abundance that exists for you now.
Embrace the now and access all there is through your heart. Merge with your soul through your heart and engage in the gifts it has in store for you. Your destiny is love, joy, peace, balance and abundance.
If you have trouble letting go of any of the above, you know you can always seek my help as that is what I do - help you let go of negative past memories and emotions. But, you can also do it yourself in a moment you choose - REALLY choose to let go and be at peace - regaining all through the power of forgiveness of self and others.
As God has told some of my clients through me in a number of our channeled sessions. “I forgave you a long time ago. It is now time forgive yourself.”
Forgiveness and letting go seem to be two of the hardest things we have to do in life. Believe me. I have struggled with it too. And what a difference after you have let go. Do it for yourself and see the magic that occurs because of it, or ask for my assistance. In either case, deny yourself no longer what is possible through letting go.
Dr. Joy
Business Case Study
One of my clients was frustrated and fearful as her business dried up substantially. Her results were somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes she flourished and at other times suffered greatly. Every time we would do a clearing, her business would pick up. All her business was reflecting was her state of mind at the time. When we identified the past life that was activated at the time that was causing her a challenge and released it, her phone began ringing.
In each case, a different past-life memory was identified and cleared. During a session there could be several past lives revealed. What occurs is some memory causes the programming within which life is reflected back. When the programming is released, what is projected becomes a different realty. She feels better after the session, business improves and then something else becomes activated and projected. We then know it's time to clear something else due the results she is experiencing at the time.
When you experience a life of ease and effortless, joy, love, peace and abundance, you know you have nothing left to clear. 


Illawarra District, Australia, May 15, 2014. 
The Damascus Scribe. 
Subject: “Windows of Opportunity.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

The Scribe: “At some time in his lengthy career, the Creator Son of a local universe must undergo his very last period of being tested in order to prove at the end of it all that he will totally understand the least of his subjects – the mortals. On your world he became Joshua ben Joseph, a mortal living amongst you. In every instance the Thought Adjuster accompanying the Creator Son is one of great experience. The entire human life, the mortal life options of the Creator Son, can be foreseen, and thus, harsh as they may occasionally be, success is guaranteed. 

“For my part I indwelt many mortals all over the universes in turn, and even on your world I managed to guide both Machiventa Melchizedek, as well as your Creator Son. It needed a lot of experience on my part to do this successfully, and I became personalized … as a ‘thank you very much’, one might say … at the end of my career as a most superior Thought Adjuster. I am the Damascus Scribe, my dear human friends. 

“This evening I wish to speak with you about windows of opportunity. I wish to speak with you about the opportunity that was there with the Mormons of old that could have led to a beginning of a Correcting Time. There were other windows of opportunity, over the centuries and millennia, when spiritual happenings could have heralded such – the beginning of a Correcting Time – which the celestial forces of this planet so very much look forward to. 

“The Teaching Mission era is another of those windows of opportunity. However, certain difficulties, geopolitical difficulties, have created a hold up, and it may well be understood by you that a difficult period may be in the making before once again the people of this world will unite and decide that there will be wars no more, decide that it matters not a bit what religion one follows, and decide that each mortal on the planet is equal to any other. 

“Not by force, war, or intimidation, I tell you, but with love for all and sundry will the Correcting Time proceed and will you move towards that period of Light and Life that has been calling you, that has been luring you, that has been beckoning you, for you to move completely out of your barbarian times into a time of love and progress, an age of truth, beauty and goodness. 

“I am the Damascus Scribe. You should not ever merely imagine that I am there with you, when you already know that I am present. Indeed, ever at your beckoned call. I say goodnight to you both.”

George: “A-men.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store



Alberta, Canada. 


“Your Greatest Need is Our Greatest Challenge.” 

Received by Renée

Prometheus: “Notwithstanding the truly eager and willing individuals who yearn and hunger in their hearts and souls for truth, enlightenment, goodness, a just society, a culture of kindness, compassion and demonstration of high spiritual values including appreciation of and contribution to ‘beauty’, we see great numbers of sorry, selfish, material-minded, ego-bound and spiritually bankrupt individuals. The majority of human beings on Urantia have sufficient mindal capacity, typically at an age of five to eight years, to make a moral decision which considers the welfare of another before themselves, and thus they are gifted with the Father Fragment. 

“The time of this bestowal is not indicative of the degree of successful alignment with the Will of the Creator, the inherent potential within, or a measure of contribution to the value of a soul. It is the birthing of a new Soul. The progression of the Morontial Soul depends upon free-choice willingness of heart, the degree of respect and reverence to the authority of the Adjuster’s Will each time a learning opportunity arises, and the consecration of the personality to the Divine Will. The Soul matures as the person renders service to his or her siblings and the society where genuine effort is made to add to the quality of life, the welfare and happiness, enjoyment and safety of the family of mankind. The growing of the ‘Morontial mota’ higher service values and spiritual principles are directly proportional to the giving up of selfish, animal-origin, ego-centric tendencies of the lower evolutionary-creature mind. 

“The major challenge we have at this juncture in the Correcting Time is in finding willing individuals to devote regular and disciplined practice, not only advancing their intellectual prowess by reading quality teachings and Revelatory information (Urantia Book), but in finding persons who are willing to accept the need and responsibility for regular communication with their Indwelling Father Fragment, the highest Source available to them for Guidance and loving intelligent instruction. This can only be achieved through continuous, conscious, conscientious effort and commitment to connecting with the Source. A child of Spirit must be nurtured by Divine Energies only available through actively asking for, allowing, inviting and welcoming these Spiritizing Energies, accessing them through meditative, prayerful, and or higher thought attenuation. 

“Higher thoughts are powerful and immediate catalysts for Divine connectivity when initiated in sincere, honest effort to understand and honor, uphold and appreciate the Will of the Creator. This Will is expressed and administered, overseen and manifested through the Spiritual ‘Government’ encircuited and empowered from the Central Authority of each local Universe, which is ultimately answerable to the Creator Personalities known as the ‘Most Highs – the Constellation Fathers. The Seven Master Spirits of each Superuniverse act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Paradise Deities – the Father-Creator-Eternal Son-Infinite Spirit. 

“The human being is capable, through his or her own spiritual-intellectual efforts, of connecting with the help of the Father Fragment all the way up to the Center of Creation. This effort is always acknowledged by bestowing the individual a Divine and incomparably beautiful, real and forever-memorable personal enlightened experience of the Creator’s Love!

“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw” –


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4934 All God’s Desires, May 29, 2014 

God said: 

Beloveds, you can rely on Me, and you can rely on yourself as well.
Now that you have been reading Heavenletters, you are closer to Me and closer to realizing how I might answer a question you ask. Or, when you have a question, you can look for some lines in any Heavenletter that could be a response to your question or a partial response to your question. You can find ten Heavenletters that speak to you. You can find a hundred, thousands.
Soon enough, you will be hearing the answers to your own questions. You know something now. You know more than you used to. You are wiser now. Not all-wise, yet wiser. Indeed, much wiser.
Come now to have more confidence in yourself. All you have to do is to let go of the past, past thoughts, past beliefs, past functioning. Cling not to the past, and cling not to answers that used to satisfy.
You are on the cusp of a new world, beloveds. You are not what you once thought you were. You are more adequate than you used to think. Or, on the contrary, you may see yourself as less adequate than you used to think you were.
In either case, this is good progress. You are a human being who is ever-learning. You are open to new learning. There is much you can learn for yourself and from yourself.
There is another aspect here as well. You don’t have to know everything. Everything does not have to be wrapped up, concluded with, sorted out. Unanswered questions are also good.
You can look at life as if you have arrived from another planet. You can see life on Earth from a new vantage. Why not? What do you have to lose but old ways of thinking? And if there is something in your old thinking that is worthy, you can keep it still.
Once upon a time, everything you thought, you thought was exemplary, yet old thinking can and does erode on its own.
There will come a time, and it is fast approaching, when you will not know ahead or plan ahead. You will not have to do. You will walk to where you are going quite naturally and spontaneously. You will simply know what to say and what to do without figuring it all out. All the answers to everything will come to you. You will knock on the right door. You will also open your door to the person meant to come to your door at that precise moment.
All the wheels of the Universe are working perfectly, and all the wheels of your life will run smoothly without your ordering them to. It will be like you have a standing order at a restaurant, and a wonderful meal is delivered to you each day, none quite like the day before, each one just right for the day, and each better than the one before.
A new day is a-coming in every sense of the word new. New world, new you, new pleasures of experience, new life for you and new life for everyone. Old ways cannot sustain themselves in a new world. All this, of course, will be without effort.
Chemicals will fall away. Natural will reign. Good earth will be sustained by the good sun and water and the loving hearts of all. Peace will reign. Negativity will not have its place any longer. No one will want it, and it will no longer serve anyone. You will see further and closer at the same time. You will serve further and closer at the same time. You, beloveds, will be the culmination of all your desires and Mine.


Humour - An indicator of relationship quality

Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relationship is on the down slide. This laughter barometer can be applied to any relationship at home, at work and at play. Laughter means that you're having fun and fun means that things are going well.. Take a look at the relationships around you. Do the couples laugh a lot together? Has the laughter stopped in some of your relationships? 
Here are a few ideas you can use to make certain that laughter remains an ever present reality in your relationships thus ensuring their quality and endurance. Remember introducing humor to previously humorless relationships might take time but the results will be worth the effort. Start slowly by working on your own fun loving, cheery disposition. Laughter and humor are contagious so it won't be long before others catch the bug.


MARY MAGDALENE: Understanding Soul Groups


Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 13, 2014


Question: Can you help me understand the individual connection I feel with you (Mary Magdalene) and Yeshua? I know we’re all connected, but this feels deeper than that. I don’t know if it’s my ego or if there is something more there.


Mary Magdalene: This is not something to question. It is real.


The physics of how these things work are quite complex, as you may already be aware. There are many levels of connection that beings can experience. Most often, with the type of connection I believe you’re talking about, this is a soul-level connection. You are part of a soul cluster and you are recognizing that. That is a beautiful and valuable thing to recognize and acknowledge.


Sadly, in your world there is oftentimes a discounting of the feelings that inform you of these kinds of connections. But truly, in your heart and in your higher self, you know if those feelings are true or not. The feelings that you are having are real. You will come to understand that more.


At the higher levels, souls come together in a very unified way, which is hard to explain to someone who is primarily experiencing the third dimension. At these higher levels, you still have a sense of your own soul connection. But depending on the level in which you are coming together, your unified field can be stronger. It may be more of the way you identify yourself, rather than through your individual soul nature. These unified groupings are soul families and soul groups.


There can be many beings who share this unified field and consciousness, and really, this unified being-ness. This is why there can be a number of people who say, “I feel like I was a particular being.” There are different explanations for this. It could have occurred as you actually being that individual soul. It could have occurred as you being connected through the physical realm—through ancestry—to that soul. It could have been through you having known that soul, being incarnated at the same time as that soul. But most often, most frequently, it is because you are soul family. That integration becomes a singular being at the higher levels. So there is an experience of very great . . . It’s beyond connection; it’s a oneness.


hen a part of yourself opens to that, you feel this incredible, profound connection to the being who is perhaps representing that soul group or soul family, who is the archetype that is best known of that soul group in your world. You will feel a powerful identification with that being.


Ultimately you know whether this is so within yourself. At the third dimension, it can be difficult to acknowledge this kind of connection to yourself or others, because there are many beliefs that this is not so, this is not possible, that anyone claiming this is sick, or deluded, or at least inflated in their ego and off-course in the spiritual path. There are many such beliefs. But the truth rests within yourself. Within yourself, you know.


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